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The Z-Factor: The Missing Link Between You and the Body of Your Dreams

Page 3

by Gene Zannetti

  As a personal trainer, I speak to many people who were once regular exercisers who now do not exercise at all. When I ask them why they think they “fell off the horse” the number one answer is a schedule change. They usually lost momentum after moving, vacation, or some other form of schedule change. Therefore, maintaining your momentum is crucial to your success. This program accounts for this.

  Furthermore, Z-Fanatical Fitness is often called the “LIFEPROOF.” We went to great lengths to remove all factors that could give you an easy out- no equipment is needed, 10 minute workouts, and everything can be completed in a small space. If you do not complete your exercises, it is not because you didn’t have time, equipment, or adequate space- you were lazy! All this is done to increase personal accountability. Your excuses are stripped away so that you can see the real reason for your inconsistency. If laziness or lack of motivation turns out to be the main reason for your inconsistency, we have built in a mechanism to solve that issue too- the Mindset Mastery Plan.

  Your mindset includes things like motivation, positivity, focus, confidence etc. There are many excellent Exercise and Nutrition Plans in the world, one of which is Z-Fanatical. The truth of the matter is that if your mindset is working against you, you will not achieve your fitness goals. This happens all the time. You never want to be battling yourself, which is what we all often do at one time or another. Remember the analogy of two horses (mind and body) trying to pull a cart. If they pull in opposite directions the cart goes nowhere. Even if you have the absolute perfect exercise and nutrition plan (assuming there is one), an inadequate mindset will certainly negate your efforts.

  B) Workouts

  All exercises will be explained through words and pictures. The author will be presenting the exercises and Amy will be presenting the appropriate modifications for each exercise.

  Unless otherwise specified, each exercise begins with the ready position.

  Ready Position: (1) Feet- Shoulder Width Apart; Toes pointing straight (2) Lower Back- Tight with spinal alignment (3) Hands- Raised to shoulders with fists. (4) Eyes- Looking up. The checkpoints are used throughout movements, unless otherwise specified.

  A. Lower Body

  I. Killer QuadZ

  Ready Position: (1) Feet- Shoulder Width Apart; Toes pointing straight (2) Lower Back- Tight with spinal alignment (3) Hands- Raised to shoulders with fists. (4) Eyes- Looking up. The checkpoints are used throughout movements, unless otherwise specified.

  Reps: Amt-3, Brz- 5, Sil-7, Gold-10

  Proceed through leg matrix for 5 sets; Fanatical 6th set:

  1. Squats

  2. Jumping Lunges (each side)

  3. Side to Side Squats

  4. Stars


  Ready position. Sit back on your heels. Squat as deep as possible (this is how low you will squat each time). Return to ready position and repeat to the number of prescribed reps.


  Ready position. Jump into a lunge with one knee coming an inch from the ground. Repeat movement to the other side. *Modified*- Lunge forward and bend the knee as much as possible without pain. Perform the prescribed number of reps.

  3. Side to side Squats-

  Ready position. Hands over your head. Squat to left side with right elbow pointing straight. The left knee should fall between both elbows. Squat as low as possible (this is how low you will squat each time. Repeat to the other side. Perform prescribed reps.


  Ready Position. Bend knees and squat down as your heels raise up. Bend as low as you can go (this will be where you will jump from each time). Touch the ground with both hands at your side [if you can bend that low, if not, let your hands just fall to your side]. Jump up from your toes into the air with your hands raising up. Perform prescribed reps.

  II. Ancillary LegZ

  Ready Position: (1) Feet- Shoulder Width Apart; Toes pointing straight (2) Lower Back- Tight with spinal alignment (3) Hands- Raised to shoulders with fists. (4) Eyes- Looking up. The checkpoints are used throughout movements, unless otherwise specified.

  Reps: Amt-3, Brz-5, Sil-7, Gold-10

  5 sets, Fanatical 6th set:

  1. Back and Forth Lunges

  2. Speed Skaters (each side)

  3. Hammys (each side, one leg at a time)

  4. Rotational Lunges (one leg at a time)

  5. Calf Raise Jumps

  1. Back and Forth Lunges-

  Ready Position. Step left foot 1-2 feet forward and lunge [as low as possible] with the right knee coming an inch from the ground. Be sure your front knee stays behind your toe for safety purposes. Return to Ready Position. With the same leg, step left foot 1-2 feet backward and lunge [as low as possible] with right knee coming an inch from the ground. Return to ready position and repeat with opposite leg. Perform prescribed reps.

  2.Speed Skaters-

  Ready Position. Bend your knees and dip your back slightly while keeping it flat. Push off the right foot and jump1-3 feet directly to the left. Land on the inside of your left foot and swing your right foot behind your left foot and touch the ground with it. From that position, repeat the movement to the right side of your body. Alternate legs for prescribed number of reps.

  3. Hammys-

  Ready Position. Bring feet together. With your back straight, bend forward and touch your right hand to the ground [or as low as possible]. Straighten right leg and raise it backward as high as possible. Do prescribed reps, then repeat with other leg.

  4.Rotational Lunges-

  Ready Position. Bring feet together. Pivot on left toe and plant right foot 1-3 feet in front of your body [or as far as possible] and drop right knee to the ground [or as low as possible]. Return to your feet and pivot back to the ready position. Do prescribed reps, then repeat with other leg.

  5.Jumping Calf Raises-

  Ready Position. Bring feet together. Raise heels so that you are on your toes. Lower your heels to the ground. As you raise your heels, jump up from only your toes. *Modified*- do regular calf raises and be sure to touch your heel to the ground and then raise your heels until you are as high up on your toes as possible. Repeat to prescribed reps.


  Reps: Amt-3, Brz-5, Sil-7, Gold-10

  5 sets, Fanatical 6th set

  1. Sumo Squats

  2. Lateral Lunges (each side)

  3. Tripod Leg Kicks (each side, one at a time)

  4. Leg Choppers (each side, one at a time)

  5. Glute Raises (each side, one at a time)

  1.Sumo Squats-

  Ready Position. Step 1-3 feet to left side. Drop both hands in front of you, between your knees. Keep a tight back and sit back on your heels. Squat down until your finger tips touch the ground [or as low as possible] then return to beginning wide stance. Repeat to prescribed reps.

  2.Lateral Lunges-

  Ready Position. With right foot firm in the ground, step left foot 1-2 feet directly to the side of you [or as far as you can] and drop foot flat on the ground. Squat as low as possible (this is how far you will squat each time) to the left knee, with the left knee pointing to the outside of your foot. Keep your knee behind your toe. Return to ready position and repeat to other side. Perform the prescribed reps.

  3. Tripod Leg Kicks-

  Begin in a bent over position with hands on the floor, shoulder width apart. With butt up in the air move legs behind you, shoulder width apart. While keeping your back tight, kick your left leg on a diagonal until extended [or as high as you can]. Repeat all reps on one side, then perform with the other leg.

  4.Leg Choppers-

  Begin laying on the ground on your side. Extend both legs straight down and stacked on top of one another. Hold your right arm at 90 degrees to your body, and your press your left hand into the ground near your chest. Turn your left toe down and hold down throughout the movement. Raise left leg as high as possible. Return to starting position. Repeat on until all reps are completed on one leg. Repeat prescri
bed legs on the other side of your body with the other leg.

  5.Glute Raises-

  Begin laying flat on the ground. Bend your knees so that your heels come close to your butt. Rest your hands at your sides. Extend your right leg. Raise your left foot toes off the ground so only your left heel is touching. Press your left heel into the ground and raise your butt off the ground without moving your back or your arms. Repeat all reps on one side. Switch legs and perform prescribed reps with the other side of your body.


  IV. Z Gun Shop

  Reps/Seconds(s): (All each side, one at a time) Amt-5(s), Brz-10(s), Sil-15(s), Gold-20(s)

  5 sets, with Fanatical 6th set

  1. Leg Curls

  2. Leg Rows

  3. Leg Curl Hold

  1.Leg Curls-

  Sit on the ground with your feet in front of your body. Place your right hand on the ground next to your hip (give space if you prefer). Bend your right knee so that the inside of your right heel is next to the left knee. Position your left elbow into your hip socket(?) and keep elbow planted in your hip as your fulcrum. With your left palm facing upward, grasp your right ankle with an under grip and with your index and middle finger surrounding your ankle, grasp your foot. Grasp with your ring finger and pinky as well. Grasp the top of your foot with your thumb on the side of your ankle close to your heel. Very important: let your right foot fall as dead weight to the ground. This is the starting position. In a curl motion, lift your leg off the ground as high as possible with your bicep muscle. Try to raise your ankle above your left knee [or as high as possible]. Return your foot all the way to the ground and repeat for the prescribed reps on one side at a time.

  2. Leg Rows-

  Sit on the ground with your feet in front of your body. Place your right hand on the ground next to your hip (give space if you prefer). Raise your right leg off the ground and turn your foot in so that your right heel is above your left leg close to your knee. Extend your left hand in front of your body. Hold your hand out (as if to shake someone’s hand). Place your left index finger over your right pinky toes. Grasp the outside of your right foot with your other fingers. Slide your thumb from the top of your foot to the bottom of your feet, behind your middle left toes. This is the starting position. Very important: let your right foot press against your hand in the direction that it wants to move (away from your body). Allow your foot to press away from your body throughout the movement to create resistance. While keeping your left elbow tight to your body, pull your right foot into your body as close as you can. Note: do not cross any pain threshold. Continue holding your leg and return to the starting position. Continue one side at a time for the prescribed reps.

  3.Leg Curl Hold-

  Move to starting position of the leg curl. Raise your foot above your knee [or as high as possible]. Hold for the allotted seconds. Very important: Keep your back straight up and let your leg fall as dead weight.

  V. Z Tricep Toner

  Alternate Pushup Matrix and Shoulder Matrix in the manner 1a,1b,1c, 2a,2b,2c…

  Reps: Amt-3, Brz-5, Sil-7, Gold 10, Fanatical 6th set with Regular Pushups and regular Shoulder Matrix.

  Modifications: (1) perform pushups on your knees if you must (2) lower your body only as low as you can go.

  1. Diamond Pushups

  a.Arm Circles

  b.Arm Pullins

  c.Shoulder Presses

  2. Scoop Pushups

  a.Arm Circles

  b.Arm Pullins

  c.Shoulder Presses

  3. Pushups (elbows in)

  a.Arm Circles

  b.Arm Pullins

  c.Shoulder Presses

  4. Pushups (elbows out)

  a.Arm Circles

  b.Arm Pullins

  c.Shoulder Presses

  5. Wide Grip Pushups

  a.Arm Circles

  b.Arm Pullins

  c.Shoulder Presses

  Pushup Matrix

  1.Diamond Pushups

  Pushup position. Directly under your chest, touch your index fingers and thumbs together in the shape of a diamond. Go as low as possible into a pushup. *Modified*- Go on your knees

  2.Scoop Pushups

  Pushup position. Rock your body backward and raise your butt into the air. Drop your body on a diagonal until your chest meets the ground. From this point, raise your chest on an upward diagonal in the air while your body (from your chest to your pelvis) follow your chest in an upward diagonal.

  3.Pushups (elbows in)

  Pushup position. Perform with elbows in and arms held tightly to your body. Go as low as possible into a pushup. *Modified*- Go on your knees

  4.Pushups (elbows out)

  Pushup position. Perform with elbows out and arms held tightly to your body. Go as low as possible into a pushup. *Modified*- Go on your knees

  5.Wide Grip Pushups

  Pushup position. Spread your hands at least 6 inches to the side of your body. Go as low as possible into a pushup. *Modified*- Go on your knees

  Shoulder Matrix

  a.Arm Circles

  Hold your arms out to your side and in the air at shoulder height. Keep your arms straight and make arm circles in a forward circular motion for reps, then backward for reps. [bend your arms only if you must].

  b.Arm Pullins

  Hold your arms out and in the air at shoulder height. Keep your arms straight and move your arms to touch across from the middle of your body. Return to arms out and complete for reps. [bend your arms only if you must].

  c.Shoulder Presses

  Hold your hands close to your shoulders as your elbows are held to your sides. Press your hands straight above your head [or as high as you can]. When coming down squeeze your shoulder blades together.

  VI. Explosive TricepZ

  Alternate Pushup Matrix and Shoulder Matrix in the manner 1a,1b,1c, 2a,2b,2c…

  Reps: Amt-3, Brz-5, Sil-7, Gold 10, Fanatical 6th set with Regular Pushups and regular Shoulder Matrix.

  Modifications: (1) perform pushups on your knees if you must (2) lower your body only as low as you can go.

  6. Winning Pushups

  a.Empty Cans

  b.Side Shoulder Raises

  c.Front Shoulder Raises

  7. Clapping Pushups

  a.Empty Cans

  b.Side Shoulder Raises

  c.Front Shoulder Raises

  8. Forehead Pushups

  a.Empty Cans

  b.Side Shoulder Raises

  c.Front Shoulder Raises

  9. Chin Pushups

  a.Empty Cans

  b.Side Shoulder Raises

  c.Front Shoulder Raises

  10. Inside-Out Pushups

  a.Empty Cans

  b.Side Shoulder Raises

  c.Front Shoulder Raises

  Pushup Matrix

  1.Winning Pushups

  Pushup position. Directly under your chest, touch your thumbs together so that your thumb nails are touching and your fingers are in the shape of a “W.” Your elbows are tucked tightly into your body.

  2.Clapping Pushups

  Pushup position. After reaching the ground with your chest, explode upward into a clap before landing in the starting pushup position. *Modified*- briefly press yourself into the air instead of clapping.

  3.Forehead Pushups

  Lay flat on the ground in pushup position. Bring your thumbs to your forehead, then spread your hands until your elbows are at a right angle. Perform pushups.

  4.Chin Pushups

  Lay flat on the ground in pushup position. Bring your thumbs to your chin, then spread your hands until your elbows are at a right angle. Perform pushups.

  5.Inside-out Pushups

  Pushup position. Touch your thumbs together directly under your chest and perform a pushup. At the top move quickly into a wide pushup position and perform a wide grip pushup. Then jump back into a close grip pushup. Repeat for prescribed reps.

  Shoulder Matrix

  a.Empty Cans

  Hold your arms up in the air by your side at an upward right angle. While holding your elbows up at shoulder height, turn your hands down to elbow level, then return to the upward position.

  b.Side Shoulder Raises

  Hold your arms out at your side and in the air at shoulder height. Keep your arms straight and move your arms to touch your sides, then raise back to shoulder height. Do not swing.

  c.Front Shoulder Raises

  Hold your arms out straight in front of you and in the air at shoulder height. Keep your arms straight and move your arms to touch your thighs, then raise back to shoulder height. Do not swing.

  C. ABS

  VII. Z-ABdominator

  1. Jacknife Situps

  2. Toe Touches

  3. Tic Tacs

  4. Blowout Crunches

  5. Bicycle Crunches

  6. Leg Scissors

  1.Jacknife Situps

  Lay flat on the ground with feet together and fully extended on the ground and hands fully extended and together over your head. Simultaneously move your hands and your feet together until they touch in the middle. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of reps.*Modified*- Leave your legs up the whole time as you raise your arms.

  2.Toe Touches

  Lay flat on the ground with feet together and fully extended upward creating a 90 degree angle with your body. Fully extend hands upward so they create a 90 degree angle with your body. Contract Abs so that your hands touch your toes [or as high as possible] shoulder blades should raise off the ground. Return your shoulder blades to the ground and repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

  3.Tic Tacs

  Sit on the ground with your feet together and knees slightly bent. Toe your index fingers together over your waist. Lean back so that your back is now at a 45 degree angle. Raise your feet between 6-12 inches off the ground [keep your feet on the ground if this position is too stressful]. While twisting your body to the left, touch both fingertips to the ground. Your right elbow should be raised above and between your knees. Twist to the other side and repeat the same motion for the prescribed number of reps.*Modified*- keep your feet on the ground.


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