Book Read Free


Page 9

by SJ McCoy

  He shook his head. It was too early to even think about such a possibility. Yet here he was thinking about it. He didn’t know her, but he felt as though he did. They’d only spent a couple of days hanging out together, but he knew who she was at her core. She was kind, she was practical, she was a devoted mother.

  His phone rang, bringing him back to reality. He hoped it was her, but he doubted it. He’d said he’d call her at lunchtime—since he really needed to catch up with his brothers. They were, after all, supposed to be the reason he was here.

  TJ’s number flashed on the display and Reid smiled to himself as he answered. “Hello.”

  “Shit! If I wasn’t worried enough about you before, now you’re answering your phone like a mere mortal. What’s she doing to you?”

  Reid laughed. “I’m only playing with you. I couldn’t resist. And I suppose I’m stalling too. I couldn’t answer with the most appropriate information to your question because I don’t know what the question might be.”

  “Either that, or you do know the question, and you don’t want to answer.”

  Reid smiled but didn’t say anything.

  “The question is, what’s going on with you and this Tara chick?”

  “You already know. I went for dinner with her on Friday. I spent the day with them yesterday.”


  “And what?”

  “And what’s happening?”

  “I plan to see her again this afternoon.”

  “What about coming over here? I thought you came to visit with Dani and me?”

  “I did, but …”

  TJ chuckled. “Don’t worry. Now I’m playing with you.”

  “You are?”

  “Mostly. I was hoping we’d see you this afternoon. But I’m hardly going to stand in the way of your hot date. If you’d rather spend the afternoon in bed with her, then I’m not …”

  “It’s not like that.” For some reason, Reid needed him to understand that this wasn’t just about sleeping with some hot chick he’d met. “I haven’t even …” Maybe that was too much information.

  “Ah. Sorry. So. What’s the score? What’s going on with the two of you?”

  “I like her. I like her a lot. I like her son, Owen, too. He’s just like I was at his age.”

  “He is? Wow. So, this is serious?”

  “It is. I don’t know how serious it should be after just a few days, but … it feels very serious to me.”

  “Okay. In that case, I’ll stop giving you a hard time. Do you want to bring her over here?”

  Reid thought about that. “No. Maybe in a couple of weeks? It would be hard on Owen, and I don’t want to put them under that kind of pressure. It’ll be easier for everyone when we’ve been together a little longer.”

  “Okay. And you plan on being together a little longer? You’re going to come back to see her?”

  “I am. I plan on us being together a lot longer.”

  “Damn. I’ve never heard you talk like this before.”

  “Neither have I. It’s interesting.”

  TJ chuckled. “Interesting? It’s fascinating. Do you think she’s your person?”

  Reid stared out the window at the LA skyline for a few moments before he answered. “I do.”

  “Awesome. If you were anyone else, I’d tell you to be careful, to take it slow, but with you, I’m going to trust your judgment. You’re smarter than anyone I’ve known. I’m sure you’ll figure out what you’re doing. But remember, I’m here if you want to talk about it. I know that’s not your style, but …”

  Reid smiled. “Thanks, TJ. I might even take you up on that offer. It isn’t my style, but then neither is falling in love.”

  “Shit! That’s what you think you’re doing? In a matter of what, three days?”

  “I know. It sounds crazy. But if you describe most things I do, they sound that way. I’m not crazy; I just work differently.”

  “True, but … I’m going to say it. Be careful. It’s new territory for you. Love can knock you for a loop—and it can hurt like hell, too.”

  “I know. I intend to take it more slowly than I’d like.”

  “Good. So when will we see you?”

  “Tomorrow? I’d like to come to the center. We need to talk about the bus, and I’d like to talk to Daquan again. I didn’t get as much time as I planned on Friday.”

  “Okay, that sounds great. Do you want me to pick you up at the hotel?”

  “Sure, what time?”


  “Okay, see you then.”

  Once he’d hung up, he went to the window and stared out at the city. Was Tara really his person? Something inside him—something that denied logic—insisted that she was. She and Owen were meant to be in his life—he just knew it—and he was meant to be in theirs. But their life was here, and his was up on the island. Would she be open to moving there? Would it be fair to ask her? And was it premature to even consider it? He went through to the bathroom and washed his hands.

  ~ ~ ~

  On Monday morning, Tara went through her usual routine with Owen. She got them both showered and fed, and then they spent some time reading his books. He’d picked up reading very quickly, and she was hoping homeschooling was going to work out for them. She was confident in her abilities as a teacher, but not so much in her ability to keep up with him.

  He set the book down and smiled at her. “Mommy go to work now.”

  She nodded. One of her favorite clients had sent her his latest manuscript over the weekend. She was looking forward to getting started on editing it.

  “When’s Reid coming?”

  She smiled. “I don’t know yet. He’s going to call later.”

  Owen frowned. “When’s he coming?”

  “I told you, Owen. I don’t know.” She’d been afraid of this. Owen was already getting used to seeing Reid every day. He wanted to know that he’d see him today—and at what time.

  He started to rock back and forth. “Want Reid.”

  “And you’ll see him soon.”


  She blew out a sigh. “I don’t know. And you need to be a good boy. Why don’t you carry on reading while I get to work?”

  He scowled at her for a long moment, and she was relieved when he nodded. “Okay.”

  She knew it was only a temporary reprieve. When she stopped for lunch, she knew he’d ask again. She hoped that Reid might call in the meantime and then she’d be able to answer Owen.

  As she set herself up at her computer, she shook her head sadly, wondering if it was all worth it. She couldn’t expect Reid to make arrangements in advance with her, just to keep Owen happy, but at the same time, she couldn’t make Owen live in a state of uncertainty. It was the worst thing for him—and so it was the worst thing for her, too.

  She opened up the book file and tried to focus on it. Usually, her work was her escape, but this morning she couldn’t focus on it. She was too caught up in wondering whether she should tell Reid she couldn’t see him anymore. It wasn’t fair to any of them. But she wanted to keep seeing him. He’d told her he’d come back—not the coming weekend, but the one after. She was already looking forward to it, and he hadn’t even left yet. Perhaps that was another reason she should just call it off. She shouldn’t be wishing her life away, looking past her everyday life with Owen in her eagerness to get to a couple of days with Reid.

  She stared at the screen, not seeing the words in front of her. If she told Reid she didn’t think they should see each other again, Owen would be upset, but wouldn’t it be better to upset him now than to let things go further—to let him get more attached and then have it end in heartbreak for him and for her? She shook her head. It was too soon to decide. Reid had said he saw this as a beginning, that he was investing time in them as an us. What might that look like, if they became an us, if this was something long-term—lifelong even? She smiled at the thought
. She’d love for that to be the case, but it was crazy thinking. They’d only known each other for a few days.

  She needed to get to work and stop wondering about it all. The only thing she could do was decide if she was prepared to take the risk. She was all in for herself. The possible reward of her and Reid ending up together far outweighed the risk of it not working out. But there was Owen to think about. The risk to him was much greater. She shrugged. She’d have to leave it to roll around in the back of her mind while she got on with her work. Her client had asked if she could do this one as quickly as possible, and she didn’t want to let him down.

  When she stopped for lunch, Owen was engrossed in his book. She set his sandwich down beside him, and he looked up with a smile and then continued reading. Usually, she made him come and sit at the table and eat lunch with her, but today it seemed worth letting him carry on. She still hadn’t spoken to Reid, so she’d rather not have to answer Owen’s questions about him.

  She went back and sat down at the little dining table to eat her own sandwich. Her phone rang, and she grabbed it as fast as she could. She was hoping it was Reid, but whoever it was she didn’t want it to ring long enough to disturb Owen.

  It was Nicole.

  “Hey, sis. How’s it going? I’m not disturbing you, am I? Is this your lunch break?”

  “It is.” Tara smiled. She’d trained her sister well. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to check in with you—see what’s happening with you and the sexy billionaire.”

  Tara laughed. “I don’t think he’s a billionaire.”

  “Maybe not, but he must be a multi-millionaire at least. And once you get that rich, what does it really matter? It’s all just numbers once you’ve got more money than you need, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “Well, do you think you’re going to find out instead of just guess?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean what’s going on with the two of you? Is he going to sweep you off your feet and keep you in a style to which you could quite happily become accustomed?”

  Tara laughed. “He’s already swept me off my feet, Nic. He’s wonderful.”

  “Has he literally swept you off your feet? Like, off your feet and into bed.”


  “Aww, I was hoping to get all the steamy details.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but there aren’t any. We’re taking it slowly.”

  “Slowly? I thought he was only in town for a few days? How long do you have left before he goes?”

  “He’s leaving Wednesday morning.”

  “Do you want me to take Owen so you can have some alone time?”

  “No. Thanks. He and Owen get along really well. I told you that.”

  “I know, I was thinking more about you getting some time alone in the bedroom. No matter how well he gets along with Owen, you still need time for the two of you.”

  “I know, you’re right, but …”

  “I can send the girls to Steve’s mom. Owen will do fine if it’s just him and me.”

  “No. Thanks, Nic. I appreciate the offer. But it’s okay.”

  “So, you’re not going to sleep with him?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Are you crazy? Oh … or are you just holding out so that he’ll come back?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Nicole laughed. “I mean if you put out before he leaves, he might have got what he wants and not come back.”

  “No. It’s not like that. He’s not like that. It’s just … well, if this is going to go anywhere, then there’s no rush. And if it’s not, then I’d rather not sleep with him and then say goodbye.”

  “You’re so practical. If I were you, I’d be climbing all over him. I’ve been looking him up online—you landed yourself a hot one, sis.”

  Tara laughed. “He’s gorgeous, isn’t he? And I don’t mind telling you that it’s really hard not to climb all over him. We haven’t done it, but we’ve come pretty close, fooling around.”

  “Now, we’re getting to the truth.”

  “Yeah, I guess we are. If it weren’t for Owen, we probably would have spent the whole weekend getting to know each other in bed.”

  “Damn, girl. And you’re sure you don’t want the chance to before he leaves?”

  “I’m sure I do want the chance, but it’s better to wait. See if he comes back.”

  “Well, you know best. But if you change your mind and you want me to watch Owen tonight or tomorrow night just call me, okay?”

  “Thanks, sis. I will.”

  After she hung up, Tara thought about it. She couldn’t send Owen over there tonight; he was looking forward to seeing Reid. But she could do it tomorrow. She could drop Owen over there and then have Reid spend the night with her before he left on Wednesday morning. It was tempting, but it was wrong. She knew she wouldn’t feel right about it. And when she thought about what Nicole had said, maybe it was better to wait until Reid came back. She’d be so hurt if she slept with him and then didn’t hear from him again.

  Chapter Ten

  “Thanks for everything you’ve done,” said Grace.

  Reid nodded. He hadn’t done nearly as much as he’d planned to while he was here. His whole visit seemed to have been swallowed up by spending time with—or thinking about—Tara and Owen. “I’ll be back the weekend after next. And don’t forget, I’m happy to help with anything you need. Just let me know?”

  “I will, thanks. And … you’re coming back to see Tara?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you think this could be serious?”

  He nodded again.

  They both looked up as the door to Grace’s office swung open, and Oscar came in. “Hey. I’m glad I didn’t miss you. I got tied up at the club.”

  “I wouldn’t leave without at least calling you.”

  Oscar grinned. “Not normally, you wouldn’t, but this isn’t a normal visit, is it?”

  Reid shrugged.

  “You know what I mean. You’ve been spending all your time with Tara and her kid. You didn’t even call Mom on Sunday. You always call Mom on Sunday.”

  Reid sucked in a deep breath. That was right. He did always call home on Sunday. He often spoke to them during the week, too, but Sunday was the day he checked in with his parents no matter what. His mom worried if he didn’t talk to her at least once a week.

  Grace smiled at him. “You’ve had a lot going on.”

  “Yeah, but I should have called her. I need to call her.” He looked at Oscar. “What did she say?”

  “She asked what was going on with you. Of course, she thought I was being a bad influence, possibly holding you hostage so that you couldn’t make it to a phone. I told her you met a woman and that you’ve been far too busy to even hang out with us.”

  Reid didn’t know what to say.

  Grace scowled at Oscar. “Don’t you pick on him.”

  Oscar held both hands up. “I was only playing. You know that, right?”

  Reid nodded. He did, but he still felt a little uncomfortable that he was apparently neglecting his family in order to spend time with Tara and Owen. “I’d better get going. I need to call Mom before I go over to Tara’s.”

  “Are you going to stay the night there, before you leave tomorrow?”

  Reid shook his head. He wanted to, but he had a feeling this evening might be difficult anyway. He had to tell Owen that he wouldn’t see him for the next ten days, and he knew that wouldn’t go down well with the little guy. He didn’t want to risk making things worse if Owen somehow found him in bed with his mom. “No.”

  “Don’t be so nosy.” Grace was scowling at Oscar. “That’s none of your business.”

  Oscar gave him a sheepish grin. “Sorry. I can’t help it. I have high hopes for you.”

  Reid smiled. “No worries. So do I. I need to get going.”

  “Okay, say hi to
Mom for me?”

  Reid rolled his eyes. “I will.”

  When he got back to the hotel, he picked up his phone and then set it down again. He wanted to talk to his mom. He wanted to tell her about Tara and Owen. But at the same time, he was nervous. He’d never talked to her about a girl he was seeing before—he’d never seen the point. He didn’t usually see a woman for long, and even when he did, the relationship usually had a predetermined start and end point—at least in his mind. He was good at assessing the qualities and flaws people had—and he knew himself very well, so he could tell how long he’d enjoy a woman’s company before he needed to end it—or before he started to get on her nerves by being the way he was. It was difficult for most women to be with him. Like Dani had said, women wanted a man to understand their feelings. Not only that, they usually wanted him to anticipate and help them deal with their feelings, too. That was exhausting for him.

  It was different with Tara. She wasn’t looking to him to help her manage herself. She was too busy managing Owen. She’d carved out a niche for herself in life and was busy living it and making the best she could for herself and her son. She wasn’t looking to him to make things better for her—emotionally or financially. But he knew he could make things better for her—for her and Owen, and he wanted to. He picked up his phone again.

  His mom was the one who’d helped him find ways to live in the world. He wanted to do the same for Owen, and he knew he could use his mom’s help. He had a feeling she’d be able to help Tara, too. He smiled as he dialed her number and waited. She’d be able to help her, and she’d probably fall in love with her.

  “Reid! I was getting worried about you, darling.”


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