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Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3)

Page 5

by Nellie C. Lind

How dared she touch Blaze again?

  The medic cyborg moved instantly away. “I don’t recommend touching me. You’re making him angrier. You belong to him, and touching another cyborg is forbidden. He won’t hurt you, but I might get a broken bone or two from just being too close to you. He’s in a primitive state, and for him to gain control again, you must seal the bond.”

  She remained where she was, just staring. Ready to flee.

  Ready to abandon him.

  Silver roared and pulled harder to get free.

  “That’s it!” Nightmare groaned as he tried to hold him. “Celise, bring that chair here.”

  From the corner of his eye, Silver saw the doctor obey.

  She approached them with the chair the leader had beckoned and backed away just as fast.

  “Hold him!” Nightmare ordered Wind as Silver was forced down on the chair. “Blaze, the chains.”

  “I’m on it.”

  No! Not again!

  Silver pulled harder, as the medic hurried to a drawer and grabbed a couple of heavy chains. He recognized them.

  They were used on Fighters who needed medical care but were a danger to themselves or others.

  He was just that.

  They meant well, but his bond didn’t care. The chains would stop him from going to Faye, and that was pure torture.

  He managed to free one arm with a roar, but Nightmare was on him, grabbing him, forcing his hand behind his back as Wind and Blaze tied the chains around his wrists.

  Frustration filled Silver and he let out another roar.

  “There.” The leader exhaled, drying the sweat from his forehead. He glanced at Faye. “You’d better seal the bond. We don’t have more time for this bullshit. We need to find a way to delete the bond from all the cyborgs, but instead, I’m here, playing around with this nonsense.”

  She didn’t move, but the anger in her eyes was unmistakable. Her fear was slowly fading away.

  “We’re leaving,” Nightmare went on. “I’d wish you luck, but it’s not my thing.” He headed for the door.


  Blaze and Nightmare left the room.

  A big lump filled Faye’s throat as the door closed behind them.

  Only Wind and Celise remained.

  The doctor grabbed her hands. “Don’t worry. We won’t be far away. Just call if you need us.”

  She frowned. “You know he can snap my neck before I even get the chance to scream, right?”

  Her friend gave her an understanding smile. “He doesn’t want to snap your neck, Faye.”

  Faye snorted. “I’m not sure I like your new attitude.”

  Celise just kept smiling as she and Wind left the infirmary.

  Silence filled the room as the double doors closed behind them.

  She slowly turned back to Silver. She swallowed. His stare was intense.

  His starving gaze took her in, and it was like he was devouring her with his eyes.

  She tensed but didn’t look away. Something about him was different. The cocky Silver seemed hidden away somewhere, but he’d return once the bond was sealed, without a doubt. Right now, the need to seal the bond was overpowering him.

  It was written all over his face.

  Faye winced when he jerked his arms, but the chains didn’t release him. Nightmare, Wind, and Blaze had done a good job.

  She relaxed.

  Silver wouldn’t jump her any time soon.

  Faye dared to take a few steps closer. “Are you … feeling better?”

  He studied her for two short seconds. Then he shifted on the chair, pressing his hips upward.

  Unintentionally, her gaze lowered to his groin, and she didn’t miss the big bulge he was sporting.

  Her lower parts clenched from need at the sight.

  There really was no way out of this, after all. She had to bind him to her but doing it the Nightmare-way didn’t sound too appealing.

  Some small part of her had hoped the second flash would’ve been enough, but it’d only been wishful thinking.

  Two would never be enough. He’d be bound to her by now if he hadn’t lost consciousness.

  “Yeah, I see what’s going on with you.”

  “Come here.” His voice was dark.

  Faye remained where she was.

  Silver inhaled deeply and flashed his teeth. “I won’t hurt you.”

  She snorted. “Really? You look like you want to tear me to pieces.”

  His breathing became harsher. “It’s because I’m so damn aroused it hurts. Only you can ease it.”

  A pinch of guilt filled her, even if she’d promised herself not to feel guilty ever again because of this situation, but it made her move closer.

  Her heart thundered. A part of her wanted to run away, but the other part was curious. It wanted to touch him, to explore him, and take her fill of him.

  It’d been a while since she’d been with a man, and Silver was one of the most attractive men she’d ever seen.

  She wanted him.

  But Faye didn’t trust him.

  Everything about him shouted for her to stay away. His anger killed her desire the most. “I have no idea how I’m supposed to do this. I don’t want to take you when you’re tied to the chair, but I also don’t want to release you. I doubt you’ll listen to me or be careful. You’ll jump me the first chance you’ll get and have your way with me.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re my bound one. I’ll never do anything to hurt you or go against your wishes.”

  She frowned. “You expect me to believe that?”

  Silver sighed. “I can’t go against your wishes when it comes to you and your body, but I can go against your decisions. As my bound one, it’s my duty to love you, cherish you, and always be there for you. To always love you and … die for you.” The last words left his mouth in a cold bark.

  Faye blinked. “I’ll never expect you to die for me.”

  “Well, sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart, but that’s part of the bond, whether you like it or not.”

  Some part of her had simply chosen to ignore it. Faye took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Look. I never wanted a cyborg. You know why we’re stuck in this situation, and let’s not turn it into something else. I’ll bind you to me, all right? After that, we can … you know … live our lives separately.” She winced when the anger in his eyes intensified.

  “Just do it,” he growled. Silver’s chest rose and sank fast, and his forehead glistered from perspiration. His knuckles were fisted, and his lips were a thin line while his shining cyborg eyes were still fixed on her. At least, they weren’t shining as intensely anymore.

  She didn’t doubt this was also putting a lot of strain on him, but she’d hoped, even if she wasn’t very fond of him, that the second kiss had somewhat eased his pain. “So … how do you want to do this?” She took a nervous step closer.

  He frowned. “Don’t tell me you’re a virgin.”

  “What? No. I’m not.”

  “Good. Then you know how to fuck. Get undressed and help me out of my pants.”

  Faye restrained herself from punching him. Instead, perched her hands on her hips and glared. “If you keep acting this mean, I’ll walk out of the room, and you’ll be left like this.”

  Silver snorted. “No, you won’t.”

  No, she wouldn’t, but he didn’t need to know that.

  Besides, Nightmare scared her enough to stay. “You obviously don’t know me.” She whirled and headed for the door with determined steps.

  He gasped behind her. “All right! I’ll behave. Just get on with it.”

  She grinned as she approached again but kept her distance. Faye almost wanted to pet him on the head just to piss him off even more, but she restrained herself. “Fine, but no more touching than necessary.” She couldn’t believe she’d just said that when all she wanted was to consume him with touches and kisses, but it was for the best.

  They had no relationship.

  They had nothing.<
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  Only a bond that would be gone soon anyway.

  At least, she hoped so. It would be a disaster if it took years for Nightmare and Celise to find the answer.

  Worst-case scenario—they never found it.

  She’d be stuck with Silver for the rest of her life. Sure, she was attracted to him, but would she ever be able to fall in love with him?

  He’d always love her. Without her love, which was essential, it would slowly destroy him.

  Their future looked dark.

  And yet …

  There was something about him, something that pulled Faye in, allured her to him.

  Her fingers trembled as she slowly approached him. Anticipation filled her whole body as she reached for him, and her heart skipped a beat when her hand touched his shoulder.

  That part of her that told her to stay away, that he’d hurt her, slowly became more and more silent.

  She had to give him a chance, at least try to trust him. Silver deserved at least that much from her.

  His gaze never left hers as she placed her hand against his cheek, but when he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch, a funny feeling grabbed her.

  Faye held back the gasp that wanted to escape her mouth, but she was unable to stop her fingers from trembling.

  His complete exhaustion was obvious in his surrendered expression. He didn’t want to fight even if he didn’t want this. The bond wasn’t giving him any other choice.

  She could barely imagine what he was going through.

  Deep down, it stung. Knowing Silver was falling deeper and deeper in love with her with each flash.

  It made her recall what Nightmare had told her several weeks ago in the house where they’d tried to remove Shade’s bond to Phoebe.

  He’d said Silver would love her deeply, but he would hate her for it.

  “The feelings are becoming real, aren’t they?” Her voice was filled with compassion.

  Silver’s eyes were still closed, and he kept his head against her hand, as if he couldn’t get enough of her touch. “Yes,” he mumbled. The fatigue in his voice was deep.

  Faye took a breath and nodded.

  It was time.

  She couldn’t postpone this anymore.

  With trembling hands, she grabbed her pants and shoved them down her legs, along with her panties. When the air in the room touched her naked skin, she held her breath with a pounding heart. Luckily, her shirt was long enough to hide her sex from Silver’s gaze.

  His gaze shot to her lower parts. He pulled on the chains, the eagerness in his eyes grew and slowly devoured her.

  When he licked his lips, Faye shivered. Some part of her wanted him to lick her instead, to use his tongue on her and bring her to amazing new heights, but nothing like that was going to happen today, or ever.

  This was going to be the only time they touched.

  After that, they’d go separate ways, bond or no bond.

  And yet, her hands twitched, longing to touch him …

  She shook her head.

  No, she’d only make his eyes flash a third and final time, and that would be it.

  “You’re really going to do this?” Suspicion lingered in his voice, but his chest rose and sank fast.

  “Of course.”

  Silver raised an eyebrow. “Really? You’ve been protesting pretty loudly until now.”

  “I’m taking responsibility.” She leaned down and grabbed his belt. “Now, lift your hips.”

  He didn’t object as she unbuttoned his belt and pants.

  Faye froze.

  She hadn’t been with a man for a long time, and Silver was one of the few men that’d made an impression on her, both good and bad.

  He was so attractive, with his blond hair, strong face, and shining eyes, that she was almost unable to look away. She just wanted to stare at him, enjoy his beauty, and get her fill of it.

  Whoever Claire, his late bound one, had been, she’d created an attractive cyborg with the features of a model. That wicked and teasing gaze in his almond-shaped eyes was just what Faye needed. It’d sparked her interest, and the inner strength he radiated wasn’t so bad either.

  Right now, she didn’t care that he could also be mean and unfriendly. She just wanted him to flirt with her the way he’d done when they met at MedAct for the first time.

  She wanted to see his grin again. She wanted his eyes to spark with excitement when he looked at her, but instead, she saw a great mix of anger and passion.

  Passion because his bond desired her.

  Anger because he was given no other choice.

  Her heart clenched. Some part of her ached. Some part of her wanted him to love her … for real.

  “What are you waiting for?” Silver’s voice was dark and filled with frustration. He moved his hips on the chair, trying to get her to respond.

  Faye winced as reality grabbed her, and she pulled down his pants.

  His cock instantly jerked straight up, and she stared.

  “Wow. You’re impressive.” She swallowed.

  He gave her an angry grin. “I know.”

  She snorted. There definitely was nothing wrong with his self-esteem.

  That made hers spark an inch as she remembered who she had in front of her.

  Two could play the game.

  Faye leaned down so that they were face to face, looking him straight in the eyes.

  Silver leaned closer, most likely impulsively, and aimed for her lips.

  She pulled back a few inches. “As little touching as possible, remember?”

  He flashed his teeth. “I really don’t care right now.” He shot forward again, and this time, managed to press his lips against hers before she got the chance to get away.

  An instant warm feeling filled her, igniting every nerve ending in her body. The touch of his kiss lingered on her mouth, and it was almost impossible to resist the impulse to wrap her arms around him.

  The kiss froze her in place, and when Silver went in for another, she didn’t protest.


  It felt too good to feel him this close, to hear him moan as he took what he craved, and all Faye could do was kiss him back.

  Silver pulled the chains in an attempt to get free. Maybe he wanted to wrap his arms around her, but she was in no hurry to release him.

  The key lay on the table next to them, and it would remain there.

  Without breaking the kiss, she straddled him and wrapped her arms around him. She felt the strength in his big muscles.

  Cyborgs were a lot stronger than humans, and even if a flinch of fear swept over her, he wouldn’t hurt her.

  She was his bound one, after all.

  His huge body was almost too much, but in a way, she liked it. Faye had just never had anything to do with a man like him before.

  He was taller than most human men, and big in every possible way. Even her thighs were smaller than his biceps, and his hands were almost twice as big as hers.

  The image of his hands sent a pleasurable shiver through her.

  Only imagine what he could do with those hands.

  Parting her legs made her feel vulnerable, especially when air hit her sex and his cock grazed her naked skin.

  She was more than ready for him and was unable to stop from pressing closer to him.

  Faye’s fingers tingled. She wanted to open his shirt, enjoy the view of his naked body, and touch him all over, but it was a need she held back.

  She’d never felt like this before. Every part of her was filled with excitement, need, and desire. It made her want to forget everything around them, even the reason as to why they were doing this, and just enjoy him.

  The rustle of chains filled the room once again, and she didn’t miss how tense his muscles were.

  Silver’s fists were white, but his wrists were red from all the pulling. He moved around on the chair, trying to get her closer to his cock. He panted, almost hissed, and let out a pained groan.

  His hunger made her h
ead spin, as he showered her with intense and wet kisses. The shine in his eyes was almost as intense as it’d been before.

  Faye knew what it meant.

  His bond was waiting for the last and final flash.

  He would soon be hers.

  Just a little bit more and he’d be bound to her.

  Would it be for good?

  Hopefully not.

  She trusted Celise. Her friend, Nightmare, and Blaze would find the answer. The bond would eventually be removed.

  Faye’s chest tightened.

  Why did that leave an unpleasant feeling in her chest all of a sudden?

  She raised her gaze and met his.

  Passion was written all over his face and drops of sweat ran down his cheek. Silver even trembled. He couldn’t wait anymore. “Do it. Do it now. It feels like I’m going to die if you wait any longer.” His voice was raspy, shaky, and filled with need so great it made her throat tighten.

  Faye could only nod as she wrapped her small fingers around his cock.

  A loud hiss left his mouth and he leaned his head against her shoulder as she gently stroked him. He jerked beneath her, and he twitched in her hand.

  It put a smile on her lips as her own sex clenched from need.

  The desire to set him free became greater. She wanted nothing more but to have his arms around her, to be under him as he pumped hard and fast inside her.

  She wanted to listen to the way he sounded as he filled her, but yet again, she restrained herself. Who knew how he’d behave once she set him free.

  Silver seemed gone in his own mind, blinded by his maddening lust.

  Faye took a deep breath and raised herself, lingering over his cock for a short moment before she lowered her body, slowly allowing him to enter her.

  A moan left her mouth when he stretched her, inch by inch. It hurt a little bit because of his size, but she quickly adapted, and even if his need made him tremble, Silver remained still, allowing her to take her time. She hadn’t expected that, but it made her trust him a tiny bit more.

  Eventually, she sat on his lap with him filling her completely. She’d never felt this full before. It was an amazing sensation, and she could do nothing but listen to her needs, and slowly start moving on him.

  Slowly … up … and down.

  He tilted his head back. His eyes were closed, and his mouth slightly open.


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