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Loving You Through Our Differences

Page 21

by Tucora Monique

  Dancing up to Jupiter, she narrowed her eyes in a knowing frown. She already knew the deal. Pulling me in for a hug, she whispered in my ear, “I’m just happy you made it safely.”

  “Of course. You look gorgeous.” I beamed, happy for my cousin. She had been planning her wedding for a year, and it was almost upon us. Calling the photographer over to where we stood, we posed back and forth until we were sure we’d gotten on his nerves. Without me noticing, Carmen photobombed our flick.

  “Oh my God. You’re pregnant!” I hollered, overjoyed at the big surprise.

  “This is one hell of a surprise. I know you mentioned the dude Timothy, but— Oh my God!”

  “Yes, you’re going to be an auntie. And we’ll talk about Tim later on. I’ve met Leiland, and he is fine as hell girl.”

  “Leiland is definitely a looker.”

  “I’ll be right back, I have to pee,” Carmen said, excusing herself.

  Feeling a tingle cascade over my skin, I knew Leiland was someone stalking me. Turning in a circle, my eyes quickly scanned the crowd. If he was leaving, this could be one of our last times out together, these moments had to be cherished. I felt bad about my attitude and wanted to grind my booty on him. The sudden urge to touch myself washed over me, the pill I’d taken had peaked, and though I’d just dismissed him, Leiland was the only person I wanted near me. Jupiter and Latif thought they were doing something with their stripper tag team, but I knew we could show out on their asses.

  “Where your man at, sis? Why you on the dance floor by yourself?” Latif asked, throwing his arms around Jupiter’s neck from behind. Not giving me time to answer, he focused on Ju, whispering something to her that caused the biggest smile to find home on her face. Even the hardest person had to admit they were good together.

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to look for him. I know he’s pissed that I was late, so I’m sure he’s in one of these corners hawking me. Shouldn’t be hard to find him, I mean he stands out like a sore thumb. I’ll be right back,” I told him.

  I hadn’t even made it out to the other side of the room before feeling someone latch onto my elbow. Shocked into silence, words couldn’t find me right off, but he had no problem with his words.

  “Damn, Billie just walk by me like we aren’t old friends. I know it’s been a few months, but I thought our little situation was memorable.” Brandon flirted, licking his lips slowly. I’d be lying if I said my pussy didn’t bat an eye at the gesture. We hadn’t seen one other since he came to grab his watch about three months ago. Of course, he tried to smash, but I wasn’t interested.

  “Brandon, what the hell are you doing here? You don’t know my cousin, and this is her event,” I stated, finally easing my arm from his hold. Leiland was in this room, and I would bet all I owned that he was watching our exchange.

  “You look good as fuck in the dress. Almost makes me regret that I’m not here alone. I was actually invited by a friend who’s a friend of the groom,”

  “Who’s your friend?” I questioned, praying it wasn’t Leiland, that would be just my luck.

  “You don’t know her. You here alone?” He pressed. Why did that matter? He’d just said he was here with someone else but still asking about my status, Leiland would never do something that lowdown. I hadn’t said anything else before a middle-aged white woman walked over and greeted Brandon. Her red hair hung in loose waves down her back, and though I could tell she was older than us, her body was on point. Now, all I wondered was how this Becky knew Latif.

  “Hey, you. I came out the little girl’s room and you were gone.”

  Without thinking I muttered an unnecessary insult to the Jessica Rabbit look alike.

  “Hahaha, let’s be honest, little girl’s room?

  Instead of giving a smug rebuttal, she grinned, “Do you know this woman, Brandon?”

  “Oh yeah, he knows me very well. Don’t you, Brandon,” I hinted with a purr. There was no reason for me to show my ass the way that I was, but I wasn’t thinking logically. I was losing the best thing that happened to me. At this point, my mood was set to territorial. Even not having an ounce of desire for Brandon didn’t stop my bitchy attitude. Him being here was sketchy enough.

  “As a woman, you should be more tactful about inhibitions and whatever it is you’re attempting to imply. You’re way too beautiful to walk around with your hoe-list on like a cape,” she suggested, never moving her ivy-colored eyes from my mine.

  With an uneasy laugh, Brandon slid his hands around her waist, smiling in her face as if just seconds ago he wasn’t trying to get in my panties.

  “Regardless of what you think, fucking the help, who looks to be half your age definitely screams reservations on display. Don’t get it twisted, momma,” I blurted, hardly noticing the attention we had drawn. And even if I had, I wouldn’t have stuttered.

  “What’s your name? We got off on the wrong foot so fast I didn’t catch it,” she replied with more class than I’d even possessed.

  “You didn’t catch it because I didn’t give it. Ask your friend, he’s called it out plenty of nights.” I piqued, not giving enough thought as to who was in ear shot.

  Dipping her eyebrows in disgust, she started looking past me. “You should really be ashamed over yourself.”

  “Says the bitch who—”

  “What the fuck did you just say to my mother?” Leiland asked with every part of him visibly pissed.

  His mom?


  My eyes hardly moved from the gold-trimmed doorframe. I stayed glued to my seat unless to refill my cup when the waitress took too long.

  The party started at eight, and now, ten minutes after ten, Billie still hadn’t arrived. After threatening to snatch her from that apartment, she’d made a hideout, and she convinced me that my assistance wasn’t needed. She had been in hibernation for three days, and on each consecutive day I had a dozen flowers delivered.

  On the first day, I dropped them off personally, sliding encouraging messages beneath her door for reassurance, but once I realized she wasn’t going to let me in, I stepped back. Having her favorite flower shop bring them by instead to make things easier on her. Seeing her in the flesh tonight would ease my mind and rest my worry that screamed she wasn’t doing well. I would do whatever necessary to make sure Billie was happy and not just content, and once she’d arrived and stood in my presence, I could see she used a substance other than weed to ensure she was able to make it through the night. That was bullshit.

  “Look, I’m going to find my cousin,” is all she said when I called her out for being late and out of it, but I didn’t pressure for answers or affection. I knew she was hurt about the possibility of me leaving and was using her memories as an excuse to shut me out. Nothing was finalized, but Billie dismissed me like she knew I had already made a decision. Before she hurried away, I hadn’t had the chance to tell her that my mom was in the building, and regardless of how things had changed between us, I wanted them to meet.

  Tired of watching her shake her ass on the dance floor, I was almost out of my seat and on top of her until I saw her searching around the venue. I knew she was looking for me and, in my head, I baited her to turn my way, as if our thoughts were synced. Before her body could make a complete circle, a man standing almost my height invaded her personal space. I didn’t want to be impulsive, so I watched their interaction before shutting everything down. It was obvious that they were familiar with each other, but that didn’t mean shit to me. Dude was the same one my ma had introduced me and my sisters to a week before.

  They’d met four months ago, both working for the school, and let her tell it, she liked having him around. It wasn’t my place to delegate who she could date, but I hoped he wasn’t who she thought to settle down with. I didn’t want to interfere, but from the way he stared at my lady, I knew I wouldn’t have a choice. A part of me wanted to see how Billie would handle herself. It was already frustrating that she didn’t slap the spit from his mouth
when he grabbed her by the elbow. Catching the tail end of her comment, I was pissed at hearing the way she spoke to my ma.

  “What the fuck did you say to my mother?” I barked, feeling my body get hot all over. Billie knew how I felt about her loose tongue, and to spit that shit at my ma was crossing the line.

  “Your mother?” she asked puzzled and pitiful.

  “What the fuck were you thinking speaking to her that way?”

  “How the hell was I supposed to know who she was? Brandon introduced her as his date,” she said vividly nervous. The effects of the pill and my demeanor had her shaking. Her pupils were so dilated, it was easy to tell that she took something.

  “That’s why you should watch that mouth of yours. Regardless of who was listening, have some fucking respect,” I barked. Everyone was now tuned into our family feud, and for the first time, I was embarrassed by her behavior. Billie had me acting out character the same way I’d done Lucy, but the difference was I saw what was happening. The sad thing was, even that wasn’t a deal breaker for me. I tried to relax my breathing because I could feel body tense a bit.

  “Hey, hey. What the hell is going on over here?” Jupiter inquired, immediately consoling her crazy ass cousin. There was no doubt in my heart that I was in love with Billie, but I’d be lying if I didn’t think we may not have been good for one another.

  “I’m so sorry, Jupiter. I didn’t mean for all of this to happen on your special night,” she pleaded, running out the gold door I had been waiting so long for her waltz through.

  “Billie,” I yelled, close on her heels, but she was moving fast, and I felt like I was going in slow motion. Jupiter and Carmen were behind me, I’m guessing to help, but this wasn’t a situation for them to rectify. Billie was mine, and I didn’t need anyone to handle her except me.

  “I got her. Go back to the party,” I demanded, not waiting to see if they listened.

  Making it outside, I saw her taking the steps two at a time.

  “Lady, I’m not going to chase you around this place. Stop and talk to me like a fucking adult, or I’ll meet you at your house,” I warned her, stopping my feet. My eyes were losing focus of her, and without warning, a marching band hit my temples.

  “What is there even to talk about. You’re leaving me, leave it there.”

  “That doesn’t excuse the bullshit you said. Like where the fuck is you brain? This is your cousin’s engagement party, and you’re a spoiled brat for thinking it’s cool to sit in a room and mourn for days and expect people to kiss your ass when you resurface. But I’m convinced you want me to mistreat you or allow you to fuck me over to validate your fucked up perception of how a relationship is supposed to be. For you to say my wanting to be there for you is me trying to relate to your pain is bullshit!” I couldn’t control my temper any longer. Billie had pissed me off.

  “Are you okay, Leiland?”

  And just as before, I could no longer feel the wind on my face. Sparx was completely out of sight, but I could feel the pressure of my body rolling down the museum steps, and I couldn’t miss the sound of bones cracking.


  First, I have to thank God for preserving my gift until I was prepared to share it with the world.

  Completing the story of Billie and Leiland still makes me feel so gritty but proud. For anyone who has spent their time with my people, thank you.

  I must show love to my parents, and my brother, Corey, for the continuous motivation and push to achieve my dream. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  Alexandria, it has been a long time my friend. You’ve made my stories a part of your life, and every time I’ve jumped to something new, you leaped with me. Now it’s time to get that Harley’s Mane on the shelves, brozzzz!

  Eunice, WOW! All I can say is a genuine act of kindness. We had maybe two conversations about my story before you were completely invested and sacrificing your personal belongings in order for me to make a deadline I didn’t meet. That never wavered your faith in the finished product. Instead, you encouraged me to take my time and write. I love you, forever Friend!

  Kandis, thank you for your support during this entire process, my Scorpion sister!

  Nicole (Whiskey, haha) and Tisha Andrews (my fairy book mother), my ladies of balance. No matter what I’ve asked of you, you’ve supplied. From reasoning to a laugh. Prepare to do it again soon, k? K.

  To my B.G (*blushing*), I know some nights you wish you could put me on pause because of my theatrics, movie quotes, and randomness, but you loc it out with a smile. I used to think people were exaggerating when they’d say you have to put in blood, sweat, and tears to get to the goal. I thought it was bologna. It’s definitely chicken (You know exactly what I mean ??), and you’ve been one hell of a partner through it all.

  To my publisher, Quiana, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have the world experience my words. For showing me genuine support and providing guidance any author would cherish, I appreciate you forever.

  Until we meet again…

  This is available now!


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  A woman’s intuition just may be one of the most powerful forces on earth. It’s an internal magic that tells a woman when something isn’t right way before a man notices anything. In fact, it has been catching men do dirt for years…

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