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Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)

Page 13

by Meghan Quinn

  It sounded like she was burned before by a tourist, which made sense why she wouldn’t want to get involved with him but Booker thought he made it quite clear that he had no intentions of leaving and if he had to he would easily be able to come back. He had more money in his bank account then he could spend in a lifetime so if he wanted to fly coast to coast every day, he could.

  He thought about that for a second. He was getting way ahead of himself. He was acting like they were engaged or something, flying coast to coast? He shook his head. He needed to focus on scoring another date right now, not figuring out some kind of long distance relationship because right now their relationship consisted of an amazing one night stand.

  Tonight was the Halloween party at the pub, he already talked to Mary Margaret and Carlin about the party and they pretty much didn’t take no for an answer when he decided he didn’t want to go. He was going to go at first to be closer to Fiona but after what happened the other night and remembering that she was dressing up as with Murphy, the visual helped him change his mind to not going. The O’Learys could care less though so now he found himself looking at the pirate outfit Mary Margaret gave him to wear. He was going to look ridiculous.

  He thought about sneaking out of town for the night before Mary Margaret and Carlin could catch him but then facing them the next morning wouldn’t be on the top of his list of fun things to do so he decided to stick it out. Plus a part of him had to see Fiona, he had to see her in her costume just so he could torture himself. Who knows, maybe he will meet another girl, someone better than Fiona…fat chance. Fiona ruined him, he would never be able to look at another girl the same way again.

  He was about to hop in the shower when his phone started to ring. He looked at the caller ID and noticed his sister was calling him.

  “Hey B.”

  “Hey Book, how’s it going out there in good old Warblers Point?” It was so good to hear her voice. He felt like all the tension that he had been carrying around lately was slowly oozing out of his body.

  “Eh, it’s alright, it was great a couple of nights ago.”

  “Uh oh, trouble in paradise?”

  Laughing he said, “I wouldn’t exactly call this paradise, sis. More like the arctic tundra, minus the snow.”

  “Is it really that cold?”

  “It is for my California bones.”

  “What’s the temperature?”

  Booker thought about it for a second. “I think it was forty degrees today.” He heard Blaire laughing on the other end of the phone. “What’s so funny? That’s cold, compared to eighty and sunny every day.”

  “Book, wait till it gets to be about ten degrees with a wind chill. That’s when I expect your little vacation will end. You aren’t very manly when it comes to cold weather.”

  “What constitutes as being manly?”

  “Not complaining about forty degree weather.”

  Booker was irritated with her little snarky comment but knew she was just pulling his leg. Still after the sting of Fiona’s words he felt a little more sensitive at the current moment. Crap, maybe he was starting to lose his man card. Damn Fiona!

  “Are you calling just to get a rise out of me or is there a purpose for this phone call?”

  Blaire chuckled on the other line. “Can’t a girl just call her brother and see how he’s doing? How his new look is working out?”

  Booker didn’t like the tone of her voice, she wanted something and he knew it. He was going to go along with her little questions though, even though he knew she had a motive for contacting him.

  “The look is working quite well for me, except for that fact that Fiona’s brother almost recognized me. I side-stepped that accusation.”


  Booker didn’t really want to get into it but he knew if he didn’t fill Blaire in she would hassle him until he did. So he proceeded to tell her everything from being called the Sheila of the town, to hanging out with Fiona, to the Irish hunk to the debacle in the hallway. He was worn out after replaying everything that transpired since he’d been to Warblers Point. He did leave out the details of his lovemaking with Fiona, he thought his sister probably didn’t need to know how he was able to fully satisfy a woman.

  “Wow, you have been busy. So what are you going to do about Fiona? Are you serious about her?”

  “I am.” He went to grab a water bottle from his mini fridge because all of a sudden his mouth started to feel incredibly dry. “I know this is going to sound crazy but I can’t stop thinking about her, Blaire. No girl has ever affected me like she has, she’s gotten under my skin and I can’t seem to fish her out even though she turns me down every time I try to get close.”

  “Are you sure this isn’t just a reaction to a girl who for once in your life doesn’t fall at your feet?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  There was a pause on the phone then he heard her exhale. “Come one Booker, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Ever since I can remember you have charmed the socks off of every girl that has walked in your path. Having a woman in your life has always come easy to you and now that Fiona isn’t graveling at your feet you have these deep feelings for her? Are you sure it’s not just because she is playing hard to get? You’re not mixing up your feelings are you?”

  Booker had to think about his sister’s comment for a second. Woman always were at his door step when he wanted them to be, he never had a hard time finding a date, even when he was a hairy hippy. Was he just attracted to Fiona because she wasn’t giving in to his charms? He thought back to the first time he met her, at the pub, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Then when they went out to the lake and they talked about their dreams and aspirations, he never met anyone so inspiring, kind, and just lovely. No, her denying him had nothing to do with his feelings. He liked Fiona for who she was as a person.

  “Uh, hello…earth to Booker.”

  Booker cleared his throat. “Sorry, sis, I was just thinking. I’m afraid to say my feelings toward Fiona have nothing to do with trying to get the un-gettable get. I very much like her for who she is, she’s sweet, kind, beautiful and she makes me feel good. I’ve been so happy this past week.”

  “I’m happy for you then. So what are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure but I do know I have to attend the Halloween party tonight that’s going on at her pub. I’m going as a pirate.”

  Booker had to remove the phone away from his ear because her laughter was so loud. When she finished he asked, “Are you done?”

  In between chuckles she said, “I can’t imagine you as a pirate. Arg, are ye walking the plank tonight matey?”

  “Shut up, I think I actually might look kind of dashing…in a Captain Hook sort of way.”

  “I think you would be better off in tights flying around as Peter Pan.”

  “A little support would be great.”

  “Sorry, you might be able to pull it off. Don’t wear a hat, open up the top couple of buttons on your shirt to show off your chest and whatever you do, don’t wear a hook. You need your hands available!”

  “Good advice. So why did you really call? What’s going on?”

  There was a long pause which made Booker nervous. Blaire was always very well put together, she never asked him for anything and never used his fame to further her life, something he loved about her. That was why he tried to spoil her any chance he got. They had a rough childhood growing up, losing their parents so young and being raised by their grandparents who they lost when they were in their twenties. They were all each other had.

  “How do you know there is something going on?”

  “I can tell in your voice, there is something up. Now get on with it, I don’t have all day I need to don my eye patch and scurvy on my way.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.”

  Booker exhaled sharply. “Just get on with it, B.”

  “This is kind of hard, but I uh…sort of got fired today.”

sp; Booker sat straight up in his bed and almost choked on the water he was drinking. Blaire was the hardest working person he knew and took her job seriously. There was no way the hospital would want to fire her unless they were making budget cuts.

  “What? What happened?”

  “That creep, Pete that I dated for a couple of months became the new head of medicine and decided to do a little house cleaning with the staff. I made the cut of being swept out.”

  Booker’s blood started to boil. “How the hell did that happen? You are the hardest working nurse in that damn hospital. I’m going to call my lawyer and we are going to sue his ass.” Booker got up from his bed and grabbed his computer, firing it up so he could send an e-mail out to his attorney. He was not going to let Pete, the creep, get away with firing his sister. She didn’t deserve that kind of treatment.

  “Booker, please don’t. I don’t want to cause any trouble. The medicine field is a small world around these parts, I can’t stir up any trouble with Pete, he knows people and if I want a chance at getting another job in these parts I need to accept my fate and move on.”

  “This is bullshit you know. Damn it, Blaire please let me help you. He should not get away with this. You work too hard.”

  “That’s the point Booker, I work too hard and I think Pete letting me go might have been a blessing. I’m going to take a much needed break. I have some money saved up so I will be ok for a little bit…”

  Booker interrupted her. “Don’t worry about money, I will take care of your bills.”

  “I can handle my bills, Book, but thank you. I was wondering though if you could give me an early Christmas present?”

  Booker was all ears. “Yes, of course. What would you like?”

  “Would it be alright if I came out to Warblers Point and enjoy the snow with you? We can have our own little Thanksgiving and then possibly celebrate Christmas on the slopes. What do you think?”

  A vacation with his sister? Why not? She could help him with cementing a relationship with Fiona plus it would be good to spend some quality time with Blaire. Her schedule was pretty much impossible and then combined with his schedule, he barely got any quality time with her. This would be good actually, a little rekindling.

  “I would love that, B. I will make arrangements for you and talk to the O’Learys at The Sleeping Potato, they must have another cabin available. You will love it here, real down to earth kind of people. It will be good for your soul, plus it will be good for your lungs to get away from all that toxic smog.”

  “Sounds great, Book. Thank you for everything.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, no until you actually have been here for a little bit. It takes some getting used to but I know you will love it.”

  They exchanged some more pleasantries before saying good bye and Booker promising to have her in Warblers Point in no time. Booker called over to the main house and made a reservation for Blaire in one of the cabins near the lake, just like his. After booking her flight and rental car, he sent her all the information she needed and then hopped in the shower. He had a party to get to.


  Fiona felt absolutely ridiculous in the costume Murphy picked out for her. Not only was her cleavage busting out of her top, thanks to the corset, but her skirt was so short it barely covered the bottom of her butt. Thank god for the stockings Murphy provided, not that they were really doing much. She decided to curl her hair and put on heavier makeup than usual. When she looked in the mirror all she saw was a prostitute, a very sexy prostitute but none the less, a prostitute. Great!

  She and the boys spent all morning and afternoon getting ready for the party, decorating the bar, making food and stocking up on their mind altering liquids. They sold out on tickets once again this year, making that the third year in a row. Their pub was the place to be on Halloween in Warblers Point and if you didn’t have a ticket you were a nobody. It made her proud to think that her and her brothers were able to open up a business in a small town, establish a good rapport and flourish. Tonight was an example of that, especially since they were also able to throw some of the heritage into such a big evening like tonight.

  She was putting some final lip gloss on her lips when there was a knock on her door. She smacked her lips together to spread the gloss and walked over to the door to find Murphy standing outside waiting to be let in. Reluctantly she opened the door, took in the sight that stood before her and started laughing.

  “Not the kind of welcome I was lookin’ for.” He said while frowning.

  She couldn’t help herself. Murphy was standing in front of her wearing a box over his chest with what she assumed was his attempt at making a bottle of Jagermeister. He looked ridiculous.

  “I’m sorry.” She said in between chuckles. “You look ridiculous.”

  “I thought you might think that.” She stopped laughing when he pulled the box off leaving him wearing only a pair of brown pants. He wore no shirt exposing his spectacular chest which was lightly dusted with dark chest hair and for the finale he plopped a pair of antlers on his head.

  She swallowed quickly to avoid any kind of drool mishap. Damn him!

  “I can tell from ye expression tis much better.”

  She gulped and squeaked out, “How are you Jagermeitser?”

  “I’m the deer on the front, y’are the bull so therefore we are a bloody Jager-bomb.”

  It made since but all Fiona could think of was that he was making this an opportunity to wear as little clothes as possible in public with her. She should never had agreed to this. This whole idea was bound to take a turn for the worst. She didn’t notice he was working his way closer to her until his hands settled on her hips. She looked up in those beautiful green eyes of his and tried not to sigh like some love sick teenager. She kept telling herself that he was wrong for her, all there was between them was pure physical attraction. What woman wouldn’t be attracted to Murphy?

  “Fiona, ya look sexy as hell.” He was still holding her hips when he scanned her body up and down. She felt a wave of heat spread through her body settling between her legs. Good lord, tonight wasn’t going to be good. She knew she looked like a hooker but she didn’t have anything else to wear, this was it. She hoped Booker wasn’t going to be present, she didn’t need him seeing her like this.

  All of a sudden the thought of Booker un-doing her corset and running his strong hands all over her body ventured in her head making her feel more turned on then having almost naked Murphy standing inches from her. For fucks sake!

  She replied to Murphy and removed his hands. “Uh, thanks. Are you sure your costume is appropriate? Don’t you think you should have a shirt on or something?”

  “Nah, tis quite an outfit, got to keep me lady interested.”

  His lady? Little did he know.

  “Murphy, I know you think we are dating but I just don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  “All in good time, me dear.” He kissed her forehead, grasped her hand in his and led her out of her apartment where they ran right into Finn…as Theodore, one of the chipmunks. Murphy barked out in laughter as Finn stood there with a green turtleneck on, painted nose, buck tooth and chipmunk ears.

  Finn punched Murphy in the arm and said, “Shut the hell up, at least I don’t look like some creepy centaur or whatever the hell you are. Put on a shirt man!”

  “I’m Jagermeister.” Murphy wrapped his arm around Fiona, who Finn just noticed because it looked like his eyes were setting on fire with rage from her scandalous outfit. “And she’s me little red bull. We’re a Jager-bomb together.” Murphy tacked on a smile at the end of his sentence.

  “That makes absolutely no sense. Did you pick out this outfit Murph?”

  “Of course, with me own eyes. She looks sexy, don’t she?”

  Finn went to grab Murphy’s shirt which was non-existent, so he grabbed Murphy by the shoulders instead and pushed him up against the wall.

  “Are you dating my sister?”

�s heart dropped, what was Finn doing? She didn’t need her brother getting in another fight so shortly after the grocery store incident and the building-a-fence incident. Plus she didn’t need her brother getting in her business, Fiona could handle herself. She stepped in between the two, or at least tried to.

  “Finn, knock it off.”

  He turned his gaze over at her and asked, “Are you two dating? That’s the only reason I can see this get-up being ok. You look like a fucking prostitute. My sister is not going to be seen in public like this. Your boob is going to pop out any second.”

  Furious at her brother now for being a pig-headed over-protective arrogant dick hole, she did her best to jab her finger in his ribs causing him to temporary let go of his grip on Murphy so she could step between them.

  “Finn, it’s about high time you realize I’m a big girl and I can do whatever the hell I want. Stop butting in my business. If I want to look like a prostitute then I will look like a prostitute, damn it! I didn’t ask for your opinion so keep it to yourself.” She poked him one last time, grabbed Murphy’s hand and escorted him down to the pub. Her brothers made her so mad some times, she was sick and tired of them being so protective. She could hold her own, it was about time they realized it.

  She was just about to walk through the pub when Murphy stopped her and spun her around so her hands landed straight on his chest.

  “Thanks lassie for defendin’ me.”

  She was also irritated with Murphy, he was the reason she was in this stupid outfit to begin with and she was irritated with his ability to turn her into mush whenever he was around. Which technically was her problem, not his but she decided to blame him anyway.

  “I wasn’t doing it for you Murphy Ryan.” She poked his chest too. She was in a poking mood. “Get this through your head, we might be dressed up together tonight but that by no means insinuates that we are together. It won’t ever work between us and I think it’s about time you realize that.”


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