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Flawed (Caught By The Bad Boys Book 2)

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by Raathi Chota

  “Angie!” Jade exclaimed as she pulled her in for a hug. Somehow, I pictured Miranda and me doing it when we met up on a Monday after not seeing each other for a whole weekend. Jade and Mom did everything together, and they gossiped a lot. Dad and Richard spoke formally yet they’d bonded so well over the years. “Lana! You’ve grown so much!” Jade stated as she pulled me in for a hug even though we saw each other in the summer of 2015. “Oh, hello, Miranda!” Jade said as she pulled away from me. Miranda gave her a small smile and awkwardly waved.

  “Hi, Mrs. Radcliff.”

  “Ooh, I see you have friends over. Which one of you is Lana’s lucky boyfr—”

  “That would be me, Mrs. Hagshif—I mean Radcliff,” Liam responded as he swung his arm around me.

  “Aww, so cute,” she said, then pinched his cheeks.

  “No, he’s not, he’s goofy,” I said. “This is Liam, Benny, Melissa, and Nick.”

  “Nice to meet you all. Your mother has talked about some of you…which one was it? Bl—”

  “Why don’t you teenagers make yourself useful and help our guests with their luggage?” Mom suggested as she cut off Jade.

  “Sure,” Nick replied. The adults walked into the house with Mrs. Radcliff in last. They had a lot of stuff in their car because they’d driven. Miranda came up beside me as we walked into the house and carried bags.

  “Thank goodness he isn’t here,” she muttered as we set the bags in the front.

  “Where’s Levi?” Mom asked as Miranda grunted.

  “Oh, you know him.” Jade laughed. “Always the adventurous type and likes to travel on his own. He’ll be here any second.”

  I sighed because the chance of a peaceful Christmas was gone. Miranda and I walked out of the house and stood on the porch with everyone else.

  “Well, I guess we better get goi—” Melissa cut off when a low roar gushed down the street. We whipped our heads as the familiar sound got louder. It wasn’t just any sound but an engine. A familiar 1967 black Ford Mustang came into view as it approached the house. Miranda folded her arms and huffed.

  “Spoke too soon,” she muttered as we watched him park the car in front of the house.

  “Now that’s a car,” Liam commented. I wanted to roll my eyes as Levi got out of the car as if he knew we watched him. He looked the same as last time except for the new tattoo on his neck.

  “Now that’s a hunk,” Melissa commented. Nick glared at her. His deep blue eyes locked with mine as he neared us. He held his arms out as a smile formed on his face.

  “Princess!” Levi cheered as he brought me in for a hug and picked me up. I felt everyone stare at us as Levi’s arms wrapped around my waist. He set me down, but his arms were still wrapped around me. He looked down at me with a grin on his face. “What? No hello, my knight in shining armor?” He winked. “Remember?”

  I rolled my eyes as I pried his arms off me. He glanced over my shoulder as he smiled.

  “Miranda.” He gave a curt nod toward her.


  He turned his head to observe everyone else, and I swore Levi almost flinched. He slowly walked toward Benny, who gazed at us the whole time.

  “Do you remember me?” Levi asked with a fearful look in his eye.

  “How can I forget the self-centered jackass known as Levi Radcliff?” Benny hissed as Levi chuckled.

  “Yep, and here’s the guy who tortured my girl for years,” Levi said as I squirmed. “The dick who couldn’t control himself whenever he lost it, the woman beater also known as Benny Nielson.”

  “Well, things have changed,” Nick stated.

  “Yeah, Levi, we made up,” I said and watched as the two glared at each other. Their eyes were filled with hatred toward each other. Levi was an inch or two taller than Benny, but it didn’t make much of a difference. Levi let out a dry laugh as he looked at Benny then me.

  “She might’ve forgiven you, but I don’t forgive dipshits like you that quickly,” Levi grunted as he clenched his fists. Levi knew that Benny bullied me because he saw it once. Levi beat Benny after that if he ever laid his hands on me, but then Levi moved away. So Benny took advantage, but when Levi visited, he’d always had the last punch.

  “Look, can’t we just forgive and forget?” Liam broke the awkward silence. “By the way, I’m Liam, and I like your car.”

  “Oh, would you look at that!” Miranda said as she looked at her watch then grabbed Benny’s arm. “Tomorrow’s school. Gotta go. Bye, see you in the morning, Lana!” She rushed out as everyone else caught on. In a minute, they were in the station wagon and down the driveway. I turned to Levi, who had a satisfied look. I glared at him, and he tilted his head.

  “You’re a jerk! Don’t act like you’re the innocent one here!” I yelled, then stormed into the house.


  We sat around the dining table and had dinner. I sat next to Levi with our parents around us. The discussion was mainly about Christmas and memories.

  “Oh, remember when Levi taught you how to ride a bike?” Jade cooed as she looked at us. “Then you fell, and he kissed the bruise on your knee.”

  I felt a hand being placed on my thigh and winced. From the corner of my eye, I saw Levi smirk.

  “That’s not the only place I’ve kissed,” he whispered, then stroked my thigh. I swallowed the piece of chicken and glanced around the table to see that our parents were too engrossed in each other to even acknowledge us.

  “Speaking of old times, how’s Griffon?” Richard asked.

  “He’s good…still working at the high school and found himself a girl,” Dad replied with a grin.

  “Who’s the chick?” Levi asked, his hand still securely placed on my thigh.

  “My English teacher,” I mumbled.

  “Go, Uncle Griff,” he said as everyone laughed. Dad introduced Griffon to the Radcliffs a while back, so we often spent a lot of time together.

  “Oh, remember when Griffon babysat that one night and when we came home he was washing them in the bath?” Jade babbled on as everyone laughed. I cringed at the thought of five-year-old Lana and six-year-old Levi in the bath together.

  Suddenly his hand went further up as he whispered, “Can’t wait to recreate those memories.”

  I looked around the table because no one noticed anything. He only did it to annoy me like he always did. I took my right leg and placed it on top of my left and made sure to squash Levi’s hand. He let out a yelp as he pulled his hand away.

  The rest of the evening was spent unpacking as the Radcliffs got settled. I was on the La-Z-Boy, rocking back and forth as I watched Levi prepare his bed for the next few weeks. Thankfully they came often, so the sofa could turn into a couch bed.

  “Griffon still staying in that apartment of his?” Richard asked my dad.

  “Yep, ten years and going,” Dad replied as he handed Levi some blankets. “Wanna pay him a visit?”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Levi tried to hold in a smirk as our mothers entered the room.

  “Levi, honey, are you sure you have enough blankets?” Jade asked as she handed him another.

  “Yes, Mom. Besides, I’m sure Lana won’t mind if I pay her a visit for more,” he said, then winked at me. I rolled my eyes as Richard nudged his wife.

  “Wanna check Griffon’s place out?”

  “Sure!” Jade exclaimed as she turned to my mother.

  “We’re all going?” I asked.

  “I’m chilling here,” Levi stated as he collapsed on the sofa bed. “Go and enjoy yourselves, Bobby,” he said, using my dad’s middle name. “You’re certainly not getting any younger.”

  Dad scoffed as he turned to the rest of the adults. For years, Levi called him Bobby, and he finally concluded that he wouldn’t stop.

  “We’ll be back soon, and Lana is in charge!” Mom called out as they grabbed their belongings.

  “What? I’m older!” Levi protested as he stood up.

  “Girls mature faster than boys!
” Jade stated as they walked out. I stuck my tongue out at him, and I stood, watching as our parents walked out of the house.

  “Say hi to Uncle Griff for us!” Levi said as he observed them through the window. I raised a brow as I had my gaze on him. He eyed them as the car pulled out of the driveway and to the street. Once they were gone, he slowly spun around with a mischievous look. I squinted my eyes as he slowly approached me. I backed away, and he smirked at me.

  “Levi, what are yo—” I cut off when he trudged toward me. My eyes widened as I picked up my pace and bolted upstairs. I heard his loud footsteps behind me as I ran into my room.

  “Gotcha!” he yelled as his muscular arms wrapped around me. We fell onto the bed with him on top of me. He tickled me in various places as I chuckled. I loved to laugh but not like this. I hated it when someone tickled me, and he knew that. It’s like a million pinches that made me squirm.

  “Levi, stop!” I giggled and screamed at the same time. He ignored me and snickered. He hovered over me as we laughed hysterically. He suddenly stopped as he rested his arms on either side of me. His dark blue eyes stared into my round blue ones. I took in his facial features. His nose ring was in the exact place as Blake’s, and I couldn’t help but think of him. I was brought back to reality as Levi’s face inched closer to mine. He kept his eyes on my lips. My eyes widened as I pushed him off me. He landed on the bed as I jumped up.

  “Aww,” he said as I backed away.

  “How dare you try to kiss me?” I yelled as he rested on my bed as if it were his own.

  “It’s not like we haven’t done it before.”

  “You try and kiss me after you treat Benny like shit?”

  “Oh, that reminds me,” he said. “What the actual fuck? Why the hell are you hanging out with him, princess?”

  “Don’t fucking ‘princess’ me! We made up. Things have changed, Levi! Fuck ‘princess!’”

  “I already did,” he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and mentally slapped myself for that. He got up and sat on the bed. “What could he possibly do to let you forgive him? If I’m not mistaken, he almost put you in a coma once.”

  “Now you’re just dramatic. Stop holding a fucking grudge!”

  “Oh please!” he said. “So nobody remembers how that asshole ruined your life, and you all just carry on being best friends and shit? I bet you someone still thinks of what he did.” He pointed to nothing in particular. I rolled my eyes and avoided contact as I looked around the room. He got up and approached me. I faced him as he leaned in and stared me dead in the eye. “There is someone!” He pointed his index finger in my face. I let out a snort as I rolled my eyes. “Please, Lana, I’ve known you for more than thirteen years. I know when you’re lying.” He followed my gaze. I remained quiet as he kept eye contact, then a sudden spark appeared in his eyes as he smiled. “It’s a he!”

  “What? No!” I squinted my eyes at Levi.

  “Was it that weird guy who liked my car? The dude with blond hair? Your boyfriend?”

  “No, no, and no. I don’t even have a boyfriend!”

  “Not yet,” he muttered. “I’m gonna find out what happened, Lana,” he said with his back faced to me. “Remember, I always find out. You can’t keep anything from me.”

  I shook my head as I watched him approach my closet. He opened it and looked inside. “Get ready. We’re going out,” he said as he went through my clothes.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “We’re going for a drive,” he said with a smirk plastered on his face. My eyes widened as he pulled out casual clothes. He then pulled out a pair of black lingerie and whistled. My cheeks flushed as I grabbed them from him and stuffed them in my drawer. “Damn, I need to find out what happened while I was gone.”

  “You’re acting as if you’re the innocent one here, coming to save everyone when you’ve done much worse with no explanation!”

  “Can’t we talk about this another time?”

  “No! You left me, Levi, and I had to find out from your mom that you were too busy even to pick up the phone and call!”

  “I did call the other day!”

  “Yeah, one fucking year later to say you can’t wait to see your princess!”

  “Why must the guy always call when he fucks up?”

  “Well, since I called a million times and sent dozens of messages, it wouldn’t hurt to call or text back!” He let out a dry laugh as he threw his hands up in exasperation.

  “You wanna know why I didn’t call? Because I felt guilty for doing that to you! When I wanted to apologize, it was too late, and I wanted to do it in person but never had the balls to! That day when Griffon yelled at me, I knew I fucked up badly, and I didn’t want to be more of a bad influence on you, so I left,” he screamed. “Each day went by as I looked at the phone, wanting to call you, but I didn’t know where to start. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left you.” His voice dropped to a whisper. There was silence as I stared at him. His tall figure slouched, and he held a gloomy expression. I watched as he took out a dress from my closet. “I was hoping that this would make you forgive me.” He held the dress by the hanger as my eyes widened. It was the same dress I found on my bed on Thanksgiving; I always wondered who got it for me.

  “I-it was you.”

  “Yeah. I asked one of my friends to drop it off, but they said you weren’t home, so he snuck into your room and placed it on your bed.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered as I thought of Keene Stoner in my room.

  “Did you wear it yet?” He put it back in the closet. I nodded, and he slowly bit his lip. “You must’ve looked stunning,” he mumbled, then turned to me. “Since I bought it.”

  I playfully rolled my eyes as he took out an outfit and tossed it onto my bed. He looked at me, then at the clothing as he licked his lips.

  “You’re gonna look hot tonight.” He winked. I watched as he walked out of the room and told me to meet him by the car.

  I locked the house, then walked to his car and got into the passenger seat. The White Stripes played as we drove. I got some of my music taste from Levi. One day I came home, and he had his friends over and “Still Waiting” by Sum 41 played, and I couldn’t help but bob my head to the music. When his friends left, I asked him what song it was, and from that moment I found bands on my own.

  The drive was quiet as we arrived in a familiar area. The streets were piled with cars as people chatted. I’ve been here with Levi before, but something else made my stomach turn. All the buildings were closed for the day, which made it the perfect spot for the youth.

  “I can’t believe you still do this,” I said as he parked the car.

  “You know me, I love to see my baby on the road,” he said as we got out of the car. Whistles and cheers surrounded us as people approached.

  “He’s back!”

  “Now the show’s getting started.”

  “Levi Radcliff, what a surprise,” a familiar voice said as I looked over my shoulder to see Keene. He’s Levi’s friend who always tagged along when he raced. Keene and I hung out, but only when Levi was around. When he left, I never saw Keene again. His messy brown hair fell onto his face as he smiled at his friend. He was two years older than me, and when it used to be the three of us, I’d always look at him as an older brother. He appreciated it since he lived in a rundown apartment. “Thought you left us for the babes in California,” Keene joked as he hugged Levi. His eyed landed on me as he let out a low whistle. He eyed me up and down as I blushed. “But I see you already got yourself one.”

  “Back off, dude. She’s mine,” Levi replied as he slung his arm around my waist. I raised a brow at him as I pulled out of his hold and approached Keene.

  “Hey, Keene,” I greeted as we hugged.

  “’Sup, Lana? Almost didn’t notice you there. Love the outfit.”


  “Yeah, I found a whole lot of new things in her closet,” Levi said as he winked at me. I rolled my eyes as I g
lanced around at the few people who watched the race. It was illegal, and I died on the inside, but what the heck? I had a rough weekend, and so far, things were going well. Levi would win like always, and we’d go home. I turned back to see Levi gone and Keene next to me. I raised a brow as I frantically searched for him but only found his car lined up for the next race.

  “Where’s Levi?” I asked.

  “He’ll be back, just sorting out a few things before the race,” Keene said as he placed his hand against the wall and leaned on it. “So did you like my gift?”

  “Yeah, but you could’ve left a note or something.” I laughed at the thought of Keene climbing into my window.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” he rhetorically asked as Levi approached us with a pack of cigarettes. I watched as he opened the pack and took out one and gave it to Keene, then one for him.

  “Remember how to smoke, princess?” Levi asked as he held a cigarette. I reached into my pocket and took out a lighter as I took the cigarette.

  “How could I forget?” I grinned. I lit it and took a drag. Levi smirked as Keene took the lighter and lit his. He blew out a smoke ring as we watched the cars. Girls passed by and eyed Levi, but once they saw me, they sent daggers. Levi was a well-known racer, he used to do it a lot in the summer, and people loved him.

  “Don’t worry…I won’t tell anyone about the pack in your room,” Levi whispered as he stood next to me. I turned to him with my brows squinted and was about to ask when a loud roar erupted. We turned our heads to see a crowd cheer. I squinted my eyes as I watched a Lamborghini Aventador turn a corner, followed by a Subaru STI, yet I noticed how touched up they were. “Who the hell are they?” Levi asked as they parked and people crowded their cars as they checked them out.

  “They’ve been coming here for the past few weeks, and they’re kind of good, man,” Keene said as we watched them get out of the car.

  “Well, they certainly haven’t gone up against me,” Levi said through gritted teeth. I almost did a double take as I saw Ethan and Carter get out of the Lamborghini and Aidan and Blake get out of the Subaru.


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