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The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee

Page 7

by Paul Ormond

  “These soldiers do not need any other motivation than the love of the Emperor,” Holrathu said.

  “I am sure they do not,” Mother said while she circled around the General. “But what about our beloved Commander? Where do his motivations lie?”

  “What kind of question is that?” Holrathu asked. “Do you doubt my devotion to the Emperor, to our cause?”

  “I do not doubt it for a moment, for a moment, Commander,” Mother said. “I am merely wondering about your motivation.”

  “Receiving the love of the Emperor is all the motivation I need.”

  “That is what I should hope, but I am concerned about your handling of this operation.”

  “What concerns could you possibly have? I have played the situation by the book. The leaders of Earth have been disrupted and subjugated. They took our offerings as we planned and now they are at our mercy.”

  “That is all well and good, Commander, but it is not the feeble-minded Earthling government that concerns me. Our true enemy is still out there and I do not see you doing anything about it.”

  “I haven’t done anything about it because you have had me working on my current project. How am I supposed to be in two places at once?”

  “Precisely, Commander. This is why I am putting KiGuan in charge of handling Mitch Mythic and his cohorts,” Mother said after KiGuan stepped out of the shadows clutching his spear.

  “That’s outrageous,” Holrathu said. “As much faith as you have in this boy, you cannot pin such a burden on his shoulders. Mitch Mythic has proven time and again to be far more dangerous than we could have imagined. Combined with the Goddess, their powers are a force we must face with clear heads.”

  “And who better to lead this force than KiGuan. He is a proven leader, and he is favored by the Emperor.”

  “But this is more than just a limited skirmish on some dismal rock in the far reaches of the multi-verse. We’re talking about the next phase of our existence, the new home of the Emperor and Empress.”

  “This is exactly why I want KiGuan in charge of corralling our opponents. You have your hands full containing Earth and all its assets. Let KiGuan handle the Mitch Mythic situation. I’m sure he will be able to clean up the mess you made.”

  “He is the very cause of this mess. I seem to recall him using the weapon he holds in his hands to destroy one of our finest vessels.”

  “Due to a situation that you created. The mishandling of the Goddess on Jarkadu led to that first battle, and the fallout left KiGuan and his people scattered across the battlefield convinced that you were the enemy.”

  “I was following your orders.”

  “If you had followed my orders, we wouldn’t be in this mess. How could you possibly let that fool Robert Chapman handle such an undertaking? It is these lapses in judgment that make me wonder about your capacity to fulfill your role as the Commander of the Emperor’s army.”

  “If I’m not mistaken, it sounds like you are trying to replace me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. But you are going to have to accept the fact that you cannot do this on your own, Holrathu. A great leader knows he is unable to do it all by himself. Trust in others to do get it done and relieve yourself of the burden.”

  “If this is the Emperor’s will, so be it, but let it be known that I oppose this division of labor.”

  “Your position has been duly noted,” Mother said before she turned to KiGuan. “KiGuan has been thoroughly briefed on the details of his mission, and he is prepared to carry out this task to its completion. Isn’t that right, KiGuan?”

  “That is correct, Mother,” KiGuan said. “My father, the Emperor, has blessed me with a task of the highest importance. Aligning myself with his might, I will act as an instrument for truth and justice.”

  “Don’t you think he is a little too close to the subjects? His relationship with these individuals may cloud his judgement,” Holrathu said.

  “My devotion to the Emperor has purged my heart of any confusion. Nothing can sway me from completing this task. They will submit or perish. There is no other outcome,” KiGuan said.

  “You have confidence, but what if things don’t go as planned?” Holrathu asked. “The universe has a tendency to get in the way, to throw things at us we least expect.”

  “The situation is evolving as we speak, and we cannot say how it will play out. But with my knowledge of the individuals, and Mother’s insight, we will track them down and drag them before the Emperor, dead or alive,” KiGuan said.

  “I am sure the Emperor will shower you with praise once you complete your task, but I should remind you of what becomes of those that fail in their duties,” Holrathu said.

  “Commander Holrathu is well versed in failure,” Mother said, cutting in. “You needn’t worry about KiGuan. Master Sulvaney and Master Adronis will accompany KiGuan on this journey along with a division of our elite soldiers.”

  “An entire division?” Holrathu asked. “Do you think he is capable of handling so much responsibility?”

  “Under the guidance of the Masters, and with your support, I’m sure he will flourish in this position,” Mother said.

  “I know my role, and I will look to my elders for aide as we journey toward our goal,” KiGuan said.

  “And how exactly do you plan to apprehend Mitch Mythic?” Holrathu asked.

  “We have several leads on his whereabouts,” KiGuan said. “We have also picked up activity around Earth. It is possible he is heading home, but we cannot be certain.”

  “If he and his companions return to Earth, I will be the first to know,” Holrathu said. “We have a grid set around the planet tracking all activity in and out. There have been some minor signals, but nothing that is of any concern.”

  “It is these signals that we are most interested in,” KiGuan said. “We believe someone in Mitch’s party is in contact with individuals on Earth. With your consent, we would like to begin investigating these messages. It is possible this could lead us directly to Mitch.”

  “I will allow it, but it is of the utmost importance that your activities are not discovered. I do not want anything upsetting the population, or we could have an uprising on our hands much like what is happening on Chalthantar,” Holrathu said.

  “We have a plan that will allow us the utmost discretion. Using the available data fields, we will remain undetectable until it is time to strike,” KiGuan said.

  “If it is the Emperor’s will that you operate with autonomy and you have Master Sulvaney and Master Adronis to supervise this mission, you have my blessing,” Holrathu said. “But if anything were to occur that upsets our acquisition of the planet, I will assume command of your operation. Nothing must upset the planet as we transition to Earth. We want the Emperor and Empress to feel at home as soon as they arrive.”

  “Then it is decided,” Mother said. “All hail the Emperor for giving us the strength and forbearance to rely upon each other. Together and only together can we see his will done.”

  “For the Emperor,” KiGuan and Holrathu repeated.

  “Time is running short and our enemies grow bolder by the second,” Mother said. “KiGuan, go brief your division. The operation will commence immediately.”

  “Yes, Mother,” KiGuan said before he bowed his head and turned away.

  “As for you, Commander Holrathu, it is time to begin the next phase of your operation,” Mother said while KiGuan exit through a passage.

  “All will be ready for the Emperor’s arrival,” Holrathu said. “Nothing will stand in our way.”

  “I hope so, for your sake, Commander,” Mother said before she launched into the air and floated away over the soldiers standing in formation on the deck.


  “YOU MAY BE wondering how all of this could be possible, and why is it that I am standing here before you in a game,” the voice of Mitch Mythic echoed out over the crowd. “But the answer is simple, my friends. Reality, as we know it, no longer exists.
After being dragged into a portal at the hands of merciless terrorists, I have traveled the multi-verse in search of a way home. As strange as it sounds, MindHIve, the very company that caused this calamity, turned out to be my ticket back to Earth. It may be hard to comprehend, but the signal created during the MindHIve incident over a year ago is still broadcasting across the universe. I was able to reconnect with this signal through my phone. It is no secret that this inReal technology is widespread throughout the multi-verse. Through details that I will not get into right now, I was able to access a power station that allowed me to connect with the MindHIve signal broadcasting from Earth. Many of the programs on my phone were offline, but as some of you may know, I am an avid DeathWorld player. Logging into the app, I was blown away when my phone connected to the world. I placed my first request for help on a DeathWorld message board and since then your support has steamrolled to where we are now. I have been on a long, difficult journey since I left Earth, and I wish to tell you all about it, but my journey isn’t over yet. You see, the image standing before you is only an apparition, for I am speaking to you across the multi-verse in a place that is difficult for me to explain, and I need your help if I am to return to Earth. Will you aid me on my quest?”

  The crowd responded with a deafening roar of support as Mitch raised his hands in the air in adulation.

  “I am overwhelmed by your enthusiasm, my friends,” Mitch said while he calmed the crowd down. “And I know if we work together we can make this happen, but there is still much to do. It will take all of our combined efforts to see this through. I have learned a great deal on my journey, brothers and sisters, and I wish to share all I have learned with you when I return.”

  “Come back to us, Mitch,” voices in the crowd shouted out before another eruption of cheers cascaded over the valley.

  “It is my only wish to return home, but we must work together if we wish to open the doorway again,” Mitch said after cheers subsided. “I know it seems strange, but the power to establish a portal exists here among you in this setting. Dangerous terrorists connected to the people who abducted me have aligned themselves with the forces of evil. These powers are providing the terrorists with the technology and information they hope to use against us. I’m sure all of you have seen the video I made during the battle of MindHIve. The enemy on the other side of the gate never went away. These terrorists, more commonly known as the Cell, have planted information throughout Deathworld in the hopes of recruiting more to their cause. But we can turn the tide against them and use this information to our advantage,” Mitch said while shrieks of approval rippled through the audience.

  “I’m sure you are eager to get involved, and I am flattered and awed by your support,” Mitch said. “But we must be very clear about what we are doing. It is easy to get swept up in the heat of the moment. Our enemies wish to subvert our message and draw us away from our true path, so we must remain strong. You may also be wondering how I am able to speak to you freely. Why isn’t the government interfering with this gathering? Surely we must be violating some kind of international law. Let’s get something clear, I am not here to lure you into committing a crime against humanity. I am here to warn you of the trouble brewing on the horizon. And to prove it to you, I’d like to introduce someone to you. Someone we all know and admire: The President of the United States: Jackylin Edwards.”

  The crowd gasped as the face of the president sitting behind her desk in the Oval Office appeared before the onlookers.

  “Greetings players of DeathWorld,” President Edwards said with a smile. “I’m sure it is a surprise to have the President of the United States looking down upon you while you thought you were playing a game, but I assure you this is a matter of great urgency. And I can verify that this signal we received from Mitch Mythic is authentic.”

  “Thank you for joining me, President Edwards,” Mitch said. The crowd cheered again while President Edward beamed into the camera.

  “This is a very dangerous time for us all, both within the United States and abroad,” Edwards said after the crowd quieted down. “Mitch Mythic needs our help, but we must be careful not to aid or embolden our enemy. As difficult as it is to believe, there are people among us who would very much like to invite in the evil characters seeking to subjugate us. But if we work together, we can turn the tide against these nefarious forces and allow law and order to triumph.”

  “The President is correct,” Mitch said. “I have witnessed firsthand the dangers that lurk beyond the portal. But do not despair. For as frightening as all of this sounds, we have allies across the Multi-verse as well. There are others that oppose our enemies, others that are willing to stand up to tyranny. I have met these people, and they have struggled to defend their freedom from these dangerous enemies, just as we do. If we hold strong, we will be able to survive this ordeal and emerge stronger than ever.”

  Shouts of adoration chorused over the noise while Mitch attempted to calm the spectators.

  “I know this is all exciting news, but we must be patient and vigilant in these dangerous times. In order for us to form a strong front against our enemies, we must unify ourselves to avoid any confusion or misinformation from distorting the message. Let met tell you one thing I have learned on my travels. The truth is stranger than any fiction we could dream up. The multi-verse is real and we but one small planet amongst an uncountable number of populated worlds. People very much like you and I live on planets similar to our own. I know this is difficult for many to understand, and I’m sure all of you have questions. As things develop, I will do my very best to clarify what we are dealing with. The truth will become clear while we work together to safeguard the planet and open a portal for safe passage. It is very important that we do our best to ensure the security of the portal because our enemies are attempting to usurp my identity. Yes, you heard me correctly. Those that wish to subjugate us wish to use my image to distort the message and draw individuals to their cause. The Cell has created a likeness of my person that they are employing to recruit weak minded individuals. They will tempt you with technology and lies, but they are dangerous individuals and they cannot be trusted. It is their plan to sell out humanity, and this planet for their own gain. But, know this: there is only one Mitch Mythic, and he is me. I will never stop fighting to protect the Earth from these evil invaders. Together we will defend the planet from our enemies and build a future brighter than one thousand suns.”

  The crowd was brought to a fervor at Mitch’s words, and their cries rose to earsplitting levels.

  “This is all must seem like some distant illusion to you. Like a fantasy concocted in some writer’s imagination, but I assure all of this is true,” President Edwards said as her face appeared over the crowd. “The intelligence community has verified the existence of others living beyond the portals detected by our scientists, and we are actively preparing our defenses against such foes. But we will need all of you to participate in this great endeavor. As Mitch said earlier, there are people here among us willing to aid our enemies. Right now they are planning a coup that, even if it doesn’t succeed, will weaken our efforts to protect ourselves. I want to be clear before I go on that we are not asking for vigilante justice under these circumstances. What we are asking you to do is to search for any and every type of information you come across that appears to incite violence against the state, or suggests that we are engaged in plots to subjugate the world. These are false claims. It is unheard of that the United States Government, or any other government, would work with a foreign power to enslave our people. It is my duty to protect our country, and I swore and oath to do so. I will not allow any outside power to sway or influence the people of my country, nor would I want any other country on this planet to undergo the circumstances I have just described. The war has already begun, ladies and gentlemen, but this is a war for your minds. Do not allow the enemy to trick or seduce you with their cowardly ways. As convincing as their argument seems, know that we have your bes
t interests in mind, and we are working hard to keep you safe.”

  “The president is correct,” Mitch said as murmurs rippled through the crowd. “I have come to know this enemy well during my travels. We all recall what happened during the MindHIve incident, planned and carried out by the traitor, Robert Chapman. This was the first attempt made by our enemies to enslave us all. Their plan then was to use the advanced technology we call inReal to subjugate the planet. Now they are attempting to coerce you with false information in order to bring you under their boot. These are dangerous times, my friends and the enemies are at the gates. Our enemies may be familiar to us, one may even claim to be me, but I’m sure you will be able to spot an imposter. I have another admission I would like to make if it is allowed. Would you believe me if I told you that I happen to know Robert Chapman is alive and well?”

  A series of boos and shrieks of anger erupted from the crowd after Robert Chapman’s face appeared on the large screen overhead.

  “Yes, this waste of flesh that we all thought had perished survived the MindHIve incident a year ago. The enemy has taken him in as one of their own, and they have given him tremendous powers. He is hellbent on returning to Earth to deliver his revenge.” Mitch said before an image of Robert alongside Mitch slid into view. “But fear not, for the resistance has a plan to ensure we do not fall victim to this evil. I have briefed President Edwards on the situation and she is working hard to communicate the situation to the leaders of the world. Soon she will present what she knows to the United Nations, where the truth of this situation will be shown to the world. When the time is right, I will return to Earth, but the situation, as it stands, is too dangerous. My presence on Earth will only attract the attention of our enemies, and I fear they will attack before we are ready. But the task we have handed to you is of great importance. Information is as dangerous and powerful as a weapon. We must hunt down anything that you feel is attempting to turn us against ourselves. Our enemies want us divided and fighting amongst each other, this is why they are sowing the seeds of distrust among us, but you, true believers gathered here before me will not be swayed by false narratives, will you?”


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