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Training a Pony Girl: The Maddy Saga #2

Page 7

by Paul Blades

  When the man knelt behind her, his contact with her flesh did not disturb her reverie. As he laid his hands on her rear, she could feel her very essence flow into them, become part of them. When his tool pierced the brown rose between her cheeks, she felt her life force flowing back to her there. The friction of the unknown man's member ignited her whole body with sensation. It was as if all the world had slowed to a crawl except the pulses of pleasure that coursed through her. Her mind forgot who and where she was. She was nothing more than the act itself, the energy generated by the teasing of her anal ring.

  Suddenly, she felt the lust within her surge. She felt a river of electrified sensation flow like a torrent from her distended and filled bowels to the nerves of her oozing loins. And then it came, a pounding, maddening throbbing deep inside her imprisoned slit. The pleasure jolted through her. She cried out as her body shuddered. As if from a dream, her mind woke up and she felt the rasping of the man's rigid tool across the tender membranes of her rear portal. She squeezed it tightly with her muscles, making exquisite the sensation of it leaving and entering her.

  Drabik sat up as he heard his pony cry and moan. She had done it. She had rewired her paths of pleasure by sheer will, a will prompted by the need for obedience, to make her masters' will her own.

  When the man had spent his juices inside her, and retreated from her bowels, Maddy gave out a huge sigh. She could feel her heart beating wildly inside her. Her cunt still gave off little spasms of pleasure. It was as if by magic the sensations of her narrow passage had transferred themselves to her soaked pussy. For her, ass fucking would never be the same.

  Drabik snapped his fingers sharply. Maddy automatically rose to her knees. Sweat gleamed on her body; her chest was painted red with evidence of her spent lust. Her breasts rose and fell with her chest, quivering seductively. Drabik snapped his fingers again and Maddy came to him. Kneeling in front of him, she watched him unbutton his fly. His thickening cock spilled out. He beckoned the pony towards him and motioned for her to lower her head. He produced a key and loosened the locks that held her bit in her mouth.

  Maddy felt joy at the prospect that her master would enter her, that she had earned the chance to pleasure him. He pulled her hooded head to his loins. She seized his stiff prick with her mouth, running her tongue over its tip, pressing her lips down his shaft. As Drabik's body absorbed the soothing sensation of the ponygirl's warm mouth, his eyes took in the delicate curves of her hips, the beautiful soft skin of her rear. Her long, auburn ponytail laid spread across her back, her bound hands were held wide open as if waiting to receive his gift.

  The ponygirl was delirious with pleasure as her master's hardness passed across her trembling lips. She felt him place his hands gently on her head and guide her down until she had engulfed him fully. Slowly and steadily he raised and lowered her head to satisfy his desires. Maddy, bent over, her knees beneath her, let his desires be hers. She willed herself to be the instrument of his self pleasure. She ran her tongue around his cock's plump end as he drew her head up, and slid it the length of his shaft as he pushed her down. She felt like the whole world was in her mouth, filling her being.

  Drabik luxuriated in the feel of Maddy's tongue and lips. His heat began to rise, his eyes rolled back. He loved this faceless pony's mouth. He had denied it to himself while he waited for her to succumb, but now he reveled in it, and, finally allowed himself to discharge in it. His orgasm poured a steady cascade of pleasure throughout his body.

  He let Maddy continue to caress his softening manhood. She had taken every drop of his seed, moaning her joy at its receipt.

  For a few moments, Drabik sat there, his mind and body floating. He casually caressed Maddy's hooded head as she held his now limp meat within her mouth. Then, remembering his duty to his employer, he pulled the ponygirl's head from his loins and restored her bit, locking it in place. He pulled her to her feet by the ring of her collar. He leashed her and pulled her after him towards the barn. She expected to go to her stall to wash up and eat, but he led her to the common area where the other trainers were loitering, getting ready to go to the bunkhouse for dinner. Holding her leash with one hand, he wheeled out the cart on which she had been confined once before. Maddy's heart dropped as she realized that her rear portal was to be made convenient for the cocks of the other men. Her moment of communion with her master was over. She would continue to serve his will, but without his presence.

  After Drabik had secured Maddy to the cart, her body bent over, her rear accessible to all, he left.

  She did not see him again until the next day. Her ass was used through the night by the men as it pleased them. Each time, her mind would become beclouded with passion as she felt her rear passage filled. She came again and again for the men, gurgling out her pleasure from behind the bit that pressed down on her tongue.

  In the morning, Maddy was led to the training wheel in the usual way. She had hoped that her master would remove the cage around her loins. He did not, and for the next three days, like before, he continued to proffer her rear to passersby. Only now she would cry and moan with passion as she was led repeatedly to orgasm. He did not deign to enjoy her himself.

  Maddy's sex began to yearn for her master's prick. At night, bound and chained, her mind would center on her unused slit and its emptiness. As she came again and again, bent over, receiving one hard prick after another in her bowels, she would feel her cunt's anguished need, a cunt that her master controlled.

  On the evening of the third day, after her dinner was done, she was chained in her stall when she heard the door open behind her. She had been standing with her eyes closed, trying to assuage the aching need of her empty sex. She felt hands undoing her ankles from their confinements. She saw her trainer dip under the rail at her hips and loosen the leash that connected her nose ring to the wall. He led her outside, away from the barn. There was a large, freshly mowed lawn there and he brought her to her knees and then laid her down on her back, her bound arms behind her digging into the loose grass. Looking up, she could see through the tiny holes in her hood a small section of night sky, the twinkling of stars in the crystal clear air. Drabik lay down beside the faceless, blue hooded pony, and took her nipple in his mouth, kissing it softly. His hand roamed across her chest and seized the other breast and began to massage it gently. Maddy felt her need rising. She spread her legs and dug her heels into the grass in hopeful anticipation of her use. She felt his hot hands descend her torso down to her waist. The chains that had held her hot slit prisoner so long were loosened and removed from her belt. She felt his hand lift the narrow metal cup from her sex. Her sheath began to flow with her lubricating juices; she thrust her hips up invitingly.

  Drabik separated himself from the supine pony and drew off his clothes. He rolled over her leg and placed himself between Maddy's spread, white thighs. Her skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. Her dark nipples were hard and seemed to float over her pearl white breasts. The rampant wolf tattooed on her belly undulated as her taut muscles tensed at his touch. Slowly, he crept forward until his cock stood poised over her soft, heat filled gate. When he plunged within, Maddy gave a muffled cry. Her hungry nether mouth sucked his manhood in. She was delirious with joy. Drabik drove long, deep thrusts into her that pushed her lust higher and higher. She came with a mighty moan as she felt him spill within her, her hips jammed against his, her booted feet curled around his thighs pulling him deeper and deeper inside.

  They lay entwined for several minutes. Maddy treasured the feel of his body against the length of hers. When his softening cock slipped free, he rolled off of her, but lay pressed up to her side, exchanging his heat with hers, his hand languidly caressing her breasts. When he felt her nipples harden again, he dragged his calloused fingers down her taut belly and then brought her off by hand.

  * * * *

  It is hot in May in Kalikastan. Cold in winter, hot as hell in summer. The racing season was short. Six weeks in the spring. And in the fall, anot
her six. In May, the fillies acquired in March and April were barely getting their legs together, but there were races for the 'yearlings' as they were called. Small purses, but exciting to watch. There was always some talent to take note of, ponies that would be real challengers at the next meeting.

  Maddy had been taken in the beginning of March. By the first week in April she was ready to be hitched to a team. After the morning race and her breakfast routines, Maddy was led by Drabik back to the track. She knew nothing of his plans, of course, because she didn't need to.

  She was surprised when they headed up the path to the track instead of going to the training wheel. When they reached it she saw a small carriage sitting there. Already in the traces was a dark skinned pony with a thick, black mane rising out of her tight blue hood. Although, like Maddy, her face was covered and featureless, she seemed older than most of the ponies, yet her breasts were still high and firm, her legs lean and well muscled.

  Now, it would have been much easier to sit down and explain to Maddy what she had to do. But that was contraindicated according to all experienced pony trainers. If someone started talking to her, she might begin to believe that she was a woman again, that she was an equal to her masters. No, it was better that she learn on the job, so to speak. It would take patience, the liberal but judicious use of a whip and the help of another pony.

  Jezebel was one of the oldest and most experienced ponies on the estate. She was not sure how long she had been a pony, five or six summers, as she measured time, maybe more. She had run with every kind of rig they had there, the small two wheeled traps, the two pony cabriolet, the landau, a large formal carriage pulled by nine ponygirls and, of course, the formula one carriage of pony racing, the sulky, used in harness racing all over the world. The estate also had a troika, requiring the service of three ponies, a barouche, a four wheeled carriage with two double seats, and a four ponied post chaise.

  Maddy's first pull was to be a trap, a small, light, two wheeled pony cart. For training purposes it was set up for two ponies. Once ponies became skilled enough and strong enough, they sometimes pulled one rider in a trap by themselves. But today was for the purposes of getting Maddy acclimated to her new tasks and to refine her skills on the reigns.

  Drabik had worked with Maddy for the last week using long reigns attached to her bridle. To Maddy, it was merely another method of control. She was losing the ability to think ahead and so she did not connect the use of the reigns with anything else. Of course, she had seen daily the other ponies pulling carriages and carts along the roads and tracks, but her status as a new pony in training insulated her from feeling connected to what the other ponies did.

  Trainers were not drivers, per se, and a lean looking youth sat smiling on the small seat of the rig. He hopped out and brought over a leather harness. Maddy for a moment became dizzy. She had been running, training for several weeks. She had forgotten what for. She was now confronted with the physical evidence of her new real purpose in life. She trembled as the leather accouterment was added to her body. Thick leather straps went over her shoulders and around her waist. They were connected by two broad straps that went above and below the breasts in the front and in comparable locations across the back. A strap descended from the strap above her breasts to the one below through the space between her generous breasts. Her naked orbs seemed more pronounced, framed by the coarse leather. Since there would be a plethora of straps and ropes around her as she hauled the carriage, leather mittens were placed over her hands so that her fingers would not catch on anything.

  The frightened pony had to be coaxed between the shafts. Her knees felt week and her heart was pounding. Her despair at the loss of her personhood returned. She had become an animal, she thought miserably. Here was the ultimate proof.

  Up to now, Maddy had considered her new life as some sort of horrible costume drama, a costume nightmare, really, assuaged only by her dedication to he who she thought of as her master. But now she was confronted with a utilitarian justification for her training and her servile condition. She looked desperately for Drabik as she was hitched in place. She saw him walking down the pathway back to the barn. The driver turned her head so that he could apply the reigns to her bridle.

  Once the reigns were attached, the other end tied off to a hitch on the cart, there was really no place to look but straight ahead. The tension on the reigns was transferred through the bridle to the bit, which caused the metal plate on the bit to depress on her tongue. That caused first discomfort and then, if more pressure was maintained, nausea and pain. With the reigns tied off on the carriage, any sideways movement of the head caused the bridle to pull on one side, which, in turn, caused the plate to depress on one part of her mouth. When Maddy tried to turn to watch her trainer disappear, she winced in pain and quickly turned back.

  The young man was gentle and made low, comforting sounds as he tightened the cinches on her harness. There were three shafts in front of the cart. One was connected to the right side of Maddy's harness by the waist. There was a ring in the shaft and the driver looped a belt on the side of the harness through it. The shaft rode up almost directly on Maddy's hip. There would be as little play as possible so that every forward motion would be transferred immediately and directly to the cart behind her. Maddy's training pony, Jezebel, was tied to the middle shaft in a similar manner, but on her opposite hip. The ponies were separated from each other by only the width of the shaft. The outside shafts were similarly attached to their outside hips.

  Thick straps with clips on the end led from the bottom of the cart to three points on the back of Maddy's belt. Another long strap ran to the middle of her back and affixed to a belt connecting the two horizontal straps. Once the clips were on, the driver cinched them tight. Maddy would be able to exert force on the cart from six places, her hips, the middle of her back, which drew strength from her shoulders, and the three straps connected to her belt in the rear. It was designed so that the strain of pulling would be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the body.

  Maddy's feeling of despair grew with the tightening of each belt around her. The sensation of unreality that struck her when she first found herself shaved and outfitted as a ponygirl came back to her now. She could see the hard dirt track ahead of her curving to her left several hundred yards away, the white rail fencing, the golden fields beyond, but nothing else. Her world was reduced to what she could see through the little dime sized holes in her hood and by the limitations of the movement of her head. She could sense, but could not turn her head to see, the ponygirl next to her.

  When the blond haired driver had Maddy all hitched up, he came in front of her. He patted her on the head and caressed her beasts, pulling on the nipples until they were hard. He ran his hands over her hips and down her legs. He placed one hand on her naked, hairless mons, and dragged his fingers up and down the slit between her labial lips causing the disks that hung there to jingle, until he felt her begin to lubricate. Maddy realized that what the young boy was doing was claiming her. He was showing her that he controlled her, that he determined what she felt and experienced. When he was done, after she had moaned with growing passion, he patted the side of her hooded face and went back to the carriage. The desperately frightened pony felt the sensation of him climbing aboard through her straps and the shafts hooked to her sides. She was crying as she realized that she was about to take the first steps of thousands, maybe millions, that she would take as a servile beast.

  Maddy felt the straps to her bridle tighten slightly as the driver took them in his hands. She felt a soft tug on them as if to get her attention and then the universal "tschk, tschk," from the man's mouth, signaling his ponies to go.

  The shaft next to Maddy pulled forward as the pony to her right responded to the signal. She started too. Her mind and body were trained to commands. When she moved forward, she felt the weight of the cart and driver on her body. It was surprisingly light. She tried to match her pace to her neighbor's. Another
line had been crossed in her dehumanization.

  The driver had started them out really slow, just a walking pace. By the time they had made one trip around the track, the cart seemed to be getting heavier. On the end of the second circuit, it was heavier still, and so on. The driver had them circle the track ten times without stopping. Maddy was glad for the break. It had been hard, but not overwhelmingly so. She tried to envision what she looked like as she hauled the cart around. Since her vision was so limited, she felt as if the whole world was watching her.

  The driver gave the ponies a five minute break. He had a plastic bottle of water with a long, thin neck, and he was able to give them water by loosening the bridal and pouring it over the bit. He gave them just a taste, enough to water their mouths. He tightened the bridles and resumed his place on the single seat trap. Maddy heard the signal to start and felt the slight tug on the reigns again.

  After about a quarter mile, she felt the reigns jump again. She recognized this signal from her training with Drabik. It meant to trot. Her legs were slightly heavy from walking the small carriage around the track, but she complied automatically. At first, she was comfortable with the pace. It felt strange to have her breasts flowing up and down on her chest while the rest of her upper torso was so tightly confined. After the first lap around the 1500 meter track, however, the pace began to tell on her. When she started to slow down, she felt the sting of a pony whip on her rear. It made a 'crack!' as it struck her, and it hurt. She forced her self to keep up the pace. At the far turn, her legs started to become as heavy as lead. Her chest heaved in the search for oxygen. This was nothing like running around the training wheel. The burden of the slender boy and the mechanical contraption on which he sat, even though it was shared between her and Jezebel, felt like it doubled her weight. She started to slow down again and 'crack!' the whip struck her again. A wave of misery flowed through her. Is this was her life was going to be like, she thought as the aches in her legs and thighs began to become burns.


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