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Threads of the Heart

Page 17

by Jeannie Levig

  Head back, eyes closed, thighs open wide, Addison gasped for air. Her orgasm built, higher, closer. Her muscles tightened. She began to tremble.

  Victoria’s hand stilled. “Not yet, baby. I’m nowhere near done with you.” Her voice held amusement.

  Gritting her teeth, Addison clenched her fists in Victoria’s hair. She groaned in frustration.

  The intercom on the phone beside her head chimed. She stiffened and her eyes snapped open.

  Victoria leaned over her, pressing her to the desk. “Don’t answer it.”

  Conflict raged in Addison’s mind, in her body. “The secretary knows I’m here.” She still panted. “She’ll come looking for me if it’s important.”

  Victoria hesitated, then shifted her thumb on Addison’s clit.

  Addison jerked and moaned.

  “Make it quick,” Victoria said with a smirk.

  Addison drew in a steadying breath. She pressed the button. “Yes?” she said, shooting Victoria a warning look.

  “Maggie’s here to see you,” Peggy’s voice was soft, but the words slammed into Addison like a brick shattering a windowpane.

  She blanched. Her eyes went wide. She felt Victoria press down harder on her body, her lips near Addison’s ear.

  “You’re with a client,” she whispered. “You don’t know how long you’ll be. You’ll see her at home.” She rose and arched an eyebrow.

  Addison struggled to find a rational thought, a coherent sentence, another option. She couldn’t very well say send her in.

  Victoria stared down at her, a command in her eyes.

  “Addison? Are you there?” Peggy’s voice cut the silence.

  Addison swallowed. “Yes, Peggy, but I’m with a client.” She kept her gaze riveted on Victoria. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. Could you tell Maggie I’ll have to see her when I get home?”

  “Will do.” The line went dead.

  Addison’s heart pounded with a new force—terror. What the hell was she doing? Before an answer came, though, Victoria’s fingers pushed deep within her. Her teeth scraped Addison’s nipple. Addison was lost again in rampant sensations, debilitating pleasure. She gave herself over to it all, incapable of any other response in that moment.

  Again, Victoria’s skilled touch brought Addison right to the threshold.

  Addison arched upward, meeting every thrust, pumping her hips with every stroke.

  “Ooooh,” Victoria whispered. “You’re so hard and wet. Do you want to come?”

  Addison gasped and clutched Victoria to her. “Yes. Please.”

  “Or do you want to fuck me?” Victoria asked, her hot breath caressing Addison’s flesh. Her hand slowed. “I need to be fucked.”

  Addison’s body clenched around Victoria’s fingers. “Please let me come first,” she heard herself plead, and a part of her knew shame.

  Victoria laughed. “Oh, lover. I can’t wait. Besides, I want you to fuck me like this. I want to feel your need, feel you ram into me.” Then she was gone.

  Addison was empty, alone on the desk. She whined in animalistic torment. She heard a rustling sound then felt her pants slide down her legs.

  “I have something for you,” Victoria said, desire evident in her tone. “Look.”

  Addison obeyed.

  Victoria stood between Addison’s knees, dangling a large strap-on from her fingers. She smiled. “Let’s get this on you.” She leaned down and manipulated the harness around Addison’s feet then up her calves.

  Within seconds, Addison stood with Victoria’s long, toned legs draped over her shoulders, gripping her hips.

  Victoria lay stretched out before her—just like in her fantasies—on the desktop, her dress pulled up to her collarbone, revealing her beautifully naked body waiting for Addison’s plunge. Victoria’s breasts heaved with every wanting breath, her nipples hard, her folds coated with her arousal.

  Addison grasped the strap-on and slid the head through Victoria’s wetness.

  “Take me,” Victoria demanded in a harsh whisper. “Take me now.”

  Addison slammed into her.

  A silent scream of pleasure contorted Victoria’s features.

  Addison pumped, hard and fast, driven by her own need, her own desperation. She held tightly to Victoria’s hips, those enticing, teasing hips, pulling her into every thrust. She watched, mesmerized, as Victoria pinched and tugged her own nipples.

  “Yeah, baby. Yeah. Fuck me,” Victoria commanded between gasps. Without warning, she climaxed, her torso rising up off the desk, her body jerking and writhing as it settled back down then lifted again. Her jaw clenched, she groaned and clamped down on her stiff nipples.

  Addison‘s breath came hard. She eased Victoria’s legs down and collapsed onto her, still deep inside her. She pressed her lips around one of her erect nipples and sucked, heightening her own desire. Her need throbbed and pulsed between her legs. She was desperate for release.

  Victoria moaned. “If you keep that up, you’re going to have to fuck me again. I want to go down on you.” She grasped Addison’s shoulders and shoved her away. “Get on your back.”

  The words surged through Addison. She wouldn’t have thought she could be more aroused, more filled with lust and want, and yet here was more. Desire consumed her entire body. She ached. She needed. She could form only one thought—I have to come. She yanked the harness from her waist and took the spot on the desk that Victoria vacated. She spread her thighs wide.

  Victoria knelt between them. She inhaled deeply and moaned and ran her tongue once along Addison’s exposed sex, barely touching her.


  Another lick, this time with more pressure. “Mmmm, you taste so good,” Victoria murmured. The movement of her lips caressed Addison’s swollen flesh.

  Addison could only whimper.

  A slight pause, and Victoria plunged her tongue in deep.

  Addison arched her body and grabbed the back of Victoria’s head. She fought to keep from crying out, grinding herself against Victoria’s ravaging mouth.

  Just as she’d promised, Victoria licked and sucked. Just as she’d promised, she made Addison beg. Just as she’d promised, she sucked until Addison thought she’d go insane with need. Finally, she pushed her fingers into Addison and ran tight circles around her clit with the hard tip of her tongue. With one last flick, Addison exploded in wanton release. Her orgasm racked her body with waves of pleasure, shudders of much-needed relief.

  When she began to calm and regain her senses, she realized Victoria no longer touched her. She lay on her desk with the sounds of the outer office filtering into her awareness. She heard movement in the room. She opened her eyes.

  Victoria wiped off the strap-on with a Wet-Nap, her dress once again covering her sensuous body. She smiled at Addison. “Time to get dressed, lover. I have to be going.” She slipped the toy into her purse.

  Addison sat up and looked down at herself. Naked from the waist down, her bra shoved above her breasts and her shirt unbuttoned—what the fuck—she felt a hot blush flood her face and neck.

  Victoria laughed. “You are so adorable.” She ran a tissue over her mouth, then spread some gloss over her swollen lips with a fingertip. “I don’t want to wipe all of you off,” she said. “I want to be able to taste you for the rest of the day.”

  Addison managed a weak smile. She slipped her pants back on and buttoned her shirt. “I…I don’t really know what to say.”

  “Just say see you tomorrow night.”

  “Tomorrow night?”

  “Oh, yeah, lover. We’ve just begun. Come to my room.”

  Addison felt her arousal begin to build again. Any thought she’d had of being with Victoria once and getting it out of her system took flight like a kite in a cyclone. After what’d just happened, she wondered if she’d ever get this woman out of her system. “I’m not sure I can get away tomorrow.”

  “Really?” Victoria returned her makeup bag to her purse. “I suggest you try. I d
oubt very much you want me to come looking for you. Do you?” She arched an eyebrow.

  Addison paled at the thought.

  “I didn’t think so.” Victoria held out her hand. She offered Addison a sweet smile. “Are you ready to walk me out?”

  Addison couldn’t move. Her head still spun. “Give me a minute.” She lowered herself into one of the chairs in front of her desk.

  Victoria watched her for a moment before she picked up the files and papers that’d landed on the floor during their interlude. When she’d finished straightening them, she settled into the other chair.

  They sat in silence, staring at one another.

  Victoria smiled, a satisfied glint in her eyes.

  Addison felt stunned, her mind inundated with questions. Who was this woman? Why did she have such an effect on Addison? Had she really just had sex in her office? How could she have had sex with her at all? A sense of powerlessness swept over her.

  “You’re thinking too much,” Victoria said. “This doesn’t require thought. Just desire and a willingness to have a good time.”

  Addison considered arguing that she couldn’t do it again, but she knew she would. She’d cheated on Maggie. She’d risked her job by doing it in her office—two things she thought she’d never do. And yet, she knew she’d do both again. What else might she do that she’d thought she never would? She said nothing.

  Victoria stepped close. She held her fingers beneath Addison’s nose. “Smell that.”

  Addison inhaled and moaned at her own scent.

  “That’s right, lover. It was so good. Just let yourself enjoy it.” She took Addison’s hand. “Now walk me to the elevator.”

  As Addison opened her office door and Victoria moved into the hallway, the familiar sounds of her workplace flooded in on her—the voices of colleagues, the ringing of phones, all the reassuring sounds that said the world really hadn’t changed in the last half hour. But Addison’s world had.

  “Thank you again, for all the time you’ve put into finding the best places for our ads,” Victoria said as they walked into the reception area.

  “No problem at all. It’s been my pleasure.” Addison hadn’t intended the double entendre, but she caught it as it left her lips.

  Victoria gave her a knowing smile.

  From the corner of her eye, Addison saw Maggie rise from a seat in the waiting area. Her heart slammed into her ribs. She wanted to run but turned to face her partner. “Maggie,” she said with genuine surprise. “I thought you headed home.”

  “I decided to wait for a bit. I was hopin’ we could go out for an early dinner.” Maggie’s air was relaxed and cheerful. She glanced at Victoria.

  “Oh,” Addison said, her mouth going dry. “This is Victoria Fontaine, a client. Victoria, this is my partner, Maggie.”

  “Yes,” Victoria said, holding out her hand. “I recognize you from the picture on Addison’s desk. It’s a beautiful photo.”

  “Thank you. Aren’t you sweet.” Maggie took Victoria’s hand and held it between her own.

  Addison flinched, remembering her scent on Victoria’s fingers, the feel of them deep inside her.

  “Addison’s mentioned your restaurant,” Maggie said. “I can’t wait for the openin’.”

  “It’s still several months away, at least. But I so hope you can make it. Addison’s done so much for me in the ad campaign.”

  “Just doing my job.” Addison averted her gaze. “So, what brought you out this way?” she asked Maggie.

  “Oh, just some errands for the party. I was plannin’ to pick up our costumes, but mine still needs some alterations.”

  “Costumes?” Victoria eyed Addison.

  “Mm-hm,” Maggie said. “We’re havin’ our Halloween party weekend after next. We have it every year. Would you like to join us? You’re more than welcome.”

  Addison stiffened and her stomach churned. She fought back nausea.

  Victoria smiled. “That sounds like so much fun. I’d love to. If I’m in town, that is.”

  “That’s great,” Maggie said, opening her purse. “I think I have an extra invitation right here. It’ll give you all the details.”

  Tension tightened Addison’s shoulders, and her temples began to throb. Surely, Victoria wouldn’t really come to the party—not after what just happened.

  Maggie handed Victoria the invitation.

  Victoria studied it. “Oh, darn. I don’t think I’ll be in town that weekend. But look. Here’s your address.” She glanced at Addison. “Now I know where you live so I can pester you at home, too.”

  Addison winced inwardly, remembering Victoria’s comment about not wanting her to come looking for Addison.

  Maggie laughed. “You wouldn’t be the first client to track her down at home. She takes very good care of her clients.” She rubbed Addison’s arm.

  “Oh, I already know that. She’s taken care of my every need.” Victoria smiled at Addison, then back to Maggie. “It was lovely meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again sometime.”

  “You as well,” said Maggie. “If your plans change, feel free to come to the party.”

  “Thank you. And, Addison, I’ll see you soon. I’d like to take a look at the revised drawings as soon as possible. Maybe tomorrow?”

  “Sure.” Addison marveled at the ease with which Victoria inserted the subtext. “I’m sure we can work that out.”

  “Okay, then. You two enjoy your dinner.” Victoria crossed the reception area with a little wave of her hand.

  As Addison and Maggie began to walk back toward the hallway, Addison glanced over her shoulder.

  Victoria stood in the elevator.

  Their eyes met and held.

  Victoria’s sensuous lips curved into a salacious smile, and she slipped a fingertip into her mouth.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dusty stood beside the small, makeshift karaoke stage, surveying the party guests gathered in the front room. The costumes varied from traditional witches and zombies to princesses and fairies all the way to what looked like an enormous Tic Tac, for God’s sake. What was that about? Maggie had outdone herself on the decorations throughout the house and grounds, and everything had been perfectly planned and arranged until the caterer’s van had ended up smashed into a guardrail on the freeway. The workers walked away uninjured, but the canapés, stuffed mushrooms, and spring rolls went to the great hors d’oeuvre tray in the sky. Dusty’s job now was to make sure the guests had drinks and were entertaining one another while the caterer, Maggie, and Tess frantically threw together some deviled eggs and brochette, along with whatever else they could come up with from the contents of Maggie’s kitchen and the nearest market. Dusty was in charge of the front room and the main living room while Addison covered the patio and backyard. Everything seemed to be going well, a good time being had by all.

  She listened as an Arabian princess covered in veils belted out, a little off key, “Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover” from the stage and felt grateful that her costume concealed her identity as she noticed one of her most recent, though still fairly long ago, one-night-stands come through the front door alone. It always went better if someone from her past came in with a date. Just to be on the safe side, she stepped back a pace, moving further into the corner.

  Eve’s laughter caught her attention from across the room, and she turned to watch Sammi flick the red plume feather of the headband that went with Eve’s flapper costume. Decked out in bell-bottoms patched with hearts, a fringed leather vest over a psychedelic shirt, a bandana tying back her hair, and love beads draped around her neck, Sammi gazed at a flushed Eve with evident affection. The two women sat facing one another on the sofa, clearly intent on their own conversation. Their knees didn’t quite touch, but it was only a matter of time before contact would be made.

  Dusty smiled as she remembered how nervous Eve had been before the party started.

  Dusty had been sitting on the edge of her rumpled bed, pulling on a sock, when someo
ne knocked. “Yeah,” she called, glancing at the door to the hall.

  It was the bathroom door, though, that opened a crack. “Can I come in?” Eve asked.

  “Sure.” In the weeks Eve had lived there and shared the bathroom with Dusty, she’d never ventured into Dusty’s room.

  Eve stepped inside, her gaze moving over the contents of what’d been the house’s original master bedroom before Maggie and Addison added the third floor.

  Dusty took a quick survey of her own, making sure no dirty underwear or other embarrassing paraphernalia littered the space. “What’s up?”

  Eve hesitated. “This is your room?” It wasn’t really a question. “It looks somewhat like I’d expected, but different somehow, too.” She continued her study of the area.

  Dusty tried to figure out the meaning of Eve’s words—after all, they were English—but she failed. “So…what’s up?”

  This time, the question caught Eve’s attention. She looked at Dusty. “Um, I was just wondering if I look okay.”

  Dusty considered the red sheath, fringed dress, sheer black stockings, and red feathered headband. “Turn around,” she said, twirling her fingers in the air.

  Eve executed a half turn then came full circle, finishing with a slight curtsy.

  “A Roaring Twenties flapper?” Dusty stood and moved toward her.

  “Mm-hm. I love that era.”

  “You look great except for one thing.” Dusty stepped behind her and tugged on the string of the price tag, pulling it free from the dress. “Now you look perfect.” She smiled and handed it to Eve.

  “Oh, thank you,” Eve said. “That would’ve been embarrassing.”

  “Maybe a little. Wouldn’t have been the end of the world, though.” Dusty sat back down on the bed and slipped on her other sock.

  Eve remained where she stood but said nothing. She watched Dusty.

  Dusty grabbed one of her running shoes and paused. “You okay?”

  “Mm-hm.” Eve squeezed her eyes shut. “Noooo.” She flopped down on the bed.


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