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Wanted by Her Two MC Men (Curvy Women Wanted Book 19)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “She’s mine as well,” Killian said. “I want her by my side, in my bed.”

  “Then we do this together as a team, or not at all. No one can have her unless she wants to split her time.”


  It looked like he was about to share his woman with his enemy.

  Chapter Two

  Amy poured herself a nice cup of coffee. The scent filled her kitchen, and she closed her eyes, breathing it in. After the MC event, she was a little tired and so had decided to close her shop for the weekend, to recuperate. She had learned from past experience to never overexert herself.

  She needed to take breaks in order to be the best damn baker this town had ever seen, but to also rest so she didn’t prolong the closure of the shop any longer than necessary. Sipping at her tea, she opened up a cookbook. She intended to spend the entire day cooking. She loved to fill her freezer with homemade dishes so she never had to order takeout, but a home-cooked meal was an oven cook away.

  As she glanced through the pages, her stomach began to growl, and she thought about making herself some breakfast waffles. They’d be nice.

  Her doorbell rang, interrupting her as she started to get the ingredients to make herself a nice snack.

  She was surprised to see both Diego and Killian on her doorstep.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, looking at both men.

  “Perfect,” Diego said. He winked at her, and she felt an answering pull in her body.

  Both of these men featured in every single erotic dream she ever had. It wasn’t hard for her to imagine herself, Diego, and Killian in place of the heroes and heroine in the books she loved so much.

  “Would you like to come in?” she asked.

  It was a big mistake to invite them in. She shouldn’t do it. At different times she’d had both men in her home but never together. They were a powerful concoction together.

  “I’m making some waffles,” she said, stepping away from the door. She needed to put some distance between herself and the two men.

  She offered them a smile as she measured out the flour. Killian and Diego looked so good in her kitchen, if only they weren’t wearing any clothes.

  Enough, Amy.

  Stop being so dirty.

  She was used to being in an unsatisfying relationship. If it wasn’t for her books, she’d truly believe women were destined to loveless marriages, and having boring sex where they achieved no orgasm.

  “What brings you here, and would you like some waffles?” She had to keep talking.

  “I’ll take some of your waffles, darlin’,” Killian said.

  He took a seat at her kitchen counter. He’d removed his jacket, not his MC cut, not that it mattered. His large, muscular, ink-covered arms were on full display, and she couldn’t help herself but imagine them wrapped around her, holding her.

  Diego pulled her attention as he sat down. He’d also removed his shirt. Again, more large muscles, more ink, but different from Killian’s.

  Both men thrilled her.

  What would it be like to be the filling in their sandwich?

  Dirty mind alert.

  Get back in the game. Don’t start thinking dirty stuff. It’s not your place to.

  “So, why are you here?”

  “We wanted to talk to you, sweetheart,” Diego said.

  “What about? Is this for me catering for an event? If it’s any work business you can swing by my shop and we can talk business.”

  “It’s not about business.” Killian reached out, putting his hand on top of hers. The instant he touched her, she felt this spark between them. It was strong, and she nibbled on her lip. Temptation was staring her in the face from both Killian and Diego.

  They were a lot easier to deal with when there was only one of them. Two of them together and her body was going into overdrive.

  She was already wet, and neither of them had said anything suggestive. She really needed to stop reading her books. They were turning her into a sex maniac. Not quite the maniac. To be one, she’d first have to be having sex. She hadn’t been with a man since her husband, and he’d stopped sleeping with her before the divorce.

  Pushing her needs to one side, she looked at Killian. “What’s it about then? Was it the event? Did I mess up? Someone hated my food, didn’t they?”

  “We both want you,” Diego said.



  “Look, this could go ’round and ’round. She’s clearly nervous, and to be frank, I want to move this along before I die of old age.” Diego glared at Killian. The two seemed to be having a little glare-off at each other.

  She looked from one to the other, then back again. “I’m confused.”

  “Don’t be,” Killian said. “Diego’s telling the truth.”

  “What truth?”

  “You know your sexy books?” Diego asked.

  Killian cursed.

  Her cheeks heated.


  “Well, how about you, me, and Killian act out a few?”

  “What my mindless fuck of a friend is trying to say—”

  “I’m not your friend.”

  “We both know why you’ve been turning us down. We see your interest in both of us, and we’ve come up with a solution where you don’t have to turn us down.”

  “It seems you both have the answer.”

  “We’re not trying to sound conceited or nothing. We know what it is you want, and we’re willing to give it to you. The three of us, together, in a relationship.”

  “You don’t think I turned you both down because I didn’t want to date either of you?” she asked.

  “Did you?” Diego asked.

  Why did he have to ask her that kind of question? This wasn’t fair!

  “Erm, I … erm…” Words failed her.

  Killian took her hand, drawing it up to his lips. “You don’t have to pick and choose between the two of us. This is what we’re saying. You can have it all. If you want us both, you can have us. No questions asked.”

  This was not what she expected for her Saturday morning.


  Amy hadn’t shouted them out, or threatened to call the cops. Killian considered her response a win. She looked a little nervous, but what woman wouldn’t when given the option of dating both of them?

  Killian didn’t want to share her, but he also liked the idea of Amy getting what she wanted. She worked hard all the time, and he doubted her ex ever gave her what she wanted.

  “I, erm, this is really sudden.”

  “Tell me about it,” Diego said. “Do you want both of us or not?”


  “Look, I’m a guy who is used to calling it like I see it,” Diego said. “I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable, baby. Honestly, I’m not. Killian and I, we both want you. It’s as simple as that. We know the kinds of books you read, and we’ve both been turned down flat by you. We’re trying to find hope and a way to make sure we all get what we want.”

  “And you want to share me?” Amy asked.

  “Yes. Like in your books. Both of us at the same time. Unless you say there’s one of us you want more than the other.”

  “You’re not even going to consider the fact I may not want either of you?” she asked.

  Killian went to open his mouth, but Diego got there first.

  “Not possible. We see the way you look at us.”

  “This was my idea,” Killian said, interjecting so he didn’t get lost.

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s his idea.”

  “Because I noticed the way she looked at us.”

  Diego rolled his eyes. “And if we left all of this up to you, we’d still be wondering if we wanted waffles or not. You got some syrup? I love mine sweet.”

  “Wow, this is all wow,” she said.

  “You can say no.”

  “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry.” She put her hands on her face, and Killian got to his feet, rounding the c
ounter and pulling her into his arms. “This is so embarrassing. I didn’t want either of you to see those books.”

  “They’re sexy,” Diego said, joining him.

  Pushing some of her blonde locks out of the way, Killian stroked her red cheek. “Even though he’s not being … tactful about it.”

  “Fuck tact.”

  “Diego’s right.”

  “Sure as fuck am.”

  He was getting tired of being interrupted by the bastard. “We’re giving you both of us. You don’t have to make a choice.”

  “Unless you really want to.”

  “You, me, Diego, no judgment. We’re willing to come to you. We both want you, and this is going to work for all three of us if you want it to.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I know how to resolve this,” Diego said.

  Before Killian could stop him, the other man had grasped Amy, pulled her close, and claimed her lips. Diego sank his fingers into her hair, and Killian watched as he kissed her. It wasn’t gentle but hard, ravishing. Diego’s tongue traced across her lips, and she let out a moan as he plundered inside.

  Diego gripped her ass cheek, drawing her closer to him, and Killian pulled her away, breaking the kiss, and claiming her lips for his own.

  He didn’t hold back, pressing her against the counter so she felt the hard ridge of his cock against her stomach. He’d been wanting her for a long time, and soon, he’d have her. Now was just a taste, a little tease for her to see what she could have, and he was more than willing to give it to her, if she was only willing to take it.

  When he broke from the kiss, her lips were nice and swollen, exactly how a properly kissed woman should look.

  “You can have that, and more,” Diego said.

  She opened her eyes, and there was no denying how turned on she was.

  “This is so unexpected.”

  “Hopefully a nice little surprise for you,” Killian said.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Diego and I will leave you. You’ve got our numbers. Call us when you have an answer.”

  “Wait, does this mean you’re working together?”

  “Only when it comes to you. When we’re here, this is personal. Our clubs won’t cause a fight or break out war in the town.”


  “We’ve got a handle on our men,” Diego said. “We wouldn’t break the truce with each other for a fuck. You mean more to us than that.”

  “Okay. To be clear, you’d be willing to be with me, together?”

  “You got it, sweetheart,” Killian said. “Anything you want, we will give you. We’ll leave you alone.”

  He grabbed Diego around the neck and marched him out of the house. His enemy growled at him, but he wasn’t interested.

  “What the fuck was that?” Diego pushed him away.

  “You’re being a dick.”

  “She had to have a taste of what we were offering.”

  “And you need to know when to step away so she’ll want more. I don’t know what she sees in you.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t know what she fucking sees in you.”

  They walked away from her house.

  “What do you think she’ll decide?” Diego asked, being the first one to speak.

  Killian looked back at her house and shook his head. “I don’t know.” How it went down wasn’t how he imagined. He’d hoped to have breakfast, take his time, draw her in, but Diego had as much tact as an elephant in a china shop.

  “This was your idea.”

  “I didn’t imagine your mouth ruining the moment. Next time, you keep your mouth shut.”

  “Amy’s never had a problem with my mouth, and I can tell she liked my kiss just fine, thank you.”

  “Do you want me to ram my fist into this fucking mouth?” Killian asked.

  “Go ahead, I’d gladly wipe the floor with you. Amy and I will mourn you, but I’ll keep her company in my bed, I can promise you that.”

  “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction, you piece of shit.”

  “Love you too.” Diego winked at him. “Talk to you soon.”


  Diego was going over the paperwork for the latest figures within the club when his cell phone rang. At first, he ignored it. Business had to come first, and he was the only one within the club that seemed to understand numbers. He liked to keep an eye on the money. In the past he had to deal with a club brother stealing, and well, he didn’t like thieves or rats and he took care of them accordingly.

  When his cell phone rang a second time within seconds of the first, he had no choice but to pick it up.

  He saw Killian’s number flash across the screen.

  “What?” he asked, picking up.

  “Did you just get a call from Amy? She said you weren’t answering.”

  “Fuck! I was working. She called. And she called me first.”

  “Don’t get smart. She wants us to meet her, at her house. Be there or I’m taking her for my own.” Killian hung up, which pissed Diego off.

  Clicking on the calls, he saw Amy had called him, and now he was pissed he’d missed her.

  He didn’t waste time calling her back. Putting the figures to one side, he locked them in his desk before heading out. He locked his office door as well. It was a force of habit. He was club president, and he was the one in charge of making all the necessary decisions.

  Over the years he’d dealt with a few traitors within his club, and since then, he never left his office door open for anyone to go snooping around.

  Climbing onto his bike, he took off out of the clubhouse. If any of his men needed him, he was a phone call away. When he got to the town line, he stopped, removed his cut, and put it in the side pocket of his bike. This was the only respect he showed the town and his alliance with Killian’s club. They were both on either side of the town, and this was unclaimed turf.

  No one wanted a war on their doorstep. So far, it had worked for the both of them not to take this land, but at the first sign of one of them doing that, all truce would be over.

  Killian’s bike was already there when he arrived, and Diego was pissed for ignoring his cell phone.

  She’d taken all day to get back to them.

  Climbing off his bike, Diego walked up the small driveway and knocked.

  Killian opened the door.

  “Why the fuck are you answering? Amy?” He yelled her name, and within seconds she was there.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” she asked.


  She wore a nice pair of jeans that molded to her curves, and a loose shirt. It did nothing to hide those generous tits, and having felt them against his body earlier, he wanted another taste.

  “I made dinner. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I’m hungry for you any day,” Diego said.

  Killian cursed, and he showed him the finger, pushing him out of the way, to follow her ass into her dining room.

  Her house was nice. It was only a two-bedroom, but it screamed Amy. Lovely cream walls, no clutter.

  She loved to be surrounded by books, and each room had a bookshelf of some kind. He knew because he’d helped build a couple of them.

  “I made lasagna. I hope you like it.”

  “I will,” Diego said.

  Her table was small, only designed to fit four people. She’d put a place setting at each head of the table, with one at the side.

  She went to the side of the table and dished them each out a slice of lasagna.

  “This smells incredible,” he said, taking a seat.

  “I remember you both loving this the last time you were here, and I wanted you both to be comfortable.”

  “You’ve thought about our proposition?” Killian asked.

  Diego didn’t care about the food. Well, he did, but he was more interested in her answer.

  “I have.”


  “And … can we eat first?”
br />   “You don’t have to be embarrassed,” Diego said. “You can tell us anything. We’ve got to be honest with each other. For instance, I think Killian’s got a fucking ugly face. I don’t know what you see in him. And, between us, he is the one with the tiny dick.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Amy laughed. “Do you really mean what you said? About sharing me? You both don’t seem to like each other.”

  “I love the ugly bastard,” Diego said.

  “We meant what we said. This is just our shit,” Killian said. “It’s how we deal with what’s going on.”

  “Exactly, you’re dealing with each other, but is this real?” She looked between the two of them, nibbling her lip. “I don’t want to cause a problem. If you two started to fight, everyone in town would hate me. I don’t want that. I also don’t want to be responsible for the two of you ending your truce.”

  Diego watched her. “You won’t. This is how we are. We can play nice.”

  “Yes, we can. It’s why we’ve never fought for this turf. We never will,” Killian said.

  She finished serving the lasagna.

  Diego’s mouth was watering, but he also wanted to know her answer.

  “Yes,” she said.

  No one spoke. Silence fell in the room.

  “What was that?” Killian asked.

  “If you were both serious this morning about us all … being together I’d like to give it a try. I don’t know if I’d be any good in the bedroom.”

  Diego smiled. This was exactly what he wanted.

  “Wait, hold up. What makes you think you won’t be any good in the bedroom?” Killian asked.

  “Who gives a fuck? She wants us, Killian. Stop trying to analyze shit!”

  “I want to know.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s something, and I don’t want you hiding stuff from us. Honesty. We all have to be honest with each other,” Killian said.

  Chapter Three

  Amy knew she was crazy to think this could work between them. They were two sexy MC presidents. She’d seen the women who flocked to them. They commanded respect, and they were given it. Of course, she’d always been a little jealous of the women who hung around the club. Especially the ones who tried to get close to both Diego and Killian. They had two different clubs, and she had no right to be jealous of either one.


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