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Big Hard Girls

Page 19

by Nikki Crescent

  She had become my muse, even though she probably thought that I was a creepy stalker. I never got a restraining order in the mail, to my surprise. But maybe it was still coming. The post was on strike, after all. And I couldn’t believe that Tae had just accepted that I happened to draw a tattoo on her inner thigh that looked exactly like her private birthmark.

  I started taking the stairs up and down in my building, just in case she was in the elevator. I couldn’t stand the thought of having an awkward encounter in that slow, clunky box. I didn’t want to see her disgusted face, and I didn’t want her to see my deeply ashamed face—the face of the man who was still drawing naked pictures of her, without her consent. I still wasn’t even sure if that was legal or not.

  A car hit me on my way home from the grocery store. It wasn’t a serious accident. A guy was leaving the parking lot and he didn’t bother to check the sidewalk before gunning it onto the street to beat oncoming traffic. My groceries went flying and I was pushed to the side and onto my back. A bunch of people quickly rushed over. It probably looked much worse than it was, because one man kept yelling, “Don’t touch his head! Don’t move his neck!” And another yelled, “Someone call an ambulance!” But I felt fine. I felt like I could stand up, until I tried and a sharp pain surged up my leg. I broke my ankle.

  It was an embarrassing ambulance ride. They let me take my groceries with me. Though I ended up throwing out my milk, as it was out of refrigeration for a few hours before I got home.

  And even with my ankle in a cast, I still decided to take the stairs, just to avoid any potential confrontations with the girl who almost certainly knew that I had been cyber-stalking her.

  The cast came off after two weeks, but the pain lingered. “Take it easy,” the doctor said. “Try to avoid running and don’t take the stairs if you have a choice. And I’m serious—you don’t want this turning into a permanent injury. I’ve got a client with clicking knees. He didn’t take my advice, and now his knees will click for the rest of his life, every time he extends his legs. You don’t want that.” And it was true—I didn’t want that. But I also didn’t want to face Tae after my awkward blunder.

  So when I got back to my building, I found myself awkwardly standing in the lobby, trying to decide between the elevator and the stairs. I could hear clicking in my mind, so I went with the elevator. My heart was pounding when the door opened, as if she was going to appear. But she wasn’t there. The elevator was empty. So I got in and went up to my flat.

  And then I realized that I needed milk for my morning cereal. So five minutes after getting home, I started back towards the elevator. I thought again about taking the stairs, and then that clicking noise crept into my mind again, so I called for the elevator.

  I kept my distance from the door, in case she was inside. I figured I could spin around and pretend as though I was just walking by if she was inside. But the elevator was again empty, so I went inside. And then I waited as it clunked down one floor at a time. I was at the third floor when it stopped and the door began to creep open. I wasn’t worried this time though. I knew that Tae lived above me. I knew that I was safe, at least for now, from that beautiful trap.

  I pulled out my phone to check my e-mails, to see if I had any new commissions to keep me busy for the afternoon. I had one, from one of my regulars, a guy who really just wanted a big collection of his favourite actors drawn naked. This time he wanted Kate Upton, and he wanted her being stuffed by two large black cocks. “Both in the pussy, please,” he wrote casually, as if he was just ordering a coffee.

  I laughed quietly to myself. I would do the commission even though it was depraved, only because he was a usual client who had already paid me more than a thousand dollars for artwork.

  I slipped my phone into my pocket and looked up, just as the newcomer turned to look at me. And then I froze. It was Tae. She’d boarded on the third floor, headed for the lobby. “Oh, hi,” she said. I tried to reply, but my jaw was frozen. I coughed and stuttered and then I straightened my back—then finally, I was able to reply.

  “Hello,” I said with a strange tone in my voice, as if I was meeting her for the first time. “You look nice.” And it was true. She was wearing a schoolgirl outfit that was not designed for anyone going to school. The skirt was dangerously short and the top almost showed the bottom cusps of her small tits. Maybe it was appropriate for stripper school. Her wig was blonde and long and straight, and her heels were tall, but the top of her head still hardly reached my chin.

  “Thanks,” she said, brushing her hair off of her face. She looked at the elevator control panel and pressed the lobby button, hoping it would make the elevator move. But we weren’t moving. Sometimes it got stuck for a few seconds and you had to mash the button a few times.

  “Here,” I said, reaching past her and pressing the button repeatedly. The elevator whirred and hummed and then we started moving. A wave of relief washed over me, but it was short lived. Tae was now staring into my eyes, as if she was waiting for an explanation. I just forced a smile and continued to play dumb. Maybe if I played dumb well enough, she would think that it really was all just a coincidence: the birthmark, the art on my wall, the fact I had fulfilled her sexual fantasy almost to a tee.

  The elevator shook and paused for a moment. “They need to fix this thing,” I said. And she just kept on looking at me.

  “When you grabbed my dick,” she said out of the blue, “you didn’t act surprised.”

  I nodded my head slowly, unsure of how I was supposed to respond.

  “Could you tell that I wasn’t fully female?” she asked.

  Now I really wasn’t sure how to respond. I could either out myself or offend her, and I wanted neither of those options. “It’s 2019,” I said with a smile that felt faker than Pamela Anderson’s chest. “I don’t discriminate.”

  “Bullshit,” she said. “You could tell that I was born a boy. Is it my Adam’s apple? Or my shoulders? Or is it my voice? I’ve been working on my voice. Just tell me—I really want to improve.”

  “It’s not that,” I said.

  “Then what is it?”

  “You—you commissioned me to draw you,” I said. It hurt to say it aloud. Now I had nothing to hide behind. Now everything was in the open. Now she knew how terrible I was. She had all of the information she needed to realize that I hadn’t just drawn her, but I’d looked her up and found her secret fantasies.

  “You—that was you?” she said.

  My heart was now burning away in my stomach acid. “Both times. Yeah,” I said. “I thought you knew.” And I really thought she knew. How could she not have known by now? Was the birthmark not the big giveaway? “I recognized you when you came to my door. I didn’t know what to say. And then I found that forum where you were talking about how you wanted someone to… you know—so that’s why I did it. I’m not stalking you, I swear. I’ve lived here for years.” I could feel my face burning red hot.

  “How did you even find that post?”

  I cleared my throat. “Reverse image search,” I said.

  She stared at me as if I was a demon, as if I was some filthy homeless man who wandered in off the street, crawling with diseases. She wrapped an arm over her torso, as if she was suddenly cold. “I don’t know what that means.”

  And it was exactly the reaction I assumed she’d had when she saw her birthmark in that drawing. I guess she’d saved the reaction for this awkward face-to-face encounter, so that I could see her disappointment and fear as my guilt burned away whatever was left of my soul.

  I looked up to see which floor we were at. Somehow, we were only at the second floor. Before I could look down from the little screen, the elevator trembled for a moment and then it shook violently for a few seconds before grinding to a complete halt.

  Tae was holding onto the rails with white knuckles. Her big eyes were opened wide and her lips were parted as if she was just about to scream.

  I rushed over to the control panel and pressed
the lobby button a few times, but nothing happened. I tried pressing the door open button but that did nothing, and then I tried pressing the emergency button, but even that wasn’t working. We were stuck.


  It was after ten minutes of complete silence that Tae finally took a seat on the elevator floor. It was getting hot in that small space, though I’m not sure if the temperature was rising or not. It was ten minutes later when I finally took a seat. We had been silent since the elevator stopped. It didn’t seem appropriate to talk about our little fling, but I couldn’t think of anything else to talk about. Not even the weather came to mind.

  The first thing I finally said was, “Do you have your cellphone? We can call for help.” I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.

  She shook her head slowly. “I was just going down to check my mail,” she said. “I was planning on going right back up to my apartment. Plus, does it look like I have pockets?” And it was a fair point—she didn’t have a purse or a clutch or even a pocket.

  “I was just going to run across the street quickly. I didn’t think I needed my phone,” I said. I knew exactly where my phone was, on the edge of the kitchen counter, not too far from where I filled her tight hole with my warm goo.

  We returned to silence. Five minutes went by and the elevator became a little bit warmer. And then I began to wonder what she was doing down on the third floor. Was she playing that game again—going door to door, trying to find a man who might have the nerve to bend her over and fuck her? “Do you do that a lot?” I asked, finally breaking the terrible silence.

  “Do what?” She didn’t look at me when she replied.

  “Do you have sex with lots of strangers?” I asked. “I’m not judging. I’m just curious.” I figured she already hated me so I couldn’t do any more harm.

  “No,” she said, and then she looked down at the floor. “You were my first.”

  “I was your first stranger?”

  “You were my first partner,” she said quietly, as if it was almost too embarrassing to say aloud.

  My heart fluttered. “I took your virginity?” I asked.

  She nodded her head. “Let’s talk about something else,” she said. And now I really couldn’t think of anything else to talk about. How could it be true? How could a girl like her be a virgin? What was a virgin doing on a sexual fantasies website? What was a virgin doing running around in tiny skirts and tops that were hardly more than bras? “Have you seen any good movies lately?” she asked, but I couldn’t even process her question. I couldn’t even think of any movies I’d ever seen in my life. I could only think about her.

  “You’re lying,” I said. “You have to be lying.”

  “What difference does it make?”

  “You’re too pretty to be a virgin. And you were too… good. You knew what you were doing.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I just bent over. You did the rest.”

  “But it felt so good,” I said.

  “I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “Tell me the truth,” I said.

  “What the hell is your deal?” she said, shaking her head and lowering her brow. “First you stalk me, and now you’re demanding I tell you about my private life. Are you a pervert or something? Or course you are—you do nothing but draw porn.”

  I took offense to the statement, but it wasn’t an unfair assessment to make. I did have a website loaded with pornographic pictures. And I did have sex with her without exchanging more than a few sentences first. And I did technically stalk her, though all of the pictures and information I found were on public websites—not that it made it any better.

  “I don’t just draw porn. That’s just how I make my money—because people like you only want to pay for porn. I don’t see you commissioning a nice picture of you at the zoo with clothes on.”

  “Well maybe I would if you had that kind of stuff on your website,” she said with a thin-pressed smile.

  “No, you wouldn’t, because that’s what I did have on my website and I was broke and washing dishes and I never got a single commission. It wasn’t until I started drawing pictures like the one I did for you that anyone cared. I have hundreds of pictures of stuff that isn’t porn.”

  She just looked away, her arms crossed, her body as far away from me as she could get in that hot, cramped space. “Besides, it’s not like I’m obsessed with you. I would have looked up any client that randomly came into my apartment pretending to need boiling water. I’m sure you would have to.”

  “But you aren’t drawing your other clients,” she said.

  “What are you talking about? I draw whatever my clients ask for.”

  “I follow your site. I’ve seen your posts over the past two weeks. You’ve drawn me over and over and over. Or do your other clients just look a lot like me?” She was grinning at me now as if she had me beat—and she did have me beat. I couldn’t dispute that argument. I had been drawing her, sometimes consciously, sometimes without even thinking about it. She was perfect. It seemed like a waste to draw anyone else—as if I would just be drawing the next best thing at best. Drawing her, I knew my pictures were all beautiful.

  “Well what do you want me to say? You’re beautiful.”

  Now the silence was back, but this time she was staring at me, looking into my eyes. “What did you say?”

  “I said you’re beautiful. It’s fun to draw you.”

  “What am I, your muse now?”

  “I don’t know. I guess so.”

  She gently bit her bottom lip and looked down at the ground again. “Well that’s… nice,” she said.

  I shrugged my shoulders. I felt sick. I wasn’t sure I could take any more of this torment. I hated being judged by the woman who graced all of my fantasies. “For what it’s worth, I like you,” I said. “I think you’re cute.”

  “I figured as much,” she said. “You’re kind of a pervert, but I still like you.” She looked at me and let a giggle slip. “And maybe I’m a bit of a pervert, so I guess it works.”

  The relief was intense. The elephant in the room was gone and that hot tension was gone with it. “So what were you doing down on the third floor?” I asked.

  “I don’t want to tell you because you won’t believe me.” Her cheeks were red now.

  “Tell me.”

  “I was making some instant noodles and my power went out. I actually needed to borrow some boiling water. But I couldn’t find anyone—everyone’s at work still.”

  I laughed, and I wouldn’t have believed her had the power to the elevator not been out now. I laughed. “Maybe it’s some sort of karma,” I said.

  “Maybe. So since we’re stuck in here, can I order a commission from you?”

  “Sure,” I said, staring into her shining eyes which filled me with inspiration.

  “I want you sucking my cock until I come.”

  I laughed. “Well I’ve never been great at self-portraits, but I can try once I’m back in my apartment.”

  “No—I don’t want a drawing. I want the real thing.” She had a big grin now. She reached down and gently grabbed the base of her skirt and lifted it up, revealing the bulge in her tiny panties. “Though if you want to draw it later, I wouldn’t be mad.” She rubbed two of her fingers down her soft bulge, pressing her rod down between her balls, making a bit of skin squish out the sides of her undergarment.

  My heart was bouncing up and down. I took a deep breath. Excitement was buzzing through my body like pure electricity. I got up on my hands and knees and I started crawling towards her. She pressed her back against the elevator wall and then she spread her legs wide, giving me lots of room to work with. I hardly had to flick that little strip of panties to the side before her bare cock was out in the open. I didn’t hesitate before slipped my fingers under it and lifting it up, feeling its weight. I pulled back her foreskin, exposing the beautiful smooth tip of her penis.

  “I’m not letting you stop until I come,” sh
e said. “So you’d better hurry. Who knows how quickly they’re going to fix this elevator.”

  I smiled and then I went in, parting my lips and slipping that beautiful member into my mouth. I sucked and bobbed until she was rock hard and moaning, and then I sucked and bobbed even harder, pressing my nose into her soft pubic bone. I could feel her warm shaft throbbing in my mouth.

  I had her whole shaft in my mouth. I was impressed with myself, because she wasn’t small—at least not between the legs. I slurped her whole shaft with my tongue and my saliva ran down and dripped off of her ball sack. She had her hands behind my head, holding me in close. Once I could feel that she was getting closer to orgasm, she started to gently thrust herself in and out of my lips. I stopped bobbing my head and I let her take over, using my face like a glorified sex toy.

  She was moaning—I loved the sound of her moan. I wish I could have captured that sound in my drawings. She pulled my head in tighter and her cock was amazingly hard, her tip mashed up against the roof of my mouth. I gagged a little bit as she pushed that tip into the back of my throat, but I managed to keep my composure. I knew her big orgasm was coming and I couldn’t wait.

  Then she moaned loudly just as the elevator suddenly dinged. The power was back, but she was too far to stop. She kept thrusting as we rumbled downward. And then I felt her hot load spraying against the back of my throat. It tasted nice, like a pineapple milkshake. I slurped out the last drop and then I sprung up to my feet as she quickly tucked her dick back into her panties.

  It was only a few seconds later when that elevator door opened and the crew of repairmen stood staring at us. I grabbed Tae by the hand and rushed her past them, into the lobby and towards the stairs so we could go right back up to my apartment and continue fooling around. She giggled the whole way up. We even stopped after a few floors to do a bit of kissing. I still had some of her cum in my mouth, so she got to have a good taste. She liked it. She made sure to press her tongue deep into my mouth so that she could get the best taste possible.


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