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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

Page 31

by Mackenzie Morris

  "Yes. They are."

  "Good." Zodiac pulls his suit sleeves up then types a number into the gold sensor on his arm. "Samuels! Samuels, answer me. I can't do this. I have to come back to Himmel."

  "What is your problem, Agent Z?" Samuels asks over the speaker.

  "I have to get out of here. This country is hell. I need to get Paris out of here."

  "Paris? You found Paris?"

  "You know him?" Zodiac asks.

  "Um . . . I don't have time to explain."

  "Wait you said that name when you were talking to my father. Is this the boy he's been taking care of?"

  "Yes. But you can't do anything about it."

  "He's being abused by Hector."

  "You can't steal a slave." Samuels says.

  "I have fifteen minutes left in here with him. I can find a way to sneak him outside the gates."

  "He's there with you? You called me with someone in the room with you? Did you decide to throw all of your training out the window?"

  "Samuels, listen to me. This boy is twelve years old. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this."

  Samuels is getting angry. "Paris's fate is none of your concern! Your one and only objective is to infiltrate the library meeting. Do whatever Hector tells you to do. If that means harming the kid, then you do it. We can't play around with this. You are in a very serious and potentially dangerous situation. One slip-up and everything we have been working for is ruined. Follow my orders or you will die. Is that understood, Agent Z?"

  Zodiac feels Paris's soft warm breathing on his hand. "I'm sorry, Paris. I have to follow orders just like you have to. I understand, Samuels. I know what I have to do. Goodbye." He ends the call.

  Paris's whispering voice is close to Zodiac's face. "What do you need me to do?"

  "Take off my pants and get that tube of lipstick from the dresser."

  * * *

  Troy watches in disgust as Orion blows a giant pink bubble with his chewing gum. What is wrong with this guy? "Do you know how gross that is?"

  Orion reaches the end of the stairs and shines his flashlight on the electrified door. "Hmm?"

  "We're in a tomb and you're chewing gum. I don't know about you, but I don't want anything in my mouth that's been in this place."

  "Whatever." Orion pulls on the rubber-lined gloves then places a black box in the middle of the door. A row of green lights blink then go black. "We should be good now."

  "What is that thing?"

  "Just some really angry nanobots in a box."

  Nanobots in a box? "Huh?"

  "Don't worry about it. I got it from Master Khalid this morning."

  "You spoke with Master without me? We're supposed to work as a team."

  "That's why you're gonna be the one to open the door." Orion says. "I did my part. I made it safe to touch. Theoretically."


  "Listen, I chose to use this box instead of taking a chance with both of our lives. I took your advice. I'll pay the price when these nanobots have to be discharged."


  "They absorbed the electricity. Right now, they're supercharged. In order for this little box to be used again, the electricity has to be released. The only way to do that is for a Nymph to take the surge into their body in smaller doses. You know how you sometimes discharge power into electronics or computers? Think of this as doing the opposite."

  "But won't that hurt you?" Troy asks.

  "We'll deal with that later. Like you said, if I'm a slave, I have to serve my master to the best of my ability no matter what. Right?"

  "Orion . . ."

  He slips the black box into the backpack that he has been carrying today instead of Troy. "Get over here and push this door open. I'll guard your back. There's no telling what is on the other side."

  If Orion is going to hurt himself for this cause, then Troy can at least do something to feel useful. He takes a deep breath then grits his teeth as he touches the cold metal. He pushes it open. "Oh . . . my . . . gods."

  Orion steps past him and into the brightly lit room. The clicking of his boots echoes against the vaulted ceiling fifty stories high above them. Every inch of the walls is covered with power generators, computers, data storage towers, miniature nuclear reactors, and prototypes of robots. "Troy . . . this isn't a tomb."

  "You don't say."

  Orion goes up to the far wall and studies something resembling wings. "Do you know what these are?"

  "Some kind of metal feathers?"

  "Archon feathers. These prototypes are all archons."

  There are more on the walls. "Like Uriel and Gabriel? There are hundreds of them."

  "There's one thing we don't know. Who made them?"

  Something catches Troy's eye. "Look on those screens. Is that live video feed? I don't recognize the place."

  He looks closer. "It's video of what looks to be a manufacturing center. It's labeled Paradise Archon Factory."

  "Paradise? Hmm."

  Orion goes to another computer and types on the keyboard. "We don't need to be in here. We need to leave and never come back."

  "Why? What did you find?"

  He quickly exits out of the folder he had open and turns the monitor off. "Nothing."

  Troy studies his friend's face that has gone pale. "What did you see on there? You look awful."

  "We're going back up. Someone like me doesn't belong in a place like this. You have your secrets. I have mine. Let's leave it that way."

  "No! You have to tell me." Troy runs to the computer and turns the monitor back on. A folder pops up in the middle of the screen. No way. The folder, with nineteen files, is labeled Troy Onyx Adonis. As soon as he opens the first document, something changes in his body. He can't breathe. His arms and legs go numb. Clutching his chest, his legs buckle under him and the collapses on the floor.

  "Troy! What happened? What did you do?"

  Troy's mind races through his memories, his fear, his dreams for the future. All he can do is scream as his sanity slips from his grasp.

  * * *

  "You can't do this to me! I'm a noble." Troy cries out as the group of thugs surround him with their daggers drawn.

  A thin one with greasy black hair grins as he pushes Troy against the brick building in the rain-slicked alley. "A noble? Does a kid like you know what a noble means?"

  His tiny fists are shaking. "It means I'm a good person unlike you!"

  The man laughs and cracks his knuckles. "Why don't we show the little pure one here how bad we can be? You two hold him down and make sure he doesn't scream. I'd hate for his daddy to come and save him. That's what you want, isn't it? For your guard captain daddy to come when you cry? Do you think he's always gonna be there to protect your sorry ass?"

  "You bet I will." Apollo steps into the yellow light from the street light. The rain pelts his power armor as he draws his gladius and points it at the three men. "Step away from him. He is my son, my flesh and blood, and a part of my very soul. I will always be here to save him. Troy, catch!" He tosses the gladius to Troy. "Today, you learn how to fight. You want to be a Royal Knight, don't you? You're eight, but it's time to learn."

  Troy catches the sword. The thugs run off into the night. He examines the silver blade that feels heavy in his thin hand. He runs up to Apollo. "Daddy!"

  Apollo picks him up and places him on his shoulders. "Hey, kiddo. You've got to start working out to get muscles like the knights. I'll help you. I'll be right by your side no matter what."

  * * *

  Troy follows close behind Zodiac and Nova as they run through the smoke-filled streets of Athens. The guard cars and ambulances speed past towards the burning building. The crackling of the flames can be heard behind them as they run.

  Zodiac tosses the scraps of newspaper and the box of matches into some hydrangea bushes between two apartment buildings. "There. It's gone. They won't find any evidence. You'd better be glad Nova and I were here to come bail you out of trouble
again, Troy."

  "I'm sorry. I really am."

  Nova slips her arm through Troy's as they slow to a casual walk in the warm spring night. "You need to be more careful. Those men had families. They were as much alive as any of us. You ended that. Why? That's all we want to know. If we have to come help you cover up these murders, then at least tell us why you're doing it."

  "Justice. I do it for justice. Those disgusting monsters hurt women. They beat their wives and force them into prostitution to feed their children because they refuse to work an honest job. That kind of scum has to be eradicated. I will be the one to terminate them."

  * * *

  "You crossed the wrong man, slave." Troy thrusts the blade of his gladius into the boy's stomach then pulls it back out. "I could have overlooked you stealing Knight Captain Pathos's power armor, but what you did to those women was pure evil." Again, he stabs the teenager and twists the blade ruthlessly.

  The boy screams through the gag in his mouth as blood trickles down his chin and drips down his naked body covered in gashes and bruises. Sweat shines on his tan skin. His hands grip the chains that secure him by his wrists to the ceiling. Suspended by the rough chains, his body sways, only touching the floor of the wine cellar by his toes.

  "Those women were the same age as your sister. Would you have killed her too? What the hell were you thinking? They fought you off of them so you killed them? You were my friend, Xanthos. You were my friend!"

  * * *

  A female voice fills the new darkness. "Troy Adonis."

  "No. No. That's not my name. That's not me!"

  "Son of Queen Helen, rightful heir to the throne of Olympus. Wake up, Troy Adonis."

  "No! That's not my name. I am Troy Lifestone. I am no king. I am a murderer, a slave, and a worthless excuse for a Nymph. Do you hear me? My name is Troy Lifestone!"

  A woman in plate armor with long blonde braids and an owl on her shoulder stands over him and smiles amidst the glowing white rays of light. She spreads her silver wings and holds out her hand to him. "Then live, Troy Lifestone. Live and recover who you truly are."

  Troy reaches up and grabs her hand. "I will! I will live!"

  * * *

  "Troy! Answer me. Wake up, damn it."

  What is going on? Troy opens his eyes to look up into the deep black eyes of his friend. "Orion . . ."

  "Thank the gods." Orion takes Troy in his arms. "I thought I'd lost you. You stopped breathing. I had to start your heart with the electricity in that black box. I didn't know if it would work, but after you didn't respond for close to ten minutes, I had to try something."

  Something wet soaks through the shoulder of Troy's tunic. He looks at Orion. "Are you crying?"

  Orion clutches him tightly against his chest. "I need you, Troy. I know I'm annoying and arrogant at times, but you are the best thing to ever happen to me. Without you, I have nothing left."

  Something moves behind Orion. Troy gasps and crawls backwards to get as far away from it as he can. How?

  "What is it?" Orion turns around and screams. He stands and holds out his arms. "I'll protect you, Troy!"

  The glimmering metal female archon steps towards them, her full silver body reflecting the white florescent lights. She raises her fist and sends Orion sprawling to the floor in one swipe.

  Troy's back hits the wall and he can go no farther. His legs are still numb and weak. What does this thing want? And why is it coming straight for him? But then . . . he notices what she is wearing around her neck. A lightly glowing pink lotus flower. Can it be? "Nova?"

  * * *

  Paris stands in front of the mirror on the back of the dresser in the small room. He messes up his hair intentionally and smears his mascara on his cheeks. "Scratch my back and arms with your fingernails. Don't be gentle."

  "Ah. Good idea." Zodiac rakes his nails across the boy's shoulder blades. "Sorry if that hurt."

  "Nah. I've gone through a lot worse. You should see the marks still left on me from Hector."

  Zodiac trails his fingertips over the thousands of thin cuts, barely visible, all the way down the boy's back. "Are these from that whip?"

  "Yeah. The razor blades make me bleed a lot. Hector likes that. Well, are you ready? Put your pants back on. I smeared my lipstick all over them."

  He picks up his pants and examines the handiwork. "Good job. I hope this works. Oh, I almost forgot." Zodiac pulls a roll of microgrenade tape from his pants pocket. He tears off a few inches and hands it to Paris. "Hide this somewhere on or in your body. It's an explosive. It has been modified to not need a remote detonator. All it needs to explode is a sudden impact with something. Stick this tape to anything then throw something at it and it will explode. If you want to blow up something near you, use a tiny segment and hit it with your hand. You might get some burns, but it will be safe enough."

  Paris stares at it. "Where do I hide it? I don't get any more clothes than this."

  "Then don't hide it on your body. Hide it where he can't see it. Think about it for a minute. I know it sounds awful, but if that's what you have to do, then do it. Just don't let Hector find it."

  "Yes, sir."

  Zodiac turns around and dresses. "You done?"


  "Okay. I know you heard what my superior told me, but I'm making you one of my priorities." He gets on his knees and takes Paris's face in his hands. "I won't leave you behind."


  As the other wealthy guests begin to leave after dinner and watching Paris dance with snakes, Hector stops Zodiac at the doors to the dining room. "Lord Nero, will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the library for a cigar? I would like to discuss a business proposition with you."

  Yes! He did it. Now to really get down to business. Zodiac bows and follows Hector down the empty hallways lined with Grecian vases and oil paintings of various snakes in different environments. Down one of the side halls, he hears a distant melody being played on a cello. It's the same song Leto was singing earlier.

  "How was he?"

  What is he talking about? "Excuse me?"

  "Paris. He is charmingly submissive, don't you think? Did he cry? I have to know if he cried. It's simply the best if he cries while pleasing you. That tender side makes me want him even more."

  "Can I ask you something, Sire?"

  "Of course, of course! What would you like to know?"

  "Why Paris?" Zodiac asks. "Out of all the slaves you could have, why would you want a child? Do you have other child slaves like him? I didn't see you treating the other slaves in the same way."

  "And what way is that?"

  "So . . . brutally."

  Hector chuckles and puts his arm on Zodiac's shoulders. "I first met Paris five years ago. As soon as I saw him in the back of the wagon where he was groaning and writhing in obvious pain from those fresh burns, I knew I had to have him. I wanted to be the one to cause him that kind of glorious pain. That's the only way to fully train someone. You have to bend their will and twist their mind to the point where they crave punishment and pain. I don't care about my other slaves. They have their jobs around here. But Paris? He's my special toy."

  "So you're a sadist?" Zodiac asks.

  "That's such a harsh word, don't you think? But, yes. I suppose you could say that. There is more to it than that, though." Hector pushes open the wooden door to the library. "Paris is a very special boy. One of my colleagues had him specifically . . . designed for a purpose."

  "A colleague?"

  "More specifically, his father. He developed artificial sperm so he could reproduce and create the ideal child. Have a seat and we will talk more."

  Zodiac sits in a leather chair beside the tall book cases near the fireplace where a raging fire crackles. A servant leaves a tray of hors d'oeuvres and tea on the small table between him and Hector before leaving. Zodiac hears the distinct and slightly alarming sound of the door being locked.

  The smell of tobacco wafts in the room as Hector lights a cig
ar. "As for the aforementioned colleague, I believe you know him by the name of Uriel."

  What? Uriel is Paris's father or creator or something? All the pieces begin to fall into place. This has been Uriel's plan all along. But why? Does this all hinge on Jarred's disappearance? Samuels had told him that he worked with Uriel, Jarred, and Gabriel to fight against Evans's partner in Paradise around the time of Zodiac's birth. These people are all connected to Paris for some reason. The question now is who is pulling the strings for this puppet show. He needs to speak with Gabriel, but if he goes back to Athens, Evans will kill him. The other choice is Blice McSage, who is equally unreachable in the arena. Both of them have to know something about this.

  Hector scoops up a handful of cheese and crackers. "Before we begin discussing business and proposed trade routes, I have one question for you. Do you think I'm stupid?"

  Oh shit. Does he know something? Zodiac thought he had been so careful. "Not at all, Sire. Why would you ask such a thing?"

  He pours a cup of tea and slides it across the side table to Zodiac. "Try this tea. It is a special red tea the nomadic Nymphs grow in the savannahs to the east of here. They claim it has a fresh sweet flavor, but a bitter undertone once you let it cool. Fascinating, don't you think?"

  Holding the white porcelain to his nose, Zodiac detects the light and disguised scent of almonds. Cyanide.

  "You will notice it has the surprising fragrance of almonds. It is certainly a masterpiece." Hector grins darkly and watches him closely.

  "Certainly." Zodiac drinks the entire cup and sets it down on the saucer. "I had some questions of my own, actually. I know how attached you are to him, but I would like to offer you a significant sum of gold for Paris."

  "I'm afraid I can't oblige. You see, I have plans for him. I will continue to hurt him until he breaks. I want him to be malleable like clay in my hands. I will then mold him into the vessel I need for the nanobots. Uriel will imbed the rejuvenation ring and the alpha code into his body. With the level of emotional and mental trauma he has endured, Paris will undoubtedly succumb to a hatred intense enough to cast aside all compassion or empathy. This will make him into nothing more than my unwilling puppet. I will use him to destroy Evans and take over Olympus for myself!"


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