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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 18

by Belle Winters

Find a way to keep the darkness at rest.

  The footsteps came closer. Fuck. I’d been so busy in my head I tuned out. I had no idea what was going on around me, but I needed to.

  A hand touched my shoulder, and I screamed only no sounds came out. I felt like I was absorbed back into those days.

  My heart thumped. Oh my god, oh, my god. I wouldn’t be able to stop my anxiety. It was hitting me tenfold. I was going to lose it. Officially.

  I cradled my knees to my chest with my arms and shut my eyes tight. I was not going to let anyone hurt me.



  I wasn’t going to show up tonight. That’s why I was confused and disappointed with myself when I found myself ringing the bell. I told myself that it was another way to torture her, but I knew for sure when I saw her the only person I was torturing was myself.

  She obviously didn’t dress for the occasion compared to everyone else. That pissed me off too. I felt like she didn’t think her present company – Me – was worth her time or effort. That’s why I took pride in the little jabs I was able to throw her way.

  That was until her sister lost it. When she claimed that Becca and I had broken her, I was hit with a bit of clarity that made me sick to my stomach. For the first time, I’d realized what I stepped into. It felt like I was in on a roast and Julie was the target. Not one person at the table had a nice thing to say to or about her. Other than Rebecca, but that was more of a hint about her and numerous possible guys.

  The second thing I realized was the guy. His name was Victor, and I had a sick feeling this was the douche that she told me about that took her virginity. I knew her sister was a bitch, but it was apparent that she was the one to invite both Becca and Victor. I wonder how she even knew how Becca had been a complication in our relationship. Did she know? From what I’m gathering from her, she had to. She was a demented little bitch that was having the most pleasure out of tormenting and embarrassing her sister.

  I thought about what Angelou said when he had asked me if I was sure why she didn’t want me around or why she didn’t want to tell them about us. Probably because of this. They probably knew, or at least her sister did. That’s why she set out on embarrassing her and inviting this bitch Rebecca. I shook my head as I smiled to myself.

  Fucking Rebecca. I was truly done with this bitch. From the shit she pulled before, I know she had to be a part of this. Then the flirting, she still thought she had a chance to get in my pants. I’m going to have fun ripping her ass apart.

  Julie had run off some time ago and I wanted to go find her to figure out just what the fuck was going on but I didn’t know how to. I fucking sent her away with nothing but a MetroCard and a kiss my ass. Yea, I was a bastard. And yea, she was probably pissed as fuck at me. The biggest issue is that I don’t apologize. Thinking about having to say the words made me feel like I was going to vomit.

  I looked around the table trying to figure out my next steps and frowned when I looked over to Victor’s empty seat. He’d gotten up about five minutes ago and never came back. I looked at her sister who was watching me with a knowing grin, and I felt dread bubble up. Fuck. I got up without a word, cutting her mother off midsentence talking about whatever the fuck and made my way through their house. My eyes locked on a closed door down the hall and I quickened my pace.

  Victor’s voice came faintly through the door. “Oh, Julie. You can deny it, but we both know you do.”

  I saw red. I opened the door with more strength than necessary sending it slamming into the wall. He jumped startled and turned around. He had been leaning over the bed hovering over Julie who was in the fetal position, eyes shut tight, rocking herself like a baby. The fuck?

  I didn’t know what was happening until Julie was practically wrapping herself around me to get me to stop. Victor’s shirt was torn and in my hands. He was hanging limply, bloody and unconscious. The only thing holding him up was my grip. I released him, and he dropped like a rag doll.

  “Gio, you got him. If you keep up, you’re going to kill him.” Julie said, her voice trembling.

  Her mom ran over and dropped down to his side. “Is he even still alive?” she asked looking for a pulse.

  I shrugged. “I couldn’t give a fuck if he was or not.”

  Her mother looked up at me confused. “I – I … what happened?” She asked.

  “Ask your fucking daughter what happened,” I said pointing at Taylor who had enough brains to pale at the realization I knew her ass was in on it. “This fuck was in here fucking with Julie.”

  Her mother looked at me confused. “But… I don’t understand. I thought he was here with Taylor… and you were just Julie’s boss.”

  I scowled. Is that seriously all she gave a fuck about? “And so what if I’m just her boss. She didn’t want his ass in here let alone coming onto her. What type of fucking man would I be if I let him do something to her? I wouldn't give a fuck if I was a stranger.” I ran a hand through my hair. I needed to get the fuck out of here. The longer I stayed, the more fucked up this shit was getting.

  I pointed to Julie. “Grab some shit and let's go,” I ordered.

  She frowned. “What?”

  “Are you deaf? Grab some shit, because you’re coming with me.”

  She crossed her arms. “Thanks for what you did…” she bit her lip and shook her head. “But, I’m not going with you.”

  You want to bet? I was getting pissed all over again, and I took a step back in case I lashed out. I’d rather it be anything but her. I pinched the bridge of my nose to try to get some control. I gave her a hard look and a small nod. “Put a bag together, I’ll put you in a hotel, but you’re not staying here tonight.”


  My offer.

  I’d compromise. She was all about that shit.

  She looked at me like I’d grown three heads. “That’s insane… and no. I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” She admitted softly.

  Time’s up, and I was done negotiating. “Get your shit, or I leave with him and chop him up into little pieces and deliver them back cooked and force your sister to eat it for Sunday dinner. GET. YOUR. SHIT. NOW JULIE!” I roared.

  She blanched but gave me a small yet defiant nod. Glare all the fuck she wants, but she’s leaving here even if I have to take her kicking and screaming. Everyone watched in silence as she grabbed a duffle and began putting her stuff in. She wasn’t even paying attention just throwing things in a bag. I watched her every move. “Get your shit for school too,” I ordered.

  She glared at me, but grabbed her books and my laptop and forcefully put them in the bag. I shrugged at her defiant behavior, and she huffed. “I’m not ok with this.” She said trying to make a point.

  My eyebrows flew up. “I know that already, and quite frankly I don’t give a flying fuck. It’s not your choice anymore Julie.”

  She tried to storm past me, and I grabbed her shirt pulling her in front of me. I listened as everyone took in a deep breath like they thought I was about to hit her or something. If only they knew, she was the last person to need to worry about that. Well, apparently she knew it by the way she sassed me and punched me in my chest for manhandling her. “Stop fucking sulking. You know you don’t want to be here any more than I want you to. You wanna be pissed because of the fight we had and because I was a dick, then fine. Be mad at that. But don’t let it make you stupid. You’re going to come to my place, so accept it.” Not able to help myself having her so close I yanked her in and kissed her lips hard. “If it helps, ma sent some lasagna.”

  She practically swooned, and it wasn’t from my kiss. I could only shake my head. “For me?” she asked panting. Fuck she looked like she was turned on. She probably was knowing her, she loved ma’s cooking.

  “Yes, Julie. Now, are you gonna cut your shit and come with me?” I asked.

  She nodded and began walking out. “But you’re sleeping on the couch.” She said over her shoulder.

  “Wait a minute. A
re you two dating?” Her mom asked.

  Before I could respond, Becca who looked like she was going to be sick spoke up. “She met… she met your family?”

  I grinned at her evilly. “Yes and yes.” My eyes narrowed on Becca, then transferred to Taylor. “She’s mine. It would do you well to remember that.” I gestured to Victor who seemed like he was starting to come to. I wouldn’t want that now, would I? I lifted my foot up and bought it down onto his chest hard before pulling my foot back and kicking him in the face and watched the blood fly out of his mouth. I gestured to the fuck with my hand. “Bad shit starts happening to people who mess with what belongs to me.” It was a warning, and both of those bitches better heed it.

  I drove us back to my place in silence. She didn’t even spare me a glance, and I knew she was fuming. For what exactly… there was a long fucking list of possibilities, so I left her to it. I wanted to ask her just what the fuck happened in that room but to be honest, I didn’t think she wanted to talk about it, and I don’t know if I could handle hearing it right now. That fucker was still alive – against my better judgment – and the last thing I need to do was turn the car around and put her through the horror of having to watch me kill him. My only saving grace was that I didn’t think he actually touched her.

  She fumed the entire elevator ride up, and I told myself I would sit her down and talk this shit out when we got inside. It was overdue by now if you ask me. Those plans were thwarted, when I walked into my condo to a pacing Angelou.

  “The fuck?” I asked.

  He crossed the room. “Where the fuck was you?!” he asked. “We’ve been trying to reach you for hours! I didn’t know what the fuck to – “

  He cut off when he looked past my shoulder. “Julie.” He greeted her warmly.

  She stepped past me and gave him a tight hug. He looked over at me confused and hesitantly as he stood there awkwardly with her arms around him. She needed some comfort, and she didn’t want it from me. I gave him a nod. He looked even more confused as he consoled her. I noticed Dante who looked shocked and confused and we all stood there silently until she released him.

  I looked into her eyes and saw she was drained. I reached out to her, and she flinched making me drop my hand to my side. “Why don’t you go in the room and get comfortable. Take a shower or whatever you need. I’ll heat up some food and bring it to you in a minute.”

  She hesitated then gave me a nod as she went to my room with her bag. They waited until the door shut quietly behind her before asking, “what the hell happened?”

  I gestured to the living room to get as far away from her so she wouldn’t have to overhear. We barely made it in the room before Dante frowned. “Seriously, what the fuck happened?”

  “Long story…” I mumbled.

  “Dude, you need to talk.” He gestured to my shirt. “Do we want to know?”

  I looked down at my white button up to realize I had that fucks blood on me. Shit. I poured us all drinks first before I rehashed the night. By the time I was done, they were both fuming for Julie. I could only nod in agreement. They’d had done the same thing if not worse.

  “So you two are back together?” Angelou asked.

  I sighed. “Nah, she’s pissed at me. But, I’m going to talk to her. I think she’s had enough for tonight though. I certainly didn’t help although I’m happy as fuck I was there.” I shook my head as the rage came back. “If he would’ve touched her…” I couldn’t even finish it.

  Dante nodded. “I understand.”

  I nodded in thanks. There was no way I could get those words out. “We’re going to head out so you can get shit straight here bro, call me,” Dante said.

  He wasn’t my bodyguard right now, he was my brother. “Thanks, D.”

  Angelou patted my back. “Stay strong.”

  I nodded. “Don’t tell Franny,” I warned.

  He chuckled. “So she can start another war? I’m good.”

  I looked at Dante. “And don’t you dear tell Pac and Pa, you big mouth.”

  He grinned. “Normally I would. But this… no.” he guaranteed.

  With that said, I said goodbye to my brothers and made my way to the kitchen. I realized, I had some groveling to do.

  Chapter 15


  It felt right being here in Gio’s room in his bed. It smelled like him, and it seemed so familiar… so safe. And yet, it seemed so wrong.

  What he did today for me was… more than anyone has ever done, and I truly am grateful. And the way he’s treated me was so kind. It reminded me of who I thought he was. But then again, look at the situation. He felt pity for me. I know it. He’d been at the table with us, the one thing I was trying to avoid, and he felt bad for me and decided to be nice.

  That was my struggle. I wasn’t going to let myself to fall back into the delusion that this means something to him. Once I was back on my feet, and I have once again put something behind me, things would go back to how they were before today. They always did. I felt like my life was always on repeat. There were some things I had little to no control over as far as it keeps happening, but this I could stop. If I could have one small victory for myself to avoid pain, then I would take it.

  He came into the room with a plate of lasagna and a bottle of water. I accepted it and scarfed it down. I’d barely touched my dinner tonight, my stomach had been in knots the entire time yet surprisingly I found myself hungry. I laughed in my head. Nope, it was just his mother’s cooking. I’d always be in the mood for it. Even if I had a feeding tube down my throat, put a plate of her food in front of me, and I’d become a medical miracle. As I ate the food, I found it soothing. Too bad this was the last time.

  Giovanni sat at the edge of the bed as I ate. When I was done, he cleared his throat and stood to take my dishes. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch? Because I can.”

  I thought about it. I should really say yes, but knowing this would be my last time with him… I couldn’t. I never stopped wanting him. I was…

  Fuck. Can you keep a secret? If you don’t, I swear I’ll hunt you down and kill you!

  Since you insist… I love him.

  I will take it with me to the grave. But my heart, it felt cheated… unsatisfied. If I was only going to give myself one night, then I’m not going to deny myself anything. And so, a decision made I shook my head. “No. I …” my heart was thrumming against my chest. The thing is, my mouth spoke faster than my brain which usually disabled me from lying. “I want you in here.”

  Outside of the love thing, after what happened tonight I needed to feel safe. Before I met him, I never felt truly safe. I could protect myself sure. But not always. God not always. But those are my secrets, so many secrets that are buried and sent to my grave. I will face them when I die.

  He nodded in understanding, clearly thinking that it was just about tonight and who was I to tell him otherwise. I got comfortable in the bed and watched as he left the room and came back moments later. He went to the bathroom – gratefully because he had that mans blood on him – to shower and came into the bed. He didn’t hesitate pulling me into him and holding me tight. I felt his erection against my butt, and almost like a reflex, my pussy flooded as it practically begged for him.

  He simply held me and caressed my arms with his fingertips. He didn’t try to make a move on me, and I could appreciate the sentiment… but, that wasn’t going to do. I sucked in a breath as I shifted closer to him and trailed my hand up his arm. I felt him tense behind me.

  “Babe, no,” he said quietly clearly figuring my intent.

  “But – “

  I felt his head move. “I can’t touch you, not after what happened.”

  He didn’t understand. “I want you to touch me. I need you to.”

  He groaned and moved his hand to my stomach slowly dragging it up to my breast. He cupped it and lightly brushed my nipple with his finger. My body shivered from the small contact, it seemed so intimate. He kept his touches teasing and
slow as he ran his hands everywhere they could reach. Eventually, he turned me to my back and then kissed me. Long and slow, like he was trying to memorize it. Lord knew I was.

  Eventually, he released my mouth and began to undress me. Still moving slowly, so slowly. When I was fully naked his eyes trailed my body, and I felt it as though it was his hands. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispered, his voice full of awe.

  Fuck. The man was trying to kill me, I was sure of it.

  He stood and peeled away his pajama bottoms and briefs, never taking his eyes off of mine. When he was done, he climbed onto the bed and took hold of my leg raising it in the air. He took his time trailing kisses up my leg, beginning at my ankle and stopping before he reached my clit. He released it then repeated the motion with my other leg. When he was so close that I could feel his cool breath on me, he bypassed it and instead went to my stomach, up to my breast where he took his time kissing and nipping each one, before continuing to my chest and neck… then finally my mouth.

  He devoured me, hungrily and lovingly. It was heartbreaking. When he released my mouth, he trailed his tongue down my neck, down the middle of my chest, down, down, down… until he reached the place, I needed him most. He didn’t toy with me, he dove right in and ate me out expertly. He didn’t let up at all until I came on his face twice. By the time he was done, I was limp and happy.

  When he sat up, I looked down to his hard, angry looking cock leaking with his juices. He climbed on top of me and lined himself up. He gripped me by the back of the neck and began to enter me. It didn’t take long for me to figure out what he was doing. He was making love to me, and that knowledge devastated me. I knew he didn’t love me, which made the blow more painful. He was taking it easy on me because he thought I was still fragile from tonight. But this? This was the worst and best thing that happened tonight.

  I let myself get lost in the fantasy and came to my fourth climax when I felt his warm seed fill me completely. When he pulled out of me, he cradled me back into his arms and held me like he thought I was going to run away. He wasn’t too far off, and I think deep down he knew that.


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