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Fate: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice)

Page 4

by A. C. Heller

  “Gotta go, duty calls and all that.”

  “Sure, sure. See you for dinner?”

  “Wouldn't miss it.”

  And with that he's gone. I stay sprawled out on the couch watching mindless daytime television until I'm so bored I can't take it anymore. So, I decide it's time to go exploring. The compound is completely silent again. I open a door that I haven't gone through before and I can immediately tell it's Aiden's room. This room screams Aiden. Everything is in its perfect spot, and the bed is made. Clothes hang neatly in the closet, and not a single pair of socks are on the floor. Impressive, a guy who knows how to clean up. Who would have thunk it...

  Upon further invasion of his privacy, I come across several picture frames on the dresser. The first is of an older couple. The man in the photo looks very similar to Aiden. This must be his parents. The next frame has a picture that I can only assume is from when he was in the service, or whatever it's called. He and Takeo are both in it, and several other men and women I don't know. In the photo Takeo is in the back, and it almost seems as if he's trying to fade into the background.

  I never had the luxury of family photos, or a family for that matter. The Warrens kept me fed and clothed, but aside from that were pretty vacant from my life. They were more interested in their own children then me. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not broken up about it, I never felt like I fit in there anyway. So when I was eighteen and they essentially told me to take a hike, I was more than happy to go.

  The apartment I lived in when I first moved out was terrible and I’m pretty sure the roaches would steal my things in the night. Little bastards. Either way, as soon as I got my job at the grocery store I saved up and moved into the apartment I live in now. Well, the apartment I used to live in I guess. It was a nice place, it was clean, and the carpet was new. I really had nothing to complain about.

  There were nights that I would sit in my apartment and stare at the walls wondering if that was all my life would be. Nothing more than a lonely, meager existence that left me feeling numb inside. Staring at the pictures in Aiden’s room now I can’t help but be happy that he had what I did not.

  Setting the frame down, I leave Aiden's room and move to Takeo's door. I try the knob but it's locked. Aw...Well that sucks. So much for snooping around in there. Pulling my essentially useless phone out of my pocket I notice it's almost five. Time for dinner!

  After sorting through the refrigerator and the pantry I come up with everything I need to make Chicken Parmesan. Once I have the spaghetti boiling I start breading the chicken. That's when I hear the kitchen door open. Glancing over my shoulder I see a very excited Aiden heading towards me. He looks like a kid on Christmas. Behind him Takeo saunters in, in his typical 'I don't give a damn' sort of way.


  “Oh my god, what!?”

  Aiden laughs and that's when I notice he has his hands behind his back.

  “I...we have a surprise for you.”

  “Really? For me? What is it? And does it explode?”

  “Yes, really. Yes, for you. It's a surprise, and technically it can, but that would be a tragedy.”

  “Oh, will you show me already!”

  He turns his back to me and shifts slightly. When he turns back around he holds a beautiful kitten in his hands. Its fur is orange, but it has bright gold eyes. The adorable baby couldn't be more then 8 weeks old. I absolutely adore cats, so naturally I let out a squeal of delight.

  “Oh my god!”

  Careful to not squish my new love, I throw my arms around Aiden's neck and give him the tightest hug I can manage, unknowingly getting him filthy from my batter covered hands. I release him and take a step towards Takeo. He's smiling but he raises a hand to ward me off.

  “That's close enough, little one. You need to wash your hands.”

  Taking a moment to look down at my hands I smile sheepishly at them.

  “I'm sorry, I covered you in crap.”

  Running over to the sink, I quickly wash my hands before I run back over to Aiden and gently take the kitten from him. Snuggling my new baby, I look up as Aiden shrugs out of his shirt. He shakes it out and catches me staring at him. Now, he's not as built as Takeo, but the boy is not a sight to be ignored.

  “Like what you see?”

  Smiling at him I roll my eyes. He grins back and flexes at me. No joke. He actually drops his shirt to the floor and flexes. Which causes Takeo to scoff behind him and me to burst out laughing. Reaching behind me I pick up the dish rag I hit him with earlier and hold it menacingly toward him.

  “Don't make me use this.”

  “Ouch. You sure do a number on a guy’s self confidence.”

  He was joking. Which was easy to tell by the huge smile on his face.

  “Go get changed. I'm still working on dinner.”

  Crouching down, I set the kitten on the floor and watch as she runs off playing with a dust ball that was crossing the floor in front of her. Aiden leaves and I continue dinner. Once it's all ready I start plating our food. When I turn around Takeo is right there. Not two feet away, but more like six inches. He startles me which causes me to drop the full plate I was holding. A plate that should have ended up on the floor, but he caught it... He moved quick as lightning, dipping down, hand under the plate, and caught it. Not spilling a single thing. Blinking several times to make sure my eyes are still working I stare up at him.


  “Didn't mean to scare you.”

  “It's alright... I just...didn't know you were there.”

  “Hm. Got that much.”

  He turns around and walks the plate over to the table, setting it down at Aiden's spot. Coming back over he grabs both remaining plates and brings them over to the table. Which leaves me standing here watching, not really having anything to say. Takeo walks back over to me and stops. I stand there looking up at him. I don't really know what he wants so I ask.

  “Forget something?”

  “I could say the same thing to you.”


  “You owe me a hug.”


  I did owe him a hug. So I wrapped my arms around his middle because there was simply no way I could reach his neck. Well, I could but that would be really awkward. He places an arm around my shoulders and hugs me to him, surprisingly gentle.

  “The small creature pleases you.”

  It was more of statement then a question but I'm starting to realize Takeo doesn't ask questions. He just speaks as if his words are gospel. Arrogant, much? Then again, he was right.

  “Very much. Thank you.”


  A second before the kitchen door opens he steps back from me, turns, and takes his seat at the table. Aiden and I follow his lead, and we all eat in comfortable silence. Once we are finished I take our plates and put them in the dishwasher. They're chatting about something work related. This I can only assume because I don't understand a word of it. Something about serpents or something. I'm only half listening. I sit back down at the table with a pad and a pen and start making a list. Only lifting my head when Aiden calls out to me.

  “What are you doing, Chas?”

  “Makin' a list.”

  “For what?”

  “Stuff for Liza to get at the store. We're running low on some crucial meal making things.”

  “I could take you to the store tomorrow, if you want. Get you out of here for awhile.”


  Aiden laughs and nods his head. I've only known him for two days but there's something about Aiden. Something extremely comforting, so I find it easy to be myself around him.

  “Yes, really. As long as you have Takeo or I with you, going out is fine.”

  “That would be great. I've only been here two days and I'm already getting stir crazy.”

  Wincing slightly, I look down at my pant leg. My new kitten is clawing her way up my leg into my lap. Placing her on the table top I examine her more closely
while I gently rub behind her ear.

  “What will you call the small creature?”

  “I'm not sure yet.”

  “Everything of significance should have a name.”

  Nodding, I take a moment to think. Of course Takeo would have something like that to say. Then again, as usual, he's right. I've got it!


  They both look at me like I have two heads before they say in unison.


  “Squish. I'm going to call her Squish.”

  Aiden flat out laughs at me, the look on his face tells me he thinks I'm being cute, when I'm actually serious. Takeo just looks puzzled. Aiden stops laughing but keeps grinning and asks me the obvious.

  “Alright Chas. Squish it is, but I gotta ask. Why?”

  “Cause she's so cute you just want to squish her. You know like the Lenny guy in the book, with the rabbits, and the squishing...”

  I trail off because Aiden has officially lost it. His arms are crossed over his stomach, his forehead pressed to the tabletop, and he is laughing. He sucks in a few breaths to compose himself.

  “Okay...okay... That's just...perfect.”

  I smile at him and continue petting Squish. Takeo's face has changed. He's wearing an expression I can't quite read but his face seems soft, so I shrug it off and take my baby into my arms.

  “Well I'm gonna head up to my room and get her settled. Do we have food and stuff for her?”

  “No, we'll get it at the store tomorrow. She can have some tuna tonight.”

  Aiden jumps up and opens a can of tuna, dumping it into a bowl. He brings it over to me still smiling. He's clearly very happy to have made me happy and I think he's still not over the name I've chosen for my baby.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “You're welcome, darlin'.”

  I head out of the kitchen and just as the door latches shut I hear Takeo say something to Aiden. Something that stops me in my tracks.

  “You're infatuated with her.”

  “No.. I'm.. No. Oh come on brother. Don't act like you're not.”

  Oh god, oh god...

  “I'm not.”

  Ouch. I don't know why but that sends a spike of hurt right through me. I gather Squish close to me and head to my room. Once inside the sanctity of my own personal space, I set the bowl down and place her next to it. While she's happily eating I shower, change, and crawl into bed. Squish is close behind and curls into a ball at the side of my neck as we both drift off to sleep.

  In the middle of the night I sluggishly move my hand around the bed searching for Squish, but she's nowhere to be found. Panicking I jump out of bed and search through the covers. She isn’t there. Searching around the room I notice that my door is cracked open. Which is strange because I swear I closed it.

  Stepping out into the hall I can see that Takeo's door is open the same amount as mine. Moving as quietly as I can I enter his dimly lit room in search of my baby. Takeo is asleep in the dead center of his bed, the covers pinned under his heavy arms, only reaching mid-stomach. How does he sleep shirtless in this freezing room? And right in the middle of his chest is my baby, sleeping peacefully.

  Taking several steps closer to the bed, I lean in and hesitantly reach for her, but before my hand can even reach her a hand grabs a hold of my wrist, I'm twisted and spun, and I find myself on my back on the bed under Takeo... Oh god. A possibly pissed off Takeo! Shit! His breathing is rapid as he growls out my name.



  I manage to get out on a whisper. He sounds pissed. I really didn't mean to disturb him. I just wanted to get Squish.

  “What are you doing in my bedroom?”

  “Squish... she... she... got out. I found her in here.”

  Takeo looks towards our feet where Squish has curled up, completely uncaring as to what's happening further up the bed. He looks back to me and his face is so close to mine that if I move at all my lips will touch his. The cold of the room finally gets to me and I shiver under him. He releases my wrist but doesn't move, keeping me pinned to the bed. He takes a few deep breaths,to calm down I'm sure. He licks his lips but when he does the tip of his tongue touches my bottom lip. Hello, cardiac arrest at twenty-five!

  With that simple touch it feels like my whole body is on fire. The cold of the room is now completely unnoticeable. His body, however, stiffens against mine. He dips his head, and for a split second I'm so sure he's going to kiss me, but he keeps moving until his lips are next to my ear and whispers.

  “You need to go.”

  Ouch again. His weight shifts off of me enough to slide out from under him. I grab Squish, bolt into my room, and lock the door behind me. I know I was invading his space, but what was his problem? Am I that repulsive to him? Aggravated and admittedly a little sexually frustrated I throw myself into bed, pull Squish to me, and pass out.

  Chapter Four

  I'm running through a field, it's pitch black and the limbs of trees are ripping through my flesh as I pass them. No blood is coming from my wounds...Why aren't I bleeding? I can't stop I have to keep running. I can hear heavy footfalls behind me, he's getting close. Who's getting close? It doesn't matter. Just. Keep. Running. A large hand grips my shoulder and throws me to the ground with such force that I have no choice but to go face down into the grass. Rolling to my back I let out a piercing scream, knowing what is coming next.

  A blinding golden light suddenly surrounds me. I'm burning up, my skin feels like it's on fire. I lift my hands before my face to see what has become of me. I'm glowing and I'm terrified. Tears pour down my cheeks and I pray for this to be over quickly. Through my hysteria I can barely hear a man’s deep voice screaming in pain. What's happening to him? I can't see anything past the golden light that surrounds me. And with that thought, everything goes black.

  My eyes open and I'm in the air. No, not in the air. I'm being carried. And we're moving fast. I turn my face into the chest of whomever is carrying me and look up to see a white man’s neck. Aiden. He seems to be running with me. What's happening?


  “It's okay, Chas. Everything is going to be alright. We need to get you into the cooling chamber.”

  “What? Why?”

  As the words leave my mouth, Aiden steps into what looks like the biggest bathtub I have ever seen. He simply walks right into the water, still holding me. Glancing at his face, I can see that he's gritting his teeth. The icy water hits me and he drops to his knees in the tub. I suck in a breath and it feels as if my lungs have stopped working completely. There's a loud hissing noise and steam billowing off the water. Aiden sets me on a ledge under the water and steps away, and only then can I see what I've done.

  His hands are burned as well as his chest where my body had been pressed to him. He rips his shirt off and throws it on the floor beside the tub. Sinking into the water he closes his eyes and keeps his jaw locked. I burned him. How the hell did I do that? I don't know but all I do know is I want to fix it. Please let me be able to fix it!?

  “Aiden... How...Did I do that?”

  He doesn't answer, he doesn't even move. The look on his face is so pained I hurt for him. Crossing the water that rises to my breasts I make it over to him. Aiden doesn't even seem to register that I'm standing before him, but I can see that his skin has paled from the pain. I submerge my hands into the water to make sure they're cool enough to touch him. After a minute or so passes I place them over the wounds on his chest. I close my eyes and with everything in me I beg and plead for the burns to be gone.

  I only stop when I feel two strong arms wrap around me. My eyes snap open and Aiden is crushing me to his chest in a hug. Pulling away just enough to get a better look at him, I can see that the wounds are in fact gone. My body sags into his with relief and I whisper against his chest.

  “I'm so sorry.”

  “I know, Chas. You were dreaming... You were screaming and crying when I came into your room.”
r />   “I was so afraid in my dream. hot. How can anyone get that hot?”

  “Not just anyone can. You're unique like that.”

  Oddly enough, he says that with a smile in his voice. How can anyone smile after that? Not just anyone can. Aiden's unique like that.

  “You make it sound like a good thing.”

  “It isn't a bad thing. You just haven't learned to control it yet. Call it a defense mechanism.”

  Taking a step back from him, I look down at myself to see if I have any marks but I seem to be fine. However, my tank top and boy shorts are plastered to my skin and I'm freezing. Looking back at Aiden I can see that he is staring at me, his eyes snaking their way up and down my body. This makes me want to smile at him but I manage to keep my face unreadable.


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