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Destiny In Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 20

by Vella Day

  Declan lifted her up and carried her inside. “If anyone saw your skin change colors or mine turn red, there would be too many questions.”

  Oh, crap. She’d actually forgotten that people on Earth didn’t know dragons existed—other than her family, of course. “You’re right. Come in.”

  He set her down. “I can’t tell you how excited I am to see you,” Declan said.

  “I’ve been dying myself.”

  “Is that Declan?” her mother called.


  Her mom came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. “Good to see you Declan. Sort of. I mean you’re here to take Chelsea back, I presume.”


  “We will surely miss her.”

  Chelsea stepped away from Declan and hugged her mom. “I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”

  “Or we can bring you to Tarradon once the baby is born,” Declan said.

  “Or sooner,” Chelsea chimed in.

  “Really?” her mother asked.

  Her mom might sound excited now, but when the time came, she might chicken out even though Finn and Kaleena had come and gone with no ill effects. “I’d love for you to come and help with the baby,” Chelsea said.

  “Oh, sweetheart. It’s a deal. Can you stay for a bit before you head back?”

  Declan nodded. “If you have any of that tea you make, I will.”

  Mom grinned. “Coming right up.”

  As soon as she disappeared into the kitchen, Chelsea led Declan into the living room. “I take it you found the shifters?”

  “We did.” He explained how he’d followed Stick and his associate into some caves. “I wanted Stick alive so I could question him, but he attacked me. I had no choice but to take him out.”

  “In a way, I’m glad. What he did was really bad.”

  “The accomplice is in custody, but he’s not talking.”

  She scooted closer to Declan and rubbed her hand down his thigh. That was probably a mistake because she wanted to make love with him really badly. “How are the shifters doing?”

  “I left them in the good hands of Primrose and Acacia.”

  “Did any of them remember what happened?” Chelsea’s memory still hadn’t fully returned despite Sanditra being dead.

  “I didn’t question them for long. I was in too big of a hurry to get back to you.”

  She placed her head on his chest. “Aw. You are so sweet. I’ve missed you so much.”

  He turned toward her, lifted her chin, and kissed her.

  “Tea anyone?” her mother said with joy.

  Chelsea jackknifed up. It was as if she were still in school. “You startled me,” Chelsea said.

  Her mother just laughed and set the tea in front of them. “How long do you think you can stay?”

  Chelsea’s eyes widened. “The shelter! I forgot all about it.”

  “What about it, dear?” her mother asked.

  “I just realized that if the owner and his partner are dead, the animals are left unattended.”

  “Oh, my. That means you have to go, right?”

  She looked over at Declan. “Can we go now?”


  After they finished their tea, they stood. Chelsea’s dad came in from outside. “Mom tells me you have to leave?”

  She hated to see the disappointment on his face, but she’d be devastated if the animals died because of neglect. “Yes.”

  She hugged her father and then her mother. “I love you two so much. Mom promised to visit. I hope you can join her too?”

  “I’d love that,” her dad said.

  Knowing that she’d see them again soon, her anxiety level lessened. “Say goodbye to everyone for me.”

  “We will.”

  Once outside, Declan pulled out a scale from his pocket. “It’s time for you to learn how to make a portal.”

  “Me?” Chelsea was so excited.

  “You’re mated to a Guardian. It’s time you learn.”

  “What do I need to do?”

  He waved the scale and then handed it to her. “Make a big circle clockwise three times and then two circles counterclockwise. While you are doing that, picture the location of the shelter.”

  This was exciting and scary at the same time. “What if I mess up?”

  Declan laughed. “Then we’ll have a long flight ahead of us.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “I did it!” Chelsea exclaimed.

  Most likely, Declan had interfered and guided them to the shelter, but knowing she could move from Earth to Tarradon in a few seconds thrilled her.

  Declan wrapped an arm around her waist. “You sure did.”

  Several of the animals outside barked. “Give me a minute to feed them, okay?”

  “That’s why we came. I can help too if you tell me what to do.”

  She so loved him. “How about if I take care of those outside, and you look after the sick ones.”

  He held up a hand. “I’d like to help, but my magic doesn’t extend to animals—only shifters.

  She slowly smiled. “If you can shift into a wolf, maybe you inherited some of my other traits. I can heal animals but not humans.”

  His eyes shone. “If that’s the case, perhaps you can heal shifters now too.”

  Chelsea giggled. “Wouldn’t that be fantastic?”

  He tapped her butt. “You feed them, and I’ll see what I can do to help.”

  For the next forty-five minutes, Chelsea scurried around to make sure the animals were watered and fed. Tomorrow, she’d return and take them out for their runs. Damn Stick. Why did he have to become involved in something illegal? He’d been a good vet. These animals needed him.

  The door to the office opened, and Declan strutted out with a self-satisfied smirk. He tapped his chest. “I am now an even more powerful healer.”

  She grinned. “What did you do?”

  “There was a bird with a fever that I healed.”

  She rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I hope this doesn’t give you a big head. You have enough powers.”

  “I promise to remain humble.” Declan leaned over and kissed her.

  Her cells glowed, and her sparks flew. Her need knew no bounds, but making love here was not going to happen. Slightly out of breath, she leaned back. “How about we take this someplace else?”

  Declan stroked her face. “Where do you have in mind?”

  “Hmm. It’s still daylight. I bet the view from on top of the mountain where we first made love would be fantastic.”

  “It is, but I know of another spot a bit more private with a great view too. It’s a twenty-minute flight. You up for it?”

  Chelsea reached out and cupped his balls. “If you are.”

  Declan dropped back his head and laughed. “I’ll never be able to thank Fate enough for taking me to you.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet her someday.”

  His brows furrowed. “On Tarradon, Fate is not a person.”

  “She is on Earth. Maybe you’re wrong, and Fate is a person here too.”

  He tapped her nose. “Maybe. Ready?”

  “You bet.”

  They both shifted. Declan soared upward, and Chelsea had to work to keep up with him. Finn had told her all about his learning curve when it came to riding the currents and using them to glide, but Chelsea didn’t have the luxury of practicing much first.

  Declan must have sensed she was working hard, because he slowed down. Instead of coming alongside, he moved in front, and the wind resistance immediately lessened, allowing her to fly using less energy.

  Once she wasn’t working so hard to fly, Chelsea could enjoy the amazingly lush countryside. Not that Tennessee wasn’t a spectacularly beautiful place, it was just that she rarely saw Silver Lake from this kind of vantage point.

  The next time she returned to Earth, she’d be sure to stop by and thank Ronan and Blair for needing Declan. If Ronan hadn’t had that terrible curse
put on him that prevented him from healing, Declan never would have been called down from Tarradon to heal Ronan—and she never would have met her mate.

  “See that mountain crest to the east?” Declan telepathed.


  “That’s where we’re going. We’ll land on the outskirts of the forest, shift into our wolf form and run in. Needless to say, I’ve never had the luxury of being in my wolf form there.”

  Chelsea loved that she could give Declan some of her magic. To think she’d always believed she had gained the most from their mating. It seemed as if he was just as happy.

  It wasn’t long before he swooped lower, and Chelsea followed him. He found the most perfect spot to touch down. No doubt he probably could have landed on a rock outcropping, but she would have struggled. She needed a lot more practice before she would have her landing legs.

  Once on the ground, Chelsea shifted. “That was amazing! I think I’ll be spending a lot of my days in the air instead of running in the woods.”

  Declan moved closer, blue sparks shooting off his body. “Come here, my little fly girl. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you love to be in the air as much as I do.”

  “Now how about shifting into your wolf and take me to your den of sin?”

  Declan cracked up. “It would be my pleasure. Are you rested enough to keep up?”

  She wagged a finger at him. “You never have to worry about me keeping up with you.”

  “I was talking about racing through the forest.”

  She shrugged. “That too.”

  To show him she was at full strength, she shifted. Not knowing the way, she had to let Declan lead. Otherwise, she would have left him in the dust. Running behind him had an advantage in that she could admire his muscular body. He was a combination of black and gray with brown mixed in around his snout. He was truly an impressive animal.

  Chelsea had to concede that his strength and stamina was also impressive. After fifteen minutes at a full-out run, she worried a little that she might be too tired for what she had in mind.

  They mostly kept to the paths, but at times, he’d cut through the forest, avoiding the switchbacks. Birds chirped, and the sound of a river finally reached her ears. They came to an outcropping of rocks, and Declan slowed in order to squeeze through a small crevice. She couldn’t imagine why they had to go to such lengths. Their destination must be spectacular.

  When they made it through the narrow confines of the rocks, they were greeted with the most beautiful sight. In front of them was a small lake surrounded by forest. Declan shifted, and Chelsea followed suit.

  “Well? It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Declan asked.

  In awe, Chelsea moved next to him. “How did you ever find this place?”

  “From flying overhead. I’ve only been here once, many years ago. You up for a swim?”

  She was hot and needed to cool off. “You bet.”

  Chelsea lifted off her shirt and was about to unhook her bra when she noticed Declan was just standing there. “Are you planning on swimming in your clothes?”

  “No, but I don’t want to miss seeing you naked. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Heat raced up her face. “If you missed me that much, then I hope you’ll want to make love with me.”

  “You know I do.”

  “Want me to undress you?”

  He laughed. “That would end in my dragging you to the ground and having my way with you, and I don’t think you’d like me all sweaty.”

  She planned to be plenty sweaty once they started making love. “Then strip.”

  As if she’d challenged him to a race, he ditched his shoes, pants, and shirt before she could unhook her bra and step out of her jeans.

  Because she was from Tennessee, where the waters were cold much of the year, she ran across the small sandy shore and dove in. When she surfaced, Declan was only up to his ankles.

  “Aren’t you freezing?” he asked.

  “No. I’m used to the cold. If you come here, I’ll warm you up.”

  Declan grinned and dove in. He didn’t surface until he’d gathered her in his arms. Naked chest pressed to her breasts, his heat seared her. “Alone at last,” he whispered.

  “Those are the best words ever,” she said.

  Chelsea wrapped her legs around his waist, and her pussy went crazy. The lake water shimmered with the light from their blue and red scales. When their lips finally met, she pressed on his shoulders to raise and lower her body, loving how slick she was against his cock.

  He slipped his tongue in her mouth, and both of Chelsea’s animals fought for a front row seat. Nothing in the world would or could come between them now. Even if a busload of people suddenly appeared on the edge of the lake and started clapping, she wouldn’t stop. Her need for him was that great. Maybe it was the fact that the threat against her was gone or that Declan had come out unscathed, but this was where she needed to be.

  When he slid his hands down the sides of her body, his thumbs brushed her breasts. She tried to reach his cock, but too many body parts were in the way.

  “Let me,” he said.

  Declan arched his back, reached between them, and deftly slipped his cock straight into her, lighting her up from the inside out. “I’ve missed you,” she managed to say.

  “I’ve thought of nothing else since I dropped you off at your parents’ house. Knowing I could only have you back once I found those shifters made for a powerful and quick search.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad. Now, kiss me.”

  “Happy to oblige.”

  Every thrust of their tongues took her higher and higher. Adding to the immense pleasure was how Declan matched the movements with his thick cock, his strokes strong and urgent. Wanting to participate more fully, she had to dig her fingers into his shoulders for support because he was so slippery.

  Declan held her close with one arm while he clutched a handful of hair with the other. They devoured each other with their kisses. Waves lapped around them, and every time he drove into her, he kicked up sand from the lake bottom.

  Needing air, she broke the kiss and gulped in oxygen. Her fangs sharpened as did her claws, though she didn’t want to look and see if she was more wolf or dragon. Declan’s mouth lowered to that delicate spot where her neck met her shoulder, and she found the same place on him.

  They both grunted and groaned, clearly trying to hold out for the epic climax that was sure to come. As if they had signaled each other, his fangs sank into her neck at the same time she bit him. The orgasm she’d been holding back burst forth, and she let out a scream. Declan tightened his hold on her and let loose too, his hot seed burning deep inside her. She dropped her head on his shoulder and sagged. A few seconds later, her legs gave way, and she lowered her feet to the bottom.

  Holding her chest against his, Declan floated on his back with her on top and slowly kicked his way to shore. It was the best ride ever. When they floated up to within a few feet of the beach, he sat on the sand and lifted her onto his lap.

  “Doesn’t your cock ever deflate?” she asked for the umpteenth time.

  He laughed. “I imagine it will eventually, but not when you’re in my arms. I can’t help but be ready to go again.”

  “Give me a minute.”

  “You can have all the time in the world. No one is around, and I doubt anyone will come here. Think of this as our own private retreat.”

  She studied him. “Don’t tell me you bought this property?”

  “No, but I could.”

  Chelsea smiled. “Good to know.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder, content to be in his arms, his comfort erasing the horror of her short captivity. For the rest of her life, she was determined to make Tarradon a better place for her children and all other children.

  She lifted her head. “Did I tell you that I love you?”

  “Hmm.” He dragged a hand down his chin. “Can’t say that you’ve ever have.”

She laughed. “Then I guess I know what I’ll be doing from now on.”

  “And I’ll do the same. Have you recovered yet from your swim?”


  Declan slipped her off his lap and leaned her back, making sure that her head rested on the grassy edge. “I’m hungry again. For you.”

  With that he began his feast, and Chelsea was sure nothing would surpass it. Life with Declan Sinclair would be wonderful. Not only was he the noblest of shifters, he would make the absolute best father.

  Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive three free books, as well as up-to-date information on my stories. If you prefer to only receive notices regarding my releases, follow me on BookBub.

  I hope you enjoyed Chelsea and Declan’s story. Next up is Angelique and Thane’s story, called PASSIONATE FLAMES.

  Here is the first chapter:

  “You’re pregnant?” Angelique Carson asked with as much surprise as she could pull off. Given her whole being was created in order to watch over the children of the Guardians, she’d been well aware of her friend’s condition for a while. First came Chelsea McKinnon, who would bear a child in about six months, and now Kaleena Sinclair.

  “I just found out!”

  “How far along are you?”

  Kaleena placed a hand on her stomach. “Two months.”

  Angelique smiled. “What an exciting time for you.” She waved for one of the servers in her coffee shop to come over.

  Shannon rushed to their table. “What can I get you?”

  “Can you bring us two coffees?” Angelique asked. “We need to celebrate.”

  “Absolutely,” her second in command said with a smile.

  Not only did she want to celebrate, Angelique also wanted to spend a bit more time with her best friend. Kaleena was always working and never took enough time for herself. Now more than ever, she needed to learn to relax.

  “Make mine a tea,” Kaleena said. Shannon nodded and hurried off. “Finn keeps telling me all of his Earth stories about how bad caffeine is for the baby.”

  Angelique smiled. From what she’d been told, that wasn’t the case on Tarradon, but she didn’t feel it was her place to say anything. “I’m surprised you left work in the middle of the day, but I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve missed our chats.” Kaleena never played hooky.


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