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Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She grabbed the pillows from beneath her even as her face flamed with embarrassment. “Leave, Stacey, please leave.”

  “You were the one who left the door open.”

  “We weren’t really thinking about the door,” Raoul said.

  She slapped his arm. “Will you stop?”

  “Get out now.” Raoul’s order sent them both running away.

  “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “I can. I’ll have to beat the shit out of Landon if he saw you naked.” Raoul turned back toward her. “They probably both saw I was still deep inside you. I’d have loved to have gotten a picture of that.”

  “Of what? Their faces?”

  He took the pillow from off her face. “No, the way your pussy looks with my cock inside you. You do realize I own you now. You’re mine.”

  “No one owns me. I’m a free person.”

  “Not anymore.” He kissed her lips, silencing any further protest. “There won’t be anyone else, no men but me.”

  “Is this a biker thing? I thought bikers weren’t into the whole possessive thing. I thought you liked sex with whoever would have you?”

  “Would have us?” Raoul laughed. “Baby, there are a lot of people who’d give anything to fuck the men of the Trojans. We’ve had women come, sink to their knees and offer to suck our dicks, one by one.”

  “I’d never be one of those women.” She shoved at his shoulder, but he didn’t move anywhere.

  “I know you’re not like those women, Zoe. I wouldn’t be here if you were like those women, and you’d have stayed at the party, joined in.”

  “Why didn’t all the women join in?” she asked, curious.

  “It was Daisy’s scene. Just recently he’s been fucking everything that walks. Don’t know why and I’m not going to ask the brother. We deal with shit in our own personal way.” He shrugged. “If he wants to be balls deep in a club whore then I’m not going to stop him.”

  “Are you going to be joining him in the fun?” she asked, stroking the chest that moments ago she tried to push away.

  “That all depends?”

  “On what?”

  “On you. If you want this to continue and for me not to fuck club whores, then I won’t. I’ll stop. If, however, you don’t want this to continue, I’ll leave here and not come back. The decision is yours. I won’t ever betray you, Zoe.”

  She believed him. It was strange this connection she had to him.

  “Then I don’t want this to be over after today. I want to be with you.” She’d never been with a man, dated him, or done anything with one. Raoul wasn’t just anyone.

  “I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

  “I can live with that.” She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulling him down to her. Zoe hissed as the pain increased just a little from his cock sliding in and out of her.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so damned good.” He kissed her lips before going down to her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. “I can’t take you again. I need to get rid of the condom and clean you up.”

  Zoe cried out as he pulled away from her body. The sudden withdrawal of his cock made her very aware of how sore she really was.

  “Fuck me, there really is blood.” Raoul stared down at the spot between her thighs.

  “What is it?” she asked. When she looked down she saw the specks of blood decorating the lips of her pussy and some had fallen onto the bed. There wasn’t a lot but enough to leave her embarrassed.

  She scrambled off the bed, trying her hardest to clean the sheets away.

  “Zoe,” Raoul said, calling her name. At first she didn’t want to hear him, but then he grabbed her arms, hauling her back. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby. I like it. I know you’re all mine.” He kissed her neck, running his tongue over her pulse.

  “Am I your first virgin?” she asked.

  He tensed around her, and she didn’t understand why.

  “Yes, you’re my first virgin.”

  She nodded her head, feeling special at his admittance. “I’m really sorry.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. Let’s not talk about it again. I’m happy to forget about it.”

  He walked her toward the bathroom. She shared a bathroom with her roommate. Most of Stacey’s beauty products filled the counters in the bathroom. She watched as he filled the bath with some soothing salts, testing the water before he helped her inside.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She watched his bare ass walk out of the bathroom. Zoe rested back in the bath, trying her hardest to relax.

  I’m not a virgin anymore.

  The thought alone made her smile. She wasn’t a virgin anymore. Her obsession with Raoul had taken something she’d wanted to give to him.

  One of the worst thoughts she’d had during her attack was those monsters were going to get something from her that she wanted to give to a man she cared about.

  Moments later he returned. “I put the sheets away and remade your bed.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to do that.” He climbed in the tub behind her, taking the sponge from her hands. “There’s a lot I want to do for you, baby.”

  He started to wash her body.

  Zoe couldn’t believe this was really happening. The whole idea of Raoul being in her bed, or her bathtub, washing away the remnants of their lovemaking was too shocking for her.

  Closing her eyes, she basked in his care, knowing in her heart there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

  Chapter Five

  Raoul was putting the finishing touches to his sandwich later that night when Landon and Stacey finally returned home. He saw Stacey was dead on her feet as she made her way straight to her bedroom. Landon didn’t follow her, though. He came toward him.

  “Busy day?” Raoul asked.

  “You wanted her gone all day. She was kept busy. I don’t think she’ll be able to use her feet for some time.”

  He raised a brow at Landon’s statement.

  “I made her walk everywhere. I figured you don’t want her asking too many questions, so I kept her busy. We fucked in a toilet when she started to ask about you. After that, I walked with her. I took her everywhere I went. Considering she’s got a smoking hot body, she’s really unfit.” Landon thrust his hands into his pockets. “What’s going on?”

  “Zoe’s mine. She’s going to be under the Trojan protection as soon as I can get it sorted out.” He needed time to introduce her to the club so the guys could assess her. Raoul wasn’t going to have her as a club whore.

  “Your old lady?”

  “Yes. She needs to finish college first and get used to this way of life.” Raoul ran fingers through his hair. Her innocence was a sore subject for him. When she’d asked if she was his first virgin, he’d wanted to tell her about Holly, but it just scared him. He didn’t want her to not feel special to him. She was special in more ways than she realized.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “You’re her protection. I’m not going to be here all the time, but when I am, you can leave. I’ve got enemies, and if they find out about her, they will kill her.” Being part of the Trojans didn’t help him with enemies. The MC had a lot of enemies, but they also knew not to fuck with the club. Until Zoe was his old lady, living with him, and by his side, she wasn’t safe. He wouldn’t risk her life.

  “I’ve got to keep fucking her roommate?” Landon asked.

  “Or you can be friends with Zoe. She’s a great friend, but you keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Zoe won’t be friends with me. I couldn’t even approach her without coming in with her friend.”

  “If you no longer wish to fuck Stacey then I’ll talk to Zoe. She’ll listen to me.” Raoul cut the sandwich in half, giving a stern look to Landon. “She’s my woman, but I don’t want you spilling any club secrets, you hear?”

  “Sure. I won’t say an

  “About anything.” He didn’t know everything the kid had heard. The last thing he wanted was for Zoe to be told the truth about him and Holly by anyone who wasn’t him.

  “I won’t say anything. The club secrets are all safe with me. I promise.”

  “Good.” Grabbing the plate, he made his way toward Zoe’s room, kicking the door closed on his way past. He didn’t even glance in to see if Stacey had heard anything of what he said.

  Zoe was curled around a pillow with her leg thrown over the blanket, exposing all of her body. She was a fuller woman than most of the club whores, not as big as Holly, but she still had a lot of flesh for him to hold on to.

  Placing the plate of food on the drawer beside the bed, he took a seat. Reaching out, he stroked out her curls, running the tips of his fingers down her face. She was so beautiful. Her red hair stood out against her pale skin.

  All morning and afternoon he’d been fucking her sweet pussy, taking her to the brink of pleasure and shooting her over the edge.

  The moment he stroked his finger over the curve of her breast, she started to stir.

  “Come on, baby, it’s time for you to wake up.” He didn’t want her to starve.

  She moaned. “I want to sleep.”

  He chuckled. “I made you a sandwich, baby. It’s time for you to eat, as otherwise I can’t fuck you again.”

  Zoe groaned but started to sit up. “You’re going to be cruel to me, aren’t you?”

  “No, I’m going to make sure you’re cared for.”

  She placed the pillow in front of her body. He handed her the plate, watching as she lifted up one half of the bread.

  “Can you cook?” she asked.

  “No. I can’t cook a thing, nor do I want to. This is the best you’re going to get.”

  “I think it’s perfect.” She ate her sandwich while staring at his ink. “Did you always want to be part of an MC?”

  “I didn’t know what I wanted until I got to know the Trojans. Russ, he was the previous president, he showed me I could make something of my life. I didn’t have to be a fucking punk to get what I wanted.”

  “You were a punk?”

  “I was a piece of shit. That’s what I was.” Raoul took a bite of his own sandwich. “Russ gave me a chance.”

  “You were a piece of shit?”

  “I stole, cheated, fucked up my whole life. I didn’t have the best beginning, but I thought it meant I had a right to fuck everyone else up. Russ, he showed me another way. I owe my life to the Trojans.”


  “If it hadn’t been for them, I would have been killed a long time ago.” Raoul didn’t like to talk about how he came to be a Trojan.

  “I can see you’re devoted to them.”

  “I am. I want to make this work between us, Zoe. I really do.”


  “Usually the women are kept close to the clubhouse. I’m not going to stop you from going to college. I need to think about how you’re taken care of.”

  “Taken care of? I’m not going to do anything to hurt you or the club. I don’t even know anyone.”

  He let out a sigh. “It’s not about you. It’s about me. I’ve got enemies, and so do the Trojans. I want Landon to be with you.”

  “He’s dating Stacey.”

  “I’ve left the decision up to him, but I made sure Landon kept an eye on you before he came to the club.”

  She frowned, and he saw her working out exactly what he’d done. “You made someone come to protect me?”

  “I made sure that you were taken care of. After what happened to you, I didn’t want to risk it.” He cupped her cheek, caressing her bottom lip. “I’ll always take care of you. I don’t care about your roommate, Zoe. I only care about you.”

  “I don’t want Stacey hurt because of me. She really likes Landon.”

  “I’m not going to make him fuck a girl he doesn’t want to. If he no longer wishes to be with Stacey, you’ve got to let him be your friend. I won’t have it any other way.”

  “What happens if I say no?”

  “Then you can finish college online. I’ll take you back home with me. I won’t have you in danger.”

  She took a deep shaky breath.

  “I don’t want to think about this. It’s not fair.” She placed her sandwich on the plate, putting it on the drawer beside her. “I didn’t think this was going to come with complications.” She drew her knees up to her chest, cutting him off from touching her.

  “All I want is for Landon to be close to you. Nothing else. I promise.”

  “I don’t want to have someone around me all the time. I don’t want to do that to Stacey. If he doesn’t want to be with her but he’s always around me what do you think that’s going to do? I need a roommate.”

  Raoul grabbed her hand but she tugged it away. “If Stacey leaves then I’ll pay you for the room for Landon. How about that?”

  “You’d trust Landon to live here?”

  “Yes. I’d trust Landon with your life. This isn’t about making life complicated.” He placed his hand on her knee. “I’m taking precautions.”

  “By putting a guy in my apartment? What do you really think will happen?”

  “Nothing may happen, Zoe. I’m not trying to scare you. The old ladies back at home, they’re protected by the club. While you’re at college, that protection is limited. Please, let me put Landon with you. It’s for my own peace of mind.”

  She glanced over his shoulder toward the closed door. “I don’t think I like him.”

  “Give him a chance. You don’t have to like him. If he doesn’t want to keep up fucking Stacey and she moves out, I’ll move him in.”

  “I hate to say this, but I really hope he doesn’t break her heart.”

  “Do you like her?” he asked. He’d not known if she liked her roommate or not.

  “She doesn’t drag me out of bed to rescue her from a club. I really hope it works out.”

  Raoul wished he could let her think the best of Landon, but he knew the younger kid was going to end things with Stacey. “I wouldn’t hope too much. It would be worse if he gave her false hope.”

  “True. Wow, I lost my virginity and gained a bodyguard all in the same day.” She lifted her shoulder. “It’s not how I imagined the night of the whatever.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “So, what happens now? Do I wait for you to come around? How does it work?”

  “First, you need my cell phone number.” He held both of their phones in his hands. “I’ve already programmed my name in it. Call me whenever you want. Text whenever you want.”

  “Like a normal boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  “Exactly. You don’t ever have to be afraid to call me. I’d love to hear from you.”

  She bit her lip, staring down at her phone as if it was a deadly rattlesnake.

  “What’s on your mind now?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Nothing. I’m just digesting everything that’s going on.”

  “In a couple of weeks we’re going to be having a barbeque at the clubhouse. I’d love for you to come and meet everyone.”


  “Also, you’re going to learn how to shoot that gun,” he said, opening her drawer. He pulled out the gun to check it over. It wasn’t loaded, but she had the ammo beside the gun.

  “I don’t want to learn how to shoot. What if I kill someone?”

  “Well, the aim is for you to either hurt, seriously injure, or kill someone. When you shoot a gun, that’s all you’re getting a chance for.”

  When he was satisfied with the gun, he placed it back in the drawer.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. You’ll be able to handle anything.”


  The following week Stacey moved out of the apartment. Zoe watched her—she didn’t know whether to call her friend or not. They hadn’t been close, yet they’d shared an apartment together for over six months. Stacey didn’t say anything as she p
acked her boxes up in a large pile.

  Zoe kept trying to talk to her. “You don’t have to leave.”

  “I really hope Landon makes you happy. He fucks like a machine.”

  “There’s nothing between Landon and me. The guy is a douche.”

  “Hey, I’m sitting right here,” Landon said, reminding both women that he was eating his breakfast. She hadn’t seen Raoul in a week even though they texted each other constantly. Landon had broken things off with Stacey only to spend most of his spare time with her.

  “Will you shut up? This is all your fault.”

  “What? I got what I wanted. I’m done, and it’s time for Stacey to move on.”

  She wouldn’t let him move in as Stacey moved out.

  “I’ll be out of your hair. I want the rent that I paid for this month.”

  Zoe had anticipated that and pulled the money out of her pocket. There was also a little extra because she felt bad about what happened between them.

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I thought you were a virgin. I never thought you’d be a fucking whore.”

  Landon pushed his chair back from the table and walked until he stood in front of her. “You better back down and apologize. Zoe has told you nothing is going on between us, and she means it. I’m not fucking her. We’re friends.”

  “Seriously, Landon, leave it,” Zoe said, grabbing his arm.

  “No, Raoul won’t like it if I let this bitch call you names.”

  “So you’re fucking both of them.”

  “Get the fuck out of this apartment, now!”

  Even Zoe jumped at the sternness of his voice. Her heart started to pound inside her chest. The boxes were being taken down by a couple of guys Stacey had been with before Landon.

  He took a step closer to her, grabbing Stacey’s arm. “If you think of spreading shit around campus about Zoe, I will make sure you can’t show your face again. Think about what you say when the boys that have already been between your thighs are helping you today. I counted at least six, but we both know there’s nothing angelic about you.”

  Stacey turned on her heel, slamming the door behind her.

  Collapsing onto the sofa, Zoe let out a sigh. “I hated that. It’s not fair to her.”


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