Book Read Free

One Size Fits All

Page 10

by Shari Ryan

  With a smile on my face I briskly walk past Cooper’s door trying to go unseen, but right before I go to circle my desk, I hear my name being called from his office. I turn back around and walk towards him. He’s standing in the threshold with a look I’m not sure about on his face. His forehead’s all scrunched up, his tie is loose, and his jacket is unbuttoned. Right as I step completely in, the door slams behind me. Cooper’s hands grab each side of my shoulders and back me up to the door causing my back to stiffen. He doesn’t say anything before his hands are wrapped around the back of my neck and his lips crash upon mine as if I’m his last meal. He pulls away leaving me breathless, but stares down at me with a questioning look on his face before he asks, “Do you have a pager?”

  “No, who carries those these days?”

  “Is your phone on vibrate?”

  “No, why?” I ask and listen. Just then it hits me that the vibrator in my purse has turned on. The pressure of me hitting the door must have clicked the button and caused it to start vibrating in my purse. I can feel the blood rising from my toes to my cheeks. If I ignore it, will he just pretend he is hearing things and let me go back to my desk where I can safety turn my vibrator off?

  “Come have a seat Charlie, I think we need to talk,” he says in a not so happy voice.

  “Well, can you give me a moment and let me put my things down? I promise I’ll be right back.”

  “Nonsense. Have a seat and let’s get this over with.”

  “Cooper, I would really like to come back in a few minutes,” I say, shifting from foot to foot.

  “Are you sure you don’t hear that? I swear it’s coming from your purse,” he asks, glancing down towards my purse and back up at me.

  “Nope, don’t hear a thing.”

  “Come sit. I’ve wanted to say this all weekend but refused to do this by text message.”

  “Great,” I say under my breathe and pray he didn’t hear me as I sit down and try to position my bag near my feet so I can push hard and turn the vibrator off. I lean over like I’m shifting in my chair but not as graceful as some would. I feel like one of those air balloons that flop around with the wind machine blowing hot air up its ass.

  “Charlie, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m great. So what was it that you wanted to say?” I respond through a forced smile. I watch as Cooper gets back up out of his chair and comes to stand in front of me. He notices my feet kicking the bag against the leg of the chair. The fucking vibrator has five speeds and I’m pretty sure by the sound emitting through the space that we just officially hit the fifth level. Picture a quiet room with a pulsing, vibrating sound hitting wood. I smile and try to get him to carry on this conversation. He leans down to retrieve my bag, but before he can I lean over and fall to the floor like a linebacker protecting her ball. There is no way in hell he can see what I have in here. Helping me up before I can shove my hand in the bottom and hit the off button, he stares at me with a questioning expression on his face. It’s in this moment that I have to decide to either tell him or just pull it out of the bag and turn it off. The debate on what to do is real, and for some reason I think we need a vibrator rule book. I mean I’m sure someone has been caught with a g-spot reaching vibrator in their briefcase, purse, or desk drawer, right? I clear my throat, square my shoulders, and look Cooper right in the eyes. With a deep breath I reach in and slide the bright fucking pink vibrator out of my purse and click the button. To my surprise, it clicks to another speed. I shake it just a bit and click it again, praying it goes off- but it doesn’t. It stays at the same speed and the sound seems to be echoing off the walls like we’re at a Friday night football game half-time show with the marching band in full speed.

  I look down holding my breath in my lungs like they’re about to explode, “Oh my God, it won’t turn off… Why are you doing this?” I say as I stare at it and start shaking it back and forth like it’s a sparkler on Fourth of July. Cooper’s hands cover mine and peel my fingers off it one by one, taking the vibrator from me and unscrewing the end to slide the batteries out from the bottom. I clear my throat and sit back a little stiffer than I normally would and say, “Well, that was fun. Happy Monday to you, Mr. Fields.”

  “Yes, Happy Monday to you. It’s definitely a different kind of start to the work week as it’s not every day a vibrator goes off in my office. Do you want to explain why you have this in your purse? Do you often carry them around?”

  “No, I’m usually vibrator free, but it’s a long story. Can I have it back, please?” I ask, placing my hand out for it. I watch as a devilish smile creeps up on his face. I turn my head a little, cutting my eyes at him and wondering what he’s thinking. All of a sudden he walks to the door, turns the lock so no one can enter, and walks back around to his desk. I watch as he hits a few buttons on his phone and the red light starts to blink on the top, alerting that he has set it to ‘do not disturb.’

  “Cooper, what are you doing?”

  “I want to fix something between us, and this is the only way I know how to make you listen.”

  “By locking me inside your office at eight in the morning?”

  “No, you’re free to go when you want… But I need to taste you before I can start my day. I haven’t been able to get my mind off you all weekend, and you send that shitty ass text telling me you would see me on Monday. Which by the way, I had to stop myself a million times from pounding on your door.”

  “You know where I live?” Is the only thing I ask as I’m still processing the rest of his statement.

  “Yes, I happen to have used my resources but for good measures.”

  “Of course for good measure, just like you’re holding my vibrator hostage?”

  “Come here Charlie, I want to show you why you shouldn’t fight this attraction that we’ve both been resisting since day one.”

  “Day one, what do you mean?”

  “I remember watching you walk off the elevator on your first day. To anyone else it would appear like you had skipped a step, but to me, I knew you had lost your footing but caught yourself. A part of me wanted to rescue you and bring you back here for the rest of the day. You had looked over to the receptionist and smiled the brightest smile I’ve ever witnessed from another human being. Then the day you said penis when I asked what floor you needed, I wanted to kiss you until you didn’t have words left. The day I watched you sketch on the subway, I wanted to hide you from the world. You look at life with a pair of eyes that I’ve never seen another person use before; you turn red at the drop of a hat. When your heart beats faster, you get this little tick in the corner of your eyes. But here’s the thing, unless someone is really looking at your eyes behind those glasses, they won’t notice it. It’s small, and I’m pretty sure you don’t even know it happens. That’s what I mean Charlie, I want you… Right here… Right now…”

  It’s like life is happening in slow motion, I’m standing up from my seat and Cooper’s headed for me. I swallow and fidget with the hem of my shirt as I question the fact that I’m not running away. His words have caused my head to lose all judgment; I’m positive that I just threw in the towel and lost this battle.

  Once he reaches me, my foggy brain watches him undo each button until my laced covered chest is the only thing he sees. I still don’t move or try to stop him; it’s as if I’m back to that out-of-body experience. He steps closer, reaching behind my back. The sounds of the zipper being tugged on bounces off my ears until I look down and witness the material pooled at my feet. “Step out,” he says, taking my hand and walking me over to the sofa against the wall. He sits me down and the cool leather that hits my skin causes my breath to hitch, but it doesn’t slow Cooper down. My eyes train in on his movement. First the jacket gets tossed to the table; the tie comes next, then the shirt. It’s when the echo of his zipper hits my ears that I lick my lips like I’m about to lick the side of an ice cream cone. I’ve imagined the way his body looks under his suit for some time
now, and today I finally get to see him in full view. His pants are hanging from his hips teasing me with what’s underneath. My chest rises and falls as if I’m running a marathon. Before I can say a word, his lips take mine, brushing his tongue in and out of my mouth, teasing me as I let out a small groan of pleasure. My mind doesn’t even register that I’m half naked on his sofa, while he’s practically naked himself. I feel his arm reach down and his hips move from side to side as he moves his slacks down past his hips. One of his arms swings under my leg causing me to shift and bring myself closer to him. In one swift move he slides my panties to the side and enters me and captures my cry with his mouth. With each thrust, his mouth conceals my screams. With every moan from me, it fuels Cooper to speed up and his thrusts go from long to short, fast to hard and before I know it, I’m reaching what I’m pretty sure is my orgasm within a short time frame. Just as the last moan escapes my body, it’s as it fuels his need for more. The way he captures mine and turns it into his own sends a wave of pleasure through both of our bodies. Cooper slows his movements, his breathing matching the rhythm of mine. I not only hear my heartbeat but his as well, it sounds like an orchestra playing a piece from Mozart.

  “I’m sorry Charlie; I didn’t want our first time to be like this. But… You drive me mad and I can’t think when I’m around you. Are you okay?” he asks, his forehead still touching mine.

  “Uh huh…” Is the only thing I can remotely manage to say as my body feels weak and useless at this moment. I watch as Cooper pulls away from me and stands to adjust his pants. He backs away and goes over to a drawer by the book shelf and pulls out what seems to be a cloth. Just as he cleans himself up, he heads back over and takes care of me. I pull all my strength together to stand and gather my clothing to get dressed. I have to remember we are in an office and I need to be professional. I shouldn’t have ever let this happen. Not here… Not now.

  I quickly get dressed and check my hair in the mirror. Once I’m satisfied that I don’t look like I just screwed the boss and had the best orgasms that I’ve ever had, I gather my purse and head back out to my desk. But before I leave I stop at the locked door and glance back at Cooper. The sorrow is written all over his face. I knew it was a mistake, and it’s one that I’ll never allow myself to make again. I question his demeanor and wonder what he feels was a mistake. Was it having sex in his office, or having sex with me? I, however, kick myself for allowing us to go that far in his office, but when I stop long enough to think about it- if this is the only chance I’m given to have him, I’ll take it.

  Chapter Eight

  I managed to avoid Cooper all week, calling in sick for two days and the rest I knew he would be out of the office for meetings. Yes, I know the sick card was me being a coward, but I’ve never done anything like this and to say I was freaking out is an understatement. Today is Friday and I have my very first show by myself a few hours after work. I brought my case with me so I didn’t have to rush back home and back across town. With my absence this week, it put me behind on my work load, so tonight I’ll stay a little later and catch up while I can. I’m pretty positive that once I finish this project, I’ll get shipped back to my floor and old job. In reality, if that doesn’t happen I plan to request it. I would like my vibrator back from him, but that’s something I couldn’t ask him for. That pink thing already led us both to making a bad choice, so no reason to allow the power of the vibe to do it again.

  I’ve spent most of the day wondering what Cooper is doing, which is nothing out of the ordinary from any of my usual days. I must be deep in thought because I never hear him enter the office, or approach me.

  “Charlie, how’s the project coming along? Do you think you will have it ready to show us by next week?”

  I clear my throat and raise my head to look at him. My heart sinks a little by the stress that’s written all over his face. I wonder if it’s because of our mistake, if it’s because he knows he will need to fire me. Or that I could sue him for sexual harassment, or a million other things. I try to focus back on the question, licking my lips without noticing that I’m doing it. Cooper leans in over my desk toward my ear.

  “Charlie, I’m about to lose my patience with you. You’ve avoided me all week and you are diligently licking those lips that you know I like to taste. So, for the love of God, please answer my question before I lose my control out here in the open,” he states through gritted teeth, causing me to tighten my legs together.

  I look him dead in the eyes, holding his stare for a bit before I answer, “Yes, I’ll have it ready by Tuesday, Sir.”

  “Very well,” he says before storming off to his office and slamming the door, making me jump in my seat. I notice that the clock on the computer says it’s close to six, which is my clue to pack up and get ready for my party.


  The taxi drops me off at a small but simple house that’s on the border of Jersey and New York. I was told this was a bachelorette party for a girl who’s getting married for the very first time. Megan had originally planned to host this one but felt that the vibe would fit me better; which means I’m hosting all by myself. My nerves aren’t as bad as I thought they would be and I still turn ten shades of red with the mention of penis. But, here I am knocking on the door as I try to calm my breathing. I tap my foot against the concrete step as I wait for what seems like forever. I’m taken aback when a guy that looks to be in his early thirties answers the door with a beer in his hand.

  “Oh, you’re our girl and so early. Come on in,” he says, opening the door a little wider for me to roll my case behind me.

  Once inside I stop and put out my hand, “Hi, I’m Charlie and just point me to the room where I’m to set up in.”

  “Nice to meet you Charlie, oh wow he is going to love you… Come on let’s go,” he instructs, but I’m starting to get a little confused as he said he. I blow it off since now—a-- days you just never know, and I might have thought that Avery was just another girl’s name. This might be easier than I thought.

  “Alright, well give me about twenty minutes to set up and then we can start the party,” I say to him with a big smile.

  “Great, let me know if you need anything beforehand. Oh, did you bring your own music?”

  “No, I usually don’t do this to music, but it’s my first time so sure, we can play something,” I say and look around the room I’m in. I notice the stereo and walk over towards it, “Does this work?” I ask.

  “Yes, and there should be a million and one CDs next to it. So okay, well, I will see you soon.” he says and leaves me to set up. I place all my items out on the table, grab the penis necklaces that I bought and even put on a bright pink feathered boa around my neck. I have a bowl of penis suckers at the end that they can have and once I’m satisfied with the table, I go over and put on some music. Just as the beat vibrates through the room, I turn and watch as the door opens and in come about twenty guys that do not look gay at all.

  My eyes go wide as I take them all in. When the last one enters the room, I want to crawl under my table and die. Cooper Fields just walked in here with a bunch of men that are staring at me like something is wrong. I hear one yell that I don’t look like a normal stripper and questions why I still have my clothes on. The gentleman that answered the door tonight comes up to me and leans down to my ear, “You are the stripper, right? We ordered a stripper, and what’s up with all the dongs on the table?”

  “No, I’m not a stripper, I sell sex toys…” I answer on the verge of tears.

  He must realize that the lines got crossed somehow and says to me, “You need to figure this out quick because this bachelor party thinks you’re a stripper.”

  “Okay, where is the rest room?”

  “Down the hall and make it quick.”

  I grab my bag and run out of the room as I hear him announce that they all need to take a seat and I’ll be right back. He continues to explain how this is all part of the show. Right as I g
o to close the door a foot stops it from closing. I turn my head and notice Cooper is standing against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. In this moment if looks could kill, I’d be dead in this single restroom that belongs to a stranger.

  “Care to explain to me what’s going on? I didn’t know you were a stripper,” he says it like I disgust him and regrets ever touching me in any way. Like I’m some polka dotted zebra that wears a pink boa for fun while taking a trip to the zoo.

  “You know nothing about me, get out!” I scream at him while pushing him out of the way so I can shut the door. Something in me comes to life. I’m not sure if it’s the way he just looked at me, or the way my heart is breaking from the way he spoke to me. Right now I plan to make this the best fucking party those boys have ever been to. I dig out my makeup bag and freshen up with more of a party look. I search the cabinet for a pair of scissors to cut off the midriff section of my shirt and rip the v-neck a little lower than it was. I leave my skirt alone as it’s one of my favorites and already above my knees. Looking back in the mirror, I take myself in and give myself a pep talk.

  I head back to the room filled with horny men and keep my head high. I have no idea what I plan to do, but I do know that Cooper will not have the last word with this one.

  “Alright gentleman… My name is Charlie and tonight is your lucky night as I’m going to teach you all a few things before you leave here. See, we had us a little mix up… You’ve requested a stripper probably named Candy, but instead you received a Charlie who sells sex toys.” I speak as I hear the groans and moans coming from the guys.

  “Oh hold on fellas, and before you get those briefs in a pinch let’s try to have a little fun. I mean, I’m sure your ladies at home would love for you to gain a few tricks, now wouldn’t they?” My voice flattens a little as I have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. I’ve had sex with three people in my life and one just happens to be in the room with me. Okay, well that one might have been the best sex of my life- but who’s counting?


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