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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  “Well, you’ll do just fine,” I tell her.

  Onyx blushes as she looks down my body. I know she can see the tent in my sweats as my cock still remains hard. I’m not even trying to hide what she does to me. She’ll have to get used to it because the more I’m around her, the more her body gets to me, and the harder I get for her.

  I adjust myself and sit down next to her. Picking up the remote, I change from music to a movie. We don’t need to do anymore dancing right now and I need to take a few minutes to get my body back under control.

  During the movie, Onyx slides closer to me. I place my arm on the back of the couch and wait for her to move even closer. She’s about to experience another first and doesn’t even realize it.

  The second she moves a fraction closer to me, I turn her body into mine and begin to lower my head. I never remove my gaze from hers so I can judge her reaction. The second my lips gently press against hers, I feel a tremor run through me. That’s certainly never happened to me before.

  Tentatively, Onyx places her hand on my chest and tilts her head. She wants to deepen the kiss, but she’s not sure what to do, so I run my tongue along her bottom lip and she gasps. I use this to slide my tongue in her mouth and rub it against her own. Our tongues begin to duel as she becomes more comfortable with me and what we’re doing.

  I break the kiss after a few minutes. We’re both breathing heavy. Her hard nipples are poking through her tank top while my hard on is back with a vengeance. I can smell Onyx’s arousal from here and I want to pick her up in my arms and carry her to bed. I don’t. Instead, I lay back on the couch and pull her body down on top of mine. We watch the movie in silence.

  Chapter Eleven


  HOLY SHIT! I just kissed Knight Wheeler. When I made the list, I never thought he’d be the one I would be getting my first kiss from. I just put it on there because it’s something I wanted to experience.

  I can’t even put into words what I’m feeling after having a small taste of the man before me. He tasted of dinner, beer, and complete sin. It’s something I can become addicted to and the thought terrifies me. I know this is a one off for Knight and that’s why I’m scared.

  For the length of the movie, I just lay with him. I’m wrapped in his arms with my head on his chest. I feel safe and comforted as I listen to the steady beat of his heart. It’s almost enough to lull me to sleep, but I don’t want to miss a moment of his company, so I will myself to stay awake.

  Once the movie’s done, I hear his phone going off again. I sit up and remove myself from his loose embrace so he can get ready to leave. The guys are probably waiting for him so they can go out. I’m still not ready for that scene even if I’ve proven to myself I can hold my own on a dance floor.

  He answers it and I hear him tell whoever’s on the other line he won’t be going out tonight. A sudden thrill fills me as the thought of him spending more time with me breaks into my thoughts. But, it could just mean he’s arranged for someone to come to his place and he’s just killing time until they get there. Or he has to get ready.

  “Onyx, you ready for bed?” he asks, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me while placing a gentle kiss on my neck.

  “Oh, are you staying?” I ask, turning around and looking up at him.

  “Yeah, babe. Tonight is for you and I’m going to make sure your dad doesn’t come back,” he answers.

  I nod my head as I turn off the lights in the kitchen and living room as we head to my room. Quickly looking around, I take in the mess of clothes I still have yet to hang up and put away. I try to place the baskets in the closet, but Knight stops me.

  “Relax, Onyx,” he says, pulling me over to the bed. “Go get dressed for bed. I’ll be right here when you get back.”

  Walking into the bathroom, I change into my pajamas. When I get back in the bedroom, Knight is under the blankets on my bed and I can see his shirt and sweats in a pile on the floor. My thoughts immediately cause me to stop and think about what he’s wearing right now.

  “I’m in boxers,” he says, looking at me.

  I nod again as I make my way around to the opposite side of the bed and climb under the blankets. Turning my back to Knight, I’m uncomfortable since I’ve never shared a bed with a man before. I’m not sure if he’s going to expect me to have sex with him or what he wants.

  “I can hear your thoughts all the way over here,” he says, pulling my body closer to his. “No, I’m not gonna fuck you. Tonight. All I want is to kiss you and if anything else happens, it’s up to you. We’re taking this at your pace.”

  “Taking what?” I ask, turning to face him fully.

  “Onyx, I’ve never felt the way you make me feel. I don’t want anyone else but you. I want to spend time with you, get to know you, and see where this goes. Babe, I never spend more time than it takes to fuck with a female,” he says, lowering his head to place a kiss on my nose.

  From my nose, Knight places gentle kisses all over my face until he ends at my lips. I open my mouth for him as he slides his tongue into my mouth. After a few minutes, he pulls back and looks at me. Lowering his head again, I feel his hand under the bottom edge of my tank top rubbing against my stomach while he sucks my tongue into his mouth.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and move my body closer to his. My body feels like it’s on fire as he doesn’t stop kissing me or running his hands over my back and upper thighs. I’m rubbing against him, trying to get friction from his body where I need it more— my chest and pussy.

  “Knight, I need more,” I tell him, pulling back from his mouth.

  “What do you want me to do?” he asks, staring down at me.

  Knight’s eyes are dark blue and his eyelids are almost completely closed. His face is flushed and I can feel his hard dick on my thigh as he presses his body into mine. My entire body is tingling and I don’t know what I want. I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper, embarrassed at the knowledge I’ve no idea what to tell him.

  “It’s okay, Onyx. I’ll make this all about you and if you don’t like something just tell me,” he says.

  Knight fits his body between my thighs. Without thought, I arch up into him, trying to make contact with any part of his body I can and pressing my tits further into his chest. It’s still not enough as a whimper escapes me.

  He trails kisses from my mouth down to my neck, spending a few minutes sucking and biting the flesh there. When he’s decided I’ve had enough, he moves down lower to my chest. Pulling my tank top over my tits, he leans slightly back and stares at my body.

  I want to cover myself when the thought of something being wrong with me fills my head. As I begin to raise my hands, Knight stops me. He holds my hands together in one of his while lowering his head down to pull a nipple into his mouth. I arch my body as he sucks and bites the harden peak. When he’s satisfied with that side, he moves his head to the other side and provides the same treatment until both of my nipples are hardened buds.

  Then, he trails soft, teasing kisses down my stomach, dipping his tongue into my belly button. A small giggle escapes me as he tickles me. I try to squirm out of his reach, but Knight places an arm across my hips and holds me in place. With his other hand, he removes my shorts. I’m laying before him with nothing more than a tank top on as he stares down at me.

  “I’ve never seen a better sight in my life,” Knight says.

  Before I can utter a word, Knight’s face is in my pussy. I hear him take a deep breath before feeling his tongue swipe my slit and then flick my clit. A tremor rushes through my body as I feel wetness leak out and coat my thighs. Knight doesn’t stop his movements as I try to remove his head from between my legs.

  “Relax, Onyx,” he says, sliding his tongue right back through my wetness. “You taste so fucking good.”

  I lay my head back as he continues to circle his tongue around my clit. Something is happening to my body and I’m not sure
what it is. It feels like there’s a lot of pressure building up and I have to go to the bathroom. Just as I go to say something to him, Knight slides a finger into me.

  On a gasp, I try to lift my hips to get away from the intrusion. It doesn’t hurt, but it feels weird. I’m not sure how I feel about it as my body continues to wind tighter and tighter. Knight looks up at me as a hand slides up my stomach and he begins to pinch and pull my nipple.

  “Knight,” I call out, my voice sounding breathless.

  Locking eyes with him, he sucks my clit into his mouth and gently bites down. My body arches off the bed as a warmth I’ve never known floods my body. I feel like I’m flying over the edge of a cliff and there’s nothing to stop me or catch me as I fall. I close my eyes as the sensations begin to take over my body and still, Knight doesn’t stop what he’s doing.

  Instead, he continues to gently suck and lick my pussy while sliding his finger out of me. I feel my face heat up as embarrassment consumes me. I’ve never had anyone close to my pussy before, and I’m not sure how to feel about it. Hell, tonight is the first time I’ve ever had an orgasm.

  “Are you okay?” Knight asks, climbing up my body and planting a kiss on my lips.

  I can taste myself on him. It’s not repulsive like I thought it’d be. Instead, the taste of Knight and me on his lips turns me on. I didn’t think it was possible to be turned on again so quickly, but Knight is proving it is.

  “What about you?” I ask, looking at his boxers tented with his hard dick.

  “Tonight’s about you, babe,” he answers, laying down next to me and pulling me onto his body.

  “I want to repay the favor,” I tell him, leaning up on my elbow.

  “Another time,” he insists. “There is something you can do for me though.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “I saw songs written down in your notebook. Care to share them with me?” he asks, never taking his eyes off me while continuing to rub my back.

  I look at him and try to decide if I should let him into my private world. A world I’ve never let anyone in before. Deciding there’s nothing he can my dad hasn’t already done or said to me, I get up from the bed and go to grab my shorts to put on.

  “Don’t need ‘em, babe,” he tells me.

  Casting him a look over my shoulder, I make my way into the living room and grab the notebook I’ve used to mark songs down in. Holding it to my chest, I walk back in the room and sit down on the bed before releasing it to Knight’s waiting hands. He spends several minutes looking through the notebook while I wait for him to say something.

  “These are good,” he finally says. “Can we put two of them on the new album.

  “What?” I ask, not sure I’m hearing him right.

  “I want to put two of these songs on the new album,” Knight repeats.

  “Um, well, you’re the only one who’s ever seen these. I don’t know if they’re good enough to go on the album,” I tell him, letting my nerves get to me.

  “Onyx, they’re more than good enough to go on the album. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think so. Please?” he asks, his eyes pleading with me.

  “Well, if you’re sure. You’ll have to clear it with Isabella and I don’t think she likes me too much,” I tell him.

  “You let me worry about her,” he says, pulling me back into his arms. “Get some rest. We’re gonna need it for tomorrow.”

  For a little while, Knight and I talk about nothing in particular. He talks a little bit about what it’s like to be on tour, never staying in the same place twice. How it feels when they pull back into Blue Springs and coming home. Things he wants the band to do, including adding my sound more prominently.

  I tell him more of what it was like growing up in the house with my dad and how my mom left me. We talk late into the night before we finally let sleep claim us. I’m curled up on Knight’s chest with my leg thrown over his. Knight has his arms wrapped around me and is rubbing one hand up and down my back. This is the perfect night as far as I’m concerned.

  Chapter Twelve


  EVER SINCE I got a taste of Onyx, I want more. I don’t care if it’s only me tasting the sweet nectar of her pussy for months on end. As long as I get to touch and taste her, I’ll be happy as fuck. She’s the only person I’m content to simply lay in bed with and hold.

  I’m happy as hell she’s letting us put two of her songs on the new album. They’re perfect ballads and are going to make this album complete. I showed them to the guys yesterday and they all agree with me. Our only obstacle at this point is making sure Isabella doesn’t throw a bitch fit about the newest change.

  Isabella is becoming a pain in the ass. She’s trying to insert herself more into our decisions and trying to assert herself into the band more. This all started when Onyx joined us. I’m not sure what the hell her problem is, but she’ll be finding out real soon I’m not going to tolerate it. She’s a manager and it’s her job to make sure we’re happy and to book us tour dates.

  “Isabella, we need to talk,” I tell her, walking in the studio and leaving Onyx with the guys.

  “What’s going on, Knight?” she asks, a smile covering her face as she tries to brush up against me.

  “We’re adding two songs to the album,” I say.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were still writing new material.”

  “I didn’t. Onyx wrote them. She’ll be singing vocals on them while I accompany her on guitar. It will only be her and I playing for these two songs,” I say, sitting down and preparing for a fight.

  “We don’t have time to add anything to the album. We’re behind schedule as it is,” she says, spouting pure bullshit.

  “I know full well we’re ahead of schedule. We’ve already got five of the twelve songs recorded and finalized. Now, we’re adding two bonus tracks. If you don’t make it happen, I’ll squash the entire project. I’m done with you trying to throw your weight around like you mean more than you do,” I tell her. “And you’re going to lay off of Onyx. She’s part of the band now and you’re either going to accept it or leave as our manager. Is that understood?”

  “There’s no reason for you to throw a tantrum over a piece of ass,” Isabella says, turning her back on me.

  “She’s not a piece of ass. Onyx is a member of the band and you’ll respect that. If not, I’ll call the label myself,” I warn, heading to the soundproof booth to get to work.

  For the rest of the day we spend recording. We get another three songs done before calling it a day. The guys are ready to head out for the night while I just want to get back home. Clubs and fucking random women don’t entice me much these days. Not that I’ll ever tell the guys that.

  “Knight, you coming out with us?” Diesel asks.

  “Not tonight,” I answer.

  “What the fuck?” Damon asks. “You haven’t been out with us since the first night of recording. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I’m just not in the mood,” I answer, watching Onyx head out to her SUV.

  “You got a thing for her?” Memphis asks.

  I look at the guys I’ve been closer to than anyone else. They read the look in my eyes and back off. No one is going to know anything about Onyx and what I want with her. Not if I can help it.

  “You think you can be with her and only her?” Tyson asks.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Onyx isn’t going to share the man she settles down with. And she’s the settling down type of woman. She won’t tolerate someone cheating on her or leaving her on her own to party all night long. If you want her, you’re going to have to change your ways,” Tyson tells me.

  “You think I don’t know all that? That she’s the type of woman a man wants to come home to? I know what she’s about and I know more about the life she’s led than any of you,” I respond.

  “Then figure out what you really want with her. If it’s nothing more than a quick fuck, leave her alone. She deserves better than that.
And I won’t let you fuck up the band because you’re thinking with your cock,” Diesel says as we all begin to leave the studio.

  Isabella is still here and she’s listened in on every word we’ve just spoken. Usually, I wouldn’t give a fuck what she hears, but I don’t want her knowing anything about Onyx or what is going on with her. There’s something going on with her and until I figure it out, I don’t want her close to Onyx.

  Changing my mind at the last second, I go out with the guys. I’ve been home long enough to take a shower and dress for the night ahead. Before walking outside, I talk to the security guard on duty and make sure no one comes in the building to bother Onyx. I don’t want her to suffer while I’m not home to stop another incident with her dad from happening.

  Diesel is driving tonight and will be the designated driver. We all take turns so no one gets left out repeatedly. He’ll still have a good time before making sure we all make it back home. Hell, his own party will start once he makes it back to wherever he’s staying tonight. Then he’ll drink and find someone to fuck. Or he’ll find someone at the club and make sure they wait for him to get us home.

  When he pulls up to a popular club outside of Blue Springs, he parks out front and hands the keys over to the valet. The crowd waiting to get in the door instantly begin screaming and calling out our names. We wave in their direction but never stop out pace from entering the club.

  Loud music surrounds us as we make our way to the bar to get drinks. As soon as we have our drink of choice in hand, we make our way to the VIP section of the club. Another bouncer is standing guard and removes the rope blocking access to the stairs. We nod our thanks and head up to a corner booth.

  “I’m gonna dance and find someone to take off the edge,” Damon says, setting his beer down on the table and leaving us.

  “He’s not wasting any time,” Memphis remarks. “He’ll be in the bathroom getting a blow job in less than ten minutes.”


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