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The Z-Factor: The Missing Link Between You and the Body of Your Dreams

Page 4

by Gene Zannetti

  4.Blowout Crunches

  Lay flat on the ground with legs raised and scissored in crunch position. Place your hands behind your neck. Push your feet straight out while they are raised [or hold in place if you must]. This is the starting position. As you pull your legs in, contract your abdominal muscles to meet your knees with your elbows. Do not pull your neck. Straighten your legs Repeat for the prescribed number of reps. *Modified*- Keep your feet in crunch position instead of straightening your legs.

  5.Bicycle Crunches

  Lay flat on the ground with legs raised and scissored in crunch position above the ground. Uncross your legs so each ankle is free from the other. Place your hands behind your neck. This is the starting position. Push your feet straight out while they are raised [or hold in place if you must]. Pull your left leg in while the right leg is straight out. Contract your abdominal muscles as you twist your body to the left and your right elbow meets your left knee. Do not pull your neck. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement to the other side of your body. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps. *Modified*- keep your feet in crunch position instead of kicking.

  6.Leg Scissors

  Lay flat on the ground with legs extended and your hands down by your hips. Move both hands an inch away from your body and lay them on the ground. Raise your legs 6 inches from the ground [or as low as you can]. While keeping your feet off the ground, spread your legs and quickly cross your left foot over your right foot. Return to the straddle position with your legs and repeat the same movement with the right foot over the left foot. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

  VIII. Diabolical AbZ

  1. Puckers

  2. Ceiling Raises

  3. Sidewinders

  4. Pump Crunches

  5. High Leg Kicks

  6. Leg Zippers


  Lay flat on your back on the ground with feet apart and fully extended on the ground and hands fully extended and spread over your head. Simultaneously move your hands and your feet together until they touch in the middle. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of reps. *Modified*- Leave your legs in the air the whole time.

  2.Ceiling Raises

  Lay flat on your back on the ground with feet together and fully extended upward creating a 90 degree angle with your body. Fully extend hands on the ground by your side and press the ground about an inch from your body with both hands. Raise your butt off the ground as high as possible then return your butt to the ground and repeat the prescribed number of reps.


  Lay flat on the ground with feet together and knees bent and touching so that your heels are touching your butt. Place your hands at your side. This is your starting position. Crunch your obliques as you reach your left hand to your left ankle. Return to the starting position and repeat to the other side of your body. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

  4.Pump Crunches

  Lay flat on the ground with your legs together and your hands folded behind your neck. Raise your legs straight out about a foot off the ground. Place your hands behind your neck. This is your starting position. Contract your abdominals and have your elbows meet your knees [or as close together as possible]. Do not pull on your neck. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of reps. *Modified* Keep your legs in the crunch position and contract your abdominal muscles as much as possible.

  5.High Leg Kicks

  Lay flat on the ground with your legs together and extended on the ground. Place your left hand behind your neck. This is the starting position. Simultaneously and rapidly raise your left leg straight up in the air and contract your left side obliques until your left elbow touches your left knee [or as closely together as possible]. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side of the body. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps. *Modified* Leave your left leg in the air as high as possible and crunch your obliques as high as possible.

  6.Leg Zippers

  Lay flat on the ground with legs extended and your hands down by your hips. Move both hands an inch away from your body and lay them on the ground. Raise your legs 6 inches from the ground [or as low as you can]. Point your toes directly in front of you. This is the starting position. While keeping your feet off the ground, raise your left foot entirely over your right foot then rapidly raise your right foot over your left foot as you lower your left foot. for the prescribed number of reps.

  D. Full Body


  Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds each. You begin with the first exercise for 30 seconds, then rest and recover for the next 30 seconds. *Fanatical* Jog in place during recovery.

  1. Split Squats

  2. Pushups

  3. Pump Crunches

  4. Stars

  5. Tripod Shoulders

  6. Cut the Grass

  7. Ab Sidewinders

  8. Inside-out pushups

  9. Supermans

  10. Squat Thrusts

  1.Split Squats

  Ready Position. Jump into a split squat- Spread your left leg two or three feet directly to the side of your body and sit back on your heels as low as possible. Return to the ready position and begin again. Do as many as you can.


  Regular pushups. *Modified* On your knees and lower your upper body as low as possible. Do as many as possible.

  3.Pump Crunches

  Lay flat on the ground with your legs together and your hands folded behind your neck. Raise your legs straight out about a foot off the ground. Place your hands behind your neck. This is your starting position. Contract your abdominals and have your elbows meet your knees [or as close together as possible]. Do not pull your neck. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of reps. *Modified* Keep your legs in the crunch position and contract your abdominal muscles as much as possible.


  Ready Position. Bend knees and squat down as your heels raise up. Bend as low as you can go (this will be where you will jump from each time). Touch the ground with both hands at your side [if you can bend that low, if not, let your hands just fall to your side]. Jump up from your toes into the air with your hands raising up above your head. Perform prescribed reps.

  5.Tripod Shoulders

  Begin in pushup position. Spread your left arm about a foot to the left so that you are in wide pushup mode. Lower your body to the left side directly against your left arm. Move back into the starting pushup position. Perform the movement to the left side of your body. Perform as many as possible. *Modified* perform pushups on your knees if you need to. Only go as low as you can.

  6.Cut the Grass

  Lay flat on your stomach. Raise your arms and legs off the ground so that only your stomach is on the ground. Spread you arms and your legs as wide as possible. Simultaneously touch your hands and your feet together. Return to the full spread eagle position and do as many as possible.

  7.Ab Sidewinders

  Lay flat on the ground with feet together and knees bent and touching so that your heels are touching your butt. Place your hands at your side. This is your starting position. Crunch your obliques as you reach your left hand to your left ankle. Return to the starting position and repeat to the other side of your body. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

  8.Inside-out Pushups

  Pushup position. Touch your thumbs together directly under your chest and perform a pushup. At the top move quickly into a wide pushup position and perform a wide grip pushup. Then jump back into a close grip pushup. Repeat for prescribed reps. Go as low as possible into a pushup. *Modified*- Go on your knees.


  Lay flat on your stomach. Move your hands and feet into a spread eagle position [or as wide as possible]. Raise your arms and legs directly off the ground at the same time so that only your stomach is touching the ground. Return your arms and legs to the ground. Do as many as pos

  10.Squat Thrusts

  Ready position. Drop your hands to your side. Bend knees and squat down as your heels raise up. Bend as low as you can go. Touch the ground with both hands at your side. This is the packed position. Kick your legs straight back and together until you are on your toes. Return to the packed position and stand straight up. Do as many as possible.

  X. PlyometricZ

  Reps: Amt-3, Brz-5, Sil-7, Gold-10, with Fanatical 6th set

  1. Tuck Jumps

  2. Heel Kick Jumps

  3. Calf Side Jumps (each side)

  4. Single Leg Explosions (each side)

  1.Tuck Jumps

  Ready Position. Put both hands behind your neck. Jump and tuck your knees into your chest.

  *Modified*- Jump and raise legs as high as possible, or just jump.

  2.Heel Kick Jumps

  Ready Position. Jump and kick your feet into your butt. Press your hands downward as you jump.

  *Modified*- Jump and kick feet backward as high as possible or just jump.

  3.Calf Side Jumps

  Ready Position. Explode from only your calves to your left, then to the right. Press your hands down as you jump.

  *Modified*- Jump from side to side.

  4.Single Leg Explosions

  Ready Position. Jump off of your left foot while holding your right foot in the air while at the same time raising your right hand into an upper cut punch. Land only on your left foot. Repeat to the other side.

  *Modified*- Alternate hopping on each foot.

  C) Cardio Bouts

  The most important muscle in your body is your heart. A weak heart is infinitely worse for you than weak muscles or body fat. You may not be able to see your heart like you can your stomach, but sometimes it is the things that are hidden from view that hurt you the most (does your mindset ring a bell). Daily cardio bouts are designed to give an additional opportunity to improve your cardiovascular system on top of the workouts. Like the workouts, the cardio bouts are based on the principles of Threshold Training. Additionally, many people prefer to perform cardio separately from strength movements.

  You have the option to perform either the run program or the Stationary Program on any day. The run program is designed for people who would prefer to run/walk, or utilize a machine. We have also included a stationary program that allows you to complete your cardio bout in one place, in any location, with no equipment. You may choose to do any of the three simple options on any day. The choice is yours.

  Run Program- Intervals:

  You need to know your sprint speed and your working pace speed. Your sprint speed is the fastest speed you can move your body in 30 seconds. Your working pace speed is a comfortable but upbeat tempo from which you can recover from your all out sprint. You will alternate between 1 minute at your working pace and 30 seconds at your sprint for 10 minutes.

  Run Program- Distance:

  Simply run as far as you can in 10 minutes. Cover as much ground as you possibly can. Compete with yourself and try to beat your furthest distance each time you do this.

  Stationary Program:

  There are 5 speeds- a walk in place while moving your arms up and down at your side, a march with your hands moving up and down over your head starting at your shoulders, , a bounce where you take quick jumps in place with your feet together, a jog in place while moving your arms up and down with your hands by your side, a high knee jog where your raise your knees as high as possible, and a double time quick feet sprint. Amateur level is a walk for 1 minute and a march for 30 seconds. Bronze is a march for 1 minute and a jog for 30 seconds. Silver is a jog for 1 minute and a bounce for 30 seconds. Gold is a bounce for 1 minute and a high knee for 30 seconds. Fanatical is high knee for 1 minute and double time for 30 seconds.

  The cardio bouts can be found on the calendar as well. A check is placed next to the cardio space if a cardio bout is performed that day. A progression system is to be followed here as well.

  Following the Cardio Plan:

  2 days a week = Amateur Level

  3 days a week = Bronze Level

  4 days a week = Silver Level

  5 days a week = Gold Level

  6 or more days a week = Fanatical Level

  Some people are motivated by aiming high, others get discouraged. It doesn’t matter which attitude you have. What is important is that you are aware of what kind of personality you have and use the progression system to your advantage. If you are motivated by high goals- aim to perform on the Fanatical Level. If you fall short, do not give up. Strive to stay at the Gold Level. If you would like to start off smaller, begin at a lower level and work up over time.

  7 Nutrition Plan


  Like all dimensions, a long-term lifestyle approach is applied to nutrition. Eliminate the word diet from your vocabulary which implies a quick fix, and something that you go on and off throughout your life. It is unrealistic for most people to eat 100% clean 100% of the time. Although constant improvement is an excellent value, perfectionism creates mental misery. One day off of the nutrition plan is allowed per week. If you do things right 85% of the time (6 out of 7 days a week), then the other 15% will be marginal. The one day off is effective only if one does not abuse the privilege regularly. You cannot expect to achieve results if you completely let yourself go on your off days. There is recommended- 2 servings of any “junk food” on off days. Before quantity is contemplated, quality is the top priority. Eating a lot is not nearly as much of a problem as eating unhealthy. To exercise effectively to burn fat, get stronger, and build endurance, your body must have proper nutrients to produce energy. A focus on quality over quantity and the allowance of one day off a week make this nutrition plan sustainable over time. The presence of clear guidelines, rather than exact meals, makes things easier by allowing you more freedom and thus making the nutrition plan even more sustainable.

  Two taboos are presented that are to be avoided all days except your 1 chosen off day each week.

  Avoid the two major taboos:

  (1) Processed Sugars

  (2) White Carbohydrates

  Reminder – the success of any program lies in its effectiveness and sustainability. Since sustainability was covered, effectiveness is now addressed. As always, an evidence-based approach is considered.

  (1) Avoid Processed Sugar

  Sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever and is arguably the main factor that makes people fat.

  (2) Avoid White Carbohydrates

  White carbohydrates are created by the removal of nutrients including fiber and vitamins from the grain. Additionally, chemicals and sugar are added. Whole wheat contains nutrients and fiber.

  White carbohydrates leave you feeling hungry after consumption because of the speed of digestion. Whole wheat digests slower in your body keeping you feeling full for a longer period of time. White carbohydrates signal your body to release insulin to counter the sugar spike accompanied with consumption. Repeat fluctuation of insulin and sugar levels could lead to Type II diabetes.

  It should be noted here that carbohydrates themselves are not to be avoided. Many fad diets promote no or very low carbohydrates solutions. They reason that your body will burn fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates. This works in theory, but is quite different in application. Fat is a relatively poor source of energy compared to carbohydrates. If you are going to exercise at your threshold, you need to be optimally fueled. Again we see here Premium versus Regular gas for your high performance vehicle. A nutrition plan that includes reasonable carbohydrate intake is far more sustainable in the long run- just be sure to choose wheat over white.

  Here are some practical pieces of advice that could help you with this nutrition plan. You may note some snacks and cereals that do not meet the exact nutrition requirements get the Z-approval stamp because they are still a healthy alternative. These exceptions are available to make the nutrition plan more sustainable over time while not compromising the ideals too much

  Stick with:

  Artificial Sweetners NOT SUGAR (recommended natural sweetners ie. Truvia/Stevia)

  100% Whole Grain or 100% Whole Wheat or Multi-Grain (if you have to) Breads, Pastas, and Chips. Make sure 1st ingredient in Nutrition Label is “Whole ____”

  Go with skim milk if you must have milk

  No Alcohol: Only exceptions- 1 glass red wine daily allowed or 1 Dark Beer.

  Don’t drink in calories (stick with diet/zero calorie sport drinks/seltzer/crystal light)


  -All Meats, (remove fat and skin) recommended- lean meats like turkey, roast beef, lean ham, and chicken. Recommended: Turkey Bacon over regular.

  -All Vegetables

  -All Fruits

  -All Seafood

  -All Nuts




  Cook foods: Baked, Broiled or Steamed. Avoid breaded (white) or fried.

  Condiments: Replace ketchup, mayo, and dressing with mustard, oil and vinegar, and low fat/non fat dressings. Organic Ketchup. Salsa, hummus, soy.

  Snack: Lean Protein Shake, not weight gainer. Whole wheat or multi grain chips and pretzels. Protein bars (low sugar and carbs) 1st ingredient: “Whole____”

  Cereals permitted- Total, Smart Start, Multi Grain Cheerios, Special K Protein, Wheaties, Fiber Plus, Kashi.

  Another mindset element is added to the nutrition plan. Just like there is a progression system for the exercise plan, there is progression for the nutrition plan based on compliance.

  Following the plan:

  2 days a week = Amateur Level

  3 days a week = Bronze Level

  4 days a week = Silver Level

  5 days a week = Gold Level

  6 or more days a week = Fanatical Level

  The idea here is that you can modify your plan to your personality- not the reverse. If you have the type of personality that has high goals, you can aspire immediately for the Fanatical Level. Many people however get discouraged from very high goals, seeing them as unrealistic. For them, they could choose to start at a lower level and eventually jump levels. There is nothing wrong with either personality. It is more important to realize how you are personally affected by goal setting and use it to your advantage.

  Also, when people typically fall short or “mess up” on a diet, they consider themselves “off the diet.” To prevent this on/off mindset from occurring, there are several levels, so if you slip up, you are still “on” the plan. The goal now should be to achieve the highest level possible. If another mistake occurs, you could achieve the Bronze Level, and so forth. Your level of compliance is recorded each week so you can track your progress and watch your lifestyle (and not coincidently, your body) change in the process.


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