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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 28

by Lolita London

  “Not bad, Gianna,” he murmured right next to her ear. “You got a full house.” He dropped a light kiss on her earlobe, causing her to squirm.

  “It’s too bad,” he continued as he hungrily eyed her chest, “that I’ve got this.”

  Drake grinned in triumph as he revealed his cards. “Straight flush,” he announced. He pulled her to her feet and put his arms on the waistband of her skirt.

  “Sorry, you lose.”

  Gianna held her breath as he eased the skirt down over her hips and allowed it to fall to the floor. Her bare pussy was on display, as was her luscious ass. Her chest heaved, as the arousal built up in her. It had been so many months since she had experienced any form of release. She could feel her entire body humming with anticipation.

  “You are exquisite,” Drake commented, as he ran a finger down a breast, circling a nipple. Gianna swallowed a moan and blushed. She could feel her arousal trickling down her inner thighs and prayed that Drake didn’t notice it.

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” Drake said, tipping her chin up to him. “Hey, you are a gorgeous woman. I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you, Gianna.”

  Removing his jeans, he revealed his thick, veiny cock that was dripping with pre-cum. While it wasn’t as long as Anthony’s, Gianna thought that it looked a bit thicker. Oh God, Anthony.

  “Drake,” her voice sounded raspy and low. “We can’t do this.”

  “I know, we shouldn’t,” his voice was husky and she couldn’t help but thrill to the sound of it. He sounded and looked so darkly sexy that it was driving her insane.

  “But I want to,” Drake continued as he walked over to her. He leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips.

  It was like he had released the floodgates. All thoughts of Anthony flew out of the window as Gianna jumped on him and violently returned his kiss.


  “What am I going to do, Annie?”

  Anthony wrung his hands. “I messed up, big time,” he added. “You didn’t see the look on her face when I left. It crushed her.”

  “But that’s a good thing, Daddy,” Annie said encouragingly. “It means that she still has feelings for you, and they’re really strong. If they weren’t, you wouldn’t have such an impact on her.”

  “Do you really think so? I could win her back?” Anthony’s voice rose with hope. Then his gaze darkened. “But what about that guy she’s been seeing?”

  “Drake? I don’t like that guy.” Annie’s expression darkened. “What did Gianna tell you about him?”

  “She said that they were just friends.” Anthony cried out in pain as his daughter swatted at him. “Ouch! What?”

  “Daddy,” Annie said slowly and deliberately. “Has Gianna ever given you any reason to doubt her?”

  Anthony thought of Gianna’s wide, kind eyes, and the way she had looked at him after he poured his heart out about his wife.

  “No,” he admitted. Letting his breath out in a whoosh, he sighed. “Oh man, I fucked up big time, Annie.”

  “Well, it’s not too late! The last train is gone for tonight, so I want you to go up to the train counter and buy the earliest train ticket for tomorrow. You’ll be back with her by sundown. And then, you’re going to win her back.”

  “Alright, there’s a plan,” Anthony smiled at the resolution in her voice. “How am I going to do that?”

  Annie thought about it carefully, wrinkling her brow. All of a sudden, her expression brightened.

  “I’ve got just the plan.”


  Gianna gasped as Drake kissed his way down her neck, onto the swelling of her breasts. He devoured her nipples hungrily as he sucked at them.

  “Oh God, you are so gorgeous.”

  She felt his erection hard against her thigh and cried out at the surge of desire that coursed through her body. Gianna panted. She didn’t know what had come over her. The lust that she felt was so consuming that it was no longer about pleasure. All that she knew was that she wanted him, needed him, to be inside her.

  It was a non-negotiable necessity.

  She put her hands around him and pulled him close to her by his cock. His eyes widened in surprise and desire.

  “Fuck me.” She ordered him.

  “No, let’s take it slow,” he murmured as he continued to play with her nipples. He seemed to be obsessed with her breasts. Gianna wished he would pay more attention to her nether regions, which currently felt like they were on fire.

  Crying out in frustration, she pulled him down over her and guided his dick to her opening, which was now dripping with slick.

  “I, Need. You,” she enunciated each word clearly, “To. Fuck. Me.”

  Drake grinned in triumph.

  “With pleasure, Mrs. Davies.”

  He entered her in one fluid thrust.

  Chapter 11

  Gianna lay on the bed, warm in her post-coital bliss. As the morning sun warmed her face, she grumbled, snuggling deeper into the pillow. She could feel a stirring next to her and hid a smile.

  “Let’s not get out of bed today,” she whispered sleepily. “Let’s just lie here and hide from the world.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Hmm. His voice sounds different. Still, happy enough that she had gotten the permission to stay in bed, she nuzzled into the warm body behind her. Feeling the hardness that stuck into her waist, she grinned, playfully wriggling her bum against it.

  “Already? You’re insatiable.”

  His mouth was hot against her ear. “Don’t blame me. You’re irresistible.”

  Gianna paused. She wasn’t imagining it this time: he did sound different.

  “Are you alright? You sound like you might be coming down with a flu.” She turned around and screeched.


  His handsome grin dazzled her. “The one and only.”

  A wave of horror washed over Gianna as she realized that not only was she with the wrong man, she was in completely the wrong room. Suddenly having a terrible thought, she peeked down under the covers.


  She leaped out of bed, dragging the blanket off with her as she tried desperately to wrap it around her naked form. Drake watched with amusement as he lazily stroked his cock.

  Gianna’s mind whirred. What in the world had happened here? How did she end up in bed with Drake? Worse, what had they done?

  “Tell me … we didn’t …” Gianna’s voice trailed off uncertainly.

  “Fuck? Oh yeah, you bet we did. All night. You’re quite the wild cat, ya know?”

  “Don’t call me that!” Gianna snapped, her heart cracking open with guilt at the sound of her husband’s pet name for her. Oh Anthony, what have I done?

  “What happened? Why can’t I remember anything?” Gianna ran around the apartment, frantically searching for her clothes. She found them lying in a heap on the sofa in the living room. Quickly pulling her blouse over her head, she turned around to see Drake watching her from the bedroom door.

  “Can’t you put some clothes on?” She snapped.

  “Why?” His bright grin that she once found so charming now seemed oddly unsettling. “It’s nothing that you’ve never seen before.”

  Gianna closed her eyes and massaged her forehead. She felt a horrible migraine coming on.

  “Drake,” she said as she smoothed out her skirt and reached for her corset. “You are going to tell me everything that you know about yesterday, or so help me God, I’m going to break every piece of furniture in your apartment.”

  Drake shrugged and walked over to the sofa. She gave him a wide berth as he passed her to sprawl out lazily on the love seat.

  “Sit?” He patted the spot next to him.

  Gianna shook her head, her lips thin.

  Drake shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  He reached for a bottle of alcohol and took a deep swig. As she laced up her corset, Gianna noticed that the coffee table was covered in poker cards and an odd image o
f herself playing popped into her head.

  “Were we … playing poker?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Yep!” Drake wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Strip poker, to be exact.”

  “Oh no,” Gianna crumpled on the floor. “It’s all coming back to me now.”

  “Aye, I guess it would. They did say that temporary short-term memory loss was a side effect of the drug.”

  Gianna’s head snapped up. “What did you say?”

  “I said short term memory loss was a—”

  “You drugged me?” Gianna snarled as she hurled an empty glass in his direction. Drake laughed as he avoided it. The glass shattered as it hit the wall beside his head.

  “Calm down, Delucca. It was just a simple aphrodisiac. I know how you feel about me and you know how uptight you are. I just thought I’d do you a favor and give you a little nudge.”

  “Dio,” a sudden realization hit Gianna. “That’s why I was so out of control last night. You bastard!” She spat at Drake with vehemence.

  Drake’s grin grew cold. “It’s not like I could have forced you to do anything you didn’t want to.”

  “Shut up!” Gianna shouted. Gathering the rest of her things, she stalked to the front door.

  “What, are you leaving already?” Drake sauntered behind her. “Don’t I get a goodbye kiss?”

  Gianna turned around and stared him straight in the eye. “If you say a word about this to anyone at all, especially Anthony—”

  “Don’t worry, babe,” Drake laughed in her face. “It’s not in my style to kiss and tell. Besides, you’re just one of many notches on my bedpost.”

  Gianna’s face darkened in shame and anger as she worked out what he meant. Choking back a scream, she left, slamming the door in his smug face.


  As Anthony stepped off the train onto the dusty platform, he could feel his heart racing a mile a minute. There had been no interruptions along the way and he had arrived slightly ahead of schedule. All that stood between him and his wildcat was the journey home.

  He thought about what his daughter had said before he left.

  “Remember what I told you, Daddy,” Annie said sternly as she hugged him.

  “I can’t believe that this is your grand plan,” Anthony grumbled as he ruffled her hair. “Just tell her how I feel?”

  “Yes,” Annie insisted. “No more hiding, Daddy. No more guessing and avoiding and covering all your insecurities with sex.”

  “Oh! Hey,” Anthony grimaced. “Watch it, young lady.”

  “I have a child, Daddy. I know how things work.” Annie rolled her eyes.

  “Yes,” he laughed at her petulant expression. “But you will always be my baby.”

  “Seriously, Dad. Just be honest with her.”

  “Alright, I’ll give that a shot.”

  Anthony took a deep breath as he picked up his suitcase and began the long trudge home. Today was the day that he’d face all his inner demons.

  Today was the day that he’d win her back.


  As Gianna stepped into her bedroom, she crumpled to the floor in a heap. All that Anthony had warned her about was right. Drake was a bastard and she had been played like a complete fool. And now her husband was gone; possibly he didn’t even love her anymore. Heck, maybe he never loved her to begin with.

  Choking back a cry, Gianna rushed to the tub and turned the tap on. She felt a desperate need to wash the previous day away. When the tub filled, she shed her clothes and stepped into the water, allowing the heat to soothe her nerves.

  Her tears made little ripples in the water. She remembered Anthony’s tenderness, the infuriating way he challenged her, the way he always put her pleasure before his own. Had she even found any form of release with Drake? No, he was a selfish, inexperienced lover who only sought his own pleasure. Gianna couldn’t believe that she had given him the chance to sully her body like this. She had betrayed Anthony. While she had hated him in the beginning, she definitely felt something much stronger for him now.

  I think I might actually love him.

  Gianna put her head in her hands and sobbed freely.

  “Little wildcat.”

  Gianna lifted her head and gasped.

  Anthony stood at the doorway, a raw expression of tenderness and remorse on his face. His hair was messy, and he was dressed in his usual tweed vest and jeans. He looked so familiar and so constant that Gianna felt a smile blossom on her tear-stained face.

  “Anthony.” She said his name like it was a sacred prayer.

  The intensity of his gaze burned into her; a slow, smoldering flame of passion that threatened to set her ablaze. As he dropped his suitcase on the ground and closed the door behind him, Gianna leapt out of the tub and ran straight at him. She pounced on him, kissing every inch of his face.

  “Oof, oh my God, Gianna!”

  Unprepared for her sudden assault, Anthony lost his balance and they both went tumbling to the ground. Laughing and breathless, Gianna tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear.

  “Hi,” she giggled.

  “Hi yourself,” Anthony grinned, lifting an eyebrow in that mocking expression that she had come to adore. “So,” he indicated her bare body, still wet from the bath. “I take it that you’re happy to see me.”

  “Oh, Anthony,” Gianna buried her face in his shoulder, half laughing and half sobbing.

  “Hey, hey,” he soothed, pulling her close to him. “I’m here.”

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered accusingly.

  “I know,” Anthony sat up, lifting her gently with him. He clasped her head between his hands.

  “I’m so sorry, Gianna. I’ve just had so many fears and doubts. You came into my life and turned it upside down.”

  He raised a finger to her lips as she tried to respond.

  “Let me finish.”

  Gianna smiled against his lips and nodded.

  “What I felt for you was so unfamiliar and powerful that it scared me. All the careful control that I have built over the years just crumbles in your presence. You throw me off balance and make me question everything, even deeply rooted beliefs.”

  A tear slipped out of Gianna’s eye. Anthony wiped it away gently and leaned forward to kiss the trail it had left on her skin.

  “You make me strong, Gianna. You make me want to believe again, and I love you for that.”

  “Say that again,” Gianna commanded.

  Anthony paused. “What?”

  “What you just said! Say it again!”

  “You make me strong? You make me want to believe?” Anthony quipped teasingly.

  “No!” Gianna smacked him. “That other thing.”

  Anthony smiled and kissed her softly on her lips.

  “I love you, Gianna.”

  She stared at him in wonder. His expression was tender and a little bit uncertain as he waited for her response.

  “Oh, Anthony,” Gianna laughed as she sniffled. She threw her arms around him, laid her head against his strong chest and inhaled his scent. He smelled like leather, bourbon and tangerines. He smelled like home.

  “I love you too.”

  With a whoop, Anthony lifted her up and kissed her deeply. Her tongue met his in a passionate embrace.

  “Honestly, I thought that would be way harder,” he mumbled around her mouth as he carried her to the bed. “I thought you’d still be mad at me.”

  “Oh, Anthony,” Gianna’s heart sank as she remembered all that she had done. “I’m so sorry too. There’s something I need to tell you about Drake—”

  Anthony shushed her. “It doesn’t matter. Gianna, we’ve both done and said things that we’ve regretted. Let’s wipe the slate and start anew.”

  Gianna looked into his earnest face, so transparent with love for her that her heart soared hopefully. Could she really start afresh?

  “You’re overthinking this, Gianna,” Anthony nipped the tip of her nose playfully. �
�Let’s banish the ghosts of our past and make sweet, sweet love, alright?”

  Gianna squealed as he tossed her on the bed. “Fiend!”

  “Always so hurtful with the insults,” he laughed as he hopped on after her, his impact making her bounce against the mattress. She rolled on top of him.

  “So you want to make love, do you?”

  “Very much,” he breathed as he caressed and squeezed her breast.

  “Sweet, sweet love?” Gianna gasped as his mouth found her nipple.

  “Yes,” Anthony murmured, swirling his tongue around the tip. “Soft, tender love. I want to worship your body with mine.”

  “Not dirty, filthy sex?”

  “Mrs. Davies,” Anthony feigned an expression of shock. “Are you suggesting that you want to defile me?”

  “I’m just scared that you’re losing your edge,” Gianna giggled. “I like it twisted, rough and dirty too.”

  “Do you, now?” Anthony eyed her, his face relaxing into a dangerous smirk that set her groin on fire. Gianna squirmed and nodded.

  “Well,” his eyes lit up with lustful intent as he untied his neckerchief. “I think I have just the thing to please you.”


  Three months passed in a blissful blur. Anthony felt younger than he had in decades and he couldn’t be happier. Although he and Gianna still had the occasional spat, they always made up and their relationship grew stronger as they overcame each obstacle. Smiling as he entered the hotel lobby, Anthony couldn’t wait to show his young wife the surprise that he had gotten her.

  Entering the kitchen, he found Gianna hard at work in the kitchen together with Mrs. Beauchamp. They were standing over a bubbling pot that smelled divine.

  “Oh, that gravy looks fine, dear.” Mrs. Beauchamp’s voice was filled with pride as she praised Gianna.

  “Do you think Anthony will like it?” Gianna sounded uncertain as she stirred at it.

  “Will I like what?”

  Anthony grinned as his wife jumped. Running into his open arms, Gianna planted kisses all over her husband’s face.

  “You’re back!”


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