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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy

Page 7

by A'zayler

  He was trying his best to act normal, but seeing East laughing and smiling at Gabrion had rubbed him the wrong way, and he no longer wanted to go out.

  “I came up here to check on you and found your little trespasser in here going through your pictures and shit.”

  “I wanted to see them. Plus, they’re right there on the desk. I didn’t have to sneak,” East pleaded with a playful smile. “I promise I’m not a trespasser.”

  Killian looked between their two smiling faces but didn’t wear one of his own. He honestly didn’t see the point in joining in on their laughter. That was their joke; he had nothing to do with it.

  “I told her to chill in here. I ain’t tell her to go through my shit.”

  “Oh, so you know this intruder?” Gabrion joked some more.

  Not flirting, really just joking because that was the kind of person he was, but Killian still didn’t like it. His insecurities wouldn’t let him. Gabrion was the type of nigga women liked. East surely would as well.

  Kilian nodded his head toward East. “That’s Jaylen’s cousin I was telling you about.”

  Gabrion paused before looking at East. Her smile was no longer there, and she looked a little apprehensive.

  “Telling him about? What did you tell him?”

  “That you was here.” Killian lied.

  “Oh… okay.” East stood to her feet and ran her hand through her ponytail. “Well, I’ma just head back to Jaylen’s house. I’ll see you around.”

  Killian didn’t even bother to look at her. He continued looking through the things on his desk.

  “Don’t let me interfere with y’all plans. I’m about to dip.” Gabrion had picked up on the notable shift in their atmosphere. “Kill, I’ll catch you at the crib.”

  “Bet.” Killian gave him a pound, and he left.

  East was still at the door, not saying anything, but she hadn’t left yet. When Killian could no longer ignore her presence, he looked up. He could see on her face that she was either sad or angry.

  “What did you tell him about me? And don’t lie and say it was nothing because I know how men are.”

  “You don’t know shit.” Killian’s rude response broke whatever ice that had been built between them.

  “First of all, you nasty bastard, don’t talk to me like that. I asked a question. All you had to do with your mean ass was answer it.”

  “I don’t have to do nothing.” Killian sat on the edge of his desk and looked at her.

  East sucked her teeth and waved her hand dismissively while rolling her eyes. “You’re full of shit, Killian. You purposely said something about you telling him about me so that I would get mad. You knew what the fuck you were doing. And you know what, I’m sick of you. Bye.” East walked toward the door and left.

  Killian sat in the same spot, feeling crabby as hell, but he’d get over it. He’d been there, done that.

  5. Seeing You Differently

  Confident, sexy, and with her head held high, East sauntered her way through the club. The loud music, boisterous crowd, and various vibrations from the bass in the music electrified East’s already brewing uncertainty. It had been forever since she’d been to a club, and the moment she’d walked through the doors of the current one, she had been reminded why.

  There was just way too much going on. From the dancing to the loud talking deejay, there was just too much to focus on at one time. She’d never been fond of too many people in one spot at one time, and that was all the club scene presented. Drinks were everywhere while smoke from the various smoking hookahs in the club floated past her.

  “Why are you looking like that, East?” Sheena yelled to her after tapping her arm.

  “Like what?”

  “You look scared.”

  Sheena and Jaylen looked at her before laughing. East wanted to join in, but she honestly didn’t find anything amusing. Her hands and forehead were sweating, her heels were tied a bit too tight around her ankles, and she had been bumped into by one too many people already. There was absolutely nothing to laugh at.

  “How long y’all want to be here?” East looked from Jaylen to Sheena.

  “As long as it takes for me to find me a man.” Sheena waved her arm in the air as she looked around the room.

  Jaylen’s smile was bright as she snapped her fingers toward Sheena. “Well, that won’t be long, best friend, as fine as you are.”

  East smiled at Sheena as she danced in place. Jaylen was right, it probably wouldn’t be long. Sheena was indeed a pretty girl. She didn’t look better than East nor Jaylen, but she wasn’t lagging far behind. The long sew-in she sported was dark blonde and matched perfectly with her cinnamon colored skin. Her body wasn’t the best, but she had nice boobs and a small waistline that led to all hips and no ass. East could see how men would be attracted to her.

  “What time is Onyx them getting here? I want to sit down.” East whined as her eyes continued to survey the club.

  “East, stop.” Jaylen gave her a stern look.

  “Stop what?”

  “Being a brat. Live a little. The night will be over before you know it.”

  East wanted to argue back with Jaylen but decided not to. Even if she didn’t want to hear it, she was right. East had been pouting and pointing out everything negative since they’d walked in. Maybe she could lighten up a little.


  Jaylen grabbed her arm and kissed her cheek. “Thank you. Sheena, let’s go find y’all a man.”

  Once again, East wanted to object but shut her mouth and just went with the flow. The three of them moved through the club with minimal problems and ended up directly in front of the VIP section before stopping.

  “What’s Bosses Night?” East asked while eyeing the large banner above the first five sections of the VIP area.

  “Bosses Night is when they have all of the self-proclaimed bosses rent out sections and get treated like royalty, basically,” Sheena answered.

  “Is it just for men or women too?”

  “It’s for anybody with money for real. In my opinion, it’s just an easier way to see which niggas are getting paper and which ones aren’t. I love it because I don’t have to waste too much time flirting with niggas that turn out to be broke.”

  East nodded in agreement with Sheena on that one. She hated a broke man who spent all of his time talking your ear off.

  “Well, I guess we stopped in the right place.” East finished their conversation and allowed her eyes to drift toward the sections that were already occupied.

  The majority of them were filled with men while only the last two held women. East checked out all the men in the sections, trying to figure out which ones, if any, were worth her time. None of the men were spectacular looking, but they had bottles and money littering their tables and the floor, so there was obviously something to them.

  “Girl, look at who just walked into a section.” The disgust in Sheena’s voice was so loud that it had East’s head turning immediately.

  She followed Sheena’s finger straight to Killian. He was standing in the middle of his section counting out a stack of money to a short bartender with a big butt. It looked as if she was taking his payment, but the fact that the leotard she had on did nothing to cover the part of her ass that Killian had his hand resting on, East could be certain there was more to that conversation than exchanging money.

  “His broke ass,” Sheena fired off again.

  “Now, you know Killian is anything but broke.” Jaylen snickered.

  “I know, but still.” Sheena joined in on her laughter.

  Much like the rest of the jokes they’d made that night, East found nothing humorous about it. Mainly because she didn’t necessarily care for the way Sheena was dogging Killian. True enough, she had a minor attitude with him as well, but it wasn’t serious enough to talk bad about him. It had been almost a week since they’d had ill words at his gym, and she hadn’t heard from him from that day to the current one.

sp; She was no fool to think they would spark some sort of serious relationship or anything like that just because they’d had sex, but she hadn’t thought the nigga would completely ignore her either. She’d considered texting or calling him a few times since then but stopped herself every time. If he wanted to act like she didn’t exist, she could do the same.

  “Let’s go sit by him. My feet are hurting anyway,” Jaylen offered as she looked between East and Sheena.

  “Hell no. That ugly ass nigga ain’t about to mess up my flow. I need the rest of these men to know I’m single.”

  “That’s enough, Sheena. You ain’t got to do Kill like that,” Jaylen scolded her.

  Sheena rolled her eyes and kept dancing to the music. “Y’all can go ahead. I’ma stay down here.”

  “You want to stay down here with her, or you want to go chill with Killian?” Jaylen questioned East. “Because I ain’t looking for no man, and you been trying to find a seat all night anyway.”

  East thought about it for a minute, trying to decide whether she wanted to face Killian or continue standing on the packed floor with the other partiers. Being that she was tired of being touched by sweaty strangers and eager niggas, it didn’t take her long to make up her mind.

  “I’m going with you.”

  “Don’t get too far, Sheena. Stay where we can see you.”

  “Yes ma’am, mama,” Sheena joked.

  Jaylen pointed at her playfully before grabbing East’s hand and pulling her toward the section Killian was seated in by himself. He was leaned back casually on the large, black sofa cushions with one of his legs stretched out in the walkway and the other kicked up on the table in front of him. One of his arms lined the back of the sofa while the other one scrolled on his phone. East watched him stare at his phone for a few more seconds before he dropped it on his lap and looked around the club.

  His posture was relaxed, and his coolness could be felt a mile away. Killian didn’t look like he had the slightest care in the world as he bobbed his head to the music. The bright red fitted cap resting on his head brought just enough color to his section while the all-black clothing he wore hid him from the rest of the world. The dark skin that had tasted like chocolate in East’s mouth was glistening and tantalizing her with each step she took in his direction.

  As bad as she wanted to fight it off, the attraction she had to him was too strong to hide. She could literally feel it in her bones as she tried to steady herself on her heels. Whether it was the assured way he carried himself, the undeniable swag he had, or the simple fact that his rejection was drawing her, Killian took East’s nerve without even trying. Maybe it was the way he sat alone in his section, unfazed by the solitude surrounding him, or maybe it was because East was a sex deprived lunatic who had been rendered the privilege of knowing what his sex was like.

  The way he moaned, the way he melted after his climax, or the sadistically sexy way he commanded her body with just his words… Whatever it was, it was killing East softly, and she was ready to die. She wished a thousand times on her way to him that he would end her suffering and just fuck her on the sofa of his section while the entire club watched.

  It would surely be magic for the room to see how his head fell back simultaneous with his mouth falling open as he entered her. All the scantily dressed hoes who turned their noses up at him would hit the fucking roof, and if that didn’t do it for them, then East was more than positive the way he grunted and growled in her ear as he climaxed would have even the prettiest bitches in heat. Sheena included with her hating ass.

  “Mr. Too Cool, what’s going on, baby?” Jaylen’s voice snapped East out of her trance.

  That Colgate smile flashed and nearly blinded East. “Ain’t shit, Jay, just chilling. What’s good?” Killian stood to his feet and hugged her.

  His unbelievably white smile was just as large as Jaylen’s, but only for a moment. His disappeared seconds later and was replaced with the routine scowl that he wore any other time. Beneath the neatly groomed eyebrows, Killian’s dark irises switched from Jaylen to East. His eyes went from her strappy red heels, up her toned legs, and paused at her thighs where the short, black dress that she’d had to squeeze in split.

  His eyes danced there for a few seconds before slowly sliding out across his bottom lip. The sight of his lips and tongue together reminded East of the way they’d felt on her body and instantly brought chills. To distract herself from the way he was now ogling her breasts, East ran a hand through her freshly curled hair and exhaled. When his eyes finally met hers, he watched her momentarily before nodding his head once.

  The fuck?

  East’s entire mood dropped. She knew like hell he hadn’t just nodded at her. That nigga didn’t even have the decency to open his mouth and speak. The same mouth he’d had in her deepest valleys and softest treasures. Tuh! That bastard. East was just about to correct him but didn’t have the chance. Killian’s back was now facing her as he swaggered back to his seat.

  “What you doing up in here, Jay? You know this ain’t your type of environment.”

  Jaylen took the seat across from Killian and crossed her legs while East stood. “You know Sheena dragged me out here.”

  Killian sucked his teeth and sat up to grab the bottle of liquor on the table. “I should have known that sac chaser was in the building.”

  “Y’all two really need to get it together.”

  “Fuck her.”

  Jaylen playfully slapped Killian’s arm before giving her attention to East. “You don’t want to sit down?”

  East shook her head. “Nah, I can see better from here.”

  “I’m sure everybody can see better from here. Probably got niggas looking all up under that little ass dress.” The disgust in Killian’s voice had East turning her head in his direction.

  “Nigga, you can’t even open your mouth to give a proper greeting, but you quick to say some slick shit.” East rolled her eyes. “You better shut up talking to me.”

  “Gladly,” he told her before popping the top off the bottle in front of him.

  East rolled her eyes in his direction once more before turning back around to face the crowd. She looked down at the people on the dance floor who were dancing and having a good time wishing she was them. She hated clubs and was hating Killian even more right then. True enough, her dress was short, and if looking hard enough, someone on the bottom floor might have caught of glimpse of her goods, but so. That had absolutely nothing to do with Killian.

  “Killian, do you have to get into it with all of my people? I’m going to be a lonely old lady once you run all of my company off.”

  “You don’t need to be surrounded with them kind of people anyway. They give you a bad look.”

  East bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from going off on him. Killian was a fucking brat and clearly wanted some sort of attention from her that she wasn’t about to give.

  “One is a hoe ass rattlesnake and the other… well, she’s unstable as fuck and acts like she’s desperate for a man.”

  “Fuck you, Killian. I’ll kill your ass,” East fired off, unable to control her tongue.

  Killian’s taunting smile angered her even more. “You already fucked me, remember?” He chuckled to himself.

  Jaylen gasped before she hit Killian again. “Killian, stop it!”

  Killian stood to his feet with his bottle and a cup of ice in his hand. He walked toward where East was standing before stopping next to her and pressing his midsection into the side of her hip.

  “Aye, I’m just calling it like a see it,” Killian spoke with his mouth near East’s ear. “You fucking with me tonight? Or are you waiting on my homeboy?”

  East pushed his head away before he could kiss the side of her face. “Get the fuck away from me.”

  Killian’s laughter prompted East to ball her fists up. If he wanted a fight, then he had the right one. She would go round for round with his ignorant behind and not think twice about it. Whatever he
was on was his business, but he wasn’t going to continue disrespecting her, and that was a fact. Especially when he was trying her on some foolishness. His homeboy? Really? She’d thought that might have been the problem but hearing it for sure only irritated her even more.

  “Why you tripping? This how we deal with each other, right?”

  “Nope, we ain’t dealing with each other at all from now on.” East’s eyes cut in his direction.

  “That ain’t what your mouth said.” Killian winked at her and proceeded down the small set of stairs leading from his section.

  East’s blood boiled with anger as she watched him move through the club, not giving her a second thought. Since he was taller than most people in there, it wasn’t hard for East to keep track of him. The bright red hat kept her attention for a few seconds longer before she turned to sit down.

  Jaylen’s eyes were on her the entire way to her seat. Once she made herself comfortable on the sofa that Killian had been sitting on, East acknowledged her.

  “What Jaylen?”

  Jaylen smiled before shaking her head. “Oh, nothing, cousin.”

  “It’s something, or you wouldn’t be looking at me like that.”

  “I’m looking like this because you’re looking like that.”

  East’s eyes roamed out over the crowd as she absentmindedly ran her hand through her hair. “It’s crazy how different he is.” East sighed. “I mean, when I met him the first night at your house, he was mean as hell, but he came around. Then, while we were…” A smile replaced East’s voice as she did her best not to recall the memory of Killian’s love faces.

  “When y’all were what?” Jaylen scooted eagerly to the edge of the sofa so that she and East were face to face.

  “Heffa, you know.” East grinned from ear to ear.

  “I do, but I want you to tell me.”

  “When we were juicing,”

  “Eww, E! You nasty!” Jaylen’s rambunctious laughter brought an even bigger smile out of East as she stared at her.

  “You’re so pretty, Jay. Like, so freaking pretty.”

  Jaylen’s hand dramatically went to the center of her chest. “Thank you, cousin. You too, and so is Kill.”


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