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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 17

by Belle Winters



  Still… one week prior

  I would admit it was my fault that I had this loser Victor back in my life. I knew there was no way in hell I’d been able to give Giovanni his money back, so I had to find it somewhere else. Being indebted to Victor wasn’t exactly one of my favorite things. I never particularly liked him, and he was a lousy lay, but there was no way in fuck someone was going to choose Julie over me.

  She always thought she was so much better than me. Talking shit and looking down her nose. So anytime I got a chance to stick it to her, I did. Simple. Then after everything she gets Giovanni Ruzzo. I’m no dummy, I’m out here on the streets more than she is. I know for a fact he does not just pick up his employees out or the kindness of his heart. The man is fucking heartless. Being with him, it meant protection and money. It should’ve been me.

  “Baby, come on. I want another hit.” Victor urged.

  I stopped myself from rolling my eyes because I could go for one too. I just hated his company. We found a dark secluded corner and Victor prepared two lines. We snorted one each. Fuck, I loved coke. It was the only good thing about having to be with him. Free hits.

  I was just beginning to feel my buzz when Victor shoved me. “You got your high for now. You need to get back out there on the floor and shake that ass. How the fuck you expect to get any work tonight hanging back?” He asked.

  With a snarl, I walked back out to the dance floor. We were in one of those shitty ass clubs where all the loser mother fuckers were. I never came to these places before. They were beneath me in my opinion. I deserved a man with money that could give me the best life a girl could have. Clothes, jewelry, cars. I’d been working my ass off for years to find him, and I damn sure will.

  I’d barely been paying attention to what I was doing and was on autopilot as I danced. I felt a warm body up against me and knew I’d just scored my first guy of the night. “Hey, there sweet thing.”

  I turned to look at him, barely registering his face. “Hi yourself.”

  “You’re here with anyone?” He asked when he ground hard against me letting me know of his erection, and I didn’t move away but returned the favor. I added a little shiver in there too.

  “Friends.” I smiled with a shrug.

  “Want to get out of here?” He asked.

  “I’m not really ready to leave, but we can go out back,” I suggested.

  He grinned and nodded eagerly. Once we got outside, I spoke. “What you into honey?” I asked.

  He squeezed his crotch. “I wouldn’t mind a blow job, with those beautiful lips. I could see them wrapped around my cock already.” He said with a moan as he tugged.

  The compliments weren’t exactly necessary at this point, and he was just wasting time. “$75 baby,” I informed him.

  He frowned. “That’s an awfully high amount, don’t you think?” he asked.

  I shook my head and ran a finger from his neck down to where he was holding himself. “Not when you give the best head around.”

  I felt his cock jump at that. I got him. He nodded frantically. “Alright, alright.” He went into his pocket and got the cash. He started to hand it to me, then retreated. “But you’ve got to swallow.”

  I sighed internally. I usually did it with a condom. Cuming inside of me was a no go – but I would swallow on request. “Not a problem.”

  He practically threw the cash at me and began getting himself out. His cock was actually a nice size if I do say so myself. I was going to enjoy this. I dropped to my knees and immediately pulled his cock into my mouth. Unfortunately, he was a two-minute man, and he was cuming in my mouth before I even really got started. I stood and wiped a hand across my mouth before leaving him slumped against the wall in the alley trying to catch his breath.

  When I got back in, I found Victor and demanded another line. I gave him the cash, and he gave me back $25. The thing with Victor is that he was in love with me. Had been since he was dating Julie and I fed him all these fantasies about a future together. That’s how I was able to get the money from him in the first place. He had a soft spot for me, so we’d worked out the deal that I was his and I would work off the money. But, I informed him I couldn’t be broke. So we shared my profits, him taking the majority but I was still a ways off from him being whole. I didn’t fuck around, every payment was recorded. I was keeping track. I had him give me another line, before going off to the bathroom to wash out my mouth.

  I was just splashing some cold water on my face so I could reapply my makeup when the bathroom door opened. I didn’t bother looking up.

  “Are you Taylor?” A voice asked.

  I looked up and arched an eyebrow. “And who the fuck are you?” I asked the bimbo.

  She smiled. “You are. You look exactly like her… well almost.”

  Only one her she could be talking about. I made a sound of disgust. “Please… don’t.” I warned.

  She shook her head. “Are you guys like best friends?” she asked.

  I scoffed. “I can't stand her.” I admitted. Because, well… we both knew it. No reason to lie to anyone else.

  Her smile turned devious, and that got my attention. “What do you want?” I asked.

  She walked to the sink next to me. “I’m not sure if you’ll help me.” She began. “I hate your sister, and she has something that belongs to me.”

  I leaned back against the sink and crossed my arms. “So this meeting wasn’t an accident.” Not a question.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  I shrugged. “What do you need?” I asked.

  “I need my man.” She said.

  There’s only one guy she can be talking about when it came to my sister. “And what’s in it for me?” I asked. Sure, I’d do anything to fuck with Julie, but I mean… I’m always all about me.

  “Revenge… and some cash.” She arched an eyebrow in challenge.

  “How much?” I asked.

  She shrugged casually. “How about five grand?” she asked.

  I stood up straight. “I’m Taylor, nice to meet you,” I said extending my hand.

  She grinned. “Rebecca. Let’s talk business.”

  Chapter 14


  So, let’s get back to the here and now.

  Giovanni kicked me to the curb like last nights trash. Plain and simple, without a word or worry. I’d seen him at the club with another girl just one day later, and that pretty much cemented things for me. I also figured out he didn’t want to see me. His sudden disappearance from the club didn’t go unnoticed either.

  He was supposed to be here today, and I was doubtful that he would show. We’d had our first court appearance earlier today, and his father, brother, and Sofia were there… he wasn’t. They’d asked me about him, and I only shrugged. They were expecting him and assumed I would know. Apparently, he hadn’t broken the news to them. Well, they were his family, and it wasn’t my place. Michael and Sofia thought it odd, but the knowing look on his fathers face told me he’d figured it out.

  Oh. In case you were wondering, we got off. The charges seemed to have vanished into thin air.

  Still, although I doubted he would still come, I was going to be anxious until I had my answer. In my depressing state, I opted for a pair of sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt. I went to find my mother in the kitchen. When I laid eyes on her, I nearly gagged.

  She’d gone all out on her makeup and was wearing a dress that made it look like she was going clubbing. When she heard me, she spun around. “Hey, there honey.”

  I laughed, so now I’m honey. “Mom.” I greeted her. “What did you decide on?”

  She shrugged casually. “You know, some chicken marsala.”

  She really was going all out. “Oh ok.” I twisted my hands. “I was thinking about just staying in my room. I've been under the weather.”

  If looks could kill… “Your boss is going to be here! You cant be rude like that. It wouldn’t kill you to sit a
nd have dinner with us like a family.”

  Right. Family. We were just one big happy family.


  So this is what we’re doing today?

  “Sure thing,” I muttered and sat down at the table. I pulled my phone and began playing candy crush. A game I haven’t touched in ages, but I needed the distraction.

  The bell rang. My entire body tensed and my nerves were shot to hell. I was surprised when Taylor was the one to jump up and open the door. It hadn’t escaped my notice that she didn’t seem particularly comfortable around Gio.

  I listened as footsteps approached, apparently more than one. I didn’t turn around, afraid of meeting his icy gaze. “Julie.”

  Fucking hell. I knew that voice, but it damn sure wasn’t the voice I was expecting. I turned around slowly and had to work overtime to loosen my jaw enough to grit out a greeting. “Victor,” I said back.

  He grinned at me, mockingly. The fucker. Why the fuck was he even here? “Why the fuck is he here?” I asked.

  Taylor scowled at me, but his grin widened. “Oh honey, I’m hurt. I thought you’d be happy to see an old friend.”

  “Friend.” I sneered. Right. More like a dead man walking if he keeps pushing my buttons. I decided it would be best if I ignored him as to avoid a murder tonight.

  Taylor and Victor sat at the table. They took the two seats on the other side of the table but further down, good. I didn’t want either one of those assholes next to me. I didn’t want to care, but I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell my sister was doing back with him.

  I sat in awkward silence as they chatted it up like they were having the time of their life. When the clock rolled around for 7:15, my mother’s hope started to deflate. She started procrastinating pushing off serving up dinner. Meanwhile, my hope began to blossom. That is until 7:22 rolled around, and the bell rang. My mother brightened up like a kid at Christmas and practically ran to the door. I watch Taylor frown as she typed away furiously on her phone. Her phone beeped a minute later, and she wore a shit-eating grin. Did she seriously have Victor sitting beside her as she texted another man? Sad.

  I could hear my mother chatting away from the door. My body felt ready to snap as I waited for them to enter. I heard Gio’s deep laughter. They entered the kitchen, and he placed a bottle of wine on the table next to me but didn’t acknowledge me. He was here to torture me. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? I accepted it, and now he was rubbing my face into it.

  “I’m sorry I’m late.” He announced to the room. “A meeting ran over, I got here as soon as I could. I wouldn’t have missed this.”

  My mom sighed dreamily. I didn’t dare look up from the table.

  “We can begin dinner now.” My mom announced cheerily.

  I heard a chair scrape across the floor on my side, not directly next to me though. My mom noticed and said, “why don’t you sit over there, at the head of the table.”

  “Sure,” Gio said smoothly.

  “Actually mom, another one of my friends are coming to dinner. They should be here – “ she was cut off when the bell once again rang. I was ready to die, I didn’t think I could take any more guests.

  Taylor hopped up like her ass was on fire and practically ran to the door. It wasn’t but a half a minute when the sound of heels followed behind my sister's footsteps. Just great, she invited one of her whorish friends. Would the embarrassment ever stop?

  “Oh, Julie. Hey!” A familiar voice squealed.

  I looked up and when I saw Rebecca everything in me went completely still. Why was she here and since when did she know my sister? “Rebecca,” I said. “I didn’t know you would be here.”

  She frowned. “You didn’t? I thought I mentioned it to you the other day.”

  She was fucking lying through her red stained lips. “You didn’t.”

  She shrugged, but I could see in her eyes she didn’t give a shit that I called her out. “Oh, I thought I did.”

  She took the seat on the other side of Taylor, which put her right next to Gio. My mother began bringing dinner to the table, and I watched as Becca turned to Gio. “Giovanni, I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  And it clicked. Those bitches set me up. Well, set him up I guess. He was watching her with narrowed eyes, I’m assuming suspiciously. Then his gaze snapped to mine, and once again I watched them grow cold. The suspicion only increased as he looked at me. I wanted to laugh, he thought I had some part in this I’m sure.

  The food was brought out, and we all began to dig in. I tuned everyone out, as there wasn’t a person in the room whose company I wanted. Well, that wasn’t totally true. I think deep down I’d always want Gio’s company. Not in this way where I was essentially the enemy, but in some capacity. I loved what we had, but I was not delusional.

  “So, Julie, how do you like working at the club?” Becca asked. “I know that you’re bringing in dough with all the tips.” She grinned. “The guys just love her.” She gushed to my mother. “She just gives them a flirty face, and they’re gone just like that.”

  Gio grunted. “I’m sure she loves it just as much as they do.” He said in a snide tone.

  My head snapped to him. “What?” I asked.

  Before he could answer, Taylor spoke up in a mocking tone. “At least some things change. We all know that men never liked you. Hell, you couldn’t even keep your only high school boyfriend.” She grabbed Victor's head and leaned over kissing him. “Could she baby?” she taunted.

  I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t care less if he dropped dead at our table today. I wasn’t jealous, but fuck if it didn’t piss me off just a little to have her rubbing my nose in it. “You’re right. Guys don’t want me.” My statement was filled with hurt and anger. Sadly enough, none of it was aimed at them. It was all for the asshole sitting at the head of the table.

  That made him smirk. “Someone hurt you, Julie?” He taunted. “Was it the guy who had his hand up your skirt the other day?”

  I felt like I was slapped. My head dropped down to my plate where I began to just push my food around. I felt like everyone at this table was out to get me. I watched as my mother cut a piece of chicken and offered it up to Gio. I damn near vomited when he accepted it and gently caressed her shoulder in thanks.

  Becca took it up a notch. “You know, I thought you two were dating.” She said.

  I paled, then felt like there was no lower I could get when Giovanni answered. “I don’t date Becca, you should know that.” He looked over at her and eyed her up and down licking his lips. “I fuck.”

  Bile rose in my throat, and I knew I had enough. My eyes burned with unshed tears as his words began running on repeat through my head. My sister's hysterical laughter filtered through. “Holy shit.”

  I looked at her, and she was damn near in tears. Victor caressed her back looking confused. “Babe, what’s so funny?” he asked.

  She couldn’t speak because she was laughing too hard. Eventually, she calmed down enough to choke out, “holy shit. Julie doesn’t have a snide remark to come back with.” She shook her head still trying to control her laughter. “I think you two broke her. Oh my god, this is the life.”

  My blood boiled, and I felt myself on the verge of getting extremely angry. It wasn’t worth it. None of them were. Without a word, I stood and threw my filled plate into the sink before stalking off to my room. I didn’t miss how everyone in the room laughed at my reaction. Fuck them, fuck them all.

  I wasn’t going to cry. I wasn’t, I told myself that a million times it seems in the last two minutes. Fuck if my emotions once again let me down. I plugged my headphones into my phone and curled up after I crawled into my bed. Of course, the first song that came onto Pandora was one about love lost and heartache. I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. So much love lost in this house tonight. At least for me, everyone else seemed as though love was about to boil out of the pot.

  I thought to myself, I wonder what woman was going to get lucky with
Gio. Would it be my too old mother, or would it be his lovely fling or girlfriend or whoever the fuck Rebecca was to him? I’d believed him so immensely before when he told me about them, and now I was stuck wondering how stupid I was to believe his bullshit. I could’ve gotten myself out of this long ago before I got in too deep. I mean, at that time I was just stepping in. My feet were barely getting wet, and I had it in me to try to walk away. It would’ve hurt then, but it was nothing like the crushing pain that I felt now. When did life get this complicated? Furthermore, when did I start to care?

  I was zoning out to the music praying for sleep to claim me when the covers I buried myself under were torn off. I sat up, my heart beating frantically from the unsuspected and unwanted interruption. I looked over my shoulder to see a man there. I frowned not expecting to see him.


  I scowled. “I’m not your sweetheart,” I said angrily.

  He smiled. “Ahh, it would appear that’s what you think. But I assure you, that’s not the case.”

  I frowned. “What do you want? And what are you doing in here?” When he didn’t answer, I continued. “I didn’t expect you to be here tonight, and we both know how we left things, so I will only ask again. What. Do. You. Want?” I asked.

  His cold smile turned calculating, and it sent chills down my spine. “Simple. I want what’s mine.”

  I felt a holy shit at the tip of my tongue, but it never escaped. Something was going on here that left me confused, and I couldn’t quite figure out, but there’s one thing I knew for certain. “I’m not yours. I’m don’t belong to anyone… I belong to myself.” I said.

  “You’re mine sweetheart. Always have been, and always will be.”

  He turned around and moved to shut the door behind him, but the bit of light filtering in through the window was enough for me to make out his movements. He was advancing on me, and my body shuddered. It wasn’t a good shudder it was a weary one. I shut my eyes and began saying my mantra…


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