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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 29

by Lolita London

“Yes, earlier than expected.”

  “Welcome home, Mister Davies,” Mrs. Beauchamp smiled at the loving couple as she wiped her hands on her apron.

  “Thank you, Matilda,” Anthony kissed Gianna one more time before letting her go. “What are you ladies cooking? It smells wonderful.”

  “Oh!” Gianna ran over to the pot and scooped some of the gravy. “Try this.”

  Anthony sipped at the spoon and whistled. “Damn, that’s good gravy.”

  Gianna’s face blossomed into a shy smile as Mrs. Beauchamp chirped. “Aye, Mister Davies, your wife is a fine cook.”

  “That, she is,” Anthony grinned as Gianna squirmed at Mrs. Beauchamp’s praise. She looked so cute and coy that he wanted to kiss her again. The days he spent apart from her were always long and hard. He cleared his throat as he felt a familiar stirring inside of him.

  “Speaking of which,” he turned, and placed his heavy bags on the table in order to distract himself from the improper thoughts he was having. “I’ve got a gift for you, my love.”

  Gianna peeked into the bags and squealed. “Fine milled wheat flour?”

  “Yes, and fresh eggs from the farm too. I know how much you miss making pasta.”

  Gianna ran to him and embraced him tightly. “Oh, thank you, thank you! Where did you even find the flour?”

  “I had it imported,” Anthony laughed.

  “Oh! Could I cook dinner tonight, Matilda?” Gianna turned to Mrs. Beauchamp with a pleading expression.

  “Of course, poppet,” Mrs. Beauchamp twinkled at her. Hanging up her apron, she smiled knowingly at the happy couple. “I’ll leave you two alone then. Rich needs some help down at the clinic.”

  “So,” Anthony removed his vest and rolled up his sleeves. “Let’s make some pasta.”

  Gianna cleaned and cleared the table excitedly. Humming a merry little tune, she laid out the ingredients that she needed. “Eggs, flour, oil,” she muttered. She opened the bag of flour and poured it out so it created a little snowy mountain. She patted the center down to form an indent.

  “That’s a nest,” she said as she admired her handiwork. Anthony smiled as he approached her from behind and engulfed her in an embrace.

  “Very efficient, Mrs. Davies,” he praised.

  “Do you want to help?” she quipped, giving him a backward glance. “You can break the eggs.”

  Reaching around her, Anthony pressed himself against her as he broke the eggs into the nest she had created.

  “There, all done,” he kissed her neck softly. Gianna stilled. “I know what you’re doing, you brute,” she scolded him lightly.

  “I’m a good student, I just want a better look,” Anthony said innocently. “What now?”

  Shooting him a suspicious look, Gianna measured out the other ingredients and added them in.

  “Now we’ve got to mix them in and knead it so it forms a dough.”

  As she worked her hands around the mixture, Anthony slyly moved his hands down to her hips.

  “You need to use just the right amount of pressure when kneading. Hey!” Gianna exclaimed as Anthony squeezed her bum. “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  “Learning,” Anthony murmured sensually. He moved his arms up to her soft breasts and caressed them lightly. “Is this the right amount of pressure?” he whispered into her ear, pleased when he felt her shiver.

  Clearing her throat, Gianna said, “No, you need to do it a little harder. Otherwise the dough won’t be springy. Oh!”

  She moaned softly as Anthony increased his pressure around her mounds, cupping and kneading them in the same way she was working the dough. He could feel the shape of her nipples under her dress and teased them with his fingers.

  “Focus, Gianna,” he scolded when his wife paused her actions and moaned softly. He smacked her sharply on the butt, making her jump.

  “Ouch! What was that for?”

  “You offered to make dinner tonight, so focus on your task and I’ll focus on mine.”

  Watching her lips curl into a smile, Anthony knew that his adventurous minx understood the game and was up for it.

  “Fine, let’s continue.”

  As Gianna continued to knead the dough, Anthony massaged her lush breasts, tweaking the nipples as he relished her gasps and moans. He pressed his erection against her suggestively and grinned as she wriggled her butt to tease him back.

  “Alright, that’s done,” Gianna gasped breathlessly as Anthony nipped her earlobe. “Now we’ve got to roll the dough out.”

  As Gianna pressed the dough with her hands and rolled it flat, Anthony grinned and started moving his hands down her flat tummy and all the way down to her pelvic region. She squealed as his fingers located her clit, rubbing and pressing on the sensitive nub.

  “Oh Dio, don’t stop,” she complained as he moved his hands back up her waist. Laughing softly, he continued his slow torture. He repeated his motions, lingering longer at her genitals each time as she gamely tried to focus on her dough.

  After minutes of teasing, the canary yellow dough finally lay in a flat sheet. She smiled up at him in triumph and he kissed her. “Good girl.”

  “Now, do I get my reward?” she asked hopefully.

  “Ah, ah, ah. I don’t see the strands of pasta yet. I believe you’ve got to cut them.”

  Sighing in frustration, Gianna nodded. “That’s right.”

  She skillfully folded the dough up in small sections, finally creating a rectangular roll. “We have to be precise at this point so that the pasta will be even,” she said as she cut the dough into strips. Each strip unfurled into a thin, curly strand.

  “Very well done,” Anthony reached his hands under her skirt and found her slick and dripping. “Oh, my little wildcat, you are so ready,” he breathed as he stuck a finger into her. Gianna moaned, a sensual little sound that went straight to his throbbing hard-on. His cock strained so hard against his pants that it was almost painful.

  “Now, we let the pasta sit for a while before boiling it.”

  “Excellent,” he said as he unbuttoned his fly. His cock sprang free, thankful to be out. “I know just the way to spend the time while waiting.”

  Leaning her over the table, he lifted her skirt and positioned his rod at her opening. He teased the bulbous head against her outer lips, causing her to writhe in anticipation.

  Gianna hissed in pleasure as he entered her, her tight, warm cavern enclosing around his sensitive head as she milked him. As he picked up the pace and started thrusting, Gianna’s moans grew louder.

  “Shhh,” he grunted, “otherwise someone will hear us.”

  Gianna placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries as he pounded into her. “You do realize that we’re fully clothed and in a public area,” she mumbled.

  Anthony gave a breathless laugh. “I’m well aware of that. The door isn’t locked, so anyone can come in at any time.”

  “Then you’d better finish quickly,” Gianna urged him.

  “Oh no, my love. My wife has needs, and I need to see to them first.”

  He angled himself upwards, his cock hitting her in a spot that made her cry out in pleasure. She was shaking from the effort to restrain her moans. Anthony grinned and reached around her. As he pressed down hard against her clit, Gianna threw her head back.

  “Oh God, I’m close.”

  “Come for me, baby,” he groaned as he too chased his own release.

  “Anthony!” His name was garbled on her lips as Gianna tensed and shuddered. The sharp contractions of her inner walls around his cock were too much for him to bear and he found his release as well.


  “So,” Gianna smiled shyly as she looked at her husband. “Dinner was interesting.”

  “Yes,” he murmured as he wrapped an arm around her. “I hear that your pasta is the talk of the town.”

  Gianna laughed, as they walked together down the path. She loved their moonlight strolls across the prairie, where the scent of night-bl
ooming flowers mingled with the scent of wet earth. As they padded along in blissful solitude, a sudden wave of dizziness overcame her and she stumbled.


  Anthony’s strong arms held her upright. Gianna gasped.

  “Are you alright, love?”

  “I feel so dizzy,” Gianna managed to say before nausea overcame her and she threw up.

  “I’m sorry,” she gasped as Anthony patted her back soothingly. She looked up into his worried eyes.

  “I’d best bring you to the doctor. Rich should still be in his clinic right now.”

  With his help, she straightened herself up. “There’s no need to go through all that trouble, I’m fine. It must be from all the excitement.”

  Anthony looked at her doubtfully. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Gianna rolled her eyes at him. She was still feeling giddy, but she tried to walk straight anyway. She knew how anxious Anthony could be and didn’t want him to worry.

  “See? I’m fine.” Gianna swirled to grin at Anthony when another wave of nausea hit her and she fell to the ground, heaving.

  “Gianna! That’s it,” Anthony scooped her up in his arms. “I’m bringing you to the clinic.


  “How is she, Rich? Is she alright?”

  Anthony jumped to his feet and anxiously looked at the doctor as the older man entered the room.

  “Relax, Anthony,” Richmond Beauchamp grinned broadly. “It’s good news. You might as well come in; I want you both to hear it at the same time.”

  “What is it?” Anthony darted in and sat down next to Gianna, grabbing her cold hands in his. Her face was still pale but she smiled at him broadly, as if to reassure him.

  “Well, well,” the doctor smiled kindly as he sat down in front of them. “I’m happy to announce that Gianna is pregnant.”

  Gianna gasped, her mouth hanging open in shock. Anthony felt the joy bubbling up in him.

  “You mean I’m going to be a dad again?”

  “Yes,” Richmond grinned. “Congratulations mate, you’ll have a baby just in time for Christmas.”

  Anthony gave a whoop of joy as he turned to his wife and embraced her. “I love you so much,” he said, as she beamed back at him.

  “I love you too,” a tear rolled down the corner of Gianna’s eye. She turned to the doctor anxiously. “Is the baby well?”

  “Yes, yes, both of you are very healthy. He’s about 11 to 12 weeks old. It’s good that you’re only getting the symptoms now; it usually means that the rest of your pregnancy will be smooth.”

  “Three whole months,” Anthony gaped. “That’s around the time I came back from my trip to Markleeville. I can’t believe that all this time, a baby was growing inside of you.” He kissed his wife again and turned around to talk to the doctor before he could see the look of horror on her face.

  Chapter 12

  Gianna took a deep breath to settle herself as she searched the shelves of the general store. Since she found out that their baby was very likely conceived around the time she and Anthony had their huge falling out, she had had plenty of sleepless nights. Try as she might, she couldn’t banish the guilt rising from her sexual encounter with Drake. Of course, it was only one night. She had made love to Anthony so many times since, so the odds ought to be pretty good for them. Or at least, that’s what she kept telling herself.

  “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  She jumped violently. Turning around, she gasped as she set her eyes on the last person she wanted to see.


  “When were you going to tell me the news, Gianna?” His dark eyes glinted as he grinned at her. “You know that there’s a good chance that the baby’s mine.”

  Gianna stared at him in consternation. “Shut up!” she hissed. Dragging him to a quiet corner at the end of the store, she glared at him. “The baby,” she looked around, making sure no one could hear them, “the baby is Anthony’s. I think you should leave.”

  Drake snorted. “Naw, I think that baby’s mine. You know that aphrodisiac I spiked your drink with?”

  “How could I ever forget?” Gianna spat at him. She was incensed by how he delighted in her anger. Her fingers balled into a fist as she longed to punch him.

  “Yeah well,” Drake explained in a lazy drawl. “That was made from a special Cherokee herbal recipe. Not only does it raise yer sexual appetite, it acts as a fertility pill as well. I had it myself before banging you, so the chances are, shall we say, doubled.”

  Horrific realization dawning on her face, Gianna froze on the spot as Drake grinned at her. “Look, Gianna. Anthony’s old. I don’t think his essence runs as strong as it used to. You know there’s more than a fair chance that I’m the father so you best start planning for it. When that baby is born and he’s obviously half Cherokee, half Italian and not at all Anthony, that’ll make him the laughing stock of the town. And we both know full well, a man’s reputation in the West is everything.”

  “Why?” Gianna voice came out in a whisper. “Why would you do this to me?”

  “You want to know why?” Drake’s voice rose before he caught hold of himself. “I’ll tell you why,” he growled in a lower voice. “I have a vendetta with Anthony’s family, okay?”

  Drake had dropped all of the easy charm that he had and his voice was cold.

  “I’m a lady’s man, right? I love the ladies and they love me, but me? I don’t want to be tied down. I love the hunt. So I go for married or engaged ladies, ladies who are spoken for so there’s no danger of commitment. Besides, I get a high out of cuckolding their men. It’s a guilty pleasure.”

  He took a deep breath as Gianna continued to listen in horror.

  “There was an exception,” he admitted. “I actually fell for Annie Davies. Instead of being with me though, she chose to be with that boring Californian man. Heck, she even married him. And there I was, with my broken pride and my broken heart.”

  “You deserved that,” Gianna snapped. “You deserved everything.”

  Drake snarled at her. “I swore that I would have my revenge. Alas, Annie was way out of reach and Anthony was a shell of a man. Until you arrived.”

  He circled her as his eyes took on a crazed glint. “You see, Gianna, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that if you want to hurt someone, the best way to do it is to hurt the person that they love.”

  “You’re a monster!” Gianna tried to slap him, but he caught her hand before she could land her strike.

  “Now, now. You don’t want to do that to the father of your child.” He laughed mockingly in her face. Shoving her back, he dusted himself off and straightened his shirt.

  “I’ll see you when the baby’s born.” And with that evil promise, he left her standing in horror.


  Gianna felt numb as she climbed the stairs up to her room. Drake’s evil words echoed in her mind as the dread threatened to consume her. Much as she hated to admit it, she knew he was right. Given the fertility drug and the timing, it was highly likely that the baby wasn’t Anthony’s. She knew what she had to do, but she was worried that her heart wouldn’t be able to bear the consequences.

  As she entered the bedroom, she jumped.


  A beautiful baby crib sat in the middle of the room. It was fashioned to look like a train, complete with a steam engine and intricately carved wheels. Anthony wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful,” Gianna whispered in awe. “Where did you get it?”

  “I made it myself. Built it with my own two hands.” The pride in Anthony’s voice was evident.

  Gianna turned to look at him and her heart broke as she saw the excitement and love on his face. She knew that the news would break him, but she couldn’t hide it from him any longer.

  “Anthony,” she said, struggling to keep her voice stable. “I have something to tell you.”

  “Wait,” he stopped her. “Me first.”

  Taking a black velvet box out of his pocket, he went down on bended knee.

  “Gianna,” Anthony’s voice was thick with emotion and love. “I love you. I know that the way we got together wasn’t exactly orthodox and I have many things to apologize for. But I don’t regret a single day that we’ve spent together. You are my light, and my life. You, more than anyone, deserve a proper wedding proposal. So now I’m doing this right.”

  Smiling up at her, Anthony had tears in his eyes as he opened the box to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.

  “Gianna Delucca. I promise to love you and cherish you for the rest of our lives. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Gianna’s heart skipped a beat. The darkness inside threatened to consume her. This was all that she had ever dreamed of, and yet, somehow, everything was hideously wrong.

  “Well, don’t keep a man waiting,” Anthony joked, but she could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

  “Anthony,” she sunk down on the ground next to him, causing him to dart over to her in concern.

  “What is it? Are you feeling unwell? Is it the baby?”

  “The baby’s fine.” She bit her lip, trying to keep the tears at bay.

  “What’s wrong, Gianna? You can tell me anything.”

  “Anthony,” Gianna took his hands, and held on to them as though they were her lifeline. “I need to tell you something. I made a horrible, horrible mistake. But you have to know, I regret it so much. I love you, and I am so, so sorry.”

  “Gianna, you’re scaring me.” Anthony’s voice rose in alarm.

  Gianna took a deep breath.

  “It all happened the day we had that huge fight.”

  Bit by bit, the horrible story came out. Anthony listened to it all in silence and her heart sank as she could sense him slipping away from her. Every word out of her mouth felt like a nail struck deep into her heart.

  “And that’s all of it,” she finished with a sob. “Anthony—” Gianna felt a pang of despair as he flinched away from her touch.

  “I need to know something,” his voice was quiet. “Do you love Drake?”


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