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Ryker (Kings of Korruption MC Book 1)

Page 7

by Geri Glenn

  A tear rolls down her cheek, dripping from her chin. She stares at me, her eyes blank – empty. Watching her, I swear to myself that for every tear she cries over Krueger, that sick fuck will meet his own blade. One slice per tear. Every fucking one.

  Finally she nods, throws the scrubs on the rumpled bed and continues to fill her bag. Once she’s done, she moves to stand in front of me. Reaching out, I take her bag and grab her hand in mine. Leading her out of the apartment, we walk hand in hand to my waiting bike.

  Chapter Eight


  Ow. I pull in a shaky breath and try to force my eyes open. My head is pounding. My nostrils are full of a familiar, welcoming smell. What is that? I finally win the battle with my eyelids and peel them open. Where the fuck am I? I lay there for a minute, looking around the unfamiliar room and try to figure out what the hell is going on. The room is small and contains only a bed, nightstand and dresser for furniture. Other than a lamp and blinds, there’s no décor in this room at all. I lay in a large rumpled bed that contains a smell I recognize instantly. Ryker.

  The events of last night come back to me in a rush. Sitting up quickly, I gasp for air, trying to control my rapidly conflicting emotions. Krueger, my bedroom, smashing my favorite vase on his head, Ryker and Anna groping each other in the staff room, and then, Ryker whisking us both off to safety. My head throbs, causing stabbing pains to my nose and cheekbones. Slowly, I lift a shaky hand to my face and gasp. My nose is swollen, which explains the need to breathe through my mouth. My cheek feels puffy and tight.

  I don’t remember much from last night, after we left my apartment. I vaguely remember Ryker pulling up to a tiny white house in the middle of nowhere, and leading me inside. He’d tossed me one of his t-shirts and told me to get ready for bed. I’d been like a zombie, just going through the motions. I pulled on the shirt, crawled into his bed without argument and was dead to the world within seconds.

  A glance at the clock, sitting on the battered old nightstand, tells me that it’s almost eleven o’clock in the morning. Figuring I’ll find Ryker asleep on the couch, I pull on my yoga pants, quickly run my fingers through my hair and leave the bedroom in search of him. The house isn’t very big and the living room is just down a short hallway so I find it quickly. The couch is older and worn, but comfortable looking. I notice that just like his bedroom, the living room has very little furniture and no decorations or personal effects at all. Nothing to hint about the person who lives here. I also notice that Ryker is not in here, so I wander into the kitchen.

  Again, no personal touches at all – just a sparse kitchen, with a small table and four chairs in the corner. The place is clean and tidy. It’s also empty. Where is he? I look outside and see a motorcycle. Moving to the front door, I slowly push it open. The screen door squeaks on it’s hinges. Outside, a very large man in a leather cut stands from where he was sitting on the front step. Yelping loudly, I stop mid-step.

  Taking a step back inside, I pull the screen door half closed and look through it. He’s about six feet tall, in his early twenties and covered in brightly colored tattoos. I notice right away that his cut represents the Kings and not the Devils so I relax a fraction. When my eyes meet his, my relaxation fades and fear fills me again. His eyes are dark and cold. He’s an attractive man, but the hard expression he wears makes him look intimidating and menacing. His jaw is covered with several days of dark stubble and there’s a deep scar slashing across his right cheek. He stares back at me, and the longer I stare at him, my mouth open in fear, the angrier he looks.

  “Like what you see?” Anger and sarcasm drip from his voice.

  Realizing too late that he thinks I’m staring at his scar, I close my mouth and try to find my voice. “Sorry. I – I – I’m just looking for Ryker?” I try to smile at him politely, but I know it looks phony. I’m scared out of my mind.

  “He ain’t here.” He turns away then and sits down on the step once again, his back to me. From the back, I take in his muscled frame and the back of, what even I have to admit, is an extremely sexy fauxhawk.

  “Do – do- um … you don’t happen to know when he’ll be back, do you?” I’m trying so hard to sound natural but I’m stuttering like a fool.

  He doesn’t even turn around to look at me. “No,” is all he says, telling me that I’ve been dismissed.

  “Okay. Um … thanks.” I stare at his back for another moment, trying to figure out what the hell to do now, before I turn and close the door behind me. I make sure to lock it.

  Now what? I don’t even know where I am. Taking another look around at Ryker’s small house, I swallow the bubble of panic rising in my chest. I need to talk to my sister. Ryker is probably with her. He’s said he was having her taken to the “clubhouse,” so I assume that’s where he went. I’m amazed at the jealousy I feel over their relationship. Ryker isn’t mine to be possessive of, and he seems like a good person, biker status aside. I should be happy that my sister finally has someone good in her life. Shouldn’t I?

  Sighing sadly, I go back to the bedroom, grab my stuff and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I might as well get ready for the day. When Ryker comes home, he will take me to Anna, and then we can figure out what’s next.



  I finally roll back into my driveway in the middle of the night. Tease is already mounting his bike as I pull to a stop. With a quick nod, he speeds down the drive and out onto the road. Tease is a prospect, and a man of few words. He got his name after beating the shit out of one of the biggest sons of bitches I’ve ever seen, after the guy had the balls to make fun of his scar. He’s not a fan of being teased. He doesn’t talk much, and has absolutely zero sense of humor, but he’s loyal and one tough motherfucker. I’d felt safe leaving him to protect Charlie today.

  It’d been a long ass day, and I want nothing more than to crawl into bed, where Charlie lays, warm and sleeping. After she’d passed out the night before, I’d stripped down to my boxer briefs and crawled in beside her. She’d smelled so fucking good. My erection had started before I’d even gotten into bed with her, but the moonlight on her face revealed the bruises and steri-strips holding her cheek together. Rage once again took over, quickly deflating my overeager cock.

  I’d woken up early and set off to find Krueger. I wanted that fucker dead. He didn’t know it yet, but hurting Charlie was the biggest mistake of his life. It felt like a personal attack, even though he didn’t know she knew me. The possession I feel towards her is overwhelming and I can’t figure it out. What is it about her that makes me want to kill any son of a bitch that even looks at her? I don’t want an old lady, and there’s no way there can ever be anything between us, but knowing that doesn’t make me want her any less. It also doesn’t mean that I’m not going to do everything I can to bring that psycho bastard down, so he can’t lay a finger on her ever again.

  For the second night in a row, I look down at my bed to see Charlie sleeping peacefully. Her dark hair is spread out in a fan across my pillows, and I can smell her fresh, floral scent from where I stand. The room is dark so I can’t make out the severity of her bruising, but I can see places on her face that are darker than they should be. Anger churns in my gut. Swallowing it down, I once again strip down to my boxer briefs and crawl into bed beside her. She lays on her side with her back towards me so I curl up behind her, needing to be close to her – reassuring myself that she’s still safe.

  Draping my arm around her middle, I pull her back into me, curling myself into her. When her warm body hits mine, I have to think ugly thoughts to will my cock into submission. I lose when she squirms her round little ass into me. Fuuuuck. She fits me perfectly. She’s so fucking sexy and I know she doesn’t even know it.

  Feeling her close to me, I can’t help myself. Tilting my head, I shove my nose into the crook of her neck and inhale her sweet scent. It calms my rage, if not my hard on. I lay there holding her tight to me, inhaling her smell, when she takes
in a deep breath, yawning.

  Turning her head slightly, she looks back at me. “Ryker? Where have you been?” Sleep and confusion cloud her voice as she tries to sit up, but my hold on her is solid. “Why are you – “ She struggles against me, trying to sit up again. I let her go instantly when I feel her panic. The reminder of what she’d been through the night before fuels my ever present anger. Sitting up quickly, she whips around to face me.

  “Where have you been? I woke up and you were gone! The scary guy at the door just said you weren’t here, but wouldn’t tell me anything. I don’t even know where the fuck I am! Did you see Anna? Is she ok? When can I see her? When can I go home? Why did you –“ The questions pour from her mouth in a rush. She’s had all day to stew, likely going crazy with worry and boredom, but I’ve had a shit day and I’m exhausted.

  “Shhhh, baby girl. I promise, I will tell you everything, but right now, I just want to curl up in this bed and pass the fuck out. Can we save the game of twenty questions for morning? Please.”

  She must hear the exhaustion in my voice because she’s quiet. Her body relaxes before she replies, “Okay. I’ll just go sleep on the couch. Let you have your bed back.”

  I wrap my arm around her waist before she can escape, and drag her back into me until we’re spooning again. “Like fuck you will. You’re stayin’ right here, woman. Now, sleep.”

  She lays stiff in my arms. A moment passes before I hear her swallow thickly. “Um … Ryker?”

  I groan. “Babe. Just chill the fuck out and sleep.”

  “Um ... I will. I just … why do you want me to stay here? I’m not comfortable sleeping all cuddled up to my sis –“

  “Seriously. Babe. I’m tired as fuck. You’re tired. I just want to lay here with you and sleep, feelin’ you beside me so I know you’re fuckin safe. It’s the only way I’ll get any sleep so just lay there, shut it and go the fuck to sleep. Ok?”

  “K,” she whispers. So fucking cute. After a couple minutes, her body relaxes and I pull her closer. It doesn’t take long before her breathing evens out and I know she’s asleep. I plan on telling her everything I know, but the truth is, right now, I don’t know much at all and that pisses me off. Krueger’s in the wind, and I don’t know where to even begin to look for him, but I’m positive that he’s still around. He wouldn’t give up that easy. Truth is, Charlie getting the better of him last night would have just pissed him off even more.

  I want to kill her crazy fucking sister for practically handing her to him. I have no clue how I’m going to get her out of this mess, but I will stop at nothing to save her. Pressing my nose into the crook of her neck once again, I let her sweet, feminine scent lull me into a deep sleep of my own.

  Chapter Nine


  It’s been three days since Krueger assaulted me in my apartment. Three nights of sleeping in Ryker’s bed, with Ryker in it. Likewise, it’s been three mornings that I’ve woken up to an empty bed and an empty house, with the exception of the angry ogre on the front step. The only thing I’ve learned in those three days is that the ogre’s name is Tease. Strange.

  To say I’m angry is putting it mildly. I’m pissed. One minute I’m coming home from work, the next, I have a psychopathic biker trying to claw his way into my panties. I finally free myself from that situation, only to be whisked away to God knows where, and left on my own. Ryker’s gone each morning when I wake up and doesn’t come home until long after I’m asleep. He still hasn’t answered any of my questions, and I’ve had enough.

  I’ve searched this house high and low, looking for a phone but there isn’t one. I can’t call a cab without it, and I know that I’m not close enough to the city to just walk home. There’s no way that Tease will let me leave either. I’m a prisoner. Tonight, my plan is to stay awake and confront Ryker as soon as he walks through that door. I will not go another night without getting the answers I need.

  I’ve spent the day cleaning Ryker’s already clean house, and reading the only book that I could find. The Outsiders. Good thing it’s one of my favorites. It’s nearing midnight, and I’m struggling to stay awake when I hear the roar of a motorcycle coming up the driveway. Running to the window, I see Ryker pulling up in front of the house and Tease walking to his own bike. The two exchange a couple of words, then Tease is leaving and Ryker is walking up the front steps.

  I position my body a few feet in front of the front door, hands on my hips. There’s no way in hell he’s avoiding me tonight.

  He enters quietly but stills when he sees me. A grin spreads across his face. Fucking stupid, gorgeous dimple. “Hey, baby girl.” Coming the rest of the way into the house, he turns to close the door. Turning back to me, he takes a few steps in my direction. “I’m surprised you’re still awake.”

  I’m beyond pissed. I know that I’ve gone along with everything Ryker’s told me to do up to this point, but I was in shock then – I’m not in shock anymore. Now I’m just angry at being practically kidnapped, then ignored entirely. “Oh, I’m awake. Wide awake. I’m not waiting anymore Ryker. Tell me what the fuck is going on. Everything.” Anger colors my voice.

  His grin gets wider, which only makes him even more beautiful. His stupid, sexy grin isn’t going to distract me though. “You pissed at me Charlie?”

  His apparent amusement at my anger throws me a little. What a dick! “Yes! I’m very pissed at you, Ryker. And my name is Charlotte. Not baby, not baby girl, and especially not Charlie. Nobody calls me Charlie.”

  “I call you Charlie.” He takes another step, putting himself directly into my space. “Now Charlie, why are you so pissed at me?”

  His sexy grin, and the closeness of his body, cause my heart to pound in my chest. My brain forgets everything I’d rehearsed saying to him while I sat and stewed all day. “I – I’m pissed because ... well because you practically kidnapped me, dropped me here, have told me not one thing about what is going on, and I don’t know where my sister is, and you told me that you’d tell me, but you’ve conveniently been gone since we had that conversation.” I’m out of breath after that run on sentence, and my chest heaves while I glare into his amused eyes.

  “That’s a long list, baby girl.” His eyes dance with laughter as he takes in my glare. “Should I address your issues in order, or was one more important than the other?”

  “I don’t give a fuck Ryker, as long as you finally fucking address them!”

  He chuckles. “Ok. First of all, I did not kidnap you. I brought you to my home, so that I could ensure your safety. I’m sorry that I haven’t told you anything, but to be honest, until today there wasn’t a whole lot to tell. Your sister’s still at the compound. I haven’t seen her, but Bone assures me she’s scared but fine. Lastly, I’ve been gone because I’ve been trying to get a lock on Krueger, which today, I finally made some progress.”

  I stand there staring at him, waiting for him to continue. “We gonna stand by the front door for this conversation, or do you wanna sit down?”

  I blink, then turn and move to the couch, turning my body so I’m facing him. Sitting beside me, he angles himself in my direction. “The first couple of days, Krueger was in the wind. No sign of him in the area. We have a shaky relationship with the Devils. For years, our two clubs were not friendly, but since our old Prez died and we got a new one, we’ve slowly mended fences. It took until today to finally get ahold of one of them. I explained the situation, and told them that you and your sister were under our protection. They were pissed. They agreed to back off you, but they still want the money your sister owes them.”

  “I don’t understand why she borrowed money from them in the first place.” I have been over and over this in my mind, and I just can’t figure it out. What did Anna need that money for? We may not have had everything our heart’s desired growing up, but we made it work. What did she need that was so important that she’d trade me to get it?

  “I don’t know either, but she owes them almost fifteen thousand.

  I gasp. Fifteen thousand? Why the hell would she borrow fifteen thousand dollars from a biker gang?

  Ryker reaches out and grasps my hand. “Here’s the thing. Because our relationship with the Devils is shaky, we have to tread lightly. We’re going to help your sister stay hidden until she can come up with the fifteen grand, and they’ve assured us that they’ll call Krueger off you. I don’t know that I trust them completely, so we’re gonna keep a man on you until we can sort this shit out. You’ll stay here with me in the meantime, but you can go back to work, if that’s what you wanna do.”

  I stare at him in surprise. “What do you mean stay with you?”

  “I don’t want you goin’ back to your place until I know for certain that bastard’s gone. Anna made it seem like he’s got a hard on for you, so I don’t trust him to back off that easily. Especially after you kicked a field goal with his testicles.”

  At his mention of hard on, my mind flashes back to the night Krueger assaulted me, rubbing his erection through his pants. I shiver in revulsion.

  Ryker reaches out and gently cups my cheek, his thumb drifting along my cheekbone. “He’s not gonna get near you again, Charlie. Do you trust me?”

  I’m shocked to realize that I do. Ryker has done nothing but try to protect me, and I trust him with my life. Looking up to meet his eyes, I nod.

  He smiles. “Good girl.”

  My return smile is a little shaky, but my rage is gone, and I’m relieved to know that Anna’s protected and Ryker is dealing with Krueger. I’m also happy to know I can return to work. I’ll have to call them and come up with a good story to explain my absence the other night, but the last two nights were my days off so technically, I’ve only missed one shift.

  “Let’s get you to bed. I need a shower, and then I’m gonna crash.” He stands and holds out his hand. When I take it, he leads me to the bedroom. Leaning in, he places a soft kiss on the top of my head. “Sleep, baby girl.”


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