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Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She was more than ready for him.


  Crazy let himself into his apartment. There was no noise, and he reached behind his back for the gun. Silence in his world meant danger. He closed the door quietly and made his way around the apartment, going through the kitchen, then down to the two bedrooms. The apartment was a cheap one. He didn’t want to give Suz anything more than she deserved, especially when their daughter was so young. Entering the nursery, he paused as he took in the sight before him.

  Leanna, the woman who babysat for him, held Strawberry close to her. His little girl was nuzzled against Leanna’s tits, holding her tightly as if she didn’t want to let the woman go. Not once had he seen Strawberry do that with Suz. His baby tried to stay as far away from her mother as possible.

  He put the gun away. The last thing he wanted to do was scare the woman who’d been nothing but kind to him. Leanna was a darling, beautiful and sweet. He’d checked her out, and she was in her early thirties and had been married once before in her life. She was shy for her age. Crazy found her utterly adorable.

  Easing down into the nearest chair, he watched the two as the sun came up. He imagined Strawberry had kept her up until really late. There were six books piled on the floor beside the bed.

  The chair he sat on creaked as he moved, waking Leanna up. She placed a hand to her forehead before wiping her eyes.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “It’s around ten.”

  “At night?” She frowned.

  “No, it’s early morning.”

  “Ten is not early morning.”

  “You don’t need to rush to get up.” He held his hand out so she wasn’t afraid.

  She stared down at Strawberry. With delicate hands, she started to loosen the girl before easing out of the bed.

  Leanna tucked her back in before stretching. “She didn’t go to sleep until three.” He watched her yawn, pressing a hand against her mouth as she did.

  Crazy winced. Even partying he was in bed by then. They walked out of the room, and he was even more surprised as she started to gather everything up, and put it away. Suz refused to clean the apartment, so he hired a cleaner every week to take care of the small apartment.

  “I thought Suz was coming back,” Leanna said.

  “I’m really sorry. She forgot.” He winced the moment he said the words.

  “Forgot?” He saw how hard it was for her to think about forgetting her kid. If Strawberry was Leanna’s, she wouldn’t forget about her.

  “Yeah, she’s a real piece of work.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this.” She grabbed her jacket from the back of the sofa.

  “What do I owe you?” Crazy asked, pulling out his wallet.

  “Nothing. You don’t owe me anything. I love taking care of Strawberry.” She looked down the hallway to where his daughter slept. “You’ve got yourself a little angel there, Crazy. I’m happy to help when you need me.”

  Not once in his life had a woman refused money from him.

  “Thank you,” he said, meaning it.

  She nodded. “I’m going to see myself out.”

  He watched her glide past, going to the door. Crazy didn’t stop her even as he wanted to. When the door clicked closed, he walked back down to Strawberry’s bedroom. She was wide awake, holding the pillow that Leanna had been lying on.

  “I like her, Daddy,” she said, climbing off the bed. “She bakes cookies.”

  His heart was breaking. Strawberry loved a woman who wasn’t her mother. There wasn’t anything he could do at the moment. He doubted there would ever be anything he could do.

  Chapter Four

  Raoul tugged his shirt up over his head while Zoe started on his belt. Placing his hands over hers, he took them away from the belt.

  “There will be time for that.” He nudged her back against the bed, tearing her shirt from her body. She wore a white lace bra that showed off the dark red of her nipples. His mouth watered for a taste of her body on his tongue. “Lie back.”

  Zoe eased down on the bed, and he caught the pants resting on her rounded hips. Sliding the loose pants down her body, he took her lace underwear along with them.

  “Open your thighs.”

  Her cheeks were a lovely red from her blushes, which contrasted with her red hair.

  She was already soaking wet.

  Raoul sank to his knees before her, pulling her back to the edge of the bed. No other man had touched her pussy. She was untouched, pure, and all his.

  Holly had been a virgin, but then he’d not appreciated the sight before him. Zoe was a treasure, a precious jewel within his crazy world.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “Is there something wrong?”

  “There’s nothing wrong. You just lie back, baby. I’ve got everything handled here.” Placing her feet on his bent thighs, he spread the lips of her sex open, staring at her swollen clit. He took her nub into his mouth, sucking her in deep. Zoe cried out, and he watched her hands grip the blanket beneath her. Sliding his tongue up and down her slit, he groaned at the explosion of flavor. He didn’t like going down on a woman as the last thing he ever wanted was to taste another man’s cum.

  Zoe was pure. The only cum that would fill her cunt was going to be his.

  “What did you think about last night?” he asked, muttering the question against her pussy. He wasn’t going to hide from her what happened in the club. He’d witnessed Holly’s surprise and Mary’s hurt by the claiming of women at the club. Raoul wasn’t going to hide anything from Zoe.

  Even if this is your one and only chance with her?

  Raoul doubted he’d come to see her once he had her. He rarely liked to fuck a woman more than once. The club whores only held his attention because they knew what he liked and didn’t try to hold back from him.

  “You want to talk about that now?”

  “What better way than when I’ve got you where I want you.” He stroked his finger over her clit, watching her scream. “I can get you to be honest with me instead of trying to castrate me.”

  She laughed, and he loved the sound. In fact, he was starting to love quite a bit about her. Zoe licked her lips, pressing a hand to her head. “I hated that you were with another woman.”

  “What about the fucking? What did you think of that?”

  “I didn’t mind.” He stared down at the evidence of her arousal.

  “You don’t look like you’ve got a problem with people fucking in public to me.” He held his slick fingers up for her to see. “This is all the evidence I need.” Raoul sucked his fingers into his mouth, moaning at the taste of her on him. “Fuck, you taste so good.”

  “You’re doing this on purpose. I’ve never done anything to you.” She whimpered, raising her hips up for him.

  “You’ve been torturing me for months. Every time I thought about you, I got hard.”

  “I bet it didn’t last long,” she said, snapping the words at him.

  “Wrong. I fucked those women, but they couldn’t help me with my need. I wanted you, Zoe, only you. I didn’t want anyone else. They were a means to stop me coming for you.”

  She placed her hands underneath her head to stare at him. “You shouldn’t have gone to them. You could have come here. I wouldn’t have turned you away, Raoul.”

  “You just made a big mistake,” he said. Hearing that she’d welcome him wasn’t something he needed to hear. The women at the clubhouse didn’t satisfy him. How was he supposed to leave her alone now?

  You’re only going to be here the once.

  Take what you want and enjoy it.

  He didn’t have to think about anyone else or anything, just this moment with the woman who’d been getting under his skin.

  “I don’t care,” she said. “It’s time I made some mistakes in my life.” She cried out as he swiped his tongue through the whole of her slit. Her pussy was so wet and slick. Sucking her clit back into his mouth, he relished the
exquisite taste of her cream, knowing he was becoming addicted to her.

  “Then I’m going to be your first mistake.” He pulled away long enough to rid himself of his jeans and clothes. Raoul pushed her up the bed, grabbing the condoms he always kept stashed on him. There were two condoms in each pocket of his jeans, and six in his jacket. He liked to be ready for whenever he wanted to fuck.

  Throwing one condom on the bed, he wasn’t about to scare her off with anymore than that.

  She crawled up until she lay amongst the pillows.

  “Are you always prepared?” she asked.

  “When you’re me you learn to be prepared for anything.”

  Zoe’s smile caught at his heart, making him pause. No woman had ever left him feeling like this. She was one of a kind.

  Drawing his thoughts back into focus, he climbed on the bed. She still wore the lace white bra that showcased her innocence. He wanted to rid her of all kinds of innocence and make her dirty, like him.

  “You’re thinking naughty things, Raoul.”

  “How would you know that?”

  She glanced down at her bra then back at him. “I’m thinking naughty things as well.”

  Who was this woman in front of him? She was nothing like the woman he’d saved months ago. There was a siren locked away in there practically begging to get out.

  “I don’t just think naughty things, I do them.”

  “You’re setting yourself up for a lot of promises here, Raoul. I sure hope you can keep them.” She tilted her head to the side.

  “What happened to the sweet little redhead?”

  “Whoever said I was sweet?” She licked her lips. “I know I didn’t. Don’t assume to know anything about me.”

  She sat up on the bed sinking her fingers into his hair. Raoul didn’t make her fight for it.

  “You’re a virgin, which takes all of your naughty thoughts and smashes them to smithereens.”

  “I may be a virgin, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want this.” She slid her hand down his chest, stroking over the emblem of the Trojans MC. Most of the brothers had the emblem inked on their body somewhere. It was part of their initiation into the club, a show of loyalty. They mark their bodies with the club. Each person who was patched in would live and die by the club. “I’ve just never found a man I wanted enough.”

  “I’m not good for you.”

  “I don’t care what you are or who you are. I want you.” She ran her hand down until she circled his cock with her fingers. “Don’t you want me?”

  He was hard as fucking rock. There was no way for him to deny his need for her.

  Emitting a growl, he tore into the condom, rolling it over his length.

  “I want you, baby. I want you so fucking badly I can’t even think straight. When I’m with those bitches in the club, I was thinking about you. I should be fucking castrated for what I want to do to you.”

  “You’re not breaking any rules.” She opened her thighs wide, and Raoul just couldn’t take it anymore. He’d tried to be a good man, but Zoe was wrecking his mind in every way that counted.

  Raoul slipped a finger through her core, testing to see how wet she was. When he took her virginity she was going to be in pain. He’d held Holly while he’d taken hers, but again, he hadn’t given a shit about her whereas Zoe, he’d willingly die for her. He didn’t understand his thoughts, nor did he care about them right in that moment. The only thing he cared about was getting balls deep inside her tight pussy.

  Slipping between her open thighs, he gripped her hip with one hand, and with the other he guided himself toward her heat. He covered the condom in her cream, trying his hardest to take things as slow as possible. It was impossible to do when he wanted to ram home and take her cherry.

  “I’m ready, Raoul.”

  Was she really ready for what he had to offer? He doubted she even knew what getting involved with him meant.

  He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. Placing the tip of his cock to her entrance, he stared into her beautiful eyes. She really was a beautiful woman, heartbreakingly beautiful.


  Crap, shit, fuck, crap, shit, fuck.

  Zoe wanted Raoul more than she wanted anything in her life, and she’d tried to put a brave face on it. Now, she was terrified. The tip of his cock rested against her entrance.

  I want this.

  Boy, did she want this.

  Out of everything she’d been through in her life, this was something she really, really, did want, but what if it hurt?

  All of her crazy thoughts rolled about together, throwing her this way and that. On the outside she looked calm and collected, yet her mind was running about screaming.

  There wasn’t any time to pull away as Raoul tensed up, sinking his cock deep within her. He pierced her virgin pussy, splitting her hymen and taking away the last shred of her virginity.

  The pain was instantaneous. She tried to push him away, but he held her tighter against him.

  “I’ve got you.”

  His voice didn’t help to soothe her worries.

  She kept trying to push him away and out of her. It was too tight, too big, and just too much.

  “Please, I don’t like pain. It hurts, please stop.” He caught her hands pressing them above her head.

  “Stop fighting me. I know it hurts, but you also need to trust me.”

  Biting her lip, she stared into his pretty blue eyes.

  Trust him.

  Raoul will keep you safe.

  Out of everyone in her life, Raoul was the only one to keep her safe. She trusted him more than anyone in her life.

  He held her trapped underneath his much larger body. She didn’t fight him or try to get away.

  “I trust you,” she said.

  The pain started to lessen between her thighs. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of something else.

  “No, look at me, Zoe.”

  She opened her eyes to stare into his.

  “I never wanted to hurt you.”

  Zoe smiled. “I know.”

  He didn’t move an inch. The throbbing heat of his cock was still inside her. Taking a deep breath, she wriggled just a little.

  Raoul hissed while she moaned. “I’m not going to be able to keep my word if you keep moving like that.”

  “I can’t help it.” She gasped out as he thrust a little more inside her. There was pain but nothing compared to the pleasure that exploded once again inside her.

  “Fuck, baby, stay the fuck still.”

  “No.” She wriggled her hips, trying to get him to create that amazing feeling.

  She fought him in an attempt to get that pleasure once again.

  He held her hands tightly, keeping her in place. In the process he pulled out of her only a little before sliding deep within her pussy.

  Zoe moaned at the slightest of friction. Was she losing her mind?

  “Please, do that again,” she said, pleading with him.

  He pulled out a little only to press back inside her.

  “Yes, please don’t stop.”

  “I’m not hurting you?”

  “No.” She tried to thrust up against him.

  Raoul released her hands, gripping her hips. In three quick thrusts, he fucked her hard. She loved every second of it.

  “No pain?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “It feels so good. Please, don’t stop.”

  She’d gladly beg him to keep fucking her if it wouldn’t take away that feeling again. His fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as he started to fuck her. The wet sounds of their body heightened her arousal. She reached up, touching his body, amazed that someone so fucking hot was in her bed, fucking her.

  Raoul wasn’t like any man she’d ever thought of herself with.

  “Take your bra off. I want to see your tits bounce.”

  Her hands were shaking from the newness of being fucked. Raoul took over, lifting her up in his arms, flicking the catch of her bra. She moan
ed as he dragged the straps down her arms before throwing it away. In the next second his hands were cupping her breasts with his thumbs stroking over the tips.

  “Fucking love these tits. I’ve been wondering what you look like. Would you have red or brown nipples, big or small?”

  “You’re not disappointed?”

  “No, I’m fucking turned on.” He pounded inside her, going deeper than ever before. “Touch yourself.”


  He took her hand, placing it between her thighs.

  “Touch your clit. Come all over my cock. I want to know how tight your pussy can get wrapped around my dick.”

  She stroked over her nub, screaming out at the intense pleasure of the moment. There was no end to the ecstasy that he created. No wonder Stacey loved fucking and the people she’d been around. This was amazing, fucking life changing.

  With a few strokes over her clit she came apart, screaming Raoul’s name. He didn’t let her down.

  His fingers held tightly onto her hips, and he fucked her harder than ever before. Raoul tensed above her, and his cock swelled inside her body.

  She gasped at the tightness within her core. There would be bruises on her hips from the way he held her.

  Raoul collapsed over her with his cock still deep inside her.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “You’ve got no idea how fucking wow that really was.”

  “Really?” Zoe smiled up at him finally feeling shy. She’d just had sex for the first time.

  “Baby, it was the best I ever had.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re going to be a little sore for a while.”

  He moved making her very aware of how sore she was going to be. “You weren’t kidding.”

  She tried to hide her wince and failed.

  “Oh, shit, I’m so sorry,” Stacey said.

  Zoe glanced over Raoul’s shoulder to see Stacey and Landon staring at them. She screamed, realizing she was very naked and so was Raoul.

  “Landon, if you want your vote you’ll get your ass out of this apartment for the next couple of hours while I fuck my woman.”

  “Oh my God. Zoe, you go, girl.”


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