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Training a Pony Girl: The Maddy Saga #2

Page 8

by Paul Blades

  When they completed the lap, Maddy had hoped that the boy would let her rest. After all, it was only her first day. But as if he were reading her mind, 'crack!' came another fierce bite from the whip.

  Maddy began to wail and sob as she forced herself to maintain the punishing pace. She began to stumble, and each time that she did she received another fierce bite on her haunches. When they reached the end of the third lap, the boy brought them to a halt. The pressure of the bit in her mouth as he pulled back on the reigns, pushing her tongue down and almost into her throat, made Maddy's stomach churn. It was an effective signal to stop.

  The pony's chest heaved for breath. Her body sagged. She gulped down the water the boy gave her. She felt him get back into the cart. Her heart was heavy with misery as she awaited the signal to move. But the boy waited. She heard the striking of a match and then smelled the unmistakable scent of burning tobacco. She could even see the blue gray smoke as it wafted in front of her.

  Waiting was part of a pony's duties too.

  When the boy felt they had rested enough, he stepped out of the cart and went in front of them. He lowered the flaps over the eyes on Maddy's hood. She was startled. How could she run if she were blind? But ponies were not supposed to decide which way to go. That was up to the driver. And so on a flat track she didn't need her sight at all. The driver would guide her through the delicate use of the reigns. A pull on the left one meant to go left; a pull on the right to go right.

  Again, the driver had them walk ten laps around the track. It was a strange experience and Maddy had to be encouraged several times with the whip to continue to move. Since she couldn't see, her mind concentrated fully on the strain on her torso and legs as she and her companion hauled the two wheeled carriage around the track. Blind as she was, she had no idea how many times they had lapped it, nor, of course, how many the boy intended for them to do. When they rounded the turns of the track, she felt a gentle pulling on her left. It was mild and so she altered her gait slightly. When the pressure lifted, she turned straight again.

  She was exhausted when they finally stopped. The boy left the blinders on. She felt the neck of the water bottle in her mouth and she swallowed it greedily. She hoped and prayed that her ordeal for the day would be over, but after a few minutes, she felt the boy get back into the cart and the flick of the reigns that signaled to go. When it flicked again to begin to trot, her mind began to overflow with fear. She knew how tired her legs were, how her energy had been sapped by the prior runs. She knew what would happen if she failed.

  Running with the flaps down on her eyeholes was like running in a darkened room. There was a quarter inch gap between the inside of the hood and the surface of her eye. Nothing was holding her eyelid down like a blindfold would do. She ran with her eyes open, literally looking into darkness. It was if she had been thrust into another dimension where light didn't exist, running and running and going nowhere.

  Maddy got just past the first turn when her legs began to feel like they were trapped in cement. It became agony to lift them, to push down on the clay surface. But each time she tried to ease the pace, to catch her breath, she would feel the sharp sting on her rear. She continued to run, sobbing and crying, wishing for death, for liberation from her dismal life. Her trainer had turned from her, handed her off. Who would care for her now? "Maybe if I just stop," she thought desperately. "I'll stop and refuse to go on! I'll take the whippings, the beatings, but I won't run a single step further!" Just as that thought finished crossing her mind, she felt another bite of the whip, cried out, and increased her pace. She knew then that she would run as long as they wanted her to, as long as her body held out.

  It came on her all at once. Suddenly, her body could go no further, it gave out. She fell in the traces, her legs dragging along the packed, dirt surface. She felt the bit lean hard against her tongue as she fell, and the pain struck her like a blow to the head. The boy pulled back on the reigns, causing Maddy further pain and anguish. The cart stopped and the boy jumped out.

  Maddy felt the burning of the lash as it struck her body again and again. She cried out for mercy, in her darkness. She tried to stand, but her legs felt like rubber. The lash brought lines of fire across her legs, her shoulders, her breasts. Finally, using all of her strength, she pushed her body up with her legs. When she was standing, the lashing stopped.

  The unhappy pony cried and moaned. "Why am I here?" she wailed in her mind. "Why me? Why? What did I ever do?" She could feel her tears soaking her hood. When the boy regained his seat in the cart, the reigns flicked and she began to walk. Soon they were up to trotting speed again, and within a few minutes, Maddy had fallen again. Five times in all she fell that day, and five times she was beaten until she stood.

  Finally, the boy brought them to a halt for the day. Maddy's body felt as limp as a rag. She had descended to a place that she didn't even know existed. "Could this be worse than death?" she thought miserably.

  Her blinders still on, Maddy was removed from the traces. She felt the harness and the gloves from her hands removed. The boy was slender, but strong and she felt him half carry her by her arm until they reached a tall, one foot round pole stuck in the ground just outside of the track. She felt her body turned around and her back pressed against the pole. The back of her collar was fastened to it and a strap run around her waist, holding her tightly bound there. Another went around her ankles.

  Maddy realized that she was to be beaten for her failures. She cried and moaned and tried to gurgle pleas for mercy out through her bit. The first blow, from a two inch round hickory cane, struck her right across the breasts. She howled in pain. Since they would be needing her thighs again tomorrow, there was no sense beating them. But the breasts served no function as she ran. Maddy received, in all, five painful bruising blows across her breasts, one for each fall. She had been whipped before, but had never felt the dull but intense pain caused by a blow from a cane. The pain seemed to sink inside of her, bruising her inner self. After the fifth blow, she just sagged, blubbering in pain, moaning for pity.

  The boy released her from the post and let her fall to the ground. Maddy curled up into a ball in her misery.

  She did not know how long she lay there. She felt strong arms grab her by the upper arms and lift her up. When she was steady on her feet, she felt a leash attach to her collar. She followed the unknown man's lead docilely.

  When they reached the barn, her bridle was removed and replaced with her gag. Her eye flaps were lifted and she could see again. She was in the common area of the barn and a large wooden table with a pad on it had been set up. At first she thought that she was to be laid out on it and beaten again. But gentle hands encouraged her to lie down on it on her stomach. Her wrists were loosened from her back and affixed to a ring at the top of the table. Straps held her ankles in place. And then hands laid themselves on her, strong, knowledgeable hands. A soothing, almost burning ointment was applied to the back of her thighs and to her calves and the hands slowly, firmly rubbed it in. The contrast to the whipping she had just received could not have been greater. Her muscles seemed to sigh with relief as the hands worked them. Maddy's eyes were turned to the wall and she could not see who was performing this pleasurable service for her. She didn't care. He did her back too, touching regions that had been hidden by her bound wrists. When her back was finished, she was turned over, and the front of her thighs received the same warm, comforting attention. A cool cloth was applied to her breasts, and the throbbing of her bruised globes began to diminish.

  Maddy was allowed to lay in her stall for the rest of the day. Every hour or so, someone would come and get her and make her walk around the inside of the barn for a while. She was fed a clear broth. Maddy did what was required, she ate what they gave her, but her heart had been cruelly damaged. Her master had abandoned her. She had been nothing to him. Just a beast to be trained. As she lay on her pallet in her stall, her legs strapped together, her neck and ankle bound to rings in the floo
r, her eyes sealed off from the world, she felt empty, drained. Tomorrow, she knew, she would have to run in the traces again. This time she would know in advance what pain failure would bring. She was sure her breasts would be black and blue tomorrow. But what did it matter anyway. Let them kill her, she thought.

  It was late, around ten o'clock. Maddy was being led around the barn one last time for the day, to prevent her muscles from cramping up. The other ponies, except for one or two who were being used by trainers, were in their stalls. She followed the lead that was affixed to her collar forlornly.

  When they returned to her stall, there was someone inside it. It was her trainer, her master. He took the leash from the stable boy and pulled her inside. Maddy started to cry. She could not stand the thought of his abandonment of her. Had he come there to prove his mastery over her? To taunt her? She had no power to make him go away, or to refuse anything to him. Or to anyone for that matter. Her body yearned for him, and she feared his indifference.

  Drabik looked at the damaged breasts of the ponygirl. He had expected as much. The drivers had no time for subtlety with their charges. He knew how she would be feeling after her first day in harness. He had come to sooth her, to reward her for her suffering.

  He backed Maddy up to the rail that ran across her stall. Leaving her there he retrieved the special board made to lay the pony on over it. After putting it in place, he lifted her up onto the rail. He leaned Maddy back and strapped her torso to it. He then pulled her legs up, spreading them wide and fixing her ankles to the rail. Her loins lay open to him. He ran his hands down her thighs and over her belly. He cupped her aching breasts and kissed each nipple delicately.

  When Maddy felt the hands of her master caress her she felt a wave of relief pass through her. These were not the hands of indifference. She knew then that although he had passed her into the hands of others that he would still be near. That she would see him and that he would visit her. That no matter who commanded her or used her, it would always be him that she served.

  The touch of her master's hands electrified Maddy's body. She yearned for him to enter her, to find his pleasure inside her. Her pussy swelled in invitation to him, her nipples hardened in adoration of his touch.

  Drabik moved his lips from Maddy's tortured breasts and ran his mouth across her belly. His hot lips drank in her skin. She felt him kiss her thighs, run his tongue along the sides of her engorged nether lips. And then she felt it trace the lines of her dilating slit. She sighed deeply in pleasure. His tongue teased her clit and then his lips descended on it sucking soothingly, drawing her blood to it. All her doubts and fears fell away as she felt her lust build. She moaned as he sank his hot tongue deeply inside her, stroking the lining of her sheath, making her swoon.

  Drabik drank in Maddy's lustful aroma as her juices flowed freely from within her. She began to move her hips, to try and stroke her cunt on his tongue. He placed his hands on her thighs, spreading them wider, immobilizing her. She would take her pleasure in his time, as he willed it. He pulled his lips free of her soft, wet tunnel and let her moan in frustration. Her chest was heaving, causing her wounded breasts to shiver and sway. He let her moan again, and then he returned his lips to her widened labia, his tongue to her crevasse. He kept her on the verge of passionate release for a long time. She moaned and cried, her mind begging for completion. He sucked on her clit, pulling it to its length, stretching the skin around it. And then he ran the tip of tongue along its top, flicking it delicately. He would let her come now. Her felt her hips struggle against his hands, her torso shudder. Her voice was one long, low moan. When her pussy began to contract and spasm, he drove his tongue deep within her and began to lick her the length of her slit, lingering on her hardened bud of pleasure. Her body shook and convulsed as her orgasm tore threw her. Her pussy muscles clasped tightly, repeatedly, like a fist opening and closing. She arched her back as the pleasure flowed through her.

  Maddy was still in the waning throes of her orgasm when Drabik drew his stiff cock from his pants. He drove it deep into her pussy, releasing another torrent of pleasure from her loins. Her cunt was fiery hot, her juices flowing out of her. When he had covered his cock with her juices, he withdrew and presented it to her delicate rear star. Maddy gasped as Drabik's meat passed freely in. He had not used her narrow portal since she had rewired herself for him and the young, passionate ponygirl was overcome with joy that he had entered her there. She groaned and cried out as she came again, reveling in the feel of his hard staff teasing the sensitive tissue of her little ring. When he came, her mind went blank, all of her consciousness flowing to where he possessed her.

  Drabik withdrew from the panting, moaning pony. Her skin was mottled with the signs of her passion. Her pussy leaked her discharge. After returning his tool to its home, he placed a tender kiss on Maddy's yawning sex and then left her to enjoy her silent reverie.

  The next week was tortuous for Maddy. The blond haired boy drove her mercilessly. He whipped her cruelly when she fell, and gave her the equivalent number of strong strokes from the cane on various parts of body at the end of each session. She began to think of it as the daily price for ending the day. Drabik did not come to her again until the third night, when her pushed her to her knees and allowed her to suck his cock to orgasm. She missed her trainer's daily attentions, but was comforted with the knowledge that he had not forgotten her.

  She continued to be used by the other men on a regular basis. She spread her thighs for them when ordered, opened her mouth at their command to receive their conscienceless pricks, presented her rear portal for penetration. She was powerless to prevent her own lust rising as one or another, or sometimes two at once drove into her. She cried out and moaned when she came, her sexual appetite almost insatiable. This was in keeping with the well accepted principle that it was necessary to maintain total physical and mental dominance over the pony. On days when a particular pony had not received use, it was the duty of the stable boys to take up the slack. On Many nights Maddy could hear the moans and cries of other ponies as they were stroked or fucked to orgasm before being put to bed.

  But the blond driver had never used her. Each time, after he beat her, he led Jezebel away and left her lying there desolately in the dust. Jezebel was not housed in the same barn as Maddy. Maddy's barn was for the training of racing ponies. Jezebel had done her turn as a racer, but now, along with seven other older ponies, served Axil Grobgy, the gangster cum country gentleman, and the owner of the vast estate, as general purpose ponies. Grobgy or his beautiful amoral daughter, Anya, would use them to visit neighboring estates or for picnics or leisurely perambulations through the countryside. Guests were often entertained by taking them for a spin.

  Not all of the more than twenty ponies in Maddy's barn would be kept by Grobgy for his racing stable. Some would just not meet the high standards that he set for his racing ponies. These would be sold to lesser lights in the Kalikastan criminal pantheon for personal use or for their own racing stables. Some prospered by being in the hands of new trainers and became real competitors on the circuit. Others just served as status symbols. Anyone who was anyone in Kalikastan wanted a racing pony.

  But each day Maddy got stronger and stronger. Finally, on the tenth day, she managed to complete her training session for the first time without falling. At the end of the day, when her harness was removed, the blond boy patted her on the head, smiling. He pressed her to her knees in the dust and proffered her his limp cock. Maddy began to cry as she seized it with her lips and felt it grow hard in her mouth. She sucked on it fervently, eagerly bringing pleasure to her tormentor. She knew that he was rewarding her, and, in spite of the fact that she was repelled by and feared this cruel boy who had beat her unmercifully for days on end, she considered herself blessed that he found her mouth suitable. She was grateful, and it seemed blissful, to have her tormentor's manhood between her lips rather than his whip at her breasts. She caressed him passionately, pressing his cock deep within h
er. He shuddered and groaned as he came, spilling his seed in her throat.

  * * *


  A few days later, Jezebel was replaced by a younger pony. Unbeknownst to Maddy, while she had been training every morning for hours on end, this pony, another yearling like Maddy, had been training in the afternoons. She was a long tailed blond, almost a twin of Maddy in bodily proportions. She was called Persephone, although her former name had been Paula Stewart. She had been an art student at the University of Maryland. She was invited by a Russian exchange program to study a collection of fourteenth century icons. She had traveled to a small Ukrainian city called Dianstana, outside of Odessa, where she was to be taken to the remote monastery where the icons were housed. She was never heard from again.

  There were two training sessions now, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and the matched pair became faster and faster. A week after they had been paired, when they had been brought to the track for their morning session, a short, slender man wearing a beret and tight white pants tucked into high, black boots was waiting for them. He wore a well trimmed goatee. Alongside him were the young blond driver, Drabik, another man, who had been Persephone's trainer, Axil Grobgy and his daughter Anya. Maddy had not seen Drabik for over a week and she felt a chill go through her as she was led by a stable boy to where the people were standing. She still yearned for his touch and the sight of him made her suffer from his apparent indifference.

  Grobgy was the fist to speak as the two ponies were presented to the bereted man. "Here they are Vadym, what do you think?"


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