Book Read Free

One Size Fits All

Page 9

by Shari Ryan

  As I walk out, I stop at the door and take a chance to glance back over my shoulder. The feeling of having eyes boring through me causes me to do this, and sure enough Cooper’s face has tightened and from here I can tell that his eyes have glossed over. A soft smile spreads over my face before I turn my head back around and find my new office space. I don’t have to go far as it’s literally right outside his office. I can’t see straight in through the door, but I have a good view from here of him leaning back in his chair, running his hands through his hair. With this view, I’ll never get any work done.

  Hours pass by before lunch lands on my desk, starling me to the point that I jump from my seat and grab my chest. Which I totally missed and grabbed a handful of boob.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you, but I noticed that you were in deep thoughts out here and figured you needed to eat. Would you care to join me and we can go over what you think so far?”

  “Okay, sure… Yep that would be great…” I stumble over the words, sounding like an idiot, and follow him towards his office. Once I’m inside, Cooper closes the door behind us, my back stiffening when the click echoes through the space. He steps next to me with both hands full with our lunches and nods to his desk as he says, “Come on.”

  A small part of me wants to run over to the door and open it, while the rest wants to keep it closed and locked so no one can come in and interrupt us. My thought process is not working the way it needs to; it’s encouraging me to be sexy and adventurous right now. But, the logical part is saying to sit my ass down and listen to what he has to say before I get fired for making an advance on the boss. I allow my eyes to watch him as he places his suit jacket over the back of his chair, how he rolls up each sleeve before placing then arranging our lunch on the desk for us. Cooper cocks his head toward me and before he can speak, I instantly lick my lips to wet them. Watching him has put me in a trance as if I’m experiencing an out of body experience. “Charlie, I’m trying really hard here to not reach over and taste those lips, so please stop licking them,” he says in a voice laced with want, need, and cockiness. I’m taken by surprise and lower my head, setting my eyes down to the carpet. I’m mortified that I was caught licking my lips like I was tasting sweet honey from them, but that’s what happens when I’m near him; I lose any sense.

  His feet come into view and I watch his arm reach out to me. In slow motion his fingers touch my chin in order to raise my face to his. Gently, he wipes away the loose strands of hair that have fallen over my face so he can see me. This makes me feel vulnerable, like I’m on display for him to read all of my emotions. His lips part to speak, but my reaction is to dart my tongue out and run it over my dry lips again. “I’m serious Charlie, I want to taste your ruby lips like it would be my last meal. I know that’s not possible, so you have to work with me here. I like you, Charlie, but this fight to stay away isn’t easy. Just so you know when you’re embarrassed, your cheeks flush and turn a shade of crimson that I’ve never witnessed. It causes me to want to make you nervous, just so I can see your beautiful face.”

  I swallow, my eyes the size of saucers, I’m pretty sure, but I manage to open my mouth and speak. “You think I’m beautiful?” Just as I finish, I shake my head and look back down as this had to be the stupidest question to ask. Out of all of that, that’s what I wonder? Instantly, my face is brought back up to his, but this time he places both hands on either side of my face to raise me up to him. I train my eyes on his Adam’s apple, while watching it move over and over again. It’s almost as if his excitement mirrors mine. The sensation of his hands moving behind my head causes me to look up through hooded eyes and before I know it, his lips are on mine. It starts out soft, a light pressure of them meeting for the first time, my chest shaking like a hiccup for a moment as I take in the feeling of this connection. Cooper pulls back just a bit causing me to lick my lips for him and just like that, our mouths are back to making their own destiny. My hands move up behind his head, pulling him closer to me so I can take what I’ve wanted. This might be the worst mistake I’ve ever made, but hell, If I’m going to get fired for this, I’m walking out of here knowing exactly how Cooper Fields tastes. I run my hands up through his hair, gripping it at the base and earning a low rumble from his throat that vibrates through my chest. His hands slide down my back, leaving a trail of goose bumps and making my mind think about how good his touch would be over my naked body. My chest flutters up and down from the desire, the need, the want that I’m craving from his touch.

  Just as his hand starts to raise my skirt over my thighs, the sound of his desk phone rings through the office. He stops, pulls away and glances over to the phone to see who it might be interrupting us. Gently, his hand continues up my thigh, his fingertips resting on the lace fabric covering my hip. The ringing stops and he goes back to controlling my mouth once again. His cell phone vibrates across his desk, halting the delicious feeling of his hands and mouth on me. Cooper pulls completely away from me, grabs his phone and answers, “Cooper speaking.”

  I back away a little and try to right myself as I watch him lean up against his desk, running his free hand through his messy hair. His eyes never leave mine, but his stare is too much for me so I turn away. I start pacing back and forth trying to zone out on his conversation and focus on the fact that I just made out with my boss… I’m going to hell, no, actually I need to pack my apartment up and move away before I end up living in a shelter for women that hit on their bosses. I wonder if we can just ignore what happened seconds ago. Can we deny the chemistry and connection we have? Was it real or just the excitement of doing something we shouldn’t be doing? That’s it, we don’t have a connection or anything other than wanting to test the waters and be bad… Oh, but I really liked being bad with Cooper and want to be extremely bad with him.

  “Charlie, will you look at me?” he says breaking me from the mini freak-out session going on in my head. I stop and face him, trying to gain the confidence that I know I have somewhere. “Will you have dinner with me?”

  “What?” I ask, giving him a look that should relay the fact I think he has lost his mind. Of course Cooper doesn’t respond, he stands and prowls over to me. One hand reaches up and runs down the length of my face, causing me to close my eyes and lose my will power once again. “I’ll ask again; Charlie will you have dinner with me?”

  “Yes, I’ll have dinner with you,” I say without thinking about my answer, because that was my body speaking and not my mind.

  “Good, because I really want to taste those lips again without interruptions.”

  I swallow and choose this moment to lose my voice. I’ve never had another man say this to me so I have no idea on how to answer. I do what I do best by making things weird. “Well, okay so let me know what time we shall do this again as I’m going back to my desk to cool off and regain my composure.” I say that quickly and pull out of his embrace. I’ve never left an office as quickly as I just did, but once I’m seated back in my chair I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes. In through my nose, out through my mouth over and over again until my heart rate has slowed. Once I feel a sense of Zen I open my eyes and notice my lunch sitting before me. I lean to the left in my chair to gain a better view of Cooper at his. He winks and gives me a sideways smirk before taking a bite of his sandwich. I peek inside the brown bag and notice it’s my favorite sandwich and chips from the deli I often attend with Ginger. Unlocking my phone, I bring up Ginger and send her a text message.

  Me: Have you ever seen Cooper at the deli for lunch?

  Ginger: All the time, haven’t you ever noticed him?

  I don’t answer back as I wonder how I’ve never seen him enter, exit, or even order lunch while I’m there.

  Blowing this whole situation off, I just take it as it’s close to the office, and the sandwiches are the best. I’ll admit that he did good, and enjoy my lunch while processing what has happened today.

  Chapter Six

  The next day
in the office I feel lucky as Cooper’s been gone most of the day today. My nerves are about to give me a heart attack as I mentally prepare for tonight’s party. Cooper wanted to have dinner this evening, but since I have training, I had to ask for a rain check for tomorrow. If I haven’t been focused on the marketing plan at work, I’ve been watching video after video in preparation of tonight. I still have no idea how I will get through this, or if I can- but I’m sure going to try. Cooper has awakened something in me, as Ginger has stated. I told her about our encounter immediately after arriving home, which only earned a lot of encouraging from her to move forward. Apparently in her eyes there’s nothing wrong with dating or screwing your boss- well, that is, as long as they aren’t already in a relationship.

  Megan has requested we meet and arrive together to her client’s home. I’m standing in the lobby of her apartment complex when I hear someone call my name, “Charlie, what are you doing here?” I turn around so quick that I cause myself to get dizzy and stumble. Cooper reaches out and catches me before I fall. My face has to speak louder than my words right now as I’m in complete shock that he’s here. Before I can question him, he asks. “Do you live here?”

  “No… No, I’m meeting a friend, do you?”

  “I do. Wow, for a second I thought I messed up our date night.”

  “No we’re still on for tomorrow so don’t let me keep you.”

  “I’m in no hurry, I can wait with you,” he says and I instantly tense, afraid he might know Megan and what we are about to go do. I listen as he tries to make small talk, but I have nothing to say. Internally I’m freaking out and the fears of having to say penis, anal plugs, and his name start to eat me up.

  Just before I try to form a coherent thought Megan calls out to me, causing me to spin and trip over the bag I have resting next to me. Here I am, spread out on my tummy like I’m about to slide down a slip and slide for the whole place to witness. I’m almost one hundred percent certain that my panties are showing because I just caught a draft. “Take my hand,” Cooper says. I turn slightly and extend my hand to his, in a quick jerk I’m up and pressed against his chest. He leans down to my ear and whispers, “If you wear anything like those panties tomorrow night, we will not make it to dinner.”

  A shiver runs through my body as he steps away from me, adjusting his suite jacket and squaring his shoulders at me. Megan walks over to check on me and after I confirm that I’m fine, we bid our goodbyes and head out for what’s to guarantee another adventure for my evening.

  Right as she closes the door to our cab, she turns in her seat looking me over like she’s trying to size me up or something. Last I checked I wasn’t in a war on which of us looked better than the other. I mean hell, I’m selling novelty items for extra money, not my body. “How do you know Mr. Fields?”

  “I work for him… Well, with him… He’s my boss and we’re working on a new project together. Do you know him?”

  “Looked to be more than just a boss and co-worker encounter and I’ve seen him in the building but don’t know him.”

  “Oh…” responding to her but not sure what I should be responding to. I’m sure for an outsider it might have looked different tonight, but I can’t get his words out of my head. The way his voice sizzled with need. I could feel the power behind each and every syllable. Maybe Ginger was right, I could just do this project, sleep with him to get broken back in, then put in my notice and do the night job full-time. That could work, but I have sense that if I allow myself to give in once I’ll want the whole package from Cooper. From what I’ve heard, he’s not really the one-woman type of man. Megan is still chatting up a storm next to me, but I don’t hear a thing out of her mouth. I smile and give her a friendly nod as I catch up. Seems like I just like to space out around people this week.

  We pull up to a massive house and wait for the gate to open. As the taxi circles us around the drive, I notice a few other vehicles off to the side. They’re luxury and beyond my price range, causing me to clam up a little more. Here I am, a klutz who freaks over the word penis, that’s fixing to walk into the unknown.

  “Charlie, this is what you work up to, and remember what I said, sit back and take it all in. I’ll have you help pass things out, but overall I want you to listen to me explain the stuff. Once you have your first one, you’ll be a pro.”

  I can only smile and nod in agreement as, feeling deep down I’ll never be a pro at this.

  Megan introduces me to a few of the other ladies as we’re shown where to go. Once we enter the room, I take in how they’ve decorated in a bachelorette theme, and already have a fold up table covered in a cloth runner with streamers, balloons, and what look like penis shaped nerds. We continue setting up as voices rise in the other room as more and more women enter the house. My palms are sweaty and a bead of sweat is forming around the baseline of my hair. Trying to calm myself, I rub my hands up and down the front of my skirt. Before I know it the mass crowd of ladies that would be classified as cougars rush in through the pocket door.

  “Welcome, Welcome ladies, find a seat and make yourself comfortable,” Megan says gesturing towards the chairs, circled around the room. The temperature in the room rises as I feel like she just turned on a spotlight and a neon sign is flashing behind me ‘Newbie Alert… Newbie can’t say penis!’ Okay, so that might be a little dramatic, but really, I can hear it in my head and see it on their faces. It’s like they know this and each one of them have their claws out to dig into me. I mean, you might as well hang a piece of steak around my neck and say ‘take her out.’ That’s what this is going to turn in to. I pull my shit together as much as I can while listening to Megan introduce herself and then me; explaining that this is my training class and how I’ll be observing for the evening. Apparently from what I can tell, she’s done shows here before and most of the ladies have memorized the catalogue. Megan has me walk around handing out necklaces with a penis on their end for some game she plays. She’s instructed that not only do I hand them out, but I need to happily say “Here’s a penis for you,” or “would you like a penis?” By the time I get done, my face feels as if it’s on fire and my voice is shaky. I take my seat off to the side and watch with wide eyes as Megan shows each item on her table, going into deep detail on what each one of them does; How to maximize your full orgasm. It’s then that I realize I have to think if I’ve ever had that knee shattering orgasm she just described. I can’t say I have. I mean, I thought I had, but nope, never has that big O made me pass out, knees shake, or made me forget what my name was. Each time I’ve had sex I’ve known exactly who I am when done. I literally forget that I am here to watch and not ask questions when I open my mouth, “So, multiple orgasms are best?”

  Megan turns to look at me, but before she can answer one of the other ladies stands up and walks over to me. “Dear, if you aren’t having more than one orgasm while your man is servicing you, he needs to go. Take my George; he couldn’t perform to my needs so now I have one of each of these items. What you need to do is figure out a position and which of these will do the trick for you.” She completes her sentence, but I’m taken by surprise at how open they are and how I feel like my mother just instructed me on how to have an orgasm. Megan walks over to me and hands me a weird shaped vibrator, but before she fully hands it over, she clicks the button on the end three times. The vibration causes me to jump a little as I’m startled. “Take this, Charlie; this is one of our top selling G-spot vibrators. The curve at the tip is perfect for reaching your full potential. Put this in your purse and tonight I want you to experiment with it. Sometimes it’s best if you raise your hips with a pillow, let your legs fall to the side and I’m sure you won’t have a problem picturing a certain guy as you climax,” she says, and motions for me to put the vibrator in my purse. I try to not make eye contact with anyone else in the room as I’m mortified now that each of them might be picturing me masturbating tonight, trying to push myself to the limit. This is crazy… The res
t of the evening goes as it should, or as I imagine it should. I help Megan pack up her case and say my goodbyes to the new ladies that I’ve met as they all wish me good luck on my new adventure. I don’t even ask which they are referring to as I’m playing it off that they are talking about my new night job and not the toy in my purse. The drive back to Megan’s isn’t as exciting as the party was while I listen to her explain the next process and how I’ll do great at my own party that’s coming up. As the taxi pulls up to the curb, I allow my eyes to travel towards the lobby where I was hoping I would see Cooper waiting for me. It hits me at that moment I can’t go on this date with him. I have to put some distance between us.

  Me: Hi, I know it’s late but I need to cancel our date tomorrow. Please don’t ask me to think about it, as I won’t. I’ll see you Monday.

  Right as I hit send my heart flutters to the floor of the dingy taxi as part of me regrets this, but the other half says I did the right thing. I just have to find a way to keep my legs closed, and my head on straight.

  Chapter Seven

  The rest of my weekend went by as fast as it arrived. I spent the whole time locked away in my apartment researching games, toys, positions, and strangely enough, porn sites. I’ve come to the conclusion that all porn is fake and I have no idea why people watch it. I mean, a girl screams before the guy even touches Ms. Puss, what’s up with that? Not to mention the sound effects of the slapping as the skin hits up against each other. I might have laughed more than enjoyed it, but when you search the sites for sex toys you come up with some great information. I actually patted myself on the back as I watched a few of them that looked to be using the same products we offer. Now to figure out how to put together my routine from what I’ve witnessed, and took in from the party the other night. I have no desire to purchase any of our products since I still haven’t used the one that I just remembered is still in my purse. I make a mental note to remove it once I get back home from work tonight.


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