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Nine by Night: A Multi-Author Urban Fantasy Bundle of Kickass Heroines, Adventure, & Magic

Page 79

by SM Reine

  “Oh man, that sucks. No pun intended that time, I swear.” He looks deep in thought. “Either you could fill up on blood ahead of time so you’re not tempted to bite,” his face scrunches in disgust, “during the ‘moment.’ Or you avoid the temptation altogether and never make a pass at her.”

  Temptation? He has no idea. Temptation has nothing to do with it.

  Katie had to be hospitalized for a month and refused to see me, during her stay or after. Leslie told me she’d stake my ass if I ever came near her with an open mouth again. Ray quit the bar and had to have his mind wiped. He swore if he knew freaks like me existed he never would have taken the extra pay no matter how desperate he was. After that, Cy insisted I stick to bagged blood only.

  “I’m going with option number two—never make a pass at her. I like her too much to have her look at me with revulsion and hatred.”

  Chapter Seven


  The next morning I wake at seven o’clock. For a minute I’m confused about where I am. Then I remember I’m in a hotel that caters to vampires and werewolves. Even though nobody bothered me, not even the spirits haunting the place, I didn’t sleep very well. The whole possibility of being attacked put a damper on the zzzs I needed.

  Maybe a shower will revive me. I have a feeling today is going to be busy. The room is pitch black. What I want is to open the metal shutters and let the sun in. I need this. It feels like the only thing that will ground me in this weird adventure. But that wouldn’t be good if Asa comes in. I hesitate. He’ll probably knock first and I’ll be able to close the shutters before I let him in. At least I hope so. Having him burst into flames and crumble to a pile of ash isn’t my idea of a great start to a day. Plus, with it being so early I figure he won’t be up for hours.

  The sunlight streams into the room and illuminates it with gold light. Even though it’s morning, the sun doesn’t set. I stand in the rays for a minute, breathing deeply and attempting to clear my mind. Today is going to be trying. I feel it in my reaper bones. Already I’m missing my kids. Their fighting, messes, and all around chaos that follows them. The only redeeming qualities about this assignment are the great accommodations and my hot helper.

  He might be another reason I couldn’t sleep. Kissing Asa churned up lots of naughty thoughts. But I need to be realistic. I’m a mother of three and he’s a smokin’ sexy vampire. Not the ideal combination. His reaction to our kisses had me all kinds of confused. At first he seemed to be into it, but after Ivan was reaped, he seemed to shut down. Maybe his tastes run toward sexier twenty-somethings and not hockey moms.

  Opening my eyes, I sigh and secure the shutters again. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. After clicking on the lamp, I gather my toiletries and clothes and head to the bathroom. My phone call to Constantine can wait until I’m feeling human again. Then he’s going to get an earful.

  I brace my hands against the wall of the tiled shower and the let spray beat against my back. I have a tiled shower at home, but no way does it come close to this sleek style. Actually mine echoes the 1970’s. Harvest gold tiles and a faux black marble counter top. Classic design. The hot water washes away some of the aches and grogginess. Everything about this place is perfect—even the water pressure. Too bad it’s full of vampire ghosts who seem bent on dragging me to Hell or possessing me.

  Once I’ve lathered and scrubbed, I rinse and towel off. I could get use to these creature comforts and make a mental note to demand a bigger bonus for this job. After all, I deserve it. Maybe I can buy some plush towels or a new shower head with fifteen spray settings. I’m not hard to please.

  After slipping on my sweats I head into my room. What I want is coffee. Lots of it. Asa said there was room service. Last night I was too tired to wait up for food. Now I’m hesitant to call but I don’t think I’ll be able to wait until he wakes up to eat. My body supports carbs and gets cranky when it’s not fed on a regular basis.

  Throwing caution to the wind, I pick up the phone and press the room service button. Instantly my call is answered. The woman on the other end is friendly and eager to be of service. I wonder if she knows who, or more like, what I am. After placing my order I hang up. I need to call Constantine but it’s better if I wait until I’m fed—for both of us.

  Despite my initial apprehensions about ordering, the food arrives within fifteen minutes, carried by a smiling woman. She appears human. At least not a vampire. Since my knowledge of werewolves is limited to my encounter with Jon, I can’t say whether or not she’s fully human.

  My stomach growls when the aroma of sausage and eggs hit me. After setting up the meal the woman turns to me. “Is there anything else you need?”

  A thousand questions tumble through my mind but I don’t ask. It wouldn’t be right prying for details. There was a good reason why this place was so well hidden. Probably the less I know the better. “No, thank you.”

  She leaves me with more food than I’ll be able to eat—but I give it the old college try. Sated, I crawl onto the bed and grab my phone. Reclining, I get comfortable. I don’t know how long this conversation will be but I definitely want to speak my piece.

  The phone rings. There’s a hint of an echo on the other end of the line. Cell towers are few and far between up here. I’m just happy I have connection.

  “Carron?” Constantine’s voice sounds worried on the other end. “You all right?”

  “Hello to you, too.” I smile at his concern even though I’m still miffed about coming to the inn clueless. “Why wouldn’t I be all right? Something you forgot to tell me?”

  Silence stretches on the other end of the line. Then he clears his throat. “I didn’t forget.”

  “Oh,” I say, my head nodding like a dancing parrot. “Just didn’t feel it was important to tell me about the vampires. Oh—oh—and the werewolves.”

  “Look.” He hesitates. “You wouldn’t have believed me or gone if I told you. We needed you up there to clear the spirits before the owners return.”

  “About that. We’ve run into a few problems.”

  “Such as?” His words are terse, as if expecting me to make more excuses as to why I can’t do this job.

  “Such as Hal won’t take these reaps without gold. So if we don’t find more, this job is dead in the water. No pun intended.”

  A muffled curse wafts through the phone. “That can be dealt with. If I know that crafty redhead, and I do, I’m sure Vivian has some stashed away.”

  “Asa is checking it out, but I’m just saying, the three ghosts I’ve reaped might be it.”

  “Three? Just how many are there?”

  Obviously he hadn’t lied about thinking this job would be a few reaps. “I know there’s at least two ghosts hanging around, but Asa says there’s six more. I’ve stopped asking how and why there are so many.”

  “I’m sure you can handle it, Carron.” His voice has lost the concern and is now all about pumping up the team spirit. But in an I’m the boss and you’ll do what I say way. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah, there is. That bonus you promised, well you need to increase it by ten times. So far one spirit tried to drag me into the elevator to Hell and another attempted to possess me.”

  “Possess you? How did you stop them?”

  Telling Constantine that I snogged a hot vamp wouldn’t win me any credibility points. “That’s not important. What is important is that either I get hazardous duty pay or I’m out of here. Besides, Nate should be reaping all these spirits. Violent death and all.”

  “Supernaturals fall under you.”

  For a few seconds I’m speechless. “When did we make that rule? I don’t remember reading that in my job description.”

  “You’re special, Carron. That’s why you have a familiar and that’s why Hal Lee Lewya is your porter.”

  Constantine had a habit of talking in half-explanations, which left me to decipher the rest of the truth. Anybody who knows me would understand how unwise that is. My imaginat
ion far outweighs my skills of deduction. If I can’t figure it out, I make the crap up.

  “What do Hal and Fletcher have to do with it?”

  “Familiars are rare and only choose reapers with… extra skill. And Hal is a powerful porter. One of the most powerful as a matter of fact. That’s why he can transport supernaturals. That makes you the perfect reaper for the job.”

  “Well, those might have been important points to explain to me before now, don’t you think?”

  He gives a noncommittal grunt.

  The urge to tell him what he could do with the job wars with the knowledge that I now have some serious leverage power. If I am the only reaper able to handle these spirits then I should demand more for my services. “Then I suggest you make this job more appealing to me or I’m coming home.”

  “You’re getting a bonus.”

  I don’t reply, letting my silence be my answer.

  After a few seconds he sighs. “Fine, Carron. I will give you a thousand per supernatural soul you reap.”

  My mouth drops open. I hadn’t expected that much. He must really need these souls reaped. I snap my mouth shut, certain he can see or somehow sense my shock. Like I said, I’m not sure Constantine is human. I mirror his sigh, acting as if the offer is barely acceptable. “I’ll do this, but I’m not thrilled about it.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” By his tone I can tell he knows I’m lying. “Anything else?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I think that’s it—for now.”

  “Knock’em dead, Carron.”

  I scowl. “Funny.”

  I end the call and set my phone on the table. Suddenly I’m tired again. Maybe it’s the relief of knowing I’m going to get a big-ass bonus after this job. I’m already at three thousand dollars. Sliding down the headboard, I snuggle into the soft pillow. I hate to admit it but I hope there’s a lot more ghosts on the property, and that we find more gold. My eyelids drift closed. Just a quick nap and I’ll be ready to hit the reaping hard. Besides, it will be hours before Asa wakes up.

  I bolt upright when somebody knocks on the door. It takes a minute for me to get my bearings. I glance at the clock. It’s nearly one in the afternoon. The knock sounds again. “Coming.” The room is dark. I stumble to the door and pull it open. Asa is standing on the other side, looking delicious but still a little tired. “Hey, I must have fallen back to sleep.”

  He smiles and my heart beat quickens. I wonder if he can hear it with his heightened senses. At least, I assume he has über hearing and smell. Maybe even some of that bionic vision. “Good, we’ve got a busy day.”

  I step out of the room. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like the dead.”

  “Ha.” I pull the door closed behind me. “Good one.”

  “It never gets old.”

  “I bet.” We make our way to the stairs. I’m itching to get started and rack up some more bonuses. “So where to first?”

  He places his hand against my lower back as we descend the steps. It feels nice but I school my reaction. “The ski lodge. Hopefully we’ll find Sanji there.”

  “Sounds good.”

  At the bottom of the stairs Asa leads me through the dining room to a small storage room off the kitchen not accessible to the public. We descend a spiral staircase into the basement. “We’ll use the underground tunnels because of the sun.”

  Questions pop into my mind but I don’t ask them. As curious as I am, sometimes less knowledge is better. I follow him down the steps and out another closet into what looks like some kind of massive observation room with half a dozen security monitors. “Wow, who knew all of this was below the inn.”

  “Security is very important due to the nature of our guests.” He skirts a desk. “We wouldn’t want an unsuspecting human wandering on to the property.”

  “Does that happen?” I can’t imagine anybody wandering this far out. The place is nearly inaccessible except by plane.

  “Not often, but there are a few airstrips the hunting guides use. It would take a lot to get here and it did happen this past May.”

  “They wandered on to the resort?”

  Asa’s face sets into a hard mask. “They did a lot more than just wander.”

  He leads us down a hall to a submarine-type door with an electronic keypad. He taps in a code and the door swings outward, exposing a narrow tunnel. I’m not claustrophobic but being underground with a vampire is a little daunting. Lights illuminate the hallway, so at least I’m not maneuvering in the dark. The farther in we travel I see other tunnels branching off the main vein we’re in.

  “This is amazing.” My initial panic turns to awe. “Usually the permafrost wrecks anything underground.”

  “Vivian hired engineers who specialize in Arctic construction.” He turns down another hall. “You can do that when you’ve got the funds.”

  “Must be nice,” I mumble.

  We make another turn and I freeze. “Asa.”

  He stops and looks at me. “What?”

  “Handsome Indian guy about ten yards away.” I point. “He’s…lounging against the wall.”

  Asa looks but of course can’t see him. “Vikram.”

  “Do I need to be worried about this one?”

  “I don’t think so. As vamps go, he was a good one. Well, until he became addicted to Were blood.” Asa digs in his pocket and fishes out a gold piece. “Here, let’s make this quick.”

  Taking the gold, I nod. “Right, quick.” I paste on a smile and slip past Asa. He stays close to me. I assume in case he has to pucker up if this guy decides to possess me. “Hi.”

  The ghost gives a single nod but doesn’t say anything, only watches me.

  “My name is Lisa and I’m a grim reaper.” The introduction sounds stupid but I haven’t come up with anything better yet. “I’d like to help you cross.”

  A serene smile curls the corners of his mouth. “It’s nice to meet you, Lisa. I am Vikram.”

  Some of the tension eases from me. The guy doesn’t appear to be threatening. “Hi, Vikram.” I inch forward. Asa is practically pressed against my back. “Would you like me to help you?”

  “What is he saying?” Asa whispers.

  “We’re just getting to know each other.” I smile at Vikram. “He can’t see you.”

  “Obviously.” The good-looking ghost cocks his head. “I think he likes you.”

  I keep my face passive. “Really?”

  “Yes, he’s been very attentive since you arrived.” His smile spreads. “More than I’ve seen with anybody except Vivian. And of course, he doesn’t have much choice in the matter with her.”

  “He’s just helping me clear the spirits.”

  Vikram’s words make butterflies erupt in my stomach. I want to believe Asa is attracted to me but that might be more ego than reality. “So, what do you think? Can I help you cross?”

  His expression turns contemplative. After a few seconds he says, “Yes, I think I would like that.”

  My eyes widen. “You would?”

  “Yes.” He looks around. “There is nothing more for me here.” He straightens away from the wall. “I am ready for the next big adventure.”

  “Great.” I walk toward him, seriously praying he isn’t drawing me in only to try and possess me. To be on the safe side I reach behind me. Instantly, Asa takes my hand. The connection with him grounds me. “I’ll call my porter and you’ll be on your way.” The ghost nods. “Hal.”

  The pink light appears, elongating and stretching. When the door slides open it takes all my will power not to laugh. Hal is wearing a pink floral tunic, lime green satin harem pants, and gold slippers that curl up at the toes.

  “You’re looking very… colorful today, Hal.” I glance at Vikram, whose eyes are as round as the gold coin I’m holding. “This is Vikram and he’d like to cross.”

  Asa clears his throat and I glance at him. My gaze narrows. “Can you see Hal?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  I don’t know why.
Maybe it’s when he’s touching me. Maybe it’s because he’s pretty close to being dead himself or maybe it’s just a vampire gift. “Takes some getting used to, eh?”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “I assume you have payment, Lady Reaper?” Hal says.

  Well, that’s a new name. I’m sure it won’t be the last. I toss the coin and he catches it with one hand. “Very nice.” He pockets the payment and turns to Vikram. “Your transport awaits, sir. Can I interest you in a turn around the fourth circle of Hell?”

  The ghost scowls. “Thank you for the kind offer, but no.”

  Hal strokes his black goatee, sizing up Vikram. “Perhaps a quick stop in Shangri-La?”

  “That’s not a real place,” I say. If it is, I want to go. Hal’s tendency had always swung toward the circles of Hell. It hadn’t occurred to me there were other places to visit. “Is it?”

  He peers at me over the rim of his purple-tinted glasses. “You will not know until it’s your turn to take a ride.”

  I harrumph but don’t pursue the subject. No way am I getting in that elevator just so I can see one of the most amazing places of myth.

  “That I would like very much,” Vikram says. Without my assistance, he enters the elevator. “Thank you, Lisa Carron. This is a very good thing you’re doing.”

  Pride ripples through me. “You’re welcome, Vikram. Have a happy journey.”

  With that the door slides shut and the light compresses. I blow out a breath. “That was easy,” I say.

  Asa releases my hand and I instantly miss his touch. “I wish they were all like that.”

  “Me too, but let’s not get our hopes up.”

  “Yeah, we still have Emiko to reap.” He veers off down another tunnel. “She’s a nasty piece of work.”

  “Great.” I follow him, completely lost now. I couldn’t find my way out of these tunnels if my life depended on it. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that. “Can’t wait. Maybe we could save her for last.”


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