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Ryker (Kings of Korruption MC Book 1)

Page 6

by Geri Glenn

  “I tried to get to my room so I could lock myself in and call the police, but he caught me before I could.” She pauses, then looks to her sister. “Anna? It was Krueger.”

  “No!” My back is to her, but I can hear the fear in Anna’s voice. Krueger? I only know of one Krueger, and the guy is a fucking nightmare, worthy of his name. I’d met him on more than one trip to Toronto, and he gave even me the creeps. He’s fucked in the head and had raped more than a few club whores that had been stupid enough to wander into his path. One of whom, he’d enjoyed taking his knife to. But he’s a Devil. There’s no way my Charlie’s messed up with the Devil’s Rejects. Is there?

  Charlie nods her head slowly at her sister. “It was, honey. He grabbed me, roughed me up a little and demanded to know where you were.” My eyes still locked on her, I can hear her sister’s gasp of fear from behind me, and Charlie hurries to finish her story. Balling up my fists, I remain silent, waiting for the rest of it. “I didn’t tell him. I didn’t. That’s what pissed him off. He was so angry.” She inhales a shaky breath. “He said you owed him money, and that you had a deal he was here to collect on.” Her voice softens to a whisper. “That’s when he tried to rape me.”

  I spring to my feet and drive my fist into the wall. That fucker had tried to rape her? Had dared to lay a greasy finger on her? I’m gonna rip his fucking balls off and feed them to him.

  My entire body shakes with rage. Anna is crying behind me, but now Charlie’s looking at me. Trying to soothe me. Suddenly, Charlie’s reaction to Reaper last week makes a whole lot more sense. She’s had issues with the Devils.

  “He didn’t though. I managed to get ahold of a vase in my bedroom and hit him over the head with it. It knocked him to the floor and then I kicked him in the balls and ran. He didn’t rape me. I’m ok.” Her words don’t help.

  She grabs my hand and stands in front of me, placing her free hand on my cheek while I attempt to lock down the anger. “Ryker. I’m ok. Really. Now Anna and I need to talk, and figure out what we’re gonna do because this guy will be back, and there’s no way he’s getting his hands on my sister.” She stares up at me confidently. The look would be reassuring if it weren’t for the bloody nose, black eyes and split lip.

  I grab her shoulders, looking directly into her eyes. “Charlie, you and Anna aren’t going anywhere. This guy ain’t coming back, ‘cause I’m gonna fucking find him, and then, I’m gonna kill him.”

  Chapter Seven


  Shit! This whole night just keeps getting worse. I’d come to the tavern to get my sister, so we could come up with a plan to keep her safe. Walking in on her and Ryker … my heart clenches just thinking about it. How long have they been sleeping together? I have no right to feel this way. Ryker was never mine but … God. Watching Anna pull her hand out of his pants, while I stood there staring at them in shock, had made my already racing heart shatter into a million little pieces. Jealousy is a new feeling for me. I’m going to have to work hard at not reacting to the pain I’d felt when I found them about to make love.

  While I was telling Anna and Ryker what happened, he’d been pissed – worried even. He was likely freaking out that there was a maniac out there, looking for Anna. He’d growled at us both that he would be right back and to stay put. Storming out of the room, he closed the door behind him, finally giving my sister and me a much needed moment of privacy.

  “Anna.” She’s still sitting on the couch, fear her only expression. Her hands are pressed over her mouth, while she rocks back and forth. “Anna! Look at me. Honey, we need to go. We need to get our stuff and go!”

  Letting out a keening moan, her face crumples and she sobs. “Oh Char. I am so sorry. I didn’t think they would ever find us, but now …” She takes a deep breath and jumps to her feet. “You’re right. We need to go. We need to be separate though. They’ll keep tracking me down, and I can’t ask you to keep uprooting your life.”

  “Honey, you’re my sister. We’re in this together. Now, let’s get the hell out of here before it’s too late.” I grab her hand and we start for the door, just as it swings open.

  “Going somewhere?” Ryker stands in the open doorway, arms crossed on his chest, two of his “brothers” standing behind him, looking angry and, quite frankly, terrifying. One of them is Reaper. The other one I’d seen around the nursing home visiting Smokey. It was hard not to notice him. He’s almost as beautiful as Ryker.

  “Ryker, we really need to get out of here. I –“

  “You’re not fuckin’ going anywhere, Charlie.” He steps into the room, followed by his two buddies. Reaper turns, closing the door behind them. “This here is Reaper and Jase. Reaper’s a trained medic and he’s gonna look you over.”

  My eyes widen in shock and fear. Reaper’s not looking at shit as far as I’m concerned! I open my mouth to tell him as much, when he shoots me a leveling glare. “No arguments. You need medical attention. While he’s takin’ care of you, we’re all gonna have a little chat about this Krueger guy, and why he’s lookin’ for you.”

  Anna’s face crumples, and again, she bursts into tears. She flops back onto the couch, burying her face in her hands. “Oh God. I am so sorry Char. So sorry. I never, ever thought he would find us.”

  Ryker moves to stand in front of her. “Who? Krueger?”

  Anna yelps and nods her head quickly.

  He squats in front of her and pulls her hands from her face, looking into her eyes. “How the fuck do you ladies know Krueger?”

  Reaper distracts me by grabbing my arm and sitting me down in the chair. He opens a small first aid kit, pulling out gauze and band aids, littering them across the table beside me. He’s surprisingly gentle and maybe slightly less terrifying than I’d previously thought. He tends my wounds while I watch the scene in front of me unfold.

  Anna continues to cry and looks at Ryker. Her sobs cause her words to come out in gasps. “A couple months before we left, I borrowed money from him. I borrowed some from a couple of the other guys too. When I couldn’t pay them back from the money I expected to get from Mom’s inheritance, I avoided them. They found me, and that’s when they broke my arm and beat the shit out of me.” She takes a deep breath and looks to me. “That’s when I made them a deal.”

  “What deal?” Ryker growls. I’m glad he did because I want to know too. What did she borrow money from an MC for? And why would she think she’d get an inheritance after Mom died? What the hell was going on in her head?

  “I … I promised them …” She chokes on another sob and squeezes her eyes closed in defeat.

  “Damnit, woman! What did you promise them?” Ryker’s pissed. He’s visibly trying to suppress his rage, but his voice rumbles with fury.

  Anna yelps before rushing to answer. “Charlotte. I promised them Charlotte.” She slaps her hands back over her mouth in fear, her eyes darting around the room.

  Everyone in the room is frozen in shock. My body goes stiff when I register what my crazy, stupid sister had just said. She’d promised them me? What does that even mean? Jase is still standing by the door, but he’s standing like a statue, a shocked, angry look on his face. Even Reaper has stopped wiping the blood from under my nose, his hand still hovering in the air with the disinfectant covered cotton ball between his fingers.

  Anna is frozen solid, fearful eyes glued to the man standing in front of her. Ryker is frozen in place, eyes wide. His body is vibrating and rage engulfs his features. “What the fuck do you mean you promised them Charlotte?”

  “Krueger told me he’d forgive all my debts if he could have my sister. He wants her ... to own her. He’s been obsessed since he first saw her.” She shoots her eyes to me and whispers, “Oh Char. I’m so sorry.” Tears fall down her cheeks. I can’t bring myself to care. She’d intended to just give me to that ... psychopath?

  “I was never gonna let him have you, Char. I just wanted him to leave me alone. They were gonna kill me! I just – “

h!” The roar breaks the shocked vibe in the room and causes both me and Anna to jump. Ryker spins towards me and stalks over. Reaper has gone back to working on my battered face, so he kneels to the side, looking me in the eye. “That fucker is not getting anywhere near you, Charlie. I’m gonna deal with him. Ok?” I’m mesmerized by those blue eyes. They’re looking at me, full of determination and anger, mixed with tenderness and something else I can’t put my finger on. I nod my head slightly, not wanting to hinder Reaper’s work as he applies some sort of greasy ointment to my cut lip. I’m in shock, my mind numb. She was going to give me to Krueger? What kind of person sells out her sister for a few dollars?

  Ryker stands and looks to Jase. “Head over to Charlie’s place. Make sure that son of a bitch is gone. I’m gonna bring her by later to grab some things and I don’t want him makin’ another play for her. Take Mouse with ya.”

  Jase nods and looks to me. “What’s your address, sweetheart?”

  I rattle off the address, my head spinning from everything that’s happened tonight. Jase turns and leaves. Ryker opens the door, calling out to him. “Send Bone in here. He’s takin’ Anna to the clubhouse.” Coming back into the room, he shuts the door, then spins to face us.

  “Alright ladies, this is how it’s gonna happen. Anna, you’re goin’ with Bone. He’ll take you to the clubhouse, set you up in a room and keep an eye on you. No phones, no leaving. Got me?” Anna just nods her head, clearly not about to argue with a pissed off, determined Ryker. Even though the jealousy I’ve been feeling flares again, I’m glad my sister has him to take care of her. This is one mess I just can’t save her from.

  “Charlie.” My eyes shoot to him. “You’re comin’ with me. We’re gonna get your shit from your place once Jase clears it, then we’re headin’ to my house where I can keep an eye on you.” He doesn’t wait for a reply, and right then, there’s a knock on the door.

  His house? Why would he send Anna to the clubhouse with this Bone guy and take me to his house?

  Before I know it, Anna is gone with Bone, Reaper has patched me up, and Ryker is pulling me out of the tavern towards a very large, very scary looking motorcycle.

  He reaches behind the bike and grabs a helmet, plunks it on my head, then reaches out to do up the strap, while I stand there unmoving. When he’s done, he places a finger under my chin and lifts my face to meet his eyes. “Baby. It’s gonna be ok. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, and that fucker is gonna pay for hurtin’ you.”

  Tears fill my eyes as I look into his and nod my head. He grins at me, clearing some of the fog that’s been swirling around my mind. Mmmmm. Dimple.

  After swinging his leg over the bike and turning on the motor, he looks to me. “Hop on, baby.”

  Approaching the death machine, I pray that I don’t make an ass of myself and send us both falling to the ground. I’ve never been graceful, and I’m worried the size of my ass is going to make the bike groan in protest when I sit on it. Ryker watches me while I send up a silent prayer before swinging my leg up and over the seat behind him.

  “Hang on, baby girl.” He has to yell to be heard over the sound of the bike’s motor. I grab onto the sides of his leather cut and close my eyes tightly, glad that my place isn’t too far. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before, it’s not something I thought I’d ever do. Grabbing my hands, he jerks them around his waist, pulling me up against his back. “I said hang on.”

  I do. I hang on for dear life as he lifts his feet, and then, we’re roaring out of the parking lot. I’m barely aware of how fast we’re moving, my fear temporarily forgotten when I realize I’m pressed up against Ryker’s muscled body. He smells of leather, and deodorant, and man. It’s intoxicating.

  I’m still shoeless, only wearing his long sleeved shirt over my torn pajamas. I’m freezing my ass off, so I do my best to ignore the flutter in my belly as I try to press as much of myself as possible up against his hard, warm body. My hands are pressed flat against his bare belly, under his cut. Knowing that my hands are resting against his perfectly formed six pack causes my belly to flutter. He turns, giving me a wink over his shoulder before placing a warm hand on my arm around his waist, giving it a squeeze. I pray that he can’t feel my heart pounding against his back.

  Before I know it, we pull up to my building, where Jase, and who I assume is Mouse, are waiting beside their bikes. Jase walks over and offers me his hand, helping me off the bike. His smile is warm and appealing, and I find myself smiling back as I send him a quick “Thanks.” His grin widens and he continues to hold my hand, rubbing his thumb along the back of it in slow strokes.

  Ryker is suddenly there, grabbing my hand from him, taking it into his own. He glares at Jase, who smirks and puts his hands up in a surrendering motion. “Apartment’s clear. Nobody’s there. The one bedroom’s a mess, obvious signs of a struggle.” He looks at me and smiles. “I gotta say though girl, Krueger is a fuckin’ maniac. I’m impressed that you were able to get away with as little damage as you did. You’re one tough little lady.”

  I don’t know what to say to that, so I stay silent. Ryker places his arm around my shoulder, squeezing tightly. “Come on baby. You gotta be freezin’ your ass off out here. Let’s get you into some warm clothes.” Turning, he leads me off to my apartment.



  I can tell Charlie is scared shitless to go back into her place. Her body trembles, and I know it’s not just the cold causing it. I keep my arm wrapped tight around her, leading her inside. She looks around the living room, clearly expecting someone to jump out at her.

  Placing my hands on her shoulders, I turn her towards me. “Baby, nobody’s here. You’re safe with me and you’re gonna stay that way.” The fear in her face relaxes a bit before she nods and smiles softly. The fact that I’ve calmed her fears makes me feel like the king of the fucking world. This woman trusts me and feels safe with me and that blows me away; especially after everything she’s been through.

  “Grab your shit. Not too much. Only as much as we can carry on my bike. Try to get enough stuff for a few days though.” Nodding, she starts for the short hallway. Once in her room she freezes. I come up behind her and instantly see why. Her eyes are on a broken vase and flowers scattered across her bed and floor. Blood spatters the white and green quilt and the bed itself looks like it had been used as a fucking trampoline. Placing my hands on her shoulders once again, I give them a slight squeeze. “Babe. Grab your shit.”

  She nods absently, still looking at her fucked up bed, then moves to the closet where she pulls out an oversized sweater and a pair of yoga pants. Turning to me, then looking back to her clothes, she looks uncertain. I continue to stare at her, wondering what the fuck is taking so long when she finally speaks.

  “Um, Ryker could you ...” She trails off, chewing on her lower lip. She winces when she accidently nibbles on the place where it’s split. I raise my brows in question as she takes a deep breath before continuing. “Could you turn your back?” She holds up the clothes in her hands. “I don’t want to be alone, but I really need to change.”

  Like the gentleman I am, I nod curtly and turn my back, giving her some privacy. She doesn’t get any though – not when I realize I can still see her through the mirror hanging above the dresser. She stares at my back for a moment before turning slightly and pulling off her shirt. Next she removes her tattered tank top. Fuck. Me.

  Charlie’s naked body makes my mouth run dry. I can’t peel my eyes away from her. Her tits are fucking perfect. Big, but not huge, perky, and tipped with the tightest dusky pink nipples I’ve ever seen. I may be a total dick for watching her without her knowing, but I can’t fucking help myself. She’s fucking gorgeous.

  My cock roars to attention as she pulls on her oversized University of Toronto hoodie, then shimmies out of her tiny little polka dot pajama shorts. I lose the battle with my rock hard cock when I get a glimpse of her in that tiny little white thong. Perfection. Her waist is slim, an
d from the angle of her ass that I can see, it’s round and firm. Her legs are muscular and long, just the perfect length for wrapping around my hips … or shoulders. Reaching down, I readjust my straining erection just as she pulls her tight as fuck yoga pants up and over those trim hips.

  “All done.” I turn as she tosses me my shirt, then moves back to the closet. Grabbing a backpack, she begins stuffing it with clothes and toiletries. I stay silent, willing my cock to go back to sleep when I notice her folding up her scrubs to put into the bag.

  “No need for those, baby.” Her eyes shoot to mine, a frown creasing her brow as I continue. “You won’t be going to work for a while. At least not until I can make sure Krueger is history.”

  She places her hands on her hips. “I need to work, Ryker.”

  “Sorry, babe. Not gonna happen. That dumb fuck knows where you live and where you work. He’s been watching you. Said so yourself. Until we can get him dealt with, you’re on vacation.”

  Now her frown goes from one of confusion to one of anger. “Ryker … I appreciate you helping Anna and I out, and protecting us from the Devils, but I can’t just not work because of them. My job’s important to me. I can’t just end my career because some psycho tried to …” She chokes up, not able to say the words. Watching her struggle because of what that fucker did pisses me off even more.

  “Rape you?” I growl the words angrily, arching my eyebrow in a challenging look. “Charlie, that fucker came into your home and tried to rape you. He hurt you.” My chest burns with rage, the burn getting stronger as I look around the room and picture him putting his hands on her, knowing that she had to defend herself with a vase of fucking flowers. “You’re not going to work until we find him. I won’t argue on this. Not even an hour ago, you were ready to skip town altogether, so what does it matter? People die all the time, Charlie. We’ll find you another job when this blows over.”


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