Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) Page 3

by Sienna Duncan

  “I know. It’s jacked up, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “I know what I said to you earlier, but if you don’t want to see Chad, that’s your business. You have to live your life the way you think is best.”

  “Yeah. At least I have your support.”

  Lynn smiled. “Always bestie! Now, you need to move that ass so we can look hot tonight.”

  I groaned. “Why? So you can play tonsil hockey while I sit there.”

  Lynn smacked my arm. “You don’t have to sit there, you know.”


  I heard Lynn mumble “whatever” and something else I couldn’t decipher. I walked to my closet and began the task of picking something Lynn wouldn’t send right back, and I won’t cringe over. She thinks showing more skin is better. I’m just the opposite. I settled on a pair of jeans that makes my ass look really good. ‘Cause you know that’s most important, right?

  “You need to wear that cute, black off the shoulder top you bought a couple weeks ago.”

  I looked over my shoulder at Lynn. Her hands were on her hips. So bossy! Shaking my head, I looked in the closet and pulled out the black top she just mentioned. It is cute.

  I guess that means I’m wearing it. She won’t let up until I do anyway.

  I walked into the bathroom, determined to coax my hair into anything not resembling a fur ball. I should’ve blown dried it straight after I got out of the shower earlier.

  Well, people still scrunch their hair…right?

  If not, then I’m bringing it back.

  I dug around in the drawer at the vanity, and found a large clip. I spritzed my hair scrunching it in sections. I twisted it in the back, and clipped it in place on my head. I applied my favorite dark berry lipstick, some black eyeliner, and my blackest black mascara.

  Cute without trying to get attention.


  “Hey, Becky. Shelby just called and they are meeting us there.” Lynn’s voice got louder as she neared the bathroom.

  “Oh, okay.”

  Lynn was watching me as I put one more coat of mascara on my lashes. I am blessed with long lashes, so I love to play them up. It always makes my eyes pop.

  “You look really good, Beck.”

  Umm…okay. I guess I look like shit the rest of the time?

  “Thanks. My jeans are actually a little looser than they were when I bought them.”

  “I’m not surprised. If you eat like you do when I am here, then you aren’t eating much.”

  “Trust me, I eat enough. Sometimes I get so busy I forget to eat. You know I have a rule about not eating after 8:00 at night.”

  “Unless you’re drunk.” She swatted my arm.

  I giggled. When we used to go out on the weekends, we would stop and get something to eat in the early hours of the morning. Somehow, we thought it would absorb some of the alcohol. I’d like to say we never drove home drunk, but if whoever was the designated driver had a couple, okay…maybe three or four drinks, we would stop every time.

  Chili cheese fries.

  Yep. Of all things to order, Lynn and I would do it every time.

  Do you know what that’s like coming back up? You don’t want to know. Stay away from chili cheese fries when you have been drinking! Trust me. That’s all I’m saying. It makes me shiver just thinking about it.

  Lynn decided to leave her long, curly, blonde hair down. I have always told her she is such a lucky bitch. If I don’t straighten my hair, it looks like a poodle on crack. Lynn’s naturally curly blonde hair looks beautiful no matter what.

  So unfair!

  We met Taylor and Shelby about fifteen minutes later at Mickey’s Bar. There was a large crowd because of the karaoke contest tonight. I don’t want to know how the two of them managed to get us a table. I’m just grateful we have one.

  I glanced at the bar. Looks like Nikki is helping Eric tonight. I have seen her more than once hold her own night after night. Some people underestimate Nikki because of her size. She is probably five feet tall and one hundred pounds soaking wet, but inside that tiny body is one badass chick!

  “Did y’all notice Nikki’s new hair color? I want it!” Shelby said excitedly, looking back at the bar.

  We all looked over at Nikki. She usually has her hair dyed blue, but tonight it looked like she changed it to burgundy, with blue tips. It looked so wild and awesome. I was in complete agreement with Shelby.

  “I’m with Shelby, it looks awesome! I’m tempted to dye mine burgundy.”

  My friends turned their heads back to me so fast, I’m sure they had whiplash.

  “You would do that?” Taylor didn’t look convinced, but I knew she would dye it for me if I asked.

  “Absolutely.” I was getting excited just thinking about it.

  Lynn raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. “Okayyy.”

  Damn! Where’s all my support?

  “I’ll do it if you will.” Shelby sounded just as excited.

  Taylor and Lynn looked back and forth between the two of us, and shook their heads in disbelief.

  Maybe a little disgust. To be fair, I have never done anything wild to my hair. Blonde highlights is as far as I have ever gone.

  “I’ll let you know if I decide to do it.”

  Shelby nodded.

  Someone took our drink order while we waited for the karaoke contest to start. I looked over at some of the other tables and saw people flipping through the song books. I recognized some of the regulars who can actually sing. That’s a relief! Sometimes you can go to these things and there will be more than one unpleasant surprise. It can be so bad, you’ll wish you had brought ear plugs, and that doesn’t always help. So happy to see there will be real singers here tonight.

  “Oh my gosh! There he is!” Lynn squealed.

  We looked around and there stood Jim…or is it Tim? Who knows at this point? He saw Lynn and started walking toward our table. I giggled silently as he maneuvered his way around everybody. Jim/Tim (whatever) was wearing jeans and a dark blue pullover. His dark brown hair was cut very short on the sides, but the top was a little longer.

  I don’t think I have ever seen anybody who radiated such cockiness. There is nothing wrong with being sure of yourself, but you shouldn’t make it so obvious. The look on his face made it obvious he thought he was getting laid tonight. He looked smug. Don’t get me wrong, he isn’t ugly. I just don’t like it when it is to the point of conceit.

  “Hey, sexy. Let’s dance.” He grabbed Lynn’s hand and pulled her to her feet.

  “Okay.” She walked away with him without a second glance back in our direction.

  I heard people greet him when he walked out to the small dance floor. Well, at least I now know his name is Tim. I glanced at them all of two seconds. The way he was grinding into her, it almost looked like they were fucking.

  The music stopped playing and I watched Tim walk with Lynn toward the bar. I heard someone begin speaking into the mic. I’d recognize that raspy voice anywhere.

  It was Mickey Gallahan, the owner of the bar. We all loved him. Although he appeared to be in his late sixties (Mickey would never give anybody a straight answer), he ruled his bar with an iron fist. He wanted you to have a good time, but absolutely no fighting was allowed. If he thought anyone was thinking about violence, they had to leave. I must say, there have been only a couple people who tried to push their luck with him. They weren’t from around here, so the look of shock on their faces when he literally picked them up by their collar, was something everybody talked about for a long time.

  We all know better than to pull any shit.

  Now they do.

  Mickey announced the first person to sing in the contest. I looked around for Lynn, but I couldn’t see her. Not too surprising with the crowd here tonight.

  I finished my drink and ordered another. The singers were pretty amazing. Mickey was careful with the participants this time. I shuddered when I thought about some of the times people with absolut
ely no talent had entered the contest.

  Fingernails on a chalkboard. That’s all I’m sayin’.

  “Lynn had been gone for a while, Beck.” Taylor said.

  Hmmm…she has been gone for about fifteen minutes. I nervously looked around and there was no sign of Lynn anywhere.

  Well, shit!

  “I’m a little worried, too.” Shelby was glancing around the room.

  How well do we actually know Tim? Not at all! We see him around the bar scene, but that’s all. I sighed as I got up. I told my friends I would be back in a few minutes, but to come look for me if I wasn’t back in ten.

  I walked over to the bar first and questioned Eric.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Last time I saw your friend she was walking toward the bathrooms with Tim. I hope she knows what she’s doing messing with that one.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You know she doesn’t.”

  Eric shook his head. Nikki walked up beside him.

  “Your friend is messing with Tim Martin? He’s a fuck ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy. Unless that’s what she’s after. I’m not judging her, because a girl’s got to do whatever makes her happy.”

  “I don’t know anymore, Nik.”

  I walked to the bathrooms and opened the door to the women’s room.

  Shit! I tried my best not to let my mouth drop open.

  I blinked my eyes. Damn it! There are some things the eyes can’t unsee.

  Lynn’s hands gripped the sides of the sink, while her ass was up in the air, and Tim was pounding into her. He looked up at me and smiled before motioning for me to come inside. I backed out of the bathroom. From outside of the door I could hear their grunts getting louder.

  Shit! Haven’t they heard of a fucking lock?

  I glanced at the bar and Eric was looking at me.

  “You don’t wanna know.” I mouthed to him.

  He shook his head. “If Mickey finds out they’ll be banned from here.” A customer called Eric’s attention away from and the bathroom sexfest.

  I walked back to the table. My friends looked up at me with questions in their eyes. I held up my hands and stopped them from asking any questions.

  “Don’t ask.”

  Shelby looked at me questioningly.

  “What? Are they fucking?” Taylor joked.

  I stared her. Not funny,

  “Nooo! Where are they?” Shelby’s eyes widened in shock before she looked around the bar.

  “The bathroom.”

  Their mouths dropped open.

  “Yep. They had no idea I walked in on them, either.” Well, Tim saw me but Lynn was oblivious. I was trying to get rid of the creepy vibes I got from him when he motioned for me to join them. `

  “Damn! I wonder how many people have screwed in there?” Taylor laughed.

  “I don’t want to know.”

  I tried to block it out, but the image of Tim pounding into my best friend is kind of seared in my brain now.

  “Lynn’s on her way back to the table.” Shelby said quickly.

  I looked up and my best friend sat down beside me. Her lipstick was smeared a little on her face and she looked exhausted. In other words, she’d been thoroughly fucked.

  “Damn girl!” Shelby high fived Lynn.

  They laughed.

  “I have never been fucked so hard in my life!”

  Lynn spoke loud enough to get the attention of the people at the other table. They laughed and shook their heads. There were more high fives going around the table, but I couldn’t make myself join them.

  “Where’s Tim?” I was genuinely curious. Not that I cared, but I didn’t want to see him clothed or otherwise.

  Lynn frowned. “He said he had to be somewhere else, but he’s going to call me tomorrow before I go home.”

  Sure he is.

  Of course, I didn’t tell her that. I smiled and went with it. She’s a big girl and knows better than to believe that shit.

  Lynn started to fan herself. “I’m so hot! I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to walk back in here.”

  Taylor and Shelby looked at me and laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Lynn looked confused.

  “Uh, we were worried about you, so Becky went to look for you. She…uh…found you.” Taylor grimaced toward the end.

  I glared at her. She had the good sense to look away. Shelby turned back to the stage, pretending she wasn’t listening. I know her better than that.

  Lynn’s mouth dropped open. “You saw us in the bathroom?”

  I nodded. “I guess Tim doesn’t mind if people walk in on his nightly conquest.”

  Okay, so I was being a bitch.

  Lynn narrowed her eyes. “You can be such a prude sometimes.”

  Wow! Where did that statement come from?

  She and I stared at each other for a moment. I knew our friends were watching us, but they didn’t say a word.

  “Damn, I just want to have fun. You don’t have to act so disappointed all the time when I pick up some guy.” She downed the rest of her drink.

  “I’m not disappointed. I just worry about you. What if you go off with someone who wants to hurt you? You’re my best friend, Lynn. I would be lost if something happened to you.”

  Lynn suddenly had tears in her eyes. “I know. I shouldn’t get so defensive.”

  She leaned over and hugged me. “I love you, chick,”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Whew! I was afraid we’d have to break you two up.” Shelby said.

  “We aren’t that bad.” Lynn laughed.

  The four of us turned our attention back to the karaoke contest and cheered for our favorites. This is what I needed. Surrounded by my favorite people, it was easy to temporarily put aside my own troubling thoughts. If I don’t think about it, I don’t have to deal with it. Right?


  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  I have learned that anytime my best friend asks me this to beware. Especially when there is a man involved.

  I’m still in shock Tim called Lynn this morning. I was led to believe he wouldn’t call because of his track record of going through lots of women. Apparently, he wants them to hook up before she leaves.

  I have to hold myself back, because she is an adult and can make her own decisions. I can’t help the fear I have for her when she meets men she knows nothing about. All I can do is try to be close by in case she needs me.

  “Yes, go have fun. I’ll see you before you leave.”

  “Thanks, bestie.”

  Lynn practically skipped out the door to meet with Tim. Taylor was standing outside her door when Lynn left.

  “What’s she so excited about?”

  “Can you believe Tim called her? I guess he wants to hook up before she leaves.”

  Taylor’s mouth dropped open.

  “Yep.” I completely understood her surprise.

  I walked back inside my apartment. I needed to tidy up anyway, so Lynn’s absence made it possible for me not to get distracted.

  After I washed the dishes, I put on a load of laundry and I quickly made my bed. I looked around my apartment. Dusting time. Ugh! Am I the only one who hates to dust? I hate doing it almost as much as I hate doing laundry.

  As I was wiping off the coffee table, I thought I heard my phone ding with a text message. I walked over to check.

  Hmm…my brother.

  TREVOR: R u ok?

  ME: Yes…why?

  TREVOR: I don’t want you to be pissed because of yesterday.

  ME: Whatever…

  My phone started ringing. I sighed. Of course, texting was not enough for him.


  Trevor sighed. “Hey, Beckster. “ It drove me nuts when he called me that.

  “Why are you calling me, Trevor?” I sat down on the loveseat.

  "I thought it would be better if we spoke.” His voice sounded a little odd.


  I’m not sure
if I like the way he said that. Call it sister’s intuition.

  “I spoke with Chad last night.” I felt the color drain from my face with that one sentence.

  How can that one sentence, cause my breath to catch?

  “Are you okay, Becky?” Trevor sounded concerned.

  “Yes.” I barely spoke above a whisper.

  “He didn’t really say anything when I told him you were not ready to speak to him. I think he understood, though.” Trevor paused. “He wanted to know if you had met anyone.”

  I gasped.

  “I told him you had not, but I also told him that perhaps, that’s what you two need to do right now.”

  “WHAT?” I didn’t intend to shout, but my emotions got the better of me.

  Trevor sighed in frustration.

  “If you two date other people, it will help you decide if you want to get back together.”

  I was too stunned to say anything.

  “Are you still there?”

  “Yes.” I said quietly.

  “It doesn’t mean you have to get in a relationship. Just go out on a few dates.”

  It made me cringe just thinking about dating. It was the LAST thing on my mind.

  “I get what you’re saying. I really do.” I hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Is he…is he ok?”

  I gulped the moment I asked the question. No taking it back now. I was met with silence on the other end. It was making me nervous.

  Trevor spoke with sympathy in his voice. “He’ll be ok, Becky.”

  What the hell does that mean? The pit in my stomach was the only answer to my unasked question.

  “Thank you, Trevor.” What else could I say? It was the least I could say for him talking to Chad. I knew it wasn’t his place to do it.

  “No problem. That’s what big brothers are for.”


  With nothing else to say, we ended the conversation right after that. I know I don’t have a right to be upset after that call, but I am. It’s what I wanted. Right?

  Why am I so upset? I made the decision to leave.

  I finished the rest of the laundry. I think I cleaned things that were already clean. Anything to get my mind off of the conversation I had with my brother.

  Chad wanted to know if I had met anyone yet. I laughed at the thought. If only he knew the steps I have taken to make sure I’m left alone. I wonder what he’d say. I’m sure he’d be down here before the end of the day.


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