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Destiny In Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 21

by Vella Day

  She sighed. “Normally, I wouldn’t have left, but Finn made me promise to ask if you would put a protective sac around our baby—like the one you did for Chelsea. Even though I won’t be entering into any dragon battles any time soon, Finn, as well as many of my family members, is worried that something might come up where I’ll be forced to fight. He wants our child to be safe.”

  So did she. “I totally understand.”

  Kaleena leaned forward. “I’ll admit it bugs me they think just because I’m pregnant that I’m helpless. I’m not. I can defend myself. I’ve proved that time and time again. I so want to fly and engage in a little sparring.” She glanced at the ceiling. “Doing battle invigorates me.”

  Angelique loved her friend’s passion but not her decision to act recklessly, especially now. “I can teach you some meditation that will keep the baby safe once I put the protective spell on your child. I can also guide you on to how to fight safely should the need arise.”

  Kaleena reached across the table and grasped Angelique’s hand. “Really? But you’re not a shifter.”

  “I know, but I’ve been watching fights for a while now.” She winked.

  Kaleena’s shoulders relaxed. “You’re the best. When can we get together? I can train whenever you are free.”

  “How about tomorrow around five? Melissa and Shannon can run the coffee shop without me for a few hours.”


  They discussed where to meet and decided the Sinclair Mines would provide a place where Angelique could work in private to keep the baby safe as well as show Kaleena some safe flying techniques in the large field behind the main offices.

  They chatted a bit about how things were going with Angelique’s new coffee shop and what else she was up to. “Basically, things have been great. Life has been calm since the incident with Chelsea,” Angelique said. “That was the last real adrenaline rush I’ve had. Ever since then it’s been business as usual.”

  “That was an adventure—or rather a painful misadventure. I can’t tell you how much better I feel knowing that bitch Sanditra is dead. She nearly ruined my life.”

  Angelique held up a finger. “As horrible as your incarceration was, if it hadn’t been for that dark lighter, Finn might not have traveled from Earth to Tarradon to save you, which means you still might not be with your mate.”

  Kaleena chuckled. “There is that.”

  Their second round of drinks arrived, and they chatted about Kaleena’s family for a bit. Angelique noticed that her friend brought up her brother Thane’s name a lot. Yes, whimsical Fate had decided now that Angelique was in this human form, she should have a mate, and that mate was Thane, but it was hard not to let on that she knew.

  There was no denying that the man was gorgeous, powerful, and highly driven, but Angelique’s main job on Tarradon was to protect the progeny of Guardians—not have hot sex all day long. When all of the Sinclair and Caspian children were grown, she’d focus on her own pleasure.

  Shattering dishes broke their intimate conversation. “Really? I guess I should deal with that. Drinks are on the house,” Angelique said as she scooted out of the booth. “Tomorrow at the mine at five.”

  Kaleena smiled. “See you then. And thank you.”

  Angelique went about her business, while Kaleena finished her drink before leaving. Even though running the coffee shop gave her something to do while she waited for Chelsea’s and now Kaleena’s baby to arrive, Angelique loved this place. It gave her a chance to talk to people all day long, which was something she sorely missed when she was a white light entity in another realm.

  The delivery of the wood Thane Sinclair had ordered for the obstacle course he was building behind the mine was delayed until tomorrow morning. Crap. He already had delayed all training with the Guardians or anyone else for that matter in order to complete the course. This delay put a further kink in his plans. He needed this last piece to be finished before he could return to his fitness center in town.

  Now that he had some free time, he stopped by his family’s mining office to see if anyone could use his help. They often asked him to run down delinquent accounts because after one look at his muscular body, the mining businessmen usually paid up pronto. He never had to threaten anyone with violence—not that he would—because the Sinclair name and his apparent fierce look were enough to squeeze the last dollar out of a person.

  Thane entered the office and looked to see who was there. Declan’s office was empty, but Finn McKinnon was there. He knocked on his door and entered.

  “Hey,” Finn said. “How’s the obstacle course coming? You finish it yet?”

  Thane explained about the delay. “Because of that, I have some time and wondered if you needed a hand.”

  Finn’s brows rose. “As a matter of fact, I was just about to call you.”

  He hadn’t expected that. “About what?”

  “I have some good news.”

  Thane could use some of that. He pulled up a chair and faced Finn’s desk. “What is it?”

  “I am going to be a dad. We just found out that Kaleena is two months pregnant!”

  Thane reached out and pumped Finn’s extended fist. “Awesome, man. That’s so exciting. Uncle Thane has a nice ring to it.” Actually, Kaleena told him two days ago but made him promise not to let on that he knew.

  “It is, but the bad news is that my stubborn mate refuses to slow down. She sees no reason not to engage in battle should the Guardians need her.”

  Thane almost chuckled. “My sister always was stubborn. When she comes for her usual training I’ll make sure to take it easy.”

  Finn shook his head. “You know that no matter what you say, she’ll work twice as hard as before to prove to you that she will always be ready—baby or not.”

  What Finn said was true. Thane leaned back in his chair. “Then I’ll ask her to stop by here tomorrow for some special training. That way she won’t have anyone to compete against. I’ll do some research on how she can protect her child while she executes the maneuvers. You know as well as I that neither Declan nor Dad would ever put her in the field now.”

  Finn blew out a breath. “Neither will I, but sometimes she doesn’t listen to anyone. Can you text her with a time and place? She’ll think I’m just an over protective mate if I deliver the message.”

  Thane smiled. “Can do.”

  He couldn’t be more pleased that his sister was having a baby. That would make two new little Sinclair Guardians ready to greet the world. A twang of jealousy surfaced at that thought. He’d always wanted a child, but considering how Angelique always ended their far and few between dates with a chaste kiss, he wouldn’t be mating with her anytime soon.

  To avoid what little relationship they had between them, he’d stopped being near her. He just couldn’t handle it. His dragon kept breathing fire inside his gut from wanting her so much. After he’d fought Sanditra, Angelique had brought him back from the brink of death. From that moment on, his need for her had grown to the point of distraction.

  “Later, Finn.”

  Thane left his office and headed home. After doing a bit of research on how to protect a pregnant dragon during battle, Thane contacted Kaleena and told her Finn had let the cat out of the bag.

  “I want to go over some fighting techniques that will keep you and the baby safe.”

  “Thank you, but everyone is way over protective. It’s not like I’m the first dragon to have a child.”

  He almost smiled at her defiance. “True. Can you meet me at the Sinclair Mine tomorrow at five? I want to have a one-to-one with you. Onlookers tend to distract.”

  She hesitated for a moment, and then practically giggled. “That’s perfect timing!”

  In all honesty, Thane thought Kaleena would balk at having to tone down her training. He was just pleased he’d dodged an argument.

  Assuming the wood he needed would be delivered tomorrow morning as promised, he would be at the mines all day working on the
final stages of building the obstacle course. Having her come to the mines around five would be ideal.

  In need of some relaxation after the mess up with the material delivery, Thane headed over to the Wing’s Bar. He loved they had a flat roof on which to land, along with a stairwell that exited out to the back of the bar. Not that all of the customers were dragon shifters, but the majority were. Since parking around the bar was a bitch, flying was much easier.

  Tonight was Finn’s night off to bartend, so Thane ordered his scotch from Barry who unfortunately wasn’t as generous with the whiskey as Finn. Once Barry delivered his drink, Thane spun around on his bar stool to watch the patrons. People watching was one of his favorite pastimes.

  Halfway into his drink, his skin prickled and his gold scales flickered under his skin. Shit. Here he thought he’d have a nice relaxing evening. Nope. Angelique had to show up, messing with his libido something fierce. While he always enjoyed watching his beautiful mate, when she acted as if he wasn’t anything special, it drove him crazy. She might only be a white lighter and not a shifter, but even she’d admitted one night that they were mates. Why she wouldn’t do anything about it was anyone’s guess. Hell, he could see from the way her eyes sparkled and her skin pulsed white that she wanted him. Something was holding her back, only she refused to tell him what it was. But Thane Sinclair wasn’t a Guardian for nothing. He’d find out one way or the other.

  Laughter floated his way. When he spotted his fair-haired beauty, his pulse soared once more. Thane waited for Angelique to turn toward him and at least wave, but instead she wove her way down the aisle between the tables, smiling at two of her friends. One of the women with her was Melissa, but he couldn’t remember the other one’s name. Both, however, worked at her coffee shop.

  He chugged the rest of his drink. While Thane should probably leave, he wasn’t ready. Just because the woman who made his scales glow and his cock hard had entered the bar, it didn’t mean he should cut short his relaxation time.

  Soon, this teasing affair had to end though. Angelique was his mate, and he was determined to win her over.

  “Thane’s staring at you again,” Melissa said with too much glee.

  “Is that so?” Angelique said, attempting to act nonchalant. She never should have sat in the booth facing him, but she couldn’t help it. Thane was hot, especially with his tanned skin, short dark hair, and square jaw—not to mention those piercing green eyes.

  Angelique probably should give some excuse to leave, but she’d asked her two employees out for a drink to celebrate the half-year anniversary of the opening of Angelique’s Coffee Shop, and she’d be damned if Thane Sinclair was going to ruin it.

  “Hey, if you don’t want him, would you mind if I give him a shot?” Melissa asked.

  An unexpected and unwanted surge of lust slammed into her that she refused to call jealousy. Sure, they were mates, but Fate never said she needed to do anything about it right away. Angelique would have urged Melissa to have a go at him, but her friend would only be disappointed when she found out nothing could come from it. Thane seemed to have his sights on Angelique, and she suspected no other woman would be able to change his mind. “I heard he’s engaged or something.”

  Melissa’s eyes widened. “Really? You’d never know it. I’ve never seen him with anyone. Remember, when he used to come into the coffee shop when we first opened?”

  How could she not? Her white light had pulsed from the inside out. “I recall him coming in a few times.”

  “He was always alone. If he has a lady friend, where is she?”

  “Next time we chat, I’ll ask him.” Angelique smiled. As if some guardian angel was watching, a server rushed over to take their drink orders.

  Angelique looked at her two friends. “How about we split a pitcher of Sangria?”

  Before Finn arrived from Earth, the drink didn’t exist. He’d introduced Edendale to the delicious concoction, and it was a big hit at the bar.

  “I’m game,” Shannon said.

  “Me too,” Melissa chimed in.

  Their server said he’d be right back.

  Angelique had been looking forward to tonight, but maybe it had been a mistake to come to the one place Thane often frequented. After Kaleena had talked about how Thane had been building some huge obstacle course, her imagination had gone wild thinking about what his calloused palms could do to her body. She hated when she let her imagination run wild, but somehow she was powerless to stop herself from thinking about him. Had she known he’d be there tonight, she might have suggested a different location.

  Or… had she secretly wanted to run into him? Sheesh. She was slowly falling apart with indecision, which wasn’t good on any level. At some point, she just might have to jump his bones to get him out of her system. Fate had been cruel in giving her two tasks: ensure the safety of the Guardian children and deal with a mate. One or the other she could handle. Both at the same time was just too much.

  “Why don’t you go over there and talk to him?” Shannon urged. “I swear I saw his arms pulse gold when he looked at you. He wants you.” She sighed. “I bet he is as beautiful a dragon as he is a man.”

  Angelique never should have told these humans that Thane was a shifter, but when they’d asked for details about how she had helped save Chelsea from the dark lighter, she had to give them some information.

  “Thane Sinclair is a warrior. He spends his whole life training people to fight. He’s just not my type.” She hoped no darkness started to grow inside her from that lie.

  In truth, growing up Angelique never believed it was possible for her to have a mate given she was pure light, but once she saw Thane, she understood why Fate had paired him with her. Her purpose in life had always been to help people from afar. It wasn’t until she was called to this realm that she’d even had a body. Too bad, it had to be one that was sensitive to a man’s touch—or rather to Thane’s touch.

  When Angelique had first shown up in Thedia province, it had taken her months to learn how to interact with people effectively. She had to learn which people were good and which ones were bad, but when she did help them, it had been a rush.

  To fully understand what humans and shifters were thinking and how and why they reacted the way they did, she’d engaged in many activities—the most pleasurable of which was sex. Even though it was nice, she was a bit disappointed that the world didn’t stand still as so many had claimed it would—that was until she came near Thane. No, they’d not engaged in that carnal pleasure—and wouldn’t be a long time—but the few little kisses she’d had when he said goodnight had done more to stimulate her than any full-blown encounter ever had.

  She almost smiled at the memory of how her body had screamed mate-mate as soon as she met him. Finding Thane so soon after her arrival to this realm had been a shock, but there was nothing wrong with waiting a few hundred more years—assuming she could hold out that long.


  Awakened By Flames (book 1)

  Seduced By Flames (book 2)

  Kissed By Flames (book 3)

  Destiny In Flames (book 4)

  Passionate Flames (book 5)


  A Magical Shift (book 1) – FREE

  Catching Her Bear (book 2)

  Surge of Magic (book 3)

  The Bear’s Forbidden Wolf (book 4)

  Box Set(books 1-4)

  Her Reluctant Bear (book 5)

  Freeing His Tiger (book 6)

  Protecting His Wolf (book 7)

  Waking His Bear (book 8)

  Melting Her Wolf’s Heart (book 9)

  Her Wolf’s Guarded Heart (book 10)

  His Rogue Bear (book 11)

  PACK WARS (Paranormal)

  Training Their Mate (book 1) – FREE

  Claiming Their Mate (book 2)

  Rescuing Their Virgin Mate (book 3)

  Loving Their Vixen Mate (book 4)

ng For Their Mate (book 5)

  Enticing Their Mate (book 6)

  Boxed Set (books 1-3)

  Boxed Set (books 1-4)

  Complete Box Set (books 1–6)

  MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

  Promises of Mercy (book 1)

  Foundations For Three (book 2)

  Montana Fire (book 3)

  Montana Promises Box Set (books 1-3)

  Hart To Hart (book 4)

  Burning Seduction (book 5)

  Montana Promises Complete Box Set (books 1–5)

  ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

  Montana Desire (book 1)

  Awakening Passions (book 2)

  PLEDGED TO PROTECT (contemporary romantic suspense)

  Panic and Passion (book 1)

  Danger and Desire (book 2)

  Terror and Temptation (book 3)

  Pledged To Protect Box Set (books 1–3)


  An Unexpected Diversion (book 1) – FREE

  Bare Instincts (book 2)

  Shifting Destinies (book 3)

  Box Set (books 1–3)

  Embracing Fate (book 4)

  Promises Unbroken (book 5)

  Bear ’N Dirty (book 6)

  Hidden Hills Shifters Complete Box Set

  A NASH MYSTERY (Contemporary)

  Sidearms and Silk (book 1)

  Black Ops and Lingerie (book 2)

  Author Bio

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  Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after, I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world (of course).


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