Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)
Page 14
There she said it. God she felt much better. She was finally sticking up for herself and she never felt better. She told herself it was going to be a good night.
“Keep telling ya’self that lass. We were meant for each other and you can damn well better believe I’m going to make that happen.”
He leaned in to kiss her to seal the deal but before he could she slapped him across the face. “Don’t even think about it.” Then she stalked off, leaving Murphy in the hallway rubbing his cheek in astonishment.
The nerve of the men in her life. Murphy thought he could force her to be with him, so did Booker. What the hell was with them? Was she giving off some kind of come-claim-me kind of vibe? She adjusted her corset and perked her breasts out even more just to piss off her brothers as well as make Murphy sweat.
She stepped out into the pub and was instantly greeted by her brothers who were laying out the food. They looked at her as if she had lost her mind. Before they could even say anything she held out her hands to silence them.
“Don’t say one fucking word, you can talk to Finn about it but I’m doing what I want these days you three idiots can mind your own damn business and shut the hell up about it.”
There, that set them straight. She started to gather apples for the peeling game she would be playing with the ladies later on when Liam came up from behind her.
“So I take it you won’t be changing.”
“That’s correct.”
She could sense his displeasure but she didn’t care…at all.
“You know ma and da will be here tonight.”
“I’m well aware of their plans to attend tonight’s shindig.” But she didn’t let him know that she forgot they would be here. She felt a bead of sweat start to roll down her back. Damn it all to hell. In her fit of independence she completely forgot about her parents. She couldn’t turn back now. “They will just have to deal with it, like you and the other chipmunks. Lame costumes by the way, you all look like idiots.”
“At least we don’t look like we are looking for business at the corner of the street.”
Fiona flipped him the bird and walked off. Men!
Finn waited on party goers now that the party was in full swing. His brothers came up to him earlier on and questioned him about Fiona’s appearance and asked why he didn’t do anything about it. He told him he tried but frankly, she was right. If she wanted to get herself into trouble with showing off her girly bits then let her learn the hard way.
There were a lot of woman dressed up like hookers. Halloween always seemed like a holiday for people to patrol the streets in as little clothing as possible and get away with it. Not that he was complaining much since there were a lot of barely dressed woman leaning over the bar giving him a great view of what they had to offer.
He needed to find a woman to take home soon or he thought his dick might fall off soon. It had been way too long since he had been with a woman and tonight might just be the night he actually got lucky. There were a lot of available woman at the party and they were all getting loose.
Finn watched Fiona work the tables like she always did while Bradon helped her tonight since they had a full house. Liam was at the bar with him since they already put out food he wasn’t needed in the kitchen. Finn noticed Bradon taking a break in the corner and eyeing a bunch of women. One in particular. Finn worked his way over to Bradon.
“Who you eyeing over there?” Apparently Bradon was too engrossed with who he was staring at because Finn nearly made him jump out of his Alvin turtleneck.
“Jesus, you scared the crap out of me.”
Finn looked over to where Bradon was staring and noticed a pretty blonde in a skin tight cat woman costume that allowed for a massive amount of cleavage to show.
“Who’s the fine ass blonde over there?”
“I can’t tell because she has a mask on but by God I’m going to try to take her home tonight.”
“How can you be so sure of yourself?”
“Please, no woman can resist this.” Bradon said as he gestured toward his body. Finn just rolled his eyes. They both eyed the blonde and saw Fiona walk up to her and strike up a conversation.
“You can always ask that whore of a sister we have to hook you up. Seems like she is quite chummy with the blonde vixen.”
They both watched the interaction between the two woman and Bradon said, “You have to admit our little sister has grown up and seems to be holding her own with Murphy. I thought they were dating. What happened?”
Finn saw Murphy at a table with a couple of his skiing buddies eyeing every move Fiona made. Finn and his brothers all loved Murphy but for some reason Finn noticed that Murphy was becoming more possessive every day where his sister was concerned and it wasn’t settling well with him. He shouldn’t be so concerned with his sister’s life but he always felt like he had to protect her from everything, especially after her mistake with Steve the math teacher. He didn’t want to ever see his sister get hurt like that again.
“I’m not sure what’s going on between Murph and Fiona but I don’t think it’s to Murphy’s liking. Look at how he’s just staring at her. He kind of looks crazy.”
Bradon took a hard look at Murphy. “No he doesn’t, he just looks like he loves her.”
“That’s not love, that’s psycho killer.”
“Who’s a psycho killer?”
Both Finn and Bradon startled from Fiona’s question. Bradon said nobody but Finn wasn’t playing games anymore.
“Murphy seems to be rather attached to you.”
“What happened to butting out of my business?”
Finn exhaled and said, “I’m not butting in I’m just wondering why he has been watching every move you have make tonight.” Fiona looked toward Murphy and he gave her a quick wave.
Fiona turned toward Finn and Bradon and said, “He thinks he has a shot at being with me.”
“Wait, are you saying you don’t want to be with Murphy?” Bradon asked almost heart broken.
“No, it’s not working out for us. It’s all physical.”
Finn and Bradon both put their hands over their ears. “We don’t want to hear about that kind of shit. I have been scarred ever since I had to sleep on your couch the other night.”
Fiona set some empty glasses that were on her tray into the sink to be cleaned. “That’s not my problem that you came into my apartment without asking. Oh and Bradon, Tipper asked me to tell you to stop staring at her. She is starting to get creeped out.”
“Why the hell would I stare at her? I would rather wash my eyes out with acid.” Bradon looked around the room. “I don’t even know where she is.”
“Yes you do, you have been drooling over her all night.”
“I would never do that. I can’t stand Tipper. Where is she…so I can avoid her stupid ass.” Bradon scanned the room again.
Fiona pointed over to the group of girls Bradon was eyeing earlier. “Tipper is cat woman.”
Bradon started coughing and choking on what Finn could only imagine was saliva.
“There is no fucking way that’s Tipper. No my eyes would never betray me like that. Whoever that is, is way too damn hot to be Tipper.”
“That’s Tipper if you want to believe it or not.”
“Shit.” Bradon rubbed his face. “Well that’s done it for me. I have lost all the will to take home a girl now. My libido is shot.”
Finn laughed at his brother as he walked away to collect more empty glasses. Finn didn’t quite understand his hatred for Tipper but if he could get past whatever they hated each other for they might actually be quite good for each other. God, why was he so interested in his siblings love lives, he needed to get one of his own.
The pub door flew open and in walked the Sheila followed by his parents. Finn noticed Fiona stiffen drastically as she whispered under her breath, “What the hell is he doing here.” Hmm. Maybe his suspicions about Fiona and the Sheila were correct. Was she getting hers
elf into another relationship with a tourist? Was that why she wasn’t starting anything back up with Murphy? Didn’t she learn from her last relationship with Steve that dating an out of towner can only lead to trouble?
He pulled her to the side. “Fiona, I know you don’t want me butting in, but I’m concerned. Is anything going on between you and the Sheila…I mean Booker.”
Fiona’s eyes widened. “That is none of your concern. Stay out of my personal life, Finn.”
That was not a no, damn it. “Fiona, don’t forget about what happened with Steve.”
She got real close to him and lowered her voice. “I will never forget about Steve so don’t you dare throw that in my face. I know what the hell I’m doing. Why don’t you worry about yourself and try to get a woman to cure those blue balls you have acquired over the last couple of months.”
Ouch, low blow…literally. Well if that was what she wanted, then that was what she was going to get. If she was seeing the Sheila and things took a turn for the worse he was not going to be the one that picked up the pieces to her broken heart. He warned her, what she did now was her own problem. Now he needed to find a girl to cure his blue balls that his baby sister so eloquently pointed out.
Chapter 10
Fiona watched Booker walk in with her parents and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was dressed as a pirate but the sexiest pirate she had ever seen. He was wearing amazingly tight pants that were cut off right below his knees, a flowy white shirt that was open all the way down to the upper part of his stomach and he had a big belt around his waist. Her mouth was watering like crazy and her hands itched to rip his shirt off. She didn’t want him here tonight but a little part of her, her naughty part was happy that he was.
She strode over to her parents who were shocked by her attire and gave them a hug. She whispered into their ears, “Please don’t say anything about my costume, believe me I have received enough grief for it.”
Her parents both zipped their mouths shut but their faces widened with what seemed like delight. She felt a massive hand wrap around her waist. For a second she thought it was Booker but then sadly realized it was Murphy. Booker was off to the side, eyeing her with what looked like fire in his eyes. Fiona’s anxiety level instantly kicked up several notches.
Murphy placed a kiss on Fiona’s head and shook her parents’ hands. “Mr. and Mrs. O’Leary, it’s a pleasure to see ya tonight. Ya both look great.”
“Why thank you, lad.” Carlin said. “Where did ya shirt take off to?”
Murphy chuckled as he put his finger under Fiona’s chin and said, “Tis here lassie, laughed at my homemade costume so I had to take it off. Seems she likes this better anyway, don’t ya lass?”
Fiona was about to protest when he placed a kiss straight on her lips, she heard her mother sigh with content and her dead nod his approval. Damn Murphy and his Irish heritage, it was the only reason why her parents were so set in their ways of Fiona ending up with Murphy. They wanted a true Irishman for their daughter. She went to look at Booker again but couldn’t find him. Damn! She knew she shouldn’t care about how Booker felt about the show Murphy was putting on but she couldn’t help herself. She unfortunately cared about the man.
After what seemed like an hour of pleasantries with her parents, she was able to pull herself away to get ready for the apple pealing game. It was an Irish tradition they did every year with the ladies who came to the party while the guys took shots of lambswhool at the bar, specially made by Liam.
Liam got everyone’s attention by whistling, something he was very good at, especially when he wanted to get a lady’s attention. “Alright you pookas and banshees, it’s time to split up so if you’re with someone give them a mighty big kiss good bye and send them on their way. Pookas or lassies, you are with our dearest Fiona over there who I might add looks like a little slapper.” There was a slight giggle amongst the crowd for Liam calling her a slut. “Banshees you are over here with us O’Leary men, we will be downing some traditional sheepswhool while the ladies try to find their true love by peeling apples.” The men rolled their eyes and made their way to the bar.
Fiona gathered the woman and each gave them an apple and an apple peeler. “Now listen up you little vixens. This is an old Irish tradition on All Hollow’s Eve that we do every year. If you have done this before then you know the ritual, if you haven’t this is what we do. We all peel our own apple keeping the skin together in one long peel, don’t break it, and then we will say a little chant, spin three times and toss the peel over our shoulder. When it has landed we will look at the peel and whatever letter shape the apple peel is in, will be the first initial of your true love.”
Tipper found her way to Fiona and grabbed her hand. They always made sure to stand next to each other during the tradition.
“Hey girlie, are you ready for this?” Tipper asked. “You think you will actually make a different letter this time?”
Fiona laughed. “I hope so. I’m getting sick of tossing a lower case Q over my shoulder every year.”
“You and me both, maybe it will be an M this time.” Tipper said while elbowing Fiona and wagging her eyebrows.
“Let’s hope not.” Fiona said while eyeing Murphy who was practically licking her with his eyes. That man needed to find another woman because every second he had his shirt off Fiona was finding it harder and harder to resist him. “By the way, I wish you would have seen the look on Bradon’s face when he found out the girl in the sexy cat woman outfit was you.” They started peeling their apples.
“Oh God, was he checking me out?”
“Big time, when he found out it was you he acted like someone just chopped his dick off. I don’t get why you two hate each other so much.”
“Sorry to say this about your brother but he is the epitome of scum. He thinks he’s the greatest thing that’s happened to Warblers Point.”
“You’re right in that aspect but he’s not too bad. He’s a good guy you know, if you took time to get to know him.”
Tipper looked at her in shock. “Are you actually trying to hook me up with my nemesis?”
Fiona put her hands up in defense. “I apologize.” Fiona was done peeling her apple and so was everyone else. “Alright ladies, time to start spinning and repeat after me.”
All the girls stood in a line and did three spins as they repeated after Fiona. “Apple peel, apple peel, please reveal, the initial letter of my true love. Now toss them gently over your right shoulder ladies and turn around to see your letter.”
Fiona turned around and was not shocked when she saw once again that she threw a lower case Q. She looked over at Tipper who tossed hers into a pile…no secret reveal there. “Looks like I’m destined with a lower case Q.”
Mary Margaret joined them and stopped Fiona before she picked it up. “Me girl, you threw a B this year.”
“B? Mom it’s a lower case Q.” Her mom was losing it.
“Not from where I’m standing. That’s a B.”
Tipper walked over to where Mary Margaret was standing and looked down at Fiona’s apple peel. A giant grin spread across her face. “She’s right, it’s a B.”
Fiona refused to believe that it was a B, because that would mean that she was destined to be with Booker. She knew it was an old Irish tradition just to keep the woman busy but every woman in her family had always thrown the letter of their true love. Her mom was always convinced that the same would happen to Fiona.
Fiona picked up the peel and tossed it in the trash. “It’s just a stupid game anyway so who cares. Come on.” She said to Tipper. “Let’s get some lambswhool.”
They were almost to the bar when Murphy came over and intercepted them. He grabbed Fiona by the waist and pulled her in close. Tipper motioned to the bar saying she would grab Fiona a drink.
“Hey sweetheart, how did the peel throwing go…Did you make an M?”
She tried to squirm out of his grip but it was pretty much impossible and there was no wa
y she was going to push against his naked chest to free herself, so she succumbed to his dominance.
“No, sorry, another Q.”
“Aye, well there’s always next year.” He nuzzled her neck and she squirmed in his arms.
Trying to change the subject and get Murphy’s mind on something else she asked, “How’s the lambswhool?”
He lifted his head and smirked at her. “Good as ever. Liam really has nailed the recipe.” Fiona knew talking to Murphy about booze was a sure fire way to get him to lose sight at what he was doing. Irishmen and their booze!
Tipper handed her a glass, thank God for her because Murphy let up on his grip a little so Fiona could actually take a sip of her drink. Tipper and Murphy engaged in a conversation about the proper liquor to put in lambswhool while Fiona scanned the room for Booker. She felt bad that he came and she hadn’t even really sad hi to him at all. She knew that she brushed him off and he probably wouldn’t approach her but she still wanted to at least acknowledge him.
She looked around the room and didn’t see him at all. Did he leave? Maybe this wasn’t his kind of scene. She watched everyone in the pub drinking, dancing and having a good time. She loved Halloween, it was one of her favorite holidays and ever since the pub started having Halloween parties it made it that much more fun. The pub was full of their family and friends all having a fantastic time and that was when she spotted Booker in the back by her apartment entrance. He was talking to the local general store owner and he looked pissed. He was the only one in the pub who didn’t seem to be having a good time.
She felt Murphy wrap his arms around her waist so his chest was pressed against her back. He started kissing her neck and she watched Booker’s gaze grow darker and darker. For some reason she felt guilty and embarrassed for parading around tonight with Murphy at her heels, touching her, stroking her and being as physical as possible with her.
“Come home with me tonight, lass.” Murphy whispered in her ear. “I want to be the one who takes this costume off of ya, that is after ya do a little naughty dance for me first.”