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Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3)

Page 6

by Nellie C. Lind

  It was an erotic sight that made her sex clench, and Faye could no longer hold back the burning inside her.

  Time and space disappeared. There was only them, only a passion so high it drove them to new levels.

  She held on to him with desperation as her bottom slapped against his legs over and over again.

  The sounds of their lovemaking filled the air, and she didn’t give a damn if anyone heard them.

  Neither did Silver, apparently. He was almost screaming each time she came down on him.

  It only drove her desire wilder, and eventually, her body took over.

  Her legs started to hurt, but she couldn’t stop. She’d have an awful muscle ache once all of this was over, but it’d be so damn worth it. Faye grabbed his biceps and shouted as she came.

  Silver trembled beneath her, and a bright light filled the room as he roared.

  She felt the heat from his release, and for some reason, she liked it more than she’d expected. She grinned and looked at him.

  Sweat covered his forehead, and his breathing was rapid, but he remained still for a long moment, just staring at the ceiling, before he finally met her gaze. He looked just as exhausted as she felt.

  His eyes didn’t shine as strongly as before. Now, they looked like regular cyborg eyes. “You have really beautiful eyes,” she said.

  Silver didn’t answer. Instead, he rested his forehead against her chest.

  Faye winced. She hadn’t expected that. “What’re you doing?”

  “I just need to be close to you for a while.” His voice was low and filled with sadness.

  “I thought you didn’t want that.”

  “I don’t, but my bond does.”

  She swallowed.

  Of course.

  She barely dared to move as he pressed himself closer. She didn’t doubt he would’ve wrapped his arms around her if he’d been free.

  Faye should move away. They’d agreed to not touch each other, and to stay away from each other once the bond was in place, but some part of her wanted to stay like this.

  Feeling the heat of his body against her was soothing. Deep down, it calmed her and made her long for more.

  She licked her lips and raised her arms to wrap them around him but froze. Should she?

  “Hold me,” Silver begged with barely a whisper.

  Faye winced again, but did as he asked. Insecurity sang inside her as she placed her arms on his back, not really hugging him, barely touching him. Her heart ached, and tears gathered in her eyes.

  Silver’s resignation was obvious. He loved her now, but he’d never forgive her for it.

  “I should’ve never kissed you,” she said, and her words trembled.

  He pressed his cheek closer to her chest. “No, you shouldn’t have.”


  Stepping inside the gathering room left her with a weird feeling, especially when everyone turned and stared at her.

  Faye swallowed. She usually had no issues with attention, but this time it was too much, especially when the reason for such rapt attention stood right behind her. Silver’s presence swarmed her as if he was her shadow.

  Everyone knew what they’d done, and everyone could surmise how it’d ended, since Silver was free from his chains and his eyes shone the way regular cyborg eyes did.

  She cleared her throat and entered the room. “What’re you doing?”

  All the cyborgs were gathered around a man who was tied to a chair.

  Even Edge and Heaven were there, two Fighters she wasn’t too comfortable with. The way Edge looked at her, and Heaven’s emotionless eyes made her feel uneasy.

  Usually, Faye enjoyed men shooting her that desire-filled look that Edge gave her, but the cyborg’s eyes had a coldness to them. A frigid chill that made her shiver on the inside.

  The man on the chair stared ahead with an empty, but shiny gaze. His eyes shone the way Silver’s had just moments ago. His dark hair hung down his shoulders and was in a desperate need of a comb.

  Faye stilled. “I’ve seen him somewhere.”

  “Of course, you have,” Nightmare said with a cold voice. “You saw him before I brought you to Silver a few days ago.” He eyed her new cyborg, as if to make sure he was fine, but the caring glimpse in his eyes faded fast and he focused on the restrained cyborg again. “This is Sphere, if you recall. We’re trying to find a way to save him.”

  There were other Fighters in the room, but they didn’t pay much attention to what was going on. “Why in here?”

  “Because the infirmary was occupied, now wasn’t it?” The leader’s gaze darkened, but he wore a smirk.

  Faye cleared her throat and approached Celise and Wind, who also stood next to Sphere.

  Silver followed her without a word.

  What could he be thinking? After she’d bound him to her, she’d set him free from the chains.

  Silver hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t even looked at her, but his resignation had been obvious as they’d cleaned themselves.

  She’d wanted to say something but had been silent instead, because there were no words in the entire world that could bring him comfort.

  Celise gave her a smile. “How’re you feeling?”

  “I’m fine.”

  The doctor looked at Silver. “And you? Do you want me to give you something?”

  He just glared and continued with his silent-treatment.

  Faye wanted to sigh, but kept it in. The tension in the room said this was a bad time for her usual reactions.

  She had no idea how to handle Silver, or what to do with him now. They’d agreed to stay away from each other once the bond was in place, but that was before.

  Things were different now. He was angry, but at the same time, he stayed near her … very near.

  She studied the tied Fighter. “Have you done something to him? He isn’t wild anymore.”

  “I’ve given him something to calm him,” Celise answered.

  Heaven and Blaze started untying the cyborg.

  “What’re you doing?” Faye took a step back, bumping into Silver’s wide chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her, tugging her closer.

  She squeaked and jerked away, her heart pounding. His touch re-awakened the heat in her body. It spread around her like a warm blanket, but the last thing she needed was everyone seeing that.

  Faye didn’t miss the glimpse of sadness in Silver’s eyes as she moved away.

  “We’re setting him free,” Blaze answered.

  She gasped. “But, he’s dangerous. He was ready to jump me when he saw me.”

  “The meds Celise gave him have put him at ease for a while. We need to find out why he isn’t reacting to Nightmare’s signal like the rest of us.”

  Faye studied the Fighter again.

  He stood up with Blaze and Heaven on each side of him. His gaze was fixed on the floor, and he barely blinked. His head hung slightly to the side.

  Celise attached cords to his head and approached a tall, slim machine next to her. There were buttons everywhere and a screen filled with text and numbers that made no sense to Faye.

  The doctor pushed three buttons and returned to watching Sphere. Tension decorated her cute features.

  A short silence lingered in the gathering room.

  All eyes were set on the cyborg as they waited.

  When Sphere finally took a deep breath, everyone seemed to relax.

  He blinked, straightened his head, and looked around as his gaze focused. Confusion shone in his eyes. “What’s this? What’s going on?”

  Celise smiled. “My name’s Celise. I’m a doctor, and I’m here to help you with Blaze, Nightmare, and the others. Do you know where you are?”

  The attractive cyborg frowned, but then nodded. “I’m at the Fighters’ Headquarters.” He eyed her. “Do you work for MedAct?”

  “I do, but MedAct doesn’t know I’m helping you and the other Fighters. They don’t know I know about the bond.”

ightmare squeezed Sphere’s arm. “You can trust her.”

  “We don’t have much time,” Celise said. “I’ve restored your mind, but it’ll only last for a few minutes before you’ll be lost to the bond’s grip again. We’ve been trying to find a way to help you, but Nightmare’s signal isn’t working on you, and we can’t figure out why.”

  “I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’ll answer your questions.” Sphere nodded to himself, as if he was deciding to trust her after all. “I’m not sure why Nightmare’s signal isn’t working on me, but I do have a suspicion.”

  “Please, tell us.” Stress lingered in Celise’s eyes as she glanced at the clock on the wall. “Two minutes or less left.”

  “My bond got damaged before my bound one died.”

  A loud gasp went through the room.

  Faye’s jaw dropped. She knew enough about cyborgs to know that it was the first time anyone had ever heard that.

  Blaze stopped in front of the Fighter, his eyes wide. “How’s that possible?”

  “She abandoned me.”

  Wind inhaled. “That’s one thing a bound one is forbidden to do.”

  “Yes,” Sphere said. “And she was punished by MedAct for it. They put her in prison, but she committed suicide a few months later. When I heard of her death, I realized what the bond really was, when it tried to kill me, and I ran. Nightmare found me and tried to help me with his signal.”

  Faye’s heart was filled with sadness for Sphere, but also anger for his late bound one. Every woman who signed up for a cyborg knew they could never abandon the cyborg.

  She remembered her friend, Phoebe talking about it. The teachers at MedAct had nagged about it every day; so much that it got stuck in her head.

  Faye glanced at Silver.

  Their situation was different, but was she abandoning him? They’d agreed to stay away from each other once the bond was set, but Silver didn’t seem too fond of the decision.

  She hadn’t created him. She wasn’t his first bound one. She was just someone who’d kissed him to save Phoebe’s cyborg, Shade from being killed. But …

  She and Silver had to stay together, at least until Celise, Nightmare, and Blaze could remove the bond safely.

  The last thing she wanted was Silver’s death on her conscious. Sure, he was a bastard with a cocky attitude, but he didn’t deserve to die, and right now, the Silver she was used to seemed far away.

  They needed a clear communication to make this work, but what if they never succeeded?

  He loved her but didn’t seem interested in getting to know her.

  Blaze placed his hand on Sphere’s shoulder. “What do you want us to do?”

  Determination filled the cyborg’s gaze. “Don’t let me die. Don’t let my life be in vain.”

  The medic nodded. “We’ll do our best.”

  “Find me a new bound one if you must,” Sphere said. “Just don’t let me die.”

  Blaze stilled. “Are you sure you want that, considering what you’ve been through?”

  He nodded sharply. “Yes. I’ve no idea how she succeeded with all the tests to become a bound one, but there are few like her out there. Another bound one will be nothing like her.”

  “As you wish.”

  Celise pushed a button on the machine. “Ten seconds.” She glanced at Sphere. “I’ll put you in a coma until we know how to help you. That way, you won’t feel any more pain.”

  Sphere nodded. “Thank you.” He smiled. There was sincerity and hope in his beautiful cyborg eyes, but a short moment later, his eyes glazed over, and his head slumped to the side.

  The doctor injected something into his arm and turned to the rogue leader and medic cyborg. “He’ll need an injection of this every day to stay under, but we can’t keep him sedated more than just a few weeks. It will become dangerous after that.”

  “Let’s examine his bond thoroughly first, and see if there’s something you can do,” Blaze told her. “If not, we’ll have to find a bound one for him.”

  Faye moved closer. “Where are we going to that?”

  Every part of her wanted to save the poor cyborg. He deserved so much better.

  “That’s a question for another time,” Celise said. “Let’s take a look at his bond first. Blaze prep the infirmary. Faye and I will get ready for the examination.”

  She almost jumped out of her own skin. “Me?”

  Celise smiled. “You wanted to learn, didn’t you?”

  Everyone smiled at her.

  Even Nightmare, strangely enough, but all Faye could do was stare as disbelief sang inside her.

  Sure, she wanted to learn, but wasn’t this a little bit overboard?


  Faye exited the infirmary unable to suppress a wide yawn. Her feet ached, her back hurt, and she could barely keep her eyes open.

  This had been the most mind-blowing day of her life. First, she’d bound Silver to her, then listened to Sphere’s story, and the rest of the day, she’d spent in the infirmary with Celise, Blaze, Nightmare, and Wind, trying to find what was wrong with Sphere’s bond, but so far, no success.

  Even Sense and Phoenix had come by from time to time.

  Edge and Heaven had stayed away, even Silver, but she’d tried not be bothered by him.

  He’d stayed in the gathering room without a word.

  Why? Maybe he’d had a lot to process after the bonding.

  Instead, she’d focused on memorizing everything Celise had taught her. It’d been a challenge, but now, Faye’s head was filled with numbers, procedures, medical terms, and anatomical differences between humans and cyborgs.

  She pulled a hand through her hair and yawned again. She longed for her bed, and to rest beneath the softest sheets she’d ever slept with.

  The world was wrong about the Fighters. They weren’t the dirty monsters the media claimed them to be.

  Everything about this place screamed cleanliness and organization with its white walls, bright lights, and lack of dust.

  The sheets were her favorite thing about her sterile-looking room, and taking them home was tempting.

  Nightmare knew what he wanted with this place, and the other Fighters followed without doubting or questioning him. So many were broken one way or another because of the bond, and yet, they managed to keep things together and trust each other.

  The rogue leader was the first cyborg. He was the oldest, and even if Faye didn’t like him much, she couldn’t help but be curious about his story. She only had knowledge of the few things he’d mentioned at the abandoned house a few weeks ago.

  He was one of four cyborgs who’d been created by Doctor Carolyn Williams. She’d treated them like slaves and test subjects, which had resulted with the cyborgs rebelling.

  Nightmare was the only one who’d survived, and as punishment, Carolyn bound him to herself.

  The leader had claimed he hadn’t been bound to Carolyn until later. The bond hadn’t existed when he’d been created.

  A few weeks ago, a statement like that would’ve made her laugh.

  Today, Faye didn’t doubt the bastard.

  She wasn’t fond of him, but that was another story. He was too big, dark, and scary for her. Usually, she didn’t mind a strong and cocky personality, but Nightmare was it in a serious and dangerous way that didn’t appeal to her.

  What had Carolyn been thinking when she’d created him? What type of woman created a cyborg like Nightmare willingly?

  Cyborgs had never interested Faye, and she’d never taken the time to learn more about them. Now, she regretted that. Any knowledge about them and their past would’ve come in handy now. It would’ve helped her understand them—Silver—better.

  Most of the Fighters seemed to like her, but at the same time, most of them held their distance. At least she’d made friends with Phoenix and Sense.

  Then there was Edge.

  It was obvious he didn’t like her. He’d never said a single word. Instead, he always stared with an angr
y glare.

  He was attractive, with light brown hair and masculine facial features. Short and slim for a cyborg, but he seemed fast and self-assure. And yet, there was something creepy about him, something that sent shivers down her spine.

  The thought of Edge filled her with unpleasant feelings. Honestly, he was the only Fighter she stayed away from. Heaven at least didn’t give her the chills the way Edge did.

  She respected that the others wanted to keep their distance. Even if she was bound to Silver now, it was difficult for them be near her. She was a woman after all.

  With a deep sigh, she turned the corner.

  Just a few more feet, and she’d be in her room. Even if the white and long hallways were like a labyrinth, she’d learned her way around now. She pulled the key from her pocket.

  Without warning, an arm snaked around her waist.

  Her scream was muffled when a masculine hand smashed against her lips.

  The key fell to the floor, making a loud clang.

  Her heart went into a frenzy when she was pressed against someone’s fit chest. Whoever was holding her was strong.

  Too strong for her to fight off.

  “Don’t move. Be silent. If you want to live, you’ll do as I say.” The voice was cold and filled with threatening promises.

  Faye turned her head as much as she could. She had to know who was doing this. A small part of her hoped it was just a bad joke, but the firm grip around her waist and the threatening voice dashed her hope.

  She bit back a second scream when recognition hit.


  He wasn’t playing around. Hatred and anger radiated from his shining eyes. His grip on her face tightened.

  Faye squeaked. Pain surged through her as his fingers squeezed her jaw; she feared her bones would break. Agony made her head spin.

  She grabbed his hand, desperately trying to shove it away, but Edge didn’t budge.

  Cyborgs were stronger than humans, but she’d never expected this.

  Her eyes teared and she started to tremble. She wriggled in his arms. “Do you understand what I mean?” he hissed in her ear. “I can break you into pieces without even trying. You’re like a fragile leaf in my hands, and you’ll be dead long before anyone even manages to reach you.”


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