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Nine by Night: A Multi-Author Urban Fantasy Bundle of Kickass Heroines, Adventure, & Magic

Page 78

by SM Reine

  Ivan’s white eyebrows lift in surprise. “You mean Hell?”

  “Not necessarily, but in your case that’s probably a good bet.”

  He throws back his head and laughs. The sound sends shivers through me. It’s maniacal, bordering on downright crazy. After a few seconds he looks at me again. “Well, you know what they say, you go to Heaven for the climate—”

  “Yes, ‘and Hell for the company.’ I’ve heard that.” Unlike Joanna this spirit doesn’t seem to fear the great beyond. “I’m sure you have a lot of friends there.”

  “No doubt.” He strokes his translucent goatee. “No doubt.”

  The tell-tale pink band of light elongates far too close for my comfort. I pull Ivan back a few feet. The light dims and the elevator door slides open. At the same time I hear a jangle of coins above me.

  “Hurry!” I yell, worry clouding my tone.

  Asa jumps from the ladder and grabs me again, pressing his lips to mine. I could really get used to this.

  “Jesus, Lisa, what is going on here?” Hal sounds like an indignant father. “Why is that vampire pawing you?”

  “Coin,” I say against Asa’s mouth, ignoring Hal. “I need the coin.”

  He presses it into my hand. “Is the porter here?”

  I’m tempted to say no because he’s facing away from the door and I don’t want the kissing to end. But I also don’t like a crowd. This might be my last chance to grind against this smokin’ hot vampire. I’m turning into such a slut. “Yes.” I toss the coin to Hal and he catches it in his bejeweled hand. “Gold.”

  Hal examines the coin and then lifts it to his mouth and bites. A white smile curves the corners of his lips. “It will do.”

  It damn well had better, because I didn’t have anything else. I break our kiss but don’t let go of Asa. “Will you go?”

  Ivan looks at me and then at Hal. “You look like a man who would be amenable to a little harmless torment and torture.”

  Tipping his head to the side, Hal points his silver tipped walking stick at Ivan. “What other kind is there, my friend?” He steps aside, indicating that Ivan should enter the elevator. “Shall we take a turn around the circles of Hell and see what mischief we can stir up?”

  “A grand idea.” Ivan looks at me. “My apologies for the possession. I fear my mind is not always sound and you people are irresistible to control.” He gives me a super creepy smile. “But I don’t think I’ll have to worry about that anymore.”

  He slips from my grasp and voluntarily enters the elevator. They both nod their heads in my direction as the door eases closed. Normally I try to prevent Hal from dragging my clients to Hell. In this case I couldn’t care less.

  “Are they still here?” Asa asks.

  I’m evil. I openly admit that, but I don’t want our moment to end. I gasp and turn back to him, winding both arms around his neck. His mouth instantly captures mine and his arms wrap about my waist. I open to him again, letting his tongue take the lead.

  It slides against mine, caressing and teasing. My body presses against his and I feel him respond. Wow, does he respond. A quiet moan of pleasure escapes me, vibrating into his mouth. The sound seems to amp up his desire. He cups my ass and pulls me against him. If it was just Asa and me in the inn I’d have him stripped and straddled on the ground like a calf at a roping competition. But we’re not alone, so after a few more glorious seconds of kissing, I sigh and break the kiss.

  “They’re gone.” I let my arms drift across his shoulders and lower them to my side. “Thanks.” I step back. “You saved my life.”

  He clears his throat and shoves his hands in his front pockets. “Anytime.”


  Asa’s gaze drops to the floor but he doesn’t answer me. Obviously I’m being way too forward. Poor guy, he’s probably never been mauled by a randy mom with three kids before. I search for a topic change. “So, I reaped a human guy hanging out in my bathroom. Jean-Pierre, I think he said his name was.”

  “He was one of Ivan’s kills.” He looks at me. “No problems with Hal on transporting him? You didn’t need gold?”

  “No, he was human. No gold required.”

  I move to the bookcase. Suddenly things between Asa and me feel awkward. Shame. I wouldn’t mind experiencing some of his mad kissing skill again—or more. I’ve been a widow for nearly two years. When I say it’s been a dry spell, I mean even my vibrator needs dusting off. Until Asa, my libido has been running on a trickle charge. Sure I’ve had naughty thoughts about Constantine, and there was even a zing of sexual tension between Nate and me once, but nothing like I’m feeling for Asa. One thing I’ve learned is life is too short. At least in my life it is. Who knows about the vampires? They’re probably immortal unless somebody takes them out.

  Deciding I’ve spent too long waiting to get what I want, I take a deep breath and face him. “So, wanna make out?”

  Chapter Six


  I give a strangled laugh, knowing she’s trying to smooth over an awkward situation. My body shakes, struggling to process the past few minutes. Those kisses were fucking incredible. Whether I’m able to ever bite her or not, there’s no denying I want her with every fiber of my being.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath I don’t need, silently willing my erection to pass. Visually blocking out Lisa while she recovers from the experience doesn’t help—all I picture is the blatant desire I saw in her bright blue eyes.

  It’ll never work, you fool. A vampire lover you can’t bite? What’s the point?

  Maybe it’s not about feeding from everyone, okay? Maybe it’s about the closeness and sense of peace associated from simply being with someone. Someone who cares.

  Do you hear yourself? You’ll slip one day and bite her, bringing her the most agonizing pain she’ll ever experience in her life. Did you learn nothing in New York?

  Shut up! There’s always bagged blood. I could do this, I could resist biting her.

  And if you’re wrong? She’ll look at you with fear and revulsion. Just like Katie did. And Leslie. And even the bartender, Ray—that one night when you were hurt in a bar fight against three werewolves. Should I go on? Or would you prefer to kill her like those “accidents” in Afghanistan?

  I grind my teeth in frustration, wishing I could snap off my fangs in the process.

  Lisa’s hesitant voice draws me out of my self-flagellation. “Asa, are you okay?”

  My eyes snap open, zeroing in on the blond temptress with the unsure smile on her face. I made her doubt herself by pulling back after she reaped Ivan. I’ve hurt her and all we’ve done is shared a kiss.

  Okay, well, maybe dozens of steamy, toe-curling kisses I’d like nothing better than to repeat, but still. Above all, I don’t want to bring more pain to someone who’s lost her husband.

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” I scan the reading parlor and move down the hall toward her room, not wanting to meet her sharp gaze. “Or, I will be. That was way more intense than I bargained for. Will all supernaturals be that difficult to reap?”

  “Difficult to reap?” She follows me, a confused note in her voice. Probably hoped I’d talk about our kissing. Yeah, I’m going to avoid that topic like the plague. “Uh…honestly? I have no idea. Have I mentioned I’m not very experienced at reaping yet?”

  I resist smiling and nod. Maybe reminding her of what I am will douse her interest in me. “I need to eat. We should go to the dining room and plan the rest of your reaping.”

  “Eat?” she squeaks as we cross the threshold into her suite.

  Good job, bastard. There’s the fear again.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry, it won’t be you. I drink bagged blood.” A sardonic grimace forms on my mouth. “We’re very civilized here in the north.”

  Her shoulders slump and she looks exhausted. “Okay, look. I’m not sure what just happened here, but I’m bushed. Can you wait a few more minutes and we talk up here? I’m really not inclined to go wandering around this
place unsure of whom I’ll run into, if you know what I mean.”

  There were only three gold coins in that carved-out book. She’s got a point. We’ll need to get more. I nod, still not trusting myself to speak when I want to rush over and kiss her again.

  “And holy cow, are you guys that hard to kill in real life? Both vamp spirits were stronger than anything I’ve felt.” She flops down in her chair and I move to settle into mine. “Not that I have much to compare it too, but still. I need to call my partner.”

  “Partner? You mentioned one before. Why were you sent up here alone if you have a partner?”

  A calculating look enters her eyes. “That’s exactly what I intend to find out later.” She glances at her watch. “It’s after ten. I’ll call him tomorrow morning. When do you want to get started with the rest, and how many are there?”

  “At least six more I know of. And two are werewolves.”

  She bolts upright in her comfy chair. “Holy crap, I forgot about them. I wonder if they’ll be as resistant as the vampires.”

  I school my features, feeling a smile coming at her reaction. Need to focus on the job, not how cute she is. “I don’t know but we’ll find out.”

  She shudders, the ripple traveling up and down her body, a grossed-out sound spilling from her lips. “Ugh.” Her face sets in a determined mask. “Stupid people are so much easier. Wow, I still can’t believe this.”

  “You’re doing great. But I understand where you’re coming from, it’s a lot to take in. Hell, I’ve been turned now almost three years and I’m still freaked out by it.” I scoot to the end of my chair, pulling a hotel notepad and pen across the table. “Okay, let’s talk about who needs reaping.”

  I quickly jot down the names of the recently deceased on the property that I know. “Where do you think we should look for them? Near where they died?”

  Lisa nods. “That’s as good a place as any to start, but the souls aren’t bound to a location. How big is the resort?”

  “Fifteen square miles. Surrounded by miles of nothing and then we reach the Coldfoot State Park.”

  She groans, annoyance clear. “That could be like searching a needle in a haystack.” Resolve crosses her face. “I can do this. I need the money.”

  “You get paid?” Surprise colors my tone.

  Lisa’s eyes narrow. “Of course. What do I look like, an idiot? Don’t answer that. It’s a job, and one I’m uniquely qualified for.” She puffs up a little with pride. “Trust me, there aren’t a lot of reapers in the world.”

  “I gathered that. Especially since no supernatural I know has mentioned them.” I tap the list I made, desperate to focus on work and not how good it felt to hold her against me. “Vikram, he’s the Indian fellow you described in the lobby. He’s a vampire.”

  “How did they all die?”

  I think back to the bloody mess of the gym after Vivian ripped off Vikram’s head. And how Emiko sliced up Sanji with a sword, spelling out words on her chest with well-placed cuts. How will Lisa react to those details? Do I really want to freak her out more? “Is that important?”

  She waves a hand. “Probably not. Let’s move on.”

  “Bebe is a tall, dark-skinned woman. Looks like she could be a South American super model. She died near the greenhouse—also a vamp.”

  “You guys have a greenhouse?”

  “Actually, we have several. They grow vegetables for the human guests and employees. The resort is designed to be self-sufficient.”

  “Very cool. Wish they had something this nice for regular people.” She glances around the room at the expensive furnishings and fabrics. “Although I probably couldn’t afford it.”

  I could give her part of my cut from the hunt earnings this past winter. When am I ever going to need that much money?

  Do you hear yourself? Contemplating how you can help her? Forget it! You can’t have her. Let it go.

  I tamp down a sigh and concentrate once again on the mission. “Melvyn and Deneishia are both werewolves. One died in a cabin and the other in the hotel basement.” She nods, staring intently at the names. “Emiko died at the hangar and Sanji by the ski slopes.”

  Lisa rubs her eyes. “Okay, then. That’s a start. We’ll check out those locations tomorrow.” I nod, sensing our time together is at an end, but reluctant to leave. “Does this place have room service? I’d like to get a little something before bed. I skipped dinner in all the excitement.”

  “Yeah, it does.” I gesture to the phone by her bed. The comfortable looking bed she’s going to be stretched out and sleeping in later. Alone. “Just call and someone will bring up a meal shortly.”

  “Great, thanks.”

  I stand and head toward the door, unsure of how to say goodbye after the physical intimacies we shared.


  I turn back, squashing the unexpected burst of joy bubbling inside from her calling out my name. “Yes?”

  “What time do you want to start? I wasn’t sure what your… umm… sleeping requirements might be.”

  “I’ll conk out at what would normally be sunrise and with help, I’ll be up a little after noon. How about I come find you then?”

  She nods, not looking my way, attention focused on the nightstand holding the phone. “Okay then. Goodnight.”

  “Nite.” I close the door behind me, barely resisting the urge to apologize for pretending I was unaffected by our kissing. I hate the thought of hurting her, but I need to stay focused on this job. For her sake as well as mine.

  I trek to my suite of rooms in the basement, next to the command center, with a jumbo travel mug of bagged blood in hand. The secret door slides open to reveal Eric, my little brother and newly turned werewolf, on duty at the elaborate security desk, focusing on his laptop and not the screens. No reason to chew him out since we don’t have any guests at the moment—we keep up a steady duty rotation to make sure we’re always in the habit.

  “Whatcha working on?”

  “Nothing,” he mumbles and closes the lid.

  Hmm… What the hell is he up to, and why won’t he tell me? I squash the urge to make him, honoring the promise that I’d never mind control him or his best friend Pat who also lives on the resort.

  “Okay, suit yourself. Did you see our new arrival?”

  “The blonde with the nice tits and ass? Yeah, man. I’m not dead.” He smirks at his own humor. “Like you.”

  “Ha ha. You’re a regular comedian. So clever. Witty, too.” I drive back at him with retorts—as he would expect. “Don’t know how the ladies resist you. Oh wait, must be the wet dog smell from your frequent changes. Told you to shower more.”

  He smiles and chucks an empty paper cup at my head. It sails past and hits the cinderblock wall behind me. “So close.”

  “That’s what she said.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “Hey, are you hitting on this chick or can I go after her?”

  Shock boils inside me. “Dude, she has three kids. And she’s like a decade older than you.”

  Eric shrugs, a grin showing his newly repaired broken tooth. “A hot MILF? Fuckin’ A. Think she likes younger guys?”

  I snort, unworried about his teasing, having a feeling it’s on purpose because he saw us kissing on the security monitors in the reading parlor. “That might be the case if you had any experience. But damn… two tours in Iraq and then stuck here after you became all furry? I don’t think you’ve got a chance impressing her.”

  He mimics a blow to the chest. “Damn. That’s harsh.” His sharp, knowing eyes turn speculative. “Think you do?”

  I lean against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got a job to do.”

  “Right.” He nods like a bobble-head doll, full-on obnoxiousness churning below the surface. “Protecting Vivian and following every precious command out of her mouth. Who’s not here, by the way.”

  I stare above his head, resisting the urge to pummel him. “You know it’s not like that, man. She hardly n
eeds anyone to protect her.”

  “Hmph. After the shit that went down in Argentina I’m not so sure you’re right.”

  “Whatever. She’s fine now. You heard the tales from Drew and Paul about Rafe killing those vamps. Those two really never needed us here for extra protection.

  “But you don’t get it—I made a choice. Vampires aren’t like a pack of hormone driven randy dogs,” he growls as I plunge ahead, “we’ve got a hierarchy. Rules and shit. And not following those rules will get me hunted down and unceremoniously killed. Besides,” I shrug and look away, “Vivian isn’t so bad. I’ve followed men in the Army I respected less.”

  “Fine. Whatever you say. She scares the beejesus out of me. I’m glad I deal with Jon more than her. I get the feeling she thinks of me as a pet. I keep waiting for her to smile and pat me on the head.”

  “Well, there is the whole dog thing to consider.”

  “Bite me. Seriously, is there some rule you can’t have fun either? Go after the MILF. Live a little, you undead bastard.” He smiles again at his double entendre.

  I sigh, letting the tension ease out of me. “It’s not as simple as you’re making it.”

  “Really? What’s the problem? Your dick stopped working when you turned? Seems like we’ve had enough orgy-loving guests here that would dispute such a problem.” His face crashes. “Dude. Do you need Viagra? The undead parts don’t want to work right?”

  I laugh, the sound bouncing off the stark walls. “Ahh, no.” I think back to the instant arousal when Lisa was plastered against me after she escorted Joanna to the glowing door. “That’s not my problem.”

  “What is it then?”

  I hesitate, torn on whether to say anything or not. Might as well pull the Band-Aid off as quick as I can. “I don’t drink directly from humans anymore. And I haven’t been intimate with one since I was in Manhattan working for Cy.”

  “Okay, so what? You worried you won’t last? Yank it before you make an attempt. That should do the trick.”

  “No, I’m not worried about coming too quick, but gee, thanks for the obvious life tip.” Remorse fills me as I recall the horror I put past lovers through. “My bite brings excruciating pain to a human. Like screaming—poison through the veins—ready to do anything to get the hell away from me type of pain. Didn’t have the problem with Joanna, so I’m guessing it’s only humans.”


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