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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  For now, Onyx will join in on the chorus for most of the songs. There are a few songs she’ll take lead vocals while I join in on the chorus. And, I’m working on one song which will be a duet.

  Our voices blending together is like nothing I’ve ever imagined. The sound of her raw, haunting, and smokey voice mixing with my own smokey, deep voice is astounding. The guys in the booth controlling the sound even lost track of what they’re doing a few times when Onyx lets loose and sings. I’ve never heard anything like her.

  Isabella looks bored and ready to leave as we finish recording the last song for the day. We’ve never blazed through so many songs in one day and I put that on Onyx. We want to hear her voice and we’re all trying to be perfect so we get each track laid down in as few takes as possible.

  “Onyx, you coming out with us?” Damon asks, putting his guitar in its case.

  “No. You guys have fun. Let me know when to be here tomorrow,” she answers leaving the studio.

  We all watch her leave, stunned. What female doesn’t want to go out to a club?

  “What’s that about?” Memphis asks.

  “I don’t know. She shut down when I mentioned it on our way here. I want to find out what’s going on, but I don’t want her to quit already,” I answer as Isabella makes her way in the studio. “Where are her contracts?”

  “I have them,” she answers pulling them out.

  I look over the papers and fling them back at her.

  “Fix it or find a different fucking job,” I say, leaving the studio with the guys on my heels.

  “What’s going on?” Tyson asks.

  “She’s trying to shortchange Onyx. If she signed those papers, Isabella would be making more than her. We’ve always said the band members get an equal share and that’s not what the bitch is trying to do,” I answer.

  “There’s something going on with Isabella. I think we need to keep a closer eye on her,” Diesel comments.

  “I agree.”

  After being dropped off at home to get ready, I debate knocking on Onyx’s door, but the need to let loose and blow off steam calls to me. I know I won’t be going home with anyone— no one ever comes to my house. I’m going to have a few drinks with the guys, dance, and then I’ll come home.

  It’s not my usual routine where I’m always looking for fresh pussy. I don’t want anyone since seeing Onyx. She consumes me and I’m not going to hide that fact. She’s the only one I want and for more than just a night. Something I’ve never given another person in my life.

  Chapter Nine


  THIS MORNING IS turning out to be a craptastic morning. As soon as I woke up, I went to make coffee only to realize my coffee pot is cracked causing the nectars of the Gods to flood my countertop. Then, I lost hot water in the middle of my shower. Now, there’s a pounding on the door and I don’t want to answer it.

  I have to finish getting ready to go back to the studio with the guys. I promised them I’d finish the album and I’m going to. It doesn’t matter that I get messed up vibes from their manager. She doesn’t like me for some reason and I’m not sure what I’ve done to piss her off. I barely said two words to the woman.

  “I’m coming,” I holler to the door, opening it without looking.

  Standing in the hallway is my dad. He’s pissed and I know this confrontation isn’t going to be good as he shoves me in the apartment and slams the door. He slams it so hard, it bounces back open and I don’t say a word about it. I want someone to hear him shouting at me so I can have them help me get a restraining order or something against him.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” he asks, the spittle from the corners of his mouth spraying my face.

  “I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him, trying to get away from him.

  “The fuck you don’t. You were supposed to put the money in my account and leave the paperwork for me. Instead, you steal the money and move out. You’re fucking coming home and we’re going to the bank together. You’ll do what I say or pay the price,” he yells, getting in my personal space.

  “I’m not. I didn’t steal anything from you. You’re the one trying to steal from me. I’m nineteen and not required to live in your house. I’ve done nothing wrong. The money isn’t yours,” I tell him, asserting myself for the first time against him in my life.

  “Listen here, you little fucking bitch, you’re selling everything you bought with the money, putting it all back in the account, and coming home. Where you fucking belong,” he tells me, stepping so close I have to bend backward to keep from him running me over.

  Before I can utter a word, Knight’s in my apartment. The look on his face is one of pure rage as he takes in the scene before him. My dad is almost standing on me he’s so close to me. Knight walks toward us and steps in between my dad and I.

  “Is there a problem here?” Knight asks, his voice low and dangerous sounding.

  “This doesn’t concern you,” my dad says as I step closer to Knight.

  My entire body is shaking from the terror I feel. I never dreamed my dad would make it to my front door after putting him on the list not to be admitted. That’s why I opened the door in the first place, expecting Knight to be on the other side of the door to head to rehearsal. I should’ve known with the way my morning’s been going.

  “Onyx, do you want him to leave?” Knight asks me.

  “Y-y-yes, I do,” I answer with a shaky voice.

  “Then I suggest you do as she asks and get the fuck out of her apartment,” Knight says, taking a step toward my dad.

  My dad casts me an angry glare as Knight follows him to the door and shuts it firmly behind him. Turning back toward me, he wraps me in his arms and holds me while I calm down and get my bearings back.

  “Wanna tell me what just happened here?” he asks, pulling back from me.

  I take a minute to gather my thoughts and lead him into the couch so we can sit. There’s no need to remain standing when I try to talk about what’s going on.

  “That was my dad. He’s not even supposed to be allowed in the building, I put his name on the list with the security guard. Anyway, I was left a large sum of money by my grandmother and he wants it. The day I signed the paperwork for the money, I was supposed to change the money over to his account and put the paperwork in a drawer at home for him to pick up.

  “Instead I took the money, put in a new account in my name, and took some money out of the account to pay cash for the things I bought when I moved in here. There’s still money left in my bag. Today was about my dad asserting his dominance and trying to intimidate me into coming back home. You came in on the end of the argument,” I tell him.

  Knight sits back against the couch and absorbs what I’ve just told him. I know he’s got questions and I’m just waiting for him to ask them.

  “Have you ever done anything?” he asks.

  “No. I’ve never gone out. I wasn’t allowed to have friends. I was made to cook and clean for my dad and make sure everything was perfect for any parties he wanted to throw. That’s why I didn’t want to go out with you guys the other night. I’ve never been to a club, I don’t know how to dance, and I’m not old enough to drink,” I answer.

  “How old are you?” he suddenly asks.

  “I’m nineteen.”

  “That’s why you always use your hair to hide? You want to blend in and not stir up any trouble?” he questions.

  I nod my head in response.

  “Has he ever hit you?” Knight asks.

  “No. Not yet anyway,” I tell him. “I don’t know if I’d be able to say the same thing if you hadn’t come in when you did.”

  “I’ll always be here,” he tells me, pulling me back in his arms.

  I feel safe and protected when Knight surrounds me with his body. I’ve never felt this way in my life before. It’s addicting and I don’t let myself linger for too long as I pull back and stand up. It’s way past time we get to the studio. A
nd I need a damn coffee before going too far.

  “I want you to make a list of things you want to do, and we’ll get them done. I’ll go through the list with you item by item,” he says, pulling my hand in his while we leave the apartment.

  I make my way out to a drive through and order a coffee and breakfast. Knowing it’s early as hell, I order the guys all coffee and breakfast too. Knight takes all the bags when we get them and takes his coffee while I take the first sip of mine. I savor the first sip of coffee and let it linger in my mouth for a minute before swallowing the hot liquid.

  Knight starts laughing at me. I give him a shy smile and turn my eyes back to the road. It doesn’t take very long to get to the studio, and I notice we’re the last ones to arrive. We rush inside and I hand out the goodies we brought with us while Knight explains there was an issue we had to deal with before heading out.

  My eyes are locked on Isabella as she glares at me. I’m not about to let her intimidate me because she has it out for me. There’s no reason she shouldn’t like me when she doesn’t know a damn thing about me. Other than the fact I have Knight’s attention for the time being. It won’t last long, and she should know it just like I do.

  Soon, we get to work, and I forget about everything. The argument and demands from my father are forgotten. Whatever crawled up Isabella’s ass is also forgotten as I let the music flow through my body and sing along with Knight. We’re working on the duet today and I’m loving the arrangement. Maybe one of these days I’ll work up the courage to show him the songs I’ve written. That’s a thought for another day though.

  When we’ve finished our work for the day, I leave before the guys. They’re all joking around and talking about going out again tonight. I don’t want to go out and I don’t need to be surrounded by them just to be ignored as the women where they go all vie for their attention.

  Heading home, I make my mind up to order another cheeseburger sub and fries from the pizza place I had when I first moved out of my dad’s. The only thing I want to do is lock myself away in my apartment, have dinner, and bake something before getting a shower and heading to bed.

  I don’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone. The events of the last few days are beginning to take it’s toll on me. Between singing on the album, my dad showing up, and the guys talking about me going out on tour with them, I’m ready for some me time. It’s well deserved, I think.

  The one person I don’t want to think about is Knight. I know he went out last night and I’m sure he didn’t have a problem finding company. Tonight will be no different. After spending time with him, getting to know the person he truly is, my crush is deepening and I don’t want to think about him with anyone else. It will crush me and I’m smart enough to realize this.

  Chapter Ten


  INSTEAD OF GOING out with the guys, I’ve decided to spend time with Onyx. She ran out of here so fast, I’m not sure what’s going on with her. If it’s her dad showing up at her place earlier, or talk of going out to a club that’s bothering her. Well, she’s not going to hide. I’m going to make sure she makes her list and we’ll begin working on it tonight.

  I have Diesel drop me off at the apartment complex and walk in after looking for Onyx’s SUV in her spot. It’s here. As soon as I walk in the doors, I watch the security guard on duty perk up. Yeah, they’re not getting off the hook either.

  “Got a question for you,” I say, walking up to the man on duty.

  “What’s going on Mr. Wheeler?” he asks.

  “We have a list of people we don’t want allowed in the building for a reason, yeah?” I ask him.

  “Yes, sir,” he replies.

  “Then why was a man allowed access to the building to get to Onyx’s apartment when he’s on the list not to allow in?” I ask him.

  The man’s face turns several shades of red. He’s trying to find a way out of answering my question but I’m not going to let him. He fucked up and she could have been hurt because of his mistake. It won’t happen again.

  “He’s a senator, Mr. Wheeler,” the man says, thinking this information will appease me. It doesn’t.

  “I don’t give a fuck who he is. Onyx doesn’t want him allowed in the building for a reason and you didn’t take her wishes into account when you let him up. I walked into her apartment to find him screaming at her, in her face. I don’t want to think about could’ve happened if I didn’t show up when I did. I suggest you start fucking paying attention to the list, or find yourself out of a job. I’ll go to Darien to make sure you get fired the next time I see this man in our building,” I tell him, turning my back and not giving him a chance to respond to me.

  Taking the elevator up to our floor, I run in my apartment to change into a pair of sweats and a tank top. Walking next door, I knock on the door and patiently wait for Onyx to let me in. When she doesn’t immediately respond, I begin to worry about her.

  Knocking again, I tap my foot while waiting for her to come to the door. Finally, I hear movement on the other side and know she’s checking the peephole. Still, it takes a few minutes for her to open the door.

  “Knight, what are you doing here?” she asks.

  “I’m hanging out with you tonight,” I respond.

  “Why aren’t you going out with the guys? I was just going to have a quiet night in the house. Alone,” she tells me.

  I don’t let her small attitude affect me. I’m not going to let her hide away and never get out other than when we’re in the studio. Tours are different and I want her to open up before we go out on the next one. Hell, we have a press conference coming up soon to announce her joining the band and a photoshoot. I want her to come out of her shell slightly before she’s thrown to the wolves.

  “I’m not going with the guys because I don’t want to. You can still have a quiet night in, just with me as company. Come on, let me in,” I tell her.

  Onyx steps back and allows me into her home. She has really been busting her ass to get things put up the way she wants them. I’m impressed with the amount of work she’s managed to get done in the last few days.

  I walk in to find her eating a cheeseburger sub with a mound of fries. She’s got an open soda and I help myself to the food still in the container. Onyx won’t be eating it. I know she doesn’t eat that much, but I’ll still make sure she gets another one to replace what I’m eating.

  We sit down on the couch as music plays in the background. For a long time, neither one of us says anything. We’re lost in the food and our own thoughts. I’m thinking about the woman sitting next to me and how much I want her. Not just for a one night fuck, I want her time, her firsts, to help and support her, and to ensure no one ever hurts her. I want to be the man she craves and build something together.

  This is nothing I’ve ever wanted to do with anyone else. Yeah, I’ve dated, had more than my fair share of one night stands, but I’ve never wanted to get to know someone the way I do Onyx. She’s a mystery I want to solve. Based on our conversation this morning, she’s led an extremely sheltered life and I want to help her explore what she wants in life and anything else she wants to try.

  Finally, there’s nothing to occupy us. Turning to the woman sitting next to me, I take a minute to study her. She’s let her hair drape down over her face again to hide herself from me. Now, she’s picking at the remnants of food left on her plate. This doesn’t work for me.

  “Onyx, you need to make your list. We’re going to start working on it tonight,” I tell her.

  “I don’t want to,” she responds.

  “I know you don’t, but if you don’t do it now, you’ll never do it. It’s human nature. Come on, we’re going to get you out of your comfort zone and do things you wouldn’t normally do,” I tell her.

  Onyx grabs our plates and takes care of them. On her way back, she picks up a notebook and makes her way to the couch. I sit back and relax while Onyx works on her list. For an hour she doesn’t say a word to me as she writes furio
usly across the page in her book.

  When she’s done, she looks over the list and I know she’s about to cross things off. Yeah, I’m not gonna let that happen.

  “Let’s see it,” I tell her, holding my hand out for the notebook.

  Onyx pauses before handing it over to me. I look down at her list and notice there’s nothing too bad on it. Not until I get down toward the bottom that is. I see she wants to have her first kiss with someone and learn how to dance the way people do in clubs. She wants to go out on a date and find someone to love.

  My cock hardens in my pants at the thought of being all of Onyx’s firsts. If she’s never shared a kiss with a guy, then I know she’s a virgin. Instead of being appalled by the thought, I’m turned on more than I thought possible. It’s always been one of my rules— no virgins. That rule just flew out the damn window.

  “What do you want to start on first?” I ask her.

  “I want to learn how to dance,” she says.

  I put on Angel by Theory of a Deadman. Standing up, I hold my hand out to her. She takes it in her trembling one and lets me pull her to the middle of the living room. I turn her body and place her back against my front. Onyx stands there as I begin to move to the music behind her. It’s not long before she lets the music flow through her body and she begins to move her body.

  Onyx begins to grind her body against mine and I can’t hide, or fight, the response I have to her. She writhes and lowers her body to the floor before sliding back up, making my cock even harder. By the end of the song, there’s no doubt in my mind that Onyx knows how to dance. She’s just concerned about dancing in public.

  “Who told you that you don’t know how to dance?” I ask her as she pulls her body away from me.

  “No one. I’ve never been out and I don’t know how people dance in a club. Or bar, or anywhere else,” she answers, picking her soda up and taking a large sip.


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