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The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee

Page 6

by Paul Ormond

  “From the experiences we have had in her presence, we know she is capable of taking on many forms. This is the face we first encountered on Jarkadu. We have seen her manifest herself in that enormous machine, and when I was taken hostage by the masters, she appeared to me as a feeble grandmother,” SoHee said after the image of a venerable woman in a brown smock slid into view.

  “So she’s a shapeshifter,” Mitch said. “But how do we kill her?”

  “Let’s get one thing straight,” SoHee said. “She is not a she. She is a program. For the sake of this conversation we’ll continue to refer to Mother as she, but there is nothing remotely human about our enemy. From what we have been told about the history of the network, Mother was an AI system created on Jarkadu by a man named Korridin. The program was created to harmonize the network and bring peace. And we all know how that turned out.”

  “But what does that have to do with us now?” Robert said. “We’re sitting out here on space rock twiddling our thumbs while the Masters are headed for earth.”

  “It has everything to do with us know, Robert,” SoHee said. “When I was taken hostage by Mother, I was held in a temple. Where exactly this temple is, I am not sure, but I know it exists in an alternate reality. This place may have been constructed by Mother to keep me prisoner, or it could be an actual place, but I learned a number of startling facts while I was in captivity. The temple was dedicated to what they referred to as the Goddess. I know Mother and others have slapped this monicker on me as well, but during my time in the temple I learned there have been others like me before.”

  “So you are like a re-incarnation?” Kate asked.

  “Not at all,” SoHee said. “It is very important that we stick to the facts and follow logic as we forge ahead. Re-incarnation involves what we consider a soul manifesting in a new body after its old body has died, or something along those lines. But if we stick with the theory that we are inside a simulation, we can assume that other simulations of our reality exist.”

  “Multiple realities? So you mean there are copies of us running around the multi-verse doing the same thing?” Mitch asked.

  “I’m not going to speculate on any of that. I’m just trying to convey what I have been able to glean from my experience,” SoHee said.

  “Who the hell is simulating these realities then?” Davis asked.

  “Without any further information to go on, I cannot provide an answer to that question,” SoHee said.

  “It’s a weird question, but there are only a few possible outcomes,” Gaelin said. “Either Mother created all of these simulations or they go back way further than that.”

  “My people believe the architects manifested the network to seed the stars, but this may just be a part of the story,” Kalis said. “It’s far more likely that the architects as they are called in the legends were the first to simulate reality, and they seeded reality, or multiple realities, with simulated beings.”

  “But where does it all begin?” Robert asked.

  “At base reality,” Gaelin said. “There has to be an original to copy. That’s the crazy thing about multiple world theory, it is almost impossible to tell where base reality ends and the simulation begins.”

  “But if Mother is able to simulate realities on her own, there must be a location or place where this occurs,” Gerald said.

  “Now we’re really down the rabbit hole now,” Kate said. “How do you even simulate an entire reality?”

  “The idea is that it would take a supercomputer of unknown size to do it, but given enough time it is possible to produce it. Some theorists believe the computer would be the size of an entire planet, or bigger,” Gaelin said.

  “It doesn’t matter how big it is,” SoHee said. “What matters is that Mother is capable of accessing the source of these realities somehow. Although we are all dependent on these portals to travel through the network, for some reason Mother doesn’t seem bound by these laws. That means one of two things. She operates on a different principle of mechanics, or she has access to the source of the simulations. I believe the latter to be true, based upon what she told me during our conversations. If we want to find Mother, we need to travel to this source.”

  “That seems like a hell of a maybe,” Gerald said. “This base reality could be anywhere among an unknown number of simulations. Even with an infinite amount of time, you would still never be able to find it. Meanwhile, the Masters are marching on Earth to destroy everything we know and love; simulations be damned.”

  “That is why I will travel to the source alone,” SoHee said. “If I can find my way back to the temple, I believe there is a gateway there that will take me to where I need to go while the rest of you make your way to Earth.”

  “Like hell you are going alone,” Mitch said. “I’m going with you.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” SoHee said. “I can’t risk anyone else getting caught.”

  “It is too much of a risk to have you fall into Mother’s hands again. There’s no telling what will happen if she gets a hold of your powers once more,” Mitch said.

  “He’s got a point, SoHee,” Gerald said. “Going it alone is only asking for trouble.”

  “But you’ll need Mitch on Earth,” SoHee said.

  “Actually, Mitch is probably more of a liability with us,” Davis said. “You and Mitch are the Masters’ number one targets, if you go back to Earth, that will draw all of their firepower on us.”

  “Another good point,” Gerald said.

  “Now it sounds like you are trying to get rid of us,” Mitch said.

  “That is not the case at all,” Gerald said. “You are the most powerful things we’ve got, but if we all go back together that is only going to make things worse.”

  “That’s a fine plan, but does anybody have any idea how we can pull it off?” Robert asked.

  Before anyone could answer, a ping echoed out over the rocks, and all eyes were drawn to Gaelin.

  “Are you still getting texts?” Gerald asked.

  “As strange as it seems, this place has really great reception,” Gaelin said. “My contacts are telling me that we have reached the next stage of the Cell’s plan. But things have gotten a little strange. Apparently an imposter has emerged.”

  “What kind of imposter?” Robert asked.

  “It appears that Mitch Mythic has already returned,” Gaelin said.

  “Mitch has returned to Earth?” Kate asked. “Is this more of this simulation stuff?”

  “Nothing sounds strange anymore,” Babcock said.

  “Are you saying I have actually returned, or somebody is imitating me?” Mitch asked. “And what kind of proof do you have?”

  “It’s hard to say. My contact is acting kind of vague, keeps mentioning DeathWorld,” Gaelin said. “It sounds like the game has something to do with their distribution network.”

  “DeathWorld?” Mitch asked. “What could they possibly do with DeathWorld?”

  “It’s actually a pretty good way to spread information,” Gaelin said. “I don’t have a lot of details. It’s just what my contact said.”

  “Your contact may just be our ticket out of here,” Robert said. “We know that these portals work on the users intention, but we have no idea what reality we will be drawn in to. Maybe it will be a copy of a copy that looks identical.”

  “Since when did we start letting you participate in the planning process?” Davis asked.

  “Hey, I’ve proved myself to be a valuable member of this team,” Robert said.

  “Only when your ass was on the line,” Allan said. “If you didn’t fight with us, the Masters would be torturing you in some metallic dungeon right now.”

  “That is so far from the truth it’s not even funny,” Robert said. “Just hear me out. This might be our best chance.”

  “Let him speak,” Gerald said.

  “It’s simple really,” Robert said. “If we can find a way to manifest a portal, we let Gaelin be the one to open it. That way
his intention is received first.”

  “That’s not much to go on,” Babcock said. “For someone so diabolical, I was expecting a little more.”

  “He’s right,” SoHee said. “In order to ensure that you arrive in our exact reality, we will need a source. The signal connecting this phone to Earth is your ticket home.”

  “That’s fine, but how do we open a portal?” Gerald asked.

  “It can’t be that difficult,” TaeJun said, breaking his silence. “If this is a waypoint, there has to be an exit.”

  “Look around,” Gerald said as he stood up and examined his surroundings. “If you see anything, pipe up.”

  “There’s not much to see here,” Gaelin said as he leaned against a pillar and looked over the edge of the rock.“It’s just a bunch of columns, and beneath us looks like empty space.”

  “These waypoints are antiquated locations in the network,” Kalis said. “They were designed to allow for travel adjustments before the technology was refined, but they operate on the same principle. Each opening between the pillars is an exit and an entrance.”

  “You mean we just pick any one of these openings and we can open a portal?” Mitch asked.

  “As the theory goes,” Kalis said. “This is my first time visiting a waypoint.”

  “If that’s all we’ve got to go on, it’s worth a shot,” Gerald said. “But how do we make sure we follow the right signal?”

  “What kind of phone is that?” Robert asked.

  “It’s a Hive5,” Gaelin said. “It’s kind of old, still pre-inReal, but I just kind of held onto it.”

  “Well, we’re in luck then,” Robert said. “For once that nefarious plot to take over the earth will work out in our favor.”

  “That was your plot,” Mitch said.

  “That was almost two years ago, stop bringing it up,” Robert said. “The Hive5 models were built using a great deal of the Masters’ technology. We purposely set up those units so they could be fitted with inReal should there be some holdouts. If we can connect the phone to the right power source, we should be able to set out a course.”

  “We already know it is sending and receiving data,” Gaelin said. “It’s worth a shot, but it is the only thing linking us to home. I sure hope we don’t blow it up.”

  “It’s a good theory, but how are we going to open up a portal,” Babcock asked.

  “The same way we did before,” SoHee said. “Mitch and I will combine our powers and create a portal. If we set the phone in front of the beam, we can amplify the signal and send you guys on your way.”

  “But what will happen to you?” Davis asked.

  “I’ve got a plan,” SoHee said. “Kalis, do you have anything on you that connects you with Thylocene?”

  “This pendant belonged to my Mother,” Kalis said, revealing a disc hanging under her neck. “It was made from Thylocenian steel, an alloy unique to my planet.”

  “That will work,” SoHee said. “After we send these guys on their way, you are going to show Mitch and I your Constronominum.”

  “It will be an honor,” Kalis said.

  “But first we need to open a portal,” SoHee said before she turned to Gaelin. “Let me see this phone of yours.”

  “Just be careful,” Gaelin said as he handed over his phone.

  In one swift swoop, the sphere hovering in the air reached out with a long green limb and scooped the phone out of Gaelin’s hand before coalescing around SoHee. With a flick of her wrist, SoHee floated the phone toward an opening between two pillars. The device came to an abrupt stop before the columns and hovered in midair.

  “You got that spear of yours ready, Mitch?” SoHee asked.

  “Got it right here,” Mitch said.

  “Unless anyone has anything else to say, we’re blast this thing open,” SoHee said.

  “I think we’re all ready to go home,” Gerald said.

  “But we never said what we are going to do when we get there?” Robert said.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get a chance to explain yourself,” Gerald said. “I’m sure the government will be more than happy to hear your side of the story. And if you can provide them with some valuable information, I bet they will go easy on you.”

  “Go easy on me?” Robert said. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see,” Gerald said.

  “I think we’ve heard Robert whine enough,” SoHee said. “It’s time. Is everybody ready?”

  “As ready as we’re ever going to be,” Kate said.

  “All right, Mitch,” SoHee said.

  “Count us in,” Mitch said.

  “On three, ready? Three, two, one,” SoHee said before a beam of light extended from her hand.

  In time with SoHee, Mitch directed a green ray from his staff. The two beams merged together before connecting with the phone. After several breathless seconds, a sliver of light appeared behind the phone and expanded at a rapid rate. Crackling pulses of electromagnetic energy connected with the pillars as the sliver expanded into a wide circle haloing a dark passage.

  “It’s time to go,” SoHee shouted.

  “Gaelin goes first.” Gerald shouted. “Kate and TaeJun go next, followed by Davis, Babcock, Allan and Jamison. Robert and I are going last.”

  “But what about the phone,” Gaelin said. “I’m going to need it when we get there.”

  “I’ll grab it on the way,” Gerald said.

  “General Gerald just gave the orders,” Robert said.

  “That’s right,” Gerald said before Gaelin dove through the tunnel followed by the others. “We’re going home, and I’m going to make sure you are brought to justice.”

  “You just wait and see, Gerald,” Robert said, charging toward the opening.

  In a flash of light Robert disappeared through the portal before Gerald scooped up the phone, hovering in the air and vanished into the blackness.

  “Well, that wasn’t so difficult,” SoHee said after she turned to Kalis. “Who is ready to do it again.”

  “I’m not sure if ready is the word for it,” Mitch said.

  “No one is ever really ready,” Kalis said.

  “But we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be,” SoHee said. “Now let me see that pendant of yours.”


  THE SOLDIERS STOMPED the deck and saluted the two spheres orbiting in the distance as Commander Holrathu looked on from above.

  “All hail the Emperor and Empress,” Holrathu said, waiting for the soldiers to repeat his words. “We are blessed by their presence and by their power. It is through them and only them that we are able to fulfill the destiny of the Universe.”

  “Fulfill the destiny,” the soldiers said, voices echoing out into the void.

  “As we prepare ourselves for deployment, we must keep the Emperor’s will in our heart,” Commander Holrathu said, gesturing to his chest. “We are about to embark upon another great conquest, my brothers and sisters. Each realm we seize in the Emperor's name brings us one step closer to achieving our goal. And what is this goal, we must ask ourselves, for it is easy to get lost in the madness of war and battle. It is the Emperor’s will that we bring harmony and order to the multi-verse. We are not a roving horde of monsters out to wreak havoc on unsuspecting innocents. We are bringers of the light. Through our love of the Emperor, we shall aid and assist those unaware of our lord’s strength and power and show them the path to truth and justice.”

  “Truth and Justice,” the soldiers called back.

  “But we must be careful,” Holrathu said. “As much as it pains me to say it, there are still those that oppose the will of the Emperor. Who could possibly oppose the harmony of the multi-verse, you may wonder? I’ll tell you who: those sick minds that believe the Multi-verse thrives on chaos and disorder. This is false thinking and oblivion, my friends, and the Emperor and Empress are proof of that.”

  “The Emperor is Proof,” the soldiers said in unison.

  “This is why we must be ever vigilant. For chaos is a foul wretch that can seep into the gears of our fine tuned apparatus and sow the seeds of disorder. Even the smallest and most insignificant heathen poses a serious threat to the Emperor’s will. And we have seen what happens when we let down our guard. Mitch Mythic, that worthless fleck of dust, believes he can defy the Emperor. He and his deluded companions are hellbent on destroying all that we have worked for and suffered for. We have put up with this thorn in our side for long enough. The time has come for the multi-verse to be rid of this scourge. The longer he continues to operate under our noses, the stronger he becomes. But we are about to focus our efforts on something that vile degenerate will be unable to ignore. In a few moments we will march upon planet Earth, the home planet of Mitch Mythic.”

  “Crush the Earth,” the soldiers shouted.

  “I share your desire to set things straight, brothers and sisters,” Holrathu said. “But there are other factors we need to consider. This planet, Earth, may be occupied by a species of scum, but it is also home to an energy source rich enough to become the permanent residence of our Emperor. This empty pocket of space has served us well, but it was never meant to be our home. Together we shall set forth and claim what is rightfully ours. Earth will become the new capital of the Multi-verse and the Emperor and Empress will be seated upon golden thrones in full form.”

  “In full form,” the soldiers said.

  “Yes, you heard me correctly,” Holrathu said. “The Emperor and Empress are not fully formed. It is a sacrifice they have made for us. By channeling their energy into our efforts, our divine rulers have delayed their own development. For this we must be forever grateful. And now we have the opportunity to repay them for their sacrifice by providing them with the home they deserve. Would you like to join me in establishing the new throne of our rulers?”

  “For the Emperor,” the soldiers shouted.

  “I thought you would,” Holrathu said before he heard the sound of cold steel clacking against the deck.

  “I hope you’re not getting them too excited, Holrathu,” Mother said, hovering over the commander on her spindly legs, long neck craning forward from underneath her chamber.


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