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Threads of the Heart

Page 16

by Jeannie Levig

  “Does Sammi come to your Halloween parties?” Eve asked.

  “She’s been the past two years. She might be even more inclined if she has a date.”

  “She mentioned the party, but she didn’t ask me.”

  “Maybe you could ask her. After all, it’s bein’ held in your home.”

  Eve’s face went pale. “Me ask her? On a date?”

  “You said you liked her. Why not?”

  “Oh, my God, I’ve never even thought about how scary men have it, being the ones who are expected to take the initiative.” She looked at Maggie, wide-eyed. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Of course you can, darlin’. If she sat and talked with you all afternoon, you can be sure she likes you as well. The askin’s just a formality.”

  “Do you really think so?” Some of the color returned to Eve’s cheeks.

  “I do. Besides, Sammi’s pretty cute. Do you want to take the chance that someone else might invite her?”

  Eve smiled. “Okay. She gave me her number in case I wanted to talk. I’ll call her.”

  “Good.” Maggie turned to Tess. “And what about you, luv? You had a nice lunch with JoAnn. Time for the next step?”

  Tess inhaled a deep breath then blew it out. “Yes,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

  “You’re dating someone?” Eve asked Tess.

  “Yes. We just started today. Her name is JoAnn.”

  “Oh.” Eve’s expression seemed slightly confused. “That’s nice. Where did you meet her?”

  “I work with her,” Tess said, her tone somewhat subdued. “She’s been asking me out for a while, and I decided it was time.”

  “Oh.” Eve watched Tess a moment longer as if she wanted to say something else. Finally, she said, “Well then, it’s time for both of us.”

  As Eve and Tess continued the conversation, Maggie returned to the fears that had taken up residence in the back of her mind. Was Addison having an affair? Was she bored in their relationship and had she found someone with whom to bring some excitement into her life? Perhaps Maggie did need to see for herself just where Addison was when she wasn’t at home—and what she was doing.

  Maggie checked her watch. Four forty five. “Will you girls excuse me?” she said, rising from the table. “I just remembered an errand I need to run.”

  On her way through the house, she picked up her purse and keys. As she neared the door, she heard the television from the front room. She peeked in and saw Dusty’s blond hair over the back of the double recliner. Maggie strolled in behind her and looped her arms around the front of Dusty’s neck. She kissed the top of her head.

  Dusty leaned back with her eyes closed. “Whatcha been doing all day?” she asked.

  “More important is what you’ve been doin’, today.”

  Dusty opened her eyes and looked up at Maggie over the top of her head, her surprise evident. “What do you mean?”

  Maggie moved around the chair and sat on its arm. “It was very sweet what you did for Eve this afternoon.”

  Dusty tensed and gave her a cautious look. “What?”

  “Don’t play dumb. I know you took her to the birthday party.” Maggie combed her fingers through Dusty’s hair and brushed her bangs to the side. “It was the very thing she needed. And it was very thoughtful of you.”

  “You’re not mad? I know you told me to stay away from her, but she was crying, and I didn’t know—”

  “You did exactly the right thing, darlin’. And I apologize for implyin’ what I did about you not havin’ anythin’ to offer her. I love you dearly, and I don’t think you’re a bad influence on her.”

  “Jeez,” Dusty muttered, blushing. “Did she tell you everything?”

  Maggie laughed. “I figured out most of it.”

  Dusty grinned. “I should have known I couldn’t slip anything past you, Maggie Mae.”

  Maggie kissed Dusty’s forehead. “Are you goin’ out tonight?”

  Dusty flopped back in the chair. She sighed. “I don’t think so. Man, those kids wore me out.”

  Maggie smirked. “You’re nothin’ but a big kid yourself.” She moved to the doorway. “I’ll be back in a bit.”


  Thirty minutes later, Maggie maneuvered her Mercedes into the underground parking garage at Addison’s work. She had decided the only thing she could do was to look for Addison where she was supposed to be. As she steered down the ramp, she saw it.

  There, all by itself in the vast space, sat Addison’s Explorer. She really was here.

  Maggie pulled into the slot beside the Ford and turned off her engine.

  Now what? She felt foolish.

  There was nothing saying, however, that Addison was up in her office alone. That damned voice in the back of her head twisted its suspicion into her brain like an ice pick. But there was no other car here, Maggie countered. Addison could have picked someone up. But Addison would never use her office to have an affair. The Milton and Ryan Agency wasn’t exactly conservative, but such behavior would certainly be unacceptable. Addison wouldn’t risk it.

  As Maggie sat staring across the garage at the bank of elevators that ran up through the building, the light above one blinked on, indicating it was in use. She froze. Could she start her car and get out of there before it reached the parking level? She doubted it. Well, she had wanted to see for herself what Addison was doing. She steeled herself and waited.

  A ding announced the elevator’s arrival and the doors opened.

  Addison stepped out—alone.

  Maggie exhaled a breath, flooded with relief.

  On Addison’s third stride, she raised her hand, pointing the Explorer’s fob at her car, and her eyes followed. Her gait caught as surprise registered in her gaze. She smiled. “What are you doing here?” she called over the short distance.

  Maggie opened her door and stepped out onto the cement. She opted for the truth—the first truth. “I needed to see you. Pete’s moved into the final stages, and I just needed to feel your arms around me. I tried callin’ but your phone is off.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Addison said as she reached Maggie. “I’m sorry. I was trying to stay focused. I’m sorry about Pete.” She took Maggie in a warm embrace and held her close.

  Maggie shuddered in relief. Addison had been alone. Maggie hadn’t realized just how frightened she had been that she would find out otherwise.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” Addison said, kissing Maggie’s temple. “I’m right here. Everything will be fine. And you’re being such a loving presence for Pete and Ricardo and their family.”

  Maggie wrapped her arms around Addison’s neck and buried her face in her shoulder. Addison had learned early in Maggie’s hospice work exactly what she needed to hear, and Maggie was always so grateful for how easily she offered it. Right now, however, all Maggie needed had just been given—the sight of her lover, alone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Addison stared at the open e-mail on her computer screen as she stroked the polished wood of her desk with her fingertips. Every line of the grain, the slight ridge at the edge, even the small mar left from a too-hot coffee cup caressed her skin as Victoria’s words caressed her desire.

  I can’t take much more of this, Addison. I can’t wait much longer. You know I’ve wanted you ever since we went dancing. I’ve been on fire during the weeks in between.

  Addison knew exactly what Victoria meant. Her own body vibrated with a constant thrum. She couldn’t shake the erotic images she conjured of Victoria spread out naked before her on a bed, the floor, a table, her desk. The setting didn’t matter. Only the throb deep in her center mattered.

  The past two weeks had been hell. As if Addison’s own torment weren’t difficult enough, Dusty had been on her at every opportunity. And Maggie—Addison knew Maggie suspected what was happening, even if she didn’t know the details. Two days earlier, when Maggie had shown up in the parking garage, Addison had no doubt about her real reason for being there. Still, with all o
f that, she couldn’t get control of her mind and body.

  Even now, in the middle of the afternoon in her office, she ached with need and lust. She was grateful Victoria had been in San Francisco since that night at Vibes, ever since Addison had been forced to admit to herself that she wanted her. Also since that night, however, there’d been the e-mails, the building fantasies that increased in intensity, detail, and arousal. Then there was her guilt—her conflict between her love for Maggie and this lust for Victoria.

  Addison knew she loved Maggie, still desired her sexually, sensually. She had no doubt about that, but her body raged and yearned for Victoria, for the fulfillment of the promise of her words in her e-mails. They lingered in Addison’s mind.

  I want to suck your clit, lover. Suck it and lick it until you beg me to let you come. Then I’ll suck it longer.

  I’ll fuck you, Addison. Shove my fingers deep inside you.

  I want you to fuck me with a big cock. I can see you moving over me, coming down hard into me. Taking me. Fucking me.

  Vivid images of all this and more dominated Addison’s thoughts, consumed her dreams. In the mornings, she awoke, aching to roll over and take Maggie’s warm, inviting body, make her come, and find her own desperate release. But she couldn’t. She’d known that the very first morning, and she’d held to it. She knew it wasn’t much, but it was the best she seemed to be able to do right now.

  A part of her wanted for Victoria never to return to Los Angeles, never to become an actual, full-blown tangible temptation standing in front of her. She wanted to remain faithful to Maggie, but if Victoria was right there with her, she wasn’t completely sure she would be.

  Addison knew she’d have to face Victoria eventually, take a stand for her commitment to Maggie, and cut all ties. She’d made attempts in several of her e-mail responses, but she admitted they’d been weak. She knew, as she’d saved Victoria’s messages and reread them over and over, she wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all herself. She recalled her own words in the first e-mail she’d sent.

  Dear Victoria,

  Yes, I felt like you the night we went dancing. I can’t deny that. But as you know, I’m in a relationship. I’ve made a commitment to Maggie that I value and can’t break. If you and I had met under different circumstances, at a different time, I’d love to be able to explore the heat between us. But I just can’t. I shouldn’t.

  Even at the time she’d written them, Addison knew her words were pathetic, that she wasn’t sure she had the strength to back them. It was obvious Victoria knew it, too. Since then, her e-mails had grown more explicit, more erotic, and those were the ones Addison found herself defenseless against. Would she really sleep with Victoria regardless of Maggie? Maybe if she did it just once, she could get it out of her system.

  A knock sounded at her office door.

  She looked up and registered the sight of Michael’s broad grin just as Victoria stepped through the doorway behind him. Every shard of arousal she’d been fighting for the past week and a half arrowed directly to her center. Her pulse quickened.

  “There she is,” Michael said. “I was pretty sure she was in.”

  “Hello, Addison,” Victoria said. “It’s nice to see you again. It’s been a while.” She smiled.

  I want to suck your clit, lick it, was all Addison could think as she watched Victoria’s full lips. She opened her thighs beneath the desk, trying to relieve the pressure between them before she stood. “Hello,” she managed in a voice she thought sounded remarkably normal. “I didn’t know you were back in town.” She fumbled for her mouse and closed her e-mail program.

  “I got in a couple hours ago. Just in time for my meeting with Michael.”

  “Hey, are you okay?” Michael asked. “You look kind of flushed.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little warm.” The heat rose in her body, and she was grateful for her tailored jacket. She could feel her hardened nipples straining against her sports bra and cotton shirt. “What’s up?”

  “Victoria wanted to meet with you and go over the markets you’ve come up with for the gay and lesbian community.”

  “If you’re not too busy,” Victoria added. The gentle swell of her breasts lifted the vee-neck bodice of the chocolate-colored dress that hugged the contours of her form. An amber teardrop pendant nestled in her cleavage.

  Addison’s thoughts spiraled back to watching Victoria’s movements on the dance floor, to her nude body in the bathroom of her hotel room. I have to get a grip. She gave a silent word of thanks for Michael’s presence. “No, not at all. We can go over it and see if it’s going to fit the ads you already have or if you’d like us to put together something more specific to the market.”

  “Great.” Victoria watched her.

  Addison turned to retrieve the Fontaine file from her desk.

  “Okay then, I’ll leave you two to it,” Michael said.

  Addison spun around. “Where are you going?”

  In the doorway, he paused. “I have another appointment.” Amusement shaped his boyish face. “Don’t worry, boss. You’ll be fine. She doesn’t bite.” He turned to Victoria. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Thank you, Michael.” As he stepped into the hall, her gaze remained on his retreat for a moment before she shifted it to Addison. A smile played on her lips, danced in her eyes. “I might bite you.” Her voice was a sultry whisper.

  A nervous chuckle escaped Addison. She held up the folder and started around the side of the desk. “I think you’ll be happy with—”

  “I don’t care about that right now.” Her eyes still on Addison, Victoria reached behind her and eased the door closed. “I’m here for you.”

  Addison froze. She felt a line of sweat trickle down her spine. The pulse between her legs intensified. She watched Victoria work the lock on the doorknob. I’ll fuck you, Addison. Shove my fingers deep inside you. She released a soft moan, then caught herself. “I can’t do this,” she said as she ran her gaze over Victoria’s voluptuous body. “I told you that.”

  Victoria sidled toward her, dropping her purse into one of the chairs. “Addison,” she said with a sigh. “Let’s not pretend we’re not going to enjoy each other.” She stepped closer.

  Addison edged away. She felt the desk against her backside. Panic and excitement warred within her. “But not here.” Not here? What was she saying? Not anywhere, she should be saying, but all of a sudden it seemed more important to stop what was happening here. Now. With her coworkers right next door, her employers down the hall, people right outside, passing by.

  Victoria licked her lips. “Just a taste. We’ll save most of it for tomorrow night.”

  Tomorrow night? Addison couldn’t think.

  Victoria slipped her hands under Addison’s jacket, grazing her hard nipples through her shirt. “Oooh, you’re so happy to see me.” She squeezed them between her fingers.

  Addison forgot her objections. She closed her eyes and groaned. Need throbbed through her. “Victoria, please.” She had to stop this. She grasped her wrists.

  “Please what, baby?” Victoria pinched a little harder.

  Addison jerked and tightened her grip.

  Victoria closed what little distance remained between them and pressed her thigh between Addison’s. “Is this what you want, baby? Something there?” She thrust her hips.

  “Oh, God.” Addison lifted her own.

  “Say yes.”


  “Say yes.” She pushed harder. Her fingers worked Addison’s nipples, her breath hot on Addison’s lips. “Say yes and let me feel how wet you are. Let me see what you have for me.”

  They were so close Addison’s knuckles brushed Victoria’s firm breasts through her dress. Their lips touched ever so slightly as Victoria spoke.

  Addison’s will broke. She surrendered. She opened her hands to cup Victoria’s breasts.

  Victoria grabbed them. “You have to say yes first.”

  “Yes.” Addison groaned, a long,
low, guttural sound.

  Victoria’s mouth curved into a smile against Addison’s. “Say please,” she murmured. She moved her thigh against Addison’s mound.

  “Please.” It came out as a growl.

  “Please what?” Victoria’s breath came fast.

  Addison’s fingers clenched, her hips pumped. “Please let me have you.”

  Victoria released Addison’s hands and captured her mouth in a hungry kiss.

  Addison grasped Victoria’s breasts. She thumbed the nipples roughly through the fabric.

  As she threw her head back, Victoria closed her eyes. She straddled Addison’s thigh and rubbed herself against it. “Yes.” She moaned. With an urgency, she unfastened Addison’s slacks and unzipped her fly. She pulled the shirt free and ran a hand up Addison’s bare torso, adeptly maneuvering underneath the bra to palm an aching nipple. She eased back and slid the other into Addison’s pants.

  Addison breathed hard, reveling in Victoria’s touch, in the sensation of her taut nipples under Addison’s fingers. She shifted, loosening her slacks around her hips, making room for what she knew was coming.

  Victoria’s fingers parted her and slid into her hot, wet folds.

  They both moaned.

  But Addison had to have more. She had to have what she’d been craving. She spread her legs, aching for Victoria to find her throbbing center, and she did. She began a slow, firm stroke.

  Addison whimpered with a combination of relief and deepening need.

  While she kept a steady pace, Victoria pushed up Addison’s shirt and bra. She lowered her head and her warm mouth took in Addison’s swollen nipple.

  Addison lost all sense of her surroundings, her concerns, her commitments, of everything except the waves of pleasure cresting in her body. She was wet. She was hot. She was hard. She ran her fingers through Victoria’s hair, gripping her tightly, arching into her.

  Victoria pushed her backward, easing her onto the desk.

  Addison complied, shoving paperwork onto the floor.

  Within seconds, Victoria lay beside her, sucking hungrily at her breasts, fingers pumping slowly but forcefully inside her, her thumb massaging her pulsing clit.


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