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Fate: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice)

Page 3

by A. C. Heller

  “You're adorable.”

  I scrunch my nose up at his compliment and roll my eyes. Am not. I’ve never taken compliments well, let alone from someone I met yesterday.


  “But no. You can go pretty much anywhere you want. Actually would you like the grand tour?”

  I hop up out of my seat like someone lit a fire under me. Making it horribly obvious that I'm excited. It’s not only that I’m eager to see the rest of this place, but knowing how to get out if I need to is probably smart. Aiden slides out of his chair and offers the crook of his arm to me. I link my arm with his and we head out of the kitchen. Down the hall we come to a spacious room with a large couch, pool table, enormous flat screen television, and a wall full of books.

  “For our first stop, we have the common room. Which is pretty much a fancy way of saying our living room. The television has any and every channel you can imagine, so have fun with that.”

  And after saying that, he actually winked at me! I almost trip over my own feet as he starts leading me to our next stop. We head up a flight of stairs and into what is obviously a gym.

  “And this...uh… Is the gym. Not implying that you need to work out, of course.”

  Aiden is rubbing the back of his neck looking at the floor, so I find myself laughing at his moment of awkwardness. Grinning he leads me around a corner to show me where the showers are. Once we round the corner I can hear loud rock music playing. I think it's the song “The Hand That Feeds” by NIN. Good song... Anyway. As my thoughts take their usual detour I hear Aiden yell.

  “Brother, turn it down!”

  “Sorry, I forgot you only like Christian rock!”

  Aiden curses under his breath at the retort and that's when I nearly swallow my tongue. Takeo steps out where we can see him, in nothing but a towel, which is loosely wrapped around his hips. Holy...fuck... Muscle...nothing but muscle. Is having an eight pack even possible? As my thoughts quickly dive toward the gutter, Aiden pulls me forward toward Takeo.

  “Actually, I was just showing Chas around.”

  I give Takeo an awkward half smile and a small wave. He looks me over, but his facial expression never changes. However, his eyes do, and there's something about them that I feel I should understand, but I don't. Either way, his presence alone has me reacting like a fifteen year old girl at a boy band concert.


  And with that he turns on his heel and walks back to what Aiden tells me is the locker room. While leaving the gym I wonder if Takeo is always that friendly or if he just dislikes me. I'm tempted to ask but being as I'm a guest here, I don't. Our next stop isn't really a stop. We pass through what looks like offices and Aiden confirms that by telling me this is where all the paperwork gets done. Once we are back downstairs he leads me one door past Takeo's room and we stop. He hands me a key and gestures towards the door.

  “This is your room. Go ahead, check it out.”

  I unlock the door and swing it open to see what is probably the most beautiful room I have ever seen. The walls are cream colored, the bedding is white and looks fluffy and comfortable. There's even lots of clothes hanging in the closet. Walking around the room, taking everything in I notice a door. Takeo's room didn't have this door. So of course, I go in. It's my own private bathroom! And it's amazing! There's a stand up glass shower, and a mirror with all the lights, just like you'd see in a Hollywood dressing room.

  “This is amazing!”

  I hear Aiden chuckling from the main room so I arch my body around the corner and smile at him.

  “You guys really thought of everything.”

  I swear, for just a moment, I see him blush.

  “Actually, the bathroom was my idea. What woman really wants to share a bathroom with twenty plus men?”

  “You sir, are very wise.”

  A moment later his cell phone is going off, so I busy myself with looking through the clothes as he has a conversation that consists mainly of 'yeah' and 'no'. When he hangs up he turns back to me. I'm busy reading a label on one of my shirts, so when Aiden comes over and takes the shirt from me, I jump.

  “Sorry. Nice aren't they? All of your clothes have been specially tailor made for you. They're flame resistant and can withstand temperatures up to three hundred degrees Fahrenheit.”

  “That seems like overkill. Do you guys have a lot of fires here or something?”

  “Not exactly, but I'm being summoned. You should probably try and get some sleep, it's after three in the morning.”

  Apparently he could tell by my expression that I had no idea.

  “I know, I know. It's hard to tell, being underground and all. Sleep well, Chas. I'll see you around, I'm sure.”

  And the next thing I see is the door closing behind him. I mutter goodnight into the empty space where he just stood even though I know he can't hear, and head into the bathroom. Turning on the shower I strip off my clothes and examine myself in the mirror. No bruising or marks on me at all. Actually, I'm not even sore anymore. I guess being divine has its benefits. Feeling a little panicky at the thought of my supposed bloodline, I get into the shower.

  After showering I dig through the closet and find a white tank top and pair of black boy shorts. Whoever picked out these clothes for me must have taken a look at my old ones. These are perfect. Climbing into bed is what I imagine climbing onto a cloud must feel like. This bed and these blankets are incredible. Curling up on my side it doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

  Chapter Three

  I don't usually have dreams, not ones I can remember at least. But one moment I'm sleeping peacefully the next I'm wide awake sitting up in my bed with the words “Ready to play, doll?” Replaying in my mind. Covered in sweat and panting, I hear a deep voice speak from beside me.

  “He's not here. You're safe.”

  Takeo... In my room. It's pitch black so I can't see him, but there's no mistaking that it's him. Sinking back into my pillows I lay motionless, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments before he speaks again.

  “This is normal. To have these dreams. Now, sleep, little one.”

  My first thought is, 'Right who can sleep after a dream like that?' , but to my surprise the next thing I know I'm waking up. Stretching out an arm I turn my bedside lamp on and look sleepily around my room. No Takeo... Maybe the whole thing was a dream? Glancing over at the other side of my large bed I notice that the pillows are indented. Nope, he was really here. Well, that was nice of him. Jumping out of bed I go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, and tame my hair into a ponytail. I manage to dig up a new white tank top, some yoga pants, and running shoes. Yay! I can go work out. A little exercise will help take my mind off of everything.

  While making my way to the gym, I find myself thinking about everything that has happened anyway. I was kidnapped, which was not fun. I was rescued by two insanely attractive men. I’m now living at some compound that is god knows where. My life officially sucks. Except the hot guy part, that’s pretty awesome. Granted these people rescued me, but there’s really no reason for me to trust them. Then again, they haven’t done anything to hurt me and they even set me up in a fancy room. What am I supposed to do? If I run away the bad people could get me… Maybe sticking around for a little while isn’t such a bad idea…

  Once I'm down in the gym I'm happy to see that I'm alone. The whole building is almost eerily quiet. There's an Ipod laying on one of the chairs. Since no one’s around, I don't think anyone would mind if I borrowed it. After popping the ear buds in I put it on shuffle, climb onto the machine, and start running. Closing my eyes I let the music take my thoughts away. About thirty minutes later my legs are starting to burn and I know it's time to stop. I open my eyes and turn off the treadmill. Pulling out the ear buds I glance up and there they are. Aiden and Takeo. Both shirtless and in basketball shorts. One of them is bad enough, but both? Seriously? I don't know whether to thank God for this moment or wonder if I did something to piss him off.
br />   “Hi guys!”

  Nope, not lame at all. Luckily Aiden takes pity on me and speaks first.

  “Hey Chas. How are you today, darlin?”

  “Good. Just enjoying the amenities this luxurious establishment has to offer. What about you?”

  “About the same. We just got done playing some basketball.”

  “Oh, fun! You kicked his ass didn't you?”

  We’re both laughing at my question but Aiden shakes his head.

  “Have you seen the size of this guy? His fouls are almost assault.”

  Smiling at them I nod in agreement, because yeah, I wouldn't want to play with him. He'd squish me. And I totally suck at basketball. My eyes jerk up to Takeo’s face as he decides to chime into our conversation.

  “You need to learn to move faster, little brother. And Chasca, you're energetic this morning. Sleep well?”

  He has a small knowing smirk playing on his lips. I had completely forgotten about last night but Takeo just confirmed that he really was in my room. Tilting my head, I smirk back at him. Two can play this game, buddy.

  “Yes. I slept like a baby.”

  “Babies do not snore like that.”

  Surprised by his comment I gasp and start laughing. He never struck me as the joking type but I have to admit, I like it.

  “I do not snore!”

  Takeo grins and heads over to the refrigerator against the wall and pulls out a green bottle of what I can only guess is water. He twists the cap and I hear a carbonated hiss. He lifts it to his lips and takes a long pull from it.

  “Is that... Is that Perrier?”

  Aiden takes one look at my face and literally, and I mean LITERALLY, falls over laughing, and I find myself laughing right along with him. Takeo wipes his upper lip and grins at both of us.

  “What? I'm to be faulted because you two have inferior tastes?”

  That only makes me laugh harder.

  “Infer... Inferior taste!? That stuff tastes awful!”

  Takeo shakes his head and starts walking out of the gym, but as he passes me he pokes me in my side. I'm extremely ticklish, so I find myself on the floor right next to Aiden. Once our laughter dies down he helps me to my feet and we head downstairs together.

  “I'm going to go shower, but I wanted to ask you something, darlin’. Liza has the rest of the week off, so we might need your help.”

  “What do you need me to do? I can be a pretty convincing spy.”

  Aiden laughs and shakes his head at me. Smiling back at him I shrug one shoulder. There’s no way I could be a spy, my face gives everything away.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “But seriously, what is it you need?”

  “Can you cook?”

  “Of course I can.”

  “Perfect. You only have to cook for the three of us, the rest of the men live off site. But Takeo and I aren't exactly Iron Chef, so unless you like ramen noodles, you might want to take over.”

  Smiling, I shake my head in disbelief.. What is it about men? They learn to cook one or two things and then they just give up. Typical.

  “I hate ramen noodles, so I'll be happy to do the cooking. Any preferences? Allergies? Anything like that?”

  “No, we'll eat almost anything. Just make a lot. Takeo can eat more then I've ever seen any other human being eat.”

  “Noted. I think I can manage that. Let me go clean up and I'll make us some breakfast.”

  “Awesome, see you in a bit.”

  Once I'm showered and changed into jeans and a black t-shirt, I head into the kitchen where Takeo and Aiden are already seated, playing cards. Taking a good look at all my supplies I pull out a bag of red potatoes, a package of bacon, and one of the many cartons of eggs. When I start slicing potatoes, I hear Aiden call to me.

  “Chas, you need any help?”

  “No, no. I wouldn't want the kitchen to explode or something.”

  They both chuckle at that, and I smile to myself as I lay out the bacon and put it into the oven, the potatoes on the stove, and the eggs scrambled in a bowl off to the side. Occasionally turning to stir the potatoes, I watch the two interact. It's easy to see that they're close. I know they call each other brother, but still it’s endearing. With breakfast complete I make Aiden and I a normal sized plate and pile the rest onto Takeo's. Picking up the guys’ plates I bring them over and set them down in front of them.

  “There you go, a little bit of all the good stuff.”

  They both thank me as I head back to get my own plate and take a seat with them at the table. Watching them eat makes me feel like I eat slow, when in reality I know they're eating like someone's going to take it from them. Aiden is the first to look up at me with a sheepish smile.

  “Military. Gotta eat fast.”

  He shrugs and goes back to eating. I pick at my food for awhile and then finally push my plate away. I’ve never had a huge appetite, but that’s never stopped me from piling the food on my plate. As soon as I push my plate away, Takeo takes it and finishes off my food as well. Which makes me burst out laughing.

  “What's so funny, Chasca?”

  “You. You either really like my cooking or you're starving to death. But I'm gonna go with the former.”

  “It's acceptable.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I take our plates and place them in the dish washer. I can barely hear them whispering to each other but Aiden's voice is slightly louder and I hear him say, 'she's not ready'.

  “I'm not what?”

  Aiden drops his head as if defeated and Takeo answers for him.

  “We were discussing when you should start learning to use your abilities.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.”

  “And? What conclusion have you two come to?”

  “Aiden thinks you are not ready. I, however, do not like to delay such things.”

  “Honestly, I think I'd rather figure it out on my own.”

  They both stare at me for a long moment, assessing eyes sweeping over me, so I keep talking.

  “I mean, I've lived this long without them. Is it really important for me to learn to use them now? Well... I suppose I could help Aiden with his blood disorder...but I...He's been okay until now...”

  Takeo narrows his eyes and slowly turns his head toward Aiden. Aiden immediately raises his hands in defense.

  “Hey, I had to get her to use her abilities somehow... So I may have...bent the truth...”

  “You disappoint me brother. The last thing she needs right now is lies.”

  Lies? He lied? That bastard!

  “You bastard! I was really concerned about you!”

  He flinches at my words and despite the fact that I'm fuming I can tell that he genuinely feels bad. I walk right up to him, and with a little growl I throw the dish rag I have in my hands directly into his face. As soon as it leaves my hands the light above us blows out with a loud crack and hiss. Small shards of glass fall to the table and my eyes widen slightly as I glance over at Takeo. And what do I see? He's sitting back, arms crossed over his chest, smiling at me. I've never seen him smile like this. He looks almost…proud? Aiden peels the cloth from his face and looks up.

  “Guess we're gonna need to get extra light bulbs.”

  Even though I know it was said in good spirits his words frustrate me. I know I made the light blow out. It's happened before. Sometimes my body just gets a little... too hot. I just don't appreciate being mocked. Especially when I'm already angry. Turning on my heel I stomp out of the kitchen and head into the common room. Plopping myself down on the couch I pull my knees up to my chest and focus on whatever is on the TV. A few minutes later Aiden runs into the room, and I mean literally runs. He stops when he sees me and he takes a deep breath.

  “Chas... I'm really sorry.”

  “Its fine, Aiden.”

  I mumble and he moves over to the couch and crouches down right in front of me. I was really mad at him for lying to me, but it was written all over
his face that he felt bad. Which made me feel bad for getting mad...Yeah, that's a neat side effect of my new found bloodline.

  “It's not fine. I shouldn't have lied to you. It won't happen again. I promise.”

  “Promise, promise?”

  He grins at me and I notice his eyes seem to be glittering.

  “Promise, promise.”

  Aiden stands up and It looks like he is going to sit down with me. That is until his cellphone goes off. He goes about his conversation, and when he hangs up I can tell it was work related.


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