Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) Page 4

by Sienna Duncan

  It’s funny because I have not been attracted to anyone. Sure, I have seen attractive men, but there has not been a spark of any kind. I guess a part of me feels like I would be betraying Chad by dating anyone else. Hell, according to my best friend, I just need to get laid. The thought of sex with anyone else right now just feels wrong. So wrong.

  I know it doesn’t make any sense. I’m the one who left. Not Chad.

  It’s just the way I feel.

  My thoughts were interrupted when Lynn walked into the apartment. She closed the door and leaned against.

  “Damn! It was better than last night.” She laughed.

  I shook my head.

  “What’s wrong, Becky?”

  I looked up and was met with Lynn’s eyes searching mine. I turned my head away.

  “Oh no! You don’t get to do that with me. Tell me what’s wrong.” Lynn sat down beside me.

  “Trevor called. He spoke with…” My voice caught. I couldn’t say his name out loud.

  Lynn grabbed my hand. She knew without me having to say it.

  “Can you believe he wanted to know if I was seeing anyone?” I looked up at Lynn.

  She sucked in a deep breath.

  “Well, he hasn’t heard from you in months, bestie. I’m sure he has thought all kinds of crazy things.”

  I nodded.

  “You’re right. Trevor suggested the two of us need to date other people until we know what we want.”

  Lynn put her arm around me to show me her support.

  “You know he’s right, don’t you? I know you haven’t felt ready to get out there, but you won’t ever know what you really want until you do.”

  I was trying to hold back the tears that had collected in my eyes.

  “You aren’t supposed to make sense like that.”

  Lynn laughed.

  “I do have my moments.”

  “Yes, you do. Thanks for being here for me, Lynn.”

  She smacked my arm lightly.

  “Like I would be anywhere else.”

  Lynn squeezed my hands.

  “You got this, Becky. You’re one of the most courageous women I know. You moved away from everything and everyone you know. That takes guts. You just need to find that feisty woman you have buried inside. I miss that part of you.”

  I snorted. “I’ll do my best.”

  “You better or I’ll have to kick your ass.”

  We laughed, but I knew she was serious. She glanced at the clock on the wall.

  “I can’t believe it’s already after three. I guess I need to get on the road. Mom and Dad are going to Gatlinburg for a few days. So, they told me I have to be there to open the store.”

  “I’m gonna miss you.”

  “Me, too.”

  Lynn went to the guest bedroom to get her bag. She packed it this morning before Tim called. We hugged before she left. She promised to be back in couple weeks. We have settled into that routine. Lynn just likes the fact that she gets to go to the beach when she visits.

  I walked back inside and relaxed for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow I will be getting my next assignment. Part of the agreement with Gwen, was that I would learn the editing process while continuing with my writing. I only agreed to learn the basics to help out until she finds someone who is the perfect fit.

  I was getting ready to go to bed early (it’s been one of those days) when my phone rang.


  Wasn’t she going out with some friends?

  I answered quickly.


  “Becky! Thank God, you answered!” She sounded panic-stricken.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need your help.” I could hear the anxiety in her voice. The tiny hairs on my arms started to rise.

  You can imagine that sent me into overdrive. What has that girl gotten herself into?

  “I need you to calm down so I can understand what you’re saying. Where are you?”

  “I’m in downtown Mobile with some friends at Kara’s apartment. They’re partying too hard for me, but I left my car in Fairhope. So, I have no way to get home. Will you please come pick me up? I don’t want Shelby to find out.”

  Ah, hell! Kara is a bitch from hell. Taylor thinks they are friends, but Kara is a backstabber from way back. They’ve known each other since elementary school, but the friendship is one-sided. Kara only uses Taylor.

  “Why? She’s your best friend.” They share everything with each other.

  “Elliot is here.”

  I know she didn’t say what I think she said.

  “Did you say Elliot?”

  “Yes. I know I fucked up by coming here.”

  Elliot is Taylor’s ex-boyfriend. A pill popper from hell, and he has used Taylor way too many times to count. It is a constant battle to keep her from helping him. Elliot will be clean for a few days, but then he always slips up.

  “Who are you talking to, bitch?” I heard Elliot shout at Taylor.

  Oh yeah, he also has a nasty temper that comes out when he is high.

  “I’m going home, Elliot.” Taylor sounded nervous.

  “The fuck you are!” Elliot snarled.

  He must’ve taken the phone out of her hand, because the last voice I heard was his when he shouted into the phone.

  “She doesn’t need your help!” The call ended.


  I ran to the counter and grabbed my purse. I tried calling her again, but it went straight to voicemail.

  Damn it!

  I need help now! No matter what Taylor says, I need to get Shelby before anything else. Contrary to what Taylor thinks, she does need her best friend.

  I banged on their apartment door. I could hear Shelby cussing inside.

  “This better be important!” Shelby shouted as she opened the door.

  “It is! Taylor is in trouble.” I spoke hurriedly.

  “Whoa! What are you talking about?”

  I quickly explained Taylor’s phone call.

  “If he hurts her, he’s a dead man.” Shelby locked the door behind her and we ran to her car.

  My mind was racing, but I knew we couldn’t go there by ourselves. I grabbed my phone.

  “Who are you calling?”

  The one person who will help us no matter what. Especially since it’s Taylor.


  Shelby’s eyes widened.

  “Do mean Eric from Mickey’s?”


  “You slut! I knew there had to be more to it than you said.”

  I shook my head.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Shelby. Eric and I are only friends, and he said if we ever needed him to call anytime.”

  She nodded.

  Thankfully, Eric picked up by the second ring.


  “Eric! Thank you for answering.” I hoped my voice did not sound as panicked as I felt.

  “What wrong?”

  I explained the situation to him. Eric was livid. I gave him directions to Kara’s apartment building and he agreed to meet us there.

  Shelby floored it once we got on the highway. I prayed, something I haven’t done in a while, that Taylor was safe. Shelby and I alternated back and forth calling her cell phone.

  It went to voicemail every time.

  We pulled into a vacant parking place. I looked up and Eric was standing there waiting for us. How did he beat us here?

  “That was fast.” I told Eric once I got out of the car.

  “My bike is faster.” He nodded toward his motorcycle.

  Ahh…that made more sense.

  “Did she ever answer any of your calls?”

  I shook my head.

  Eric’s jaw tensed. He looked like he was ready to draw blood. We walked into the apartment building. Kara’s apartment is 323B. There are no elevators, so we had to climb the three flights of stairs to that level. I was out of breath by the time we got to the top.

  We could hear the
music playing from outside the door. Eric banged on it three times. A woman with two braids (looking like a little girl) answered the door. She looked Eric up and down and licked her lips.

  “Looks like it’s my lucky day.” She purred.

  Eric looked like he was about to explode. “We’re here for Taylor.”

  The woman backed up nervously. “Elliot’s Taylor?”

  “Where is she, bitch?” Shelby was in her face before Eric or I knew what was happening.

  She held her hands up defensively. “I got nothing to do with it. Kara!” She looked over her shoulder and shouted.

  Taylor’s friend, Kara, came to the door. Her eyes widened when she saw it was us.

  “What are y’all doing here?” Kara spoke to all of us, but she glared at Shelby.

  “Taylor called for us to come and get her. Now move out of my way.” Shelby pushed her back.

  “This is my fucking apartment. You can’t just come in here like it’s yours.”

  I held Shelby back before she did something I knew she’d regret later.

  “I know she’s in trouble, because she called me. Elliot cut her off in the middle of our conversation. So, unless you want me to call the police on your little party, you better start talking.” She knew I wouldn’t back down.

  Before Kara could speak we heard shouting.

  “Son of a bitch! I’m gonna kill you!”

  It was Eric’s angry voice and he was furious. When did he walk into the apartment?

  Shelby and I turned toward the shouting, and saw Eric gripping Elliot by the neck. I looked behind them and saw Taylor crying. She looked up.


  Taylor’s lip was bleeding and her cheek was turning a dark red.

  I heard Shelby gasp beside me. She ran over to Taylor.

  “What did he do to you!” Shelby screamed.

  My attention was drawn back to Eric as he pummeled into Elliot. Taylor looked away from Shelby and followed the shouts. Her eyes widened when she saw Eric. She rushed toward them.

  “Stop it! Stop, Eric!”

  She pulled on his arm several times before he released Elliot.

  “He isn’t worth it, Eric. Let’s go.”

  Eric grabbed Elliot’s face and spoke with barely contained fury. “You will not ever contact Taylor again. Do you understand me?”

  “That’s up to Taylor, asshole!” Elliot snarled.

  Damn! Even with a busted up face and fat lip, Elliot still won’t shut the fuck up for his own good.

  Taylor walked around Eric and stood in front of Elliot.

  “After all the times I have tried to be there for you as your friend. I have told you many times there is no chance for us to EVER get back together. I thought you wanted me here to hang out like we used to, but I should’ve known better. I guess I never thought you would ever lay a hand on me.” Taylor’s voice shook. “I’m so done. Don’t ever contact me again.”

  Taylor looked at her supposed friend, Kara, and shook her head in disgust. She walked out the door with the three of us following her.

  Taylor stopped halfway down the hall and leaned against the wall.

  “Do you think you can walk down stairs?” Eric asked her quietly.

  “I have to.” Tears were falling down her cheeks.

  Eric gently wiped them away. He scooped her up in his arms and started to carry her down the stairs.

  “You don’t have to carry me. You’ll hurt yourself walking down the stairs.”

  “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. You’ve been through enough tonight, Taylor. You need someone to look after you.”

  Shelby grabbed my arm and whispered, “Oh my God! Look at him and the way he is being so gentle with her.”

  I smiled. “I know. It’s about time.”

  Shelby raised her eyebrows.

  “What do you mean, it’s about time?”

  I gave her my best “do you really need me to spell it out to you” look. It was like watching a lightbulb come on when she realized what I was trying to let her know.

  Shelby grabbed my arm.

  “No way! Has he liked her all this time?” She whispered.

  I rolled my eyes. I mean…duh…you’d have to be blind not to see it.

  “I can’t believe it. We all thought he was into you.”

  “I tried to tell you, but you never believed me.” I glanced ahead and Eric and Taylor. “He didn’t want her know until he was ready.”

  We made it to the bottom of the stairs, and I walked ahead of Eric and opened the door. He didn’t put Taylor down until he reached Shelby’s car.

  “Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Eric’s was looking her over again to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong.

  Taylor squeezed his hand. “I’ll be fine. Nothing a little ice won’t help.”

  Eric tried not to wince when he looked at her cheek. It was already turning a purplish blue color.

  “If you’re sure…” It was obvious to us he was reluctant to leave her.

  “I’m sure.” Taylor glanced away.

  Shelby walked up them. “I’ll be there with her all night, Eric. If it’ll make you feel better, you’re welcome to stop by and check on her.”

  Taylor glared at Shelby as she told Eric which apartment they lived in. Eric looked at Taylor one more time before he climbed on his motorcycle. I walked over to him before he had a chance to leave.

  “Thank you, Eric.”

  He smiled sadly.

  “I just wish we had gotten there before he hurt her.”

  I touched his arm. “Hey, you saved her life back there. Who knows what else Elliot would’ve done to her?”

  He nodded.

  “Are you gonna check up on her later?” I gave him a challenging look.

  Eric smiled and shook his head. “You won’t leave me alone if I don’t.”

  I laughed. “Damn straight. Plus, you know you want to see her again anyway.”

  “You are trouble!” He chuckled before his voice got serious again. “You’re right. Nothing short of her refusal to see me will keep me away.”

  “That’s why you like me so much.” I retorted.

  He shook his head before glancing over at the girls. “I’ll see you guys later.” Eric spoke loud enough for them to hear him.

  They nodded as he rode away. I walked back to them, and we got into Shelby’s car.

  On the way back home, we had to stop by one of Taylor’s so called friend’s apartment to pick up her car. Since she was in no condition to drive, I volunteered to do it.

  Once we got back to their apartment, Taylor told us everything that happened. She went there to hang out with some friends, and knew that Elliot would be there. He had been wanting to hang out together and she finally gave in.

  Soon after she arrived, Taylor noticed the drugs all over the place. Elliot promised he was clean, but that wasn’t the case tonight. When she tried to leave he became furious, and it escalated once he realized she was on the phone with me. Taylor said that was the first time he ever hit her. You could tell she was still shocked he did it.

  The only funny part of the evening was her outrage that Eric saw her in that condition. I mean, really? Priorities. I have a feeling she will be seeing a whole lot more of him. He had this protective look on his face when he was holding her.

  I don’t think she’ll have anything to worry about anymore.


  True to his word, Eric stopped by and checked on Taylor every day. She took a few days off from work to give her face time to heal. Shelby wanted her to press charges against Elliot, but Taylor just wanted to put it all behind her.

  Elliot has tried to contact Taylor through their mutual friends, but she has stayed strong in her resolve to never see or speak to him again.

  She has too much respect for herself than that. Being there for somebody as their friend is one thing, being a punching bag is another.

  I don’t think she’ll have to worry about
anybody stepping out of line for a very long time. She has been eating up all the attention from a certain hot bartender. Who can blame her when she has someone as wonderful as Eric hovering over her?

  Not me.

  I overheard them one evening making plans to go out to dinner.


  I thought I was going to have to resort to drastic measures to get them together. Taylor was so shocked when she realized Eric was truly interested in her. She had admired him from afar for so long, she never thought he gave her a second glance.

  Boy, was she ever wrong!

  Eric has been smitten with her the whole time I have known him. It makes me so happy to know they are willing to see where it goes.

  Me, on the other hand? I decided to take my brother’s advice. I know…

  I finally gave in to Chris Nabors, a fellow writer at Oasis. He has asked me to have drinks with him for months. We met one night after work for couple drinks. He’s really cute, if you’re into the whole surfer look. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a killer smile. His body isn’t bad either.

  I haven’t seen him without his shirt (not sure I want to either), but I can tell he takes really good care of himself. His clothes fit him just right. But…not sure if I am interested enough to do it again.

  It was…nice. Awkward?


  When you’ve been with one person for a long time it feels strange to go out with someone else. Even if it was only for drinks.

  I guess he enjoyed my company, because he suggested we get together again. Stupidly, I agreed. Why do I feel so forced to go out with him? I’m trying, really I am.

  At least, I’m “getting out there.”

  I walked into Mickey’s and spotted a vacant stool at the bar. Nikki was behind the counter tonight.

  “By yourself tonight?”

  “I’m meeting someone for drinks.”

  Nikki looked surprised. “Really? Is it the same one you were with the other day?”

  Damn! It’s sad when you’re so predictable that any changes make people pay attention.

  I sighed. “Yes, it is.”

  Nikki laughed. “You don’t too excited about it.”

  I shrugged. “Well, everyone thinks I need to start dating again.”


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