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Flawed (Caught By The Bad Boys Book 2)

Page 3

by Raathi Chota

  “You’re versing them tonight,” Keene stated as girls crowded around them.

  “Then let’s go and introduce ourselves,” Levi said with a smirk plastered on his face.

  Chapter Two


  Levi was well known in elementary school for his pranks and humorous gestures. Ethan and Aidan knew him, but Carter came in the freshman year. Blake arrived this year, so they wouldn’t know each other. I squinted my eyes as I watched everyone remark on them. Girls crowded around them as guys checked out their cars. From the corner of my eye, I saw Levi and Keene stroll toward them. I threw my cigarette on the ground and crushed it as I leaned against the wall. Levi spun around with his brow raised.

  “You coming or are you waiting for an invitation?”

  I gave him an innocent smile as I shook my head. No way would they know I was here, especially with Levi Radcliff.

  “I’m comfortable here,” I said as my eyes flicked toward the crowd. “Good luck.”

  Levi raised a brow as he took in my strange behavior. He rolled his eyes as he gestured for Keene to follow him. I wandered along the wall as I watched Levi. As soon as people spotted him, they parted like the Red Sea. Ethan leisurely leaned on his Lamborghini as Aidan sat on the hood of his Subaru. All eyes were on Levi and Keene as they approached the cars. Keene stopped in the middle as he gazed at Carter, who had a girl wrapped around his waist. I watched as Keene smirked while Levi walked around their cars and took in every detail. Aidan got off the hood of his vehicle and stared at Levi in suspicion.

  “Nice car. Too bad it’s a piece of shit,” Levi stated as he touched the Subaru.

  “Interesting,” Aidan said as he tilted his head. “Let me add that to the things I don’t give a shit about.”

  There were a few snickers and whispers as Levi strolled up to Aidan. He let out a dry laugh as he towered over him.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Aidan demanded. Levi must have found the situation hilarious as he laughed. I glanced at Ethan and noticed him eyeing Levi apprehensively. Carter received strange looks from Keene while Blake smoked.

  “Wow, your memory must suck, Rowley.”

  I couldn’t stand to hear them any longer. There was a bistro where everyone hung out while the races took place. I decided to go in there while they bickered. I entered the bistro and saw guys who appeared to be around my age and older. They gave me flirtatious looks. I rolled my eyes at them. I walked to the counter and sat down on a stool. There was a flatscreen TV displayed above showing what was going on outside; they had cameras all around the area. I could see Levi and Ethan talking, and I noticed the tenacity in their eyes. A random guy appeared and broke the two up. He must’ve said something about the race. Levi gave a simple nod as he turned to Ethan and Aidan.

  “What can I get you?” the guy behind the counter asked.

  “Water please,” I said. He smiled as he handed me the glass then turned to the TV.

  “He’s back.” The guy laughed as he looked at Levi. I glanced up to see them ready at the starting line. There were four cars at the traffic light: Levi’s Mustang, Aidan’s Subaru, Ethan’s Lamborghini, and a guy in a Chevrolet. I heard their engines from outside as they looked at each other. The camera showed each car and how it ignited. The flag girl came in the center wearing what normal flag girls did to catch everyone’s attention. Everyone in the bistro stared at the TV as she took a white flag out of her crop top. She held it up as she glanced at each racer. I sipped my water eagerly at the thought of who’d win. Keene said they’re good, but Levi’s raced for three years. It’s like everything happened in slow motion as she bent down and lowered the flag. Then they sped off.

  Chevrolet was second as Aidan led the way. Levi trailed behind, but I knew him. The Chevrolet took a right turn, and out of nowhere Ethan popped out and bolted past him. Cheers filled the room as I looked around to see a familiar blond walk in. Oh no. I looked forward as I heard Carter’s voice echo through the room. I placed my hand on my forehead to make myself less noticeable. I heard him approach girls and couldn’t help but eavesdrop. When I turned, I saw the girl slap Carter then walk out of the bistro. I laughed at his probably lame pick-up line and decided to watch as he approached another group. He said a few lame ones but ended it off with a dirty one. I almost choked on my water as I looked over my shoulder to see that the girls gaped at him. The one he said it to stomped his foot with her heel then walked off with her friends. He yelped in pain as he spun around, which made me turn back quickly. I think he caught me as I heard footsteps behind me.

  “Oh, girl, after tonight you’ll never forget my name,” he whispered. I tried so hard not to react but couldn’t help it as I spat out my water. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carter raise a brow as he sat down next to me. I turned to him, and his eyes widened. “Lana?” he exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I should ask you the same thing. What’s with the dirty pickup lines?”

  “I’m bored, and I have needs.” He winked. I scoffed as I turned back to the TV.

  Ethan was in the lead as he tried to block Levi. The Chevrolet took a chance and bolted past the both of them. Carter scrunched his nose up as he took a sip of my refilled water. I knew he thought of the pick-up line he told me, and I couldn’t help but grimace. I watched as he chugged down the whole thing then turned to me with a wicked look in his eye. “Look, Lana, you’re my friend, but I simply cannot have sex with you even though I wan—”

  “I don’t want to!”

  “Do you know how hard it was that time when I slept over?” he asked with a flustered look. “You move a lot in bed. That’s why I had to go shower before you saw my friend.”

  “Too much information there, Carter.”

  “You’re hot and everything, but I can’t bang you—besides, bro code.”


  “Strict bro code, even though I want to.”

  “I’m going to sit over there now,” I stated as I hopped off the stool and walked to the other side. I sat down and still got a view of the TV. Thankfully, Carter didn’t follow as he saw another girl. People threw profanities at the TV as I glanced up. I could tell Levi was pissed since Ethan blocked him. Levi swerved onto the sidewalk as he squeezed his way past Ethan. I smirked as I watched Levi catch up to Aidan and the guy with the Chevrolet.

  “Well, you seem lonely.” A deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I spun around to see a guy who looked to be a few years older than me. He had long brunette hair and a pointy nose.

  “Nope,” I replied, then looked at the screen but noticed that he took a seat beside me.

  “You look pretty bored.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “I can keep you comp—”

  “There you are, gorgeous!” a familiar voice said as the guy dropped his hand. I watched as Carter squeezed in between us and literally blocked the guy from physical contact with me. “Who’s your friend?”


  Carter let out a snort as he took in Brooke’s appearance. “Brooke?”

  “Yeah got a problem?” Brooke asked. I face palmed myself because I knew what was coming.

  “That’s a girl name,” Carter stated as I rolled my eyes.

  “No, it’s not. Do I look like a girl to you?”

  “Well, err…yeah,” Carter said as he pointed to the long hair. Brooke stood up and towered over Carter as he clenched his fists. “I have slept with two Brookes, and they were definitely females, so I don’t know what happened to you, bro.”

  Brooke let out a dry laugh as he ran his hand through his hair. I stood up and hid behind Carter, who seemed as big as his freaking ego.

  “I’m going to give you three seconds to run, and if you’re not gone, I’m going to beat the shit out of you, Blondie,” Brooke hissed.

  “Surprised you can actually count that high.”

  “Carter!” I yelled as I tugged on his arm.


  “You’re almost there.”

  I grabbed Carter by the ear and dragged him out of the bistro. I mouthed a “sorry” to Brooke, who glared at us. Once we were outside, I let go of him and watched as he rubbed his ear in pain.

  “You have a tight grip,” he moaned as he caressed his ear.

  “And you are the stupidest person ever! Brooke is a unisex name!”

  “I know, I just wanted to have fun.” Carter winked.

  “Come on, let’s go inside, and if he’s there, I’m leaving you,” I stated, since the race was almost finished and I wanted to see who won. Carter nodded and walked in front of me as we strolled back to the pub. He raised a hand and told me to wait while he peeked inside for Brooke.

  “The she-male is gone,” he whispered. I rolled my eyes at his immature behavior as we walked into the bistro. We decided to sit in a booth where we’d still see the TV. Everyone was occupied with the television as the race went on. I watched as Levi sped past Ethan and drove side by side with Aidan. The finish line was close as both cars leaped forward. Ethan caught up too as I bit the inside of my cheek. The guy with the Chevrolet was nowhere to be found as everyone focused on the three.

  “Come on, Levi,” I mumbled. Then what happened next took us by surprise as Levi swerved into Aidan’s car and made him hit the brakes. All sorts of reactions spread through the room as people gasped, cheered, yelled, and some even ran outside. I watched as Ethan hit the brakes too because if he didn’t, he would’ve driven right into Aidan.

  “What the fuck?” Carter yelled as he rose to his feet. Then like always, Levi sped past the finish line as people applauded. I watched as Carter stared at the TV in disbelief, and I grinned. I approached him with a blank look on my face as I tapped him on the shoulder. “I’m gonna check if they’re okay.”

  “No, wait!” I said, then pulled him back. “You can’t let them know that I’m here.”

  “Why are you here in the first place, Lana?”

  I anxiously licked my lips as I looked at the TV, then Carter. He followed my gaze as his eyes widened.

  “You’re with him?” he demanded as he pointed to the screen, which showed Levi.

  “Well, no and yes. Please, Carter, I don’t want any more trouble,” I begged. He let out a deep sigh as he looked at me, then the TV. I watched as he ran his hand through his blond locks and shrugged.

  “Fine, but then we act as if this whole ‘pick up line’ moment never happened, okay?” he asked with a grin.


  He smiled as he walked out of the bistro, and I bit my lip agitatedly. I glanced back at the TV and saw Aidan’s car stopped. As soon as it was parked, Aidan jumped out of the vehicle, followed by Blake, who sat in the passenger seat. They darted toward Levi, who smirked as people congratulated him. My eyes widened, as I knew what would happen, so I bolted toward the exit. I stood in the shadows as I watched Aidan approach Levi with a furious look.

  “The fuck was that?” Aidan yelled as he pushed past the people.

  “That was street racing…” Levi sarcastically replied.

  “Dude, not cool,” Blake said as he checked out Levi’s car. I watched in amusement as Blake took out a cigarette and lit it, then took a drag and blew in Levi’s face.

  “Well, then, tell your titan-ass friend over there to not block like a freaking granny.” Levi pointed at Ethan.

  “That doesn’t mean you have to ruin my car!” Aidan yelled as he stood in front of Levi.

  “Told you it’s a shit car.” Levi shrugged. Aidan was about to punch Levi, but Blake stopped him. I raised a brow as Blake slowly shook his head and glared at his cousin.

  “Who are you?” Ethan piped up.

  “You’ll find out soon, Eth.” Levi winked as Aidan rolled his eyes.

  “Whatever. Come on, guys,” he said as everyone followed him toward the bistro. I tried to mix in with the crowd as they passed yet looked at Blake. He had a cold look as he gazed at Levi’s Mustang. They locked eyes as they gave each other a once over. They were similar in a way. Both had tattoos, leather jackets galore, and a nose piercing in the same place, undoubtedly giving the bad boy façade. The only difference was the color of their eyes…Levi had blue eyes, and Blake had brown. Blake gave a nod to Levi as he walked away. Once the coast was clear, I approached Levi and Keene. They leaned on the hood of the car as they smoked.

  “I still got it!” Levi sang as he spotted me.

  “You’re an ass.”

  “Oh, come on. I spiced things up, didn’t I?”

  “You’re not even here twenty-four hours, and you’re already making enemies.”

  “Hey, at least that guy with the tattoos is cool.” He winked. “Remind you of someone?”

  “One asshole recognizes another asshole.”

  “You know him?” Levi asked as he tilted his head.

  “Unfortunately,” I mumbled. Levi nodded liberally as he dumped his cigarette on the ground. Keene hopped off the hood and hugged Levi.

  “Bye, Keene,” I said, then let his arms wrap around me.

  “See you guys later,” he said and backed away. “And stay out of trouble, Radcliff!”

  “Can’t make any promises!” Levi said as I chuckled. We got into his car and drove home. I was surprised he didn’t have a girl with him before we got home. When he won, he usually had a girl in the backseat, and they’d bang. Ugh. I’d be off with Keene in the bistro until he was done. The thought of him in the back with another girl made me cringe. “Man, I never thought Ethan Baxter would do racing,” Levi broke the silence. It was kind of interesting that Levi remembered Ethan and Aidan yet they couldn’t recognize him.

  “What do you expect? He literally comes to school with a new car every week,” I said as Levi frowned.

  “Sad they don’t remember me.”

  “Well, you’ve changed. You have tattoos, a piercing, and you’re taller and muscular.”

  “Hmm, so I’m muscular, hey?” he asked with a grin. I playfully punched him in the shoulder, and he laughed. I glanced at the time and saw that it was almost eleven p.m. If our parents were home, they’d be furious. Yet Levi was the eldest, so I’d blame it on hi—oh, wait, I’m in charge. I bit the inside of my cheek as we turned onto my street. My house was completely dark with only the porch light on. They must’ve piled into one car since Dad’s police car was in the driveway along with Richard’s car. Levi parked his car in front of the house, and we got out. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a light approach us.

  “Oh, shit,” I muttered as I quickened my pace.

  “No! You locked the whole god damn house,” Levi said as he gripped my wrist. “Let’s go around the back.”

  He pulled me toward him as we ran around the house to where my window was. I glanced at the big tree in front of it and gulped.

  “Come on, quick,” Levi said as he crouched down by the tree and held his hands out.

  “I’ve never climbed a tree before. You know I’m afraid of heights!” I called out.

  “Well, now it’s time to face that fear or our parents!” Levi hissed as he entwined his hands together. I let out a sigh as I stepped onto his hands so that he’d push me up. I grabbed onto the branch as I swung my leg over it and crawled to my window. The tree shook as Levi’s weight was put on it. I heard voices from the front. I let out a yelp as I felt him smack my butt. “Today still, princess!”

  “Hold your freaking horses and don’t spank me!” I scoffed as I reached my window. Thankfully, it wasn’t locked as I pushed it up and open. I quickly snuck inside and immediately ran toward my closet. I heard voices downstairs as I hunted for my pajamas. I ripped the leather jacket off as soon as I could.

  “Well, you’re eager,” Levi said as he saw my underwear. I rolled my eyes as I slipped on my pajamas and put my hair up into a ponytail. I heard footsteps from outside my door as I turned to Levi. He was there a second ago. I glanced at my bathroom and noticed a shadow underneath it. My room door flew open as Dad and Jade came into th
e room. My eyes widened, as the first place they looked was the bed.

  “Where’s Levi?” Jade asked as I plopped down on my bed.

  “He’s in the bathroom.”

  “Okay, well, err…goodnight, honey,”

  “Goodnight, Dad, goodnight, Aunt Jade,” I responded. As soon as they were out of the room, my bathroom door burst open with Levi in a white tee and jeans. His hair was in all directions as he grinned at me.

  “Wasn’t that fun?”

  “Sure, even though we almost got caught,” I muttered as I crawled into the warmth of my bed.

  “Uh huh…there’s more where that came from.” He winked then walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes for what seemed to be the millionth time today as I turned on my side. I turned the light off, and somehow, I fell asleep faster than any other night.


  It’s weird that on Friday night everyone came to sleep over and we ended up in the living room, thus allowing me to sleep. On Saturday night, I slept in Benny’s basement like a baby. Now I’m up in my room, and it’s the first night in weeks that I’ve gotten real sleep in this room. My eyes fluttered open as I stared at the ceiling. I haven’t slept so well in a very long time. The sun shone through the window. The sweet cologne lingered through the air as light snores filled my ea—wait, what? I turned my head to see black hair beside me, my eyes widened as I glanced down to see his tattooed arm wrapped loosely around my torso. I flicked Levi’s hair, and he groaned. I let out a huff as I pried his arm off me and got up. I literally groaned as the thought of school entered my mind.

  “What the hell are you doing in my bed?” I demanded as I got up. I folded my arms over my chest as I stared at him. He turned over so that he was on his back as he rubbed his eyes. Once he was done, he stretched his arms and placed them behind his head as he watched me.

  “It’s cold down there.”

  “And you couldn’t ask for more blankets?”


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