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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 30

by Mackenzie Morris

Orion raises an eyebrow curiously. "Uh . . . okay. Bigger question. How did they die? I can't find any blood."

  "The door."


  "What level of technology are we looking at down here? Would the people who built this place have access to and knowledge of electricity?" Troy kneels down next to one of the bodies. He notices burns on their hands and trailing up their arms. "I think the door is electrified."

  "Only one way to find out." Orion spits on the metal door and there is a snap of electricity. "You're right. I guess these poor souls didn't catch on. Look in the backpack and see if you can find anything made of rubber. If Master Khalid has any experience with ruins like this, he would have packed something. Electricity traps are common."

  Troy smirks. "Unlike electric sheep?"


  "It was a joke."

  Orion only stares blankly at him.

  "You know, androids and animals and all that? It's from a book."

  "I never paid much attention to Earth literature at the academy."

  "Okay, then. Never mind." Troy digs through the contents of the canvas bag. There are some very random things in here. A box of matches, a vial of iodine, three pencils, a smooth black stone, two packets of table salt, some crumpled aluminum foil, four elastic bands, their two canteens, a pair of scissors, and a pair of rubber-lined gloves. "Here you go. It seems our master isn't dumb after all."

  "Good. These are basic scouting tools." Orion slips them on and reaches out for the door.



  "Are you sure those will work?" Troy asks.

  "I know what I'm doing. I've used these same gloves on something similar before."

  "What's the voltage those protect you from? What if the current on the door is higher? I can't carry you out of here to get help if something happens. I really shouldn't be carrying even this bag with my ribs still healing like they are. Maybe you were right. We shouldn't take this risk. It's not worth it. We've been down here all day. Tomorrow, it won't take as long to get to this point. We'll head back up now and tell Master Khalid that we need better equipment to deal with this door."

  * * *

  Zodiac tosses his bags on the hotel room bed and kicks his thin fancy slippers off by the door. He removes his tailored dark blue suit jacket and loosens his tie. Dressing like a wealthy merchant is tiresome. He listens as the shower turns on in the bathroom. Good. He hopes he didn't scare her too badly. He unpacks the white cotton dress and women's undergarments he bought for her then lays them out on the bed.

  Being in this country of vibrant colors has made him aware of just how much the computer in his mind is healing him. He can see most of the colors now. It is amazing to see all the things he had been missing. The colors are even better than he ever imagined they would be.

  A quiet sad song comes from the bathroom. The woman is singing ever so softly. It's a beautiful yet haunting melody that sends a chill over Zodiac's body. Simply amazing. He has no more words to describe her pure soprano voice. If he had to describe her voice with a color, it would be a deep midnight blue, full of passion, mystery, and sadness.

  He has become so enraptured in her song that he jumps when the bathroom door opens and the curvy impure Nymph woman steps into the room. Her long black hair is the only thing covering her still dripping body. Her skin has turned light pink with the heat from the water. Her Nymph tattoo is on her stomach below her navel.

  She gracefully walks up to him and kneels on the carpet at his feet. "I have bathed, Master Dax."

  Dax? Oh. His undercover name. She's talking to him. This is so weird. "Uh . . . your clothes are on the bed. Please get dressed."

  "Yes, Master."

  Zodiac has to turn his back to her as she is getting dressed in order to hide how attracted to her he is. He is rethinking his decision to purchase a female slave. This mission just got a lot more awkward. He has to calm himself down so he thinks of something to talk about. "What is your name?"

  "My name is Leto."

  "How old are you, Leto?"

  "Twenty-four, Master."

  What else can he ask her to fill this uncomfortable silence hanging in the room? "Who was your previous owner?" A few seconds pass without an answer so he tries again. Maybe she didn't hear him. "Leto?"

  "Yes, Master?"

  "I asked you who your previous owner was."

  Again, there is no answer.


  Her voice reflects her tension and nervousness. "Yes, Master?"

  "Why are you avoiding answering my question?"

  "I have finished dressing, Master."

  Oh, well that's good at least. But she's not getting off that easily. He turns around to face her again. "Tell me who your owner was."

  Leto gathers her black hair over one shoulder and looks at the floor. "A pure Nymph from Athens. That was three years ago. He was only a teenager at the time."

  "What was his name?"

  "I don't know. He never told me."

  Zodiac opens the refrigerator and retrieves two bottles of cold water. He gives one to Leto. "I see."

  "He also owned my brother, Xanthos."

  "How did you never know his name?"

  She eagerly drinks the entire bottle then wipes her lips on the back of her hand. "I . . . I don't know. Please, Master. I don't want to talk about him."

  "Are you upset?"

  "He did terrible things to my brother. I ran away after that and hid for these past couple of years in the oasis south of here. There is a group of nomadic impure Nymphs out there who took me in."

  "Ah. And you were captured then sold here to me, right?" Zodiac asks.


  He sits on the bed motions for her to join him. "I see. What did your owner do to your brother?"

  "He tortured him then killed him."

  "I'm so sorry."

  Leto joins him on the bed and holds her face in her hands. "Xanthos was a thief, but he would never hurt anyone. He didn't deserve to die."

  "How old was your brother?"

  "The same age as our owner. They were both sixteen. At first, I thought they were good friends. They would play chess together and practice sword fighting. Then my owner changed. I don't know what he would have done to me if I had stayed. I didn't get to bury Xanthos. He was left to bleed to death with a wound to his stomach. All I know is that my owner escaped the city with the dead body of my brother on his horse to hide the evidence. Why he would ride around with a corpse, I still don't know."

  "Oh gods. That's awful."

  "Forgive me for speaking so much, Master." Leto says.

  Zodiac reaches out and gently touches her chin. "No. No, it's fine. Really, it's okay. I don't want you to be worried about upsetting me. I'm not like those other slave owners. I don't want to hurt you or humiliate you."

  "What do you want me for, Master?"

  "I . . . I want you to be my companion. I'm just a lonely traveling merchant with no one to talk to."

  * * *

  After a filling meal of chicken curry, naan bread, and rice pudding with dates, Troy and Orion sit on some water barrels outside the restaurant and watch the sun setting behind the walls around the tiny country. The sky is an enchanting display of rusty oranges, pale pinks, and fading yellows. A man leads two dromedary camels with assorted bags on their backs down the middle of the sandy street. A group of female dancers in their enticingly sheer gowns catches Troy's attention. He continues to watch their braided hair, swaying hips, and smiling faces until they turn around the corner.

  "They'll never sleep with a slave." Orion says as he flips a silver coin Master Khalid gave him for the day's work.

  "Oh. I'm not interested."

  "Yeah right. I saw you gawking at them. Though, I'm sure we could find some cheap whores somewhere."

  Troy blushes. "No thanks. That's not really my thing."

  "Still thinking about Nova?"

  He leans back against the brown brick building.
"Am I a fool? You want the truth? I haven't stopped thinking about her. She's in my dreams. I think I see her in the crowds or smell her perfume on the wind. No woman can ever compare to her."

  "How do you know? If you've never been with anyone else, how can you be so sure?"

  "Trust me. Nova isn't just any woman. She is magical, gorgeous, and loving. I've known her for all of my life. We grew up together in the same house. Even when we were kids, I was inexplicably drawn to her. I'm telling you, there's something truly special about her. I think she did cast a spell on me after all. But I don't mind."

  "You're not a fool. You're a man in love. It's quite noble of you to remain loyal to your feelings for her, even faced with the possibility that you'll never see her again."

  "I will see her again. After we die, our souls will be together in the eternal light of the Elysian Fields. There will no longer be any suffering or pain. Our love won't be forbidden like it is here. We will smile and dance and laugh as we go on through eternity in each other's arms."

  "That's beautiful, Troy."

  "You wonder why I cling to my religion like I do? That's why. No matter what happens to me in this life, I know that there is a true paradise awaiting my soul when I die. I have to believe in that flicker of hope. I have to. I can't let it burn out. Without that hope, I have nothing. I'll be with my family again too. Oh, have you heard anything from them?"

  Orion is silent for a few minutes as he stares out at the darkening northern sky. He flips the coin again and tucks it away in his turban. "We should be getting back to the stables. I want to get some sleep before tomorrow."

  "You haven't heard anything? I would have thought the guild had enough connections with people in Athens that they-"

  "No. There hadn't been anything when I spoke to Silver last. You should try to move on from them."

  "You're right. Maybe I can sneak out a letter to them sometime."

  Orion only shakes his head and sighs.

  As Troy joins Orion's side and they begin to head to the stables, there is a flurry of purple and gold coming down the street in their direction. A large crowd has gathered and moves along with it. What could that be?

  "Oh, look. It's our dear Pharaoh Hector." Orion frowns and pulls Troy off to the side of the road.

  "What is he doing?"

  "Who cares? Let's go."

  Troy pulls his arm free from Orion's grasp. "No. Wait. I want to see him again."


  A devious plot bubbles up in Troy's mind. "Do you think this slave collar will shock me if I kill that bastard?"

  "Don't. You'll only put Paris in danger."

  Troy freezes when he sees it. No. "Speaking of Paris . . . look at that dancer to Hector's right."

  "The one in pink silk with the chain around her neck?"

  "His neck. That's Paris."

  Orion covers his mouth as he gasps. "Oh my gods. I see the burns now. What the hell? Why is he dressed like the concubines?"

  "Because he is one."

  "I'm gonna be sick."

  "And you wonder why I want to kill him." Troy says.

  "We have to lie low until Mistress can get reinforcements into the country. We can't do this alone. They're coming this way. See if you can get Paris's attention covertly. At least then he'll know we're still here for him."

  How can he speak with Paris from this far away and not draw attention to it? As he thinks over his possibilities, the flashlight in his back pocket feels heavy. "Orion?"


  "Do you know if Silver ever taught Paris Morse code?" Troy asks.

  "You're a genius. We can tell him to meet us by the well at midnight on any night he can get free. Do that. It's close to the stables so we can watch for him. Tell him quickly before he can't see it anymore."

  Troy hides behind a stack of wooden crates and waits for the opportune time. When he's sure Paris will see it, he delivers his message through flashes of light. Did he understand that?

  Paris bows his head slightly without falling out of step. He continues walking next to Hector silently and obediently down the road and into the darkness.


  Zodiac smiles and shakes hands like a proper wealthy merchant should. He talks about the weather, his investments, and his new expensive slave girl. His dark blue suit is pressed and his leather loafers are polished. The fragrance of the yellow narcissus flower in his breast pocket reminds him to be a gentleman. He had to leave his combat boots and studded leather pants behind for this mission. This time, the covert and delicate approach is the goal.

  Once he has successfully introduced himself to every person in the elegantly decorated gold and purple dining hall, he takes his place at the long wooden table where fresh rose petals have been scattered down the length of the black tablecloth. Crystal chandeliers hang from the vaulted ceiling and stained glass windows let in the light from the garden lanterns hanging outside. Two dancing concubines are performing in the middle of the room for all to see.

  The other wealthy guests sit at the table when Hector himself takes his place at the head of the table. He runs his hand through his messy hair. "Welcome to my palace, my friends, business partners, and future business partners." He winks at Zodiac. "I am pleased that you all have joined me here to enjoy a night of socializing and lavish luxury. I have to show you all that my prosperous country of Kyro has to offer." He whistles loudly and smiles as the tall wooden doors open.

  A thin boy with burns covering the left half of his body carries a tray of flatbread around the table, offering a piece to each of the guest. His nipples and navel are pierced with flashy gold rings like the women. He is even wearing the pink silk skirt and tall gold heeled shoes. Zodiac studies the boy's extremely submissive behavior. Something isn't right. The gold chain wrapped around the boy's neck only makes that clearer. The longer he watches him, the more uncomfortable he becomes with this entire situation.

  When the boy stops at his side, Zodiac notices the heavy makeup and sickeningly sweet scent of strawberries. He tries to get a look at the kid's face.

  The boy quickly averts his eyes to stare at the polished marble floor. The silver tray starts to shake in his trembling hands and his breathing quickens. When Zodiac touches his arm, the boy drops the tray. It clatters to the floor, strewing pieces of bread under the chair. The entire hall falls silent. All eyes are on the boy who immediately drops to his knees and frantically gathers the bread.

  Hector claps his hands as he stands. The grin on his large red face is one of sheer amusement and something foreboding that Zodiac can't quite place. The man looks at Zodiac. "Lord Dax Nero, I am terribly sorry for my slave's incompetency. I see we have found our entertainment for the evening. Thank you for so clumsily volunteering, Paris. Paris!"

  The boy crawls across the floor to Hector on his hands and knees.

  "I will give our esteemed guest the choice of how to punish you. Lord Nero, how would you like to enjoy this worthless failure of a slave? You can have my guards give him a good whipping or you can take him into the room over there and have your way with him. You decide."

  Oh gods. Is neither an option? Zodiac's heart races as everyone waits for his verdict. He can't try to save the boy or stand up for him. That would compromise his identity and the mission. In order to be invited to the secret meeting in the library in a couple of hours, Zodiac has to play along. While it might be painful for this child, the information he gets from tonight has the possibility to save many more people. Everyone has to make sacrifices. It just hurts that it has to be a kid. "Whip him."

  The guards grab Paris's arms and drag him to a pole in the middle of the room. They bind his wrists with the chain from his neck then wrap it tightly around the pole so he can't move.

  Hector is almost giggling with delight as he holds up a whip. "This whip is specially designed to inflict severe pain while leaving only the thinnest cuts. The ends of the whip are extremely thin razorblades that have been sharpened even more. Each hit will leave
six very thin but deep cuts that will bleed profusely. It's a beautiful thing to watch."

  What has he done? Zodiac watches in horror as the guard takes the whip and raises it to strike the boy. "Stop!"

  They all turn to look at him, obviously surprised by his sudden outburst.

  What did he do now? That's it. He failed. He's given up his cover. They'll kill him for sure now. Wait. This doesn't have to end like this. Thinking quickly, he formulates a plan that will save the mission, but might make things worse for the boy's mental state. "I . . . I changed my mind. I want the boy."

  Hector chuckles. "Oh! So seeing him tied up got you going, huh? Yeah, I love seeing him in bondage. It makes his tiny body look even more pathetic. Yes, I will grant you twenty minutes with my precious Paris. Untie him and take him into the room. Be a good boy, Paris. Give our guest anything he wants. Don't keep him waiting. We wouldn't want his dinner to get cold."

  Zodiac feels all the eyes weighing heavily on him as he follows the guards into the room. When they leave and close the door, he is alone with the tiny boy and a desperate situation on his hands.

  Paris unties the silk skirt. It slides down his bare legs to the floor. Without any hesitation, he lies face down on the small bed and hides his face in the pillow.

  Zodiac bends down to pick up the silk. He tosses it on the bed. "Get dressed, please. I don't want this."

  Paris quickly obeys then kneels in front of him. His tiny shaking hands unbuckle Zodiac's belt.

  "Whoa, stop!" Zodiac pushes him away and fixes his pants. "What are you doing?"

  The boy is obviously confused and overwhelmed by everything. He kisses Zodiac's shoes. "Forgive me. Please forgive me. I'll do anything. Please tell me how to please you. I can learn."

  Seeing this young child hurting so much breaks Zodiac's heart. He takes his hands and helps him stand. "How old are you?"

  Paris tucks his straight black hair behind his ears. "Twelve."

  "You're twelve and they're doing this to you?"


  Zodiac pushes Paris onto the bed and throws the thick blankets over them both. "Be quiet. Tell me. Are these walls soundproof? Do you know?"


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