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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 6

by Lauren Wood

  When I was getting out, one of the guys that were sitting next to us was there and I stopped when I saw that he was blocking my way.

  “I hear you are a diver.”

  “Yeah, I work for Charlie.”

  I wanted to get around him, but he was standing in the hallway and I could barely see passed the hulk of the man. I don’t know why, but there seemed to be some really big guys from here. I don’t know if it was something in the water or what, but he was about as big as Charlie and I thought he was a big guy.

  “I will pay you more with all kinds of extras. I need another diver because mine went back down to the lower 48. You interested?”

  It looked like he was interested in more than a diver and I declined politely. I hoped that he would then back off and get a clue that I wasn’t interested, but it didn’t appear that he was going to. Instead of moving out of the way, he took a step towards me and I moved back just enough until there was an opening around him and I slinked out from around him and left back to the table.

  Charlie had a questioning look on his face and I told him that I was ready to go. I didn’t make eye contact with any of the other guys at the table and got my coat so that we could leave.

  “Is everything okay?”

  I nodded that it was, but I felt a little shook up. It wasn’t the first time that I had had someone act in such a way, but here it felt much more like I was alone in it.

  The ride up to the bluff that overlooked the town was pretty long and we both didn’t say much of anything on the way up there. I was thinking about the day I’d had and I was still thinking about his rebuff. It was hard to ignore how badly it had gone and I was still puzzled as to why. He was single and he wanted me. What more was there to consider?

  “We’re here.”

  I looked around and it seemed like the edge of woods to me. I didn’t see a bluff or a view, just a lot of trees that were mainly still bare.

  “We are?”

  “Yeah, it’s not that far of a walk from here.”

  I had a moment where I didn’t want to get out and start walking into the woods. It didn’t seem like a smart thing to do, but Charlie assured me that it was worth it so I decided that I better. I wasn’t the best person when it came to heights, but I wanted to see what he thought was worth coming up here for. I wanted to know him better, even though the man made it almost impossible to do so.

  “Let’s go then. It is starting to get cold.”

  “Do you want my jacket?”

  I declined because I didn’t want him to go cold, but I was thinking about other ways to get some of his body heat. Charlie lying next to me had been a hard one to top and I could still feel his hard body pressed against me. I had been cold and shivering, but I hadn’t been unaware of how he had felt and how intimate the moment had been. I had tried to make it more so, but that hadn’t worked out as planned.

  Charlie walked in front of me a little bit and when I almost tripped on an exposed tree root, he took my hand. “Just step where I step. I have been up here many times, so I know the trail well.”

  There was a moment that I hoped the intimacy was pointing towards something else happening between us. It was a big part of me that wanted him to go back to the way he had flirted when we had first me. Something happened when he saved me earlier. I changed my mind as well, but it was frustrating to know that he had changed his the wrong way. Did his holding my hand mean that he was ready to take this desire I had in me and help me out? I needed more than a little hand holding. I needed something more.

  “Thanks for bringing me out here. It’s cold, but now that we are close to the clearing, I can see the view and it is gorgeous. Doesn’t look like the town we just left behind.”

  The lights were just coming on outside and the sun was setting in the sky. It was the perfect time of day to be here and I wondered if he had planned it. He made it seem like it was done in the spur of the moment, but if that were the case, it had all worked out so well by coincidence and I didn’t much believe in that. I had met him for a reason after all, at the docks. I had to believe that, especially after what had happened since we’d met.

  There was a large rock that was jutting towards the edge and we sat down on it. I wanted to get closer, but his hand moved and I was once again not sure how I was supposed to react. I didn’t’ know if he wanted me to touch him or not. I finally just listened to him tell me about some of the good times that he had up there and the one time a drunk friend had fallen off.

  I was starting to see that maybe I had been wrong about Charlie and he wasn’t interested in me at all. He had kissed me, but maybe he hadn’t felt the same way as I had. Did he feel nothing?

  If I couldn’t have Charlie like I wanted him, I was okay with it. I wanted him in my life in one way or another; even if not in the way I had pictured. I could live with it because he was fast becoming a good friend. I was just going to have to hold off on the rest of it and how I wanted it to be more than that.

  Chapter 20


  I told myself that I would jump at the next chance with Merle. The problem was that it didn’t seem to be happening. It had been a couple of weeks now since we met and she moved in and started working with me. She kept her distance, but wasn’t cold in any way. She also didn’t seem to be bothered to be undressed around me. It was like there was nothing between us and I was a cousin or something.

  The first time we were on the boat early, getting started for the day and she started to pull her clothes off in front of me. I must have looked shocked, because she asked me what was the matter.

  “You are getting naked.”

  She waved me off like I was being silly to notice. “I still have my underwear and bra on. Besides, you have seen it all before and weren’t too interested, so I didn’t think you would mind.”

  Merle turned away from me and I watched her body be revealed slowly and I was finding it hard to look away. Her body was lean, but she had some curves that were hard to ignore. Fuck she was hot and now I was being treated like the gay friend. When had it changed and how can I possibly get it back to the way it was? I wanted her badly and it was getting to be a huge tease.

  After that first time that she did it, it was now a habit and I don’t know if she was messing with me or not. Was I supposed to do what every part of me was telling me to do? I wanted to pull her to me, crush her underneath me and make her mine. It was all I could think about, but the way she was acting like it was no big deal, it was hard for me to act like it wasn’t. I was torn between coming onto her and enjoying the show. At least one way I was getting an eyeful, but it didn’t feel like enough.

  So I didn’t say anything and this went on for another week or so before it was becoming more torturous than a treat. I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I had made it through the morning and it seemed like ever day she was in her skivvies just a little bit longer than the day before. It was either that or I was just becoming more conscious of it and it was making life really slow down for me. It could have been either thing. It really didn’t matter why it was the way it was, just that I wasn’t going to be able to keep going the way it was going.

  Merle wasn’t just more casually at work. Now she was walking downstairs with her towel on and she would sometimes even eat breakfast before she went back upstairs to get dressed. It had started with a quick run for coffee, but like the time that she took to get dressed in front of me in the mornings to put her wet suit on, the time that she was downstairs wet and in the towel was becoming longer and longer. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that she was messing with my head.

  “Do you have to change in here? You would have more privacy in the head.”

  Her smile was taunting for a minute and I rethought what her intentions were.

  “I don’t mind. Do you?”

  She asked so innocently like she couldn’t understand why I would be bothered.

  “A little.”

  Her smile changed and she a
pologized. “It was just some underwear. I didn’t realize it would be a problem, sorry.”

  I could tell that she didn’t understand the reason why and even though it was going to embarrass me to no end, I didn’t want her to think that it was something that she had done wrong.

  Merle was turning to go back to the bathroom where I had mentioned her to go seconds before and I put my hand on her arm. “I didn’t mean it like that Merle, so please don’t take it the wrong way.”

  She turned to me and it was then that I realized how close I was and how almost naked she was. I was finding it ridiculously difficult to not look at her high breasts that rose and fell inches from my chest or the way her eyes glistened in the light.

  “How am I supposed to take it when you are asking me to go somewhere else to change? It is right by the hole and I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. I didn’t realize you were such a prude, though I should have known…”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I moved forward the last few inches and pulled her lips to mine with a grip on the back of her head. This woman has been trying her best to make me lose it, there was no other way to explain it and by God I had lost it.

  She made a sound of surprise, but quickly her lips and tongue were moving with mine and an overwhelming surge of need ran through me. I had to have this woman.

  Chapter 21


  It felt like I knew it would and damn if it wasn’t long enough. I had practically pranced around the boat in my underwear for what seemed like forever now. Charlie was like a pot that was boiling and now he was boiling over and all I could hear was the crashing of it all as he kissed me.

  The kiss was not like before. This time there was a tremendous amount of heat and it took my breath away. I wanted to know what the change was, why he was changing his mind now, but my thoughts were quickly taken from my head and I was lost in the moment.

  “Why are you so damn complicated?”

  He had pulled away and it took me a minute to realize that and open my eyes. He was still so close and my lips tingled to be back on his. It was like I had found the missing piece of me and I wanted to be reunited with it. I wanted to be next to him, kissing him and I needed more. He couldn’t stop this time; I wasn’t going to let him.

  So I moved in for a kiss and didn’t wait for him to change his mind again. I don’t know when the change occurred, but it went from me starting it, to him finishing it.

  He was lowering me onto the wet boat bottom before I even knew I was off of my feet. His tongue had a way of letting me forget everything, even though I didn’t necessarily want to. I wanted to remember every touch of his hand down the side of me and the exact moment that his teeth sunk into my neck.

  I was being taken from every angle and it put my brain into overload. All I could do was feel and hope that he never stopped. I was no longer worried about progression, merely keeping up with the status quo.

  There was nothing to stop him from touching all of me. The very panties that I had been wearing in front of him moments before were being pulled to the side so hard that they ripped and all that could be heard louder than that was the moan that came out of my mouth. I hated the sound of it, but I couldn’t help it. He had taken me by surprise and I didn’t know how to handle him.

  My eyes shut tightly as I felt his fingers playing on my tiny button. Every time his finger slipped over it, I jumped and moaned. It felt so damn good, the hot hand and the cool air around me. I had never been so turned on in my life and when one digit surged inside of me, I cried out in pleasure. I clenched the intrusion and tried my best to not make a sound. I didn’t want him to know how good it felt and how much I needed it.

  His other hand was playing with one of my tits and pulled down the bra from the middle and I felt them pop out. Quickly there was a hot mouth on one of the tips and with the pumping of his fingers; I was unable to stop myself from whimpering his name as I came. It was the type of orgasm that felt like my body was going to explode and relief when it didn’t.

  “That’s it Merle, come for me. I want you nice and wet when I slide into you. I can feel how tight you are. I’m going to enjoy tearing you up. You have dangled this in my face for too long.”

  His words made me shiver and I knew what he was talking about. I had been toying with him for what felt like weeks and now that I had pushed him too far, I wasn’t sure if I could handle the monster that I had unleashed.

  Another finger was added and the motion never stopped. It wasn’t long before I was coming again and I was left twitching and pushing on his arm to get his hand to move. I was becoming increasingly sensitive and just a flick was sending me over the edge.

  “Please Charlie!”

  I don’t know what I wanted him to do. I didn’t want him to stop, but I wanted a moment to breathe and for my core to desensitize just a little bit. It was all too much and he only chuckled at me. “What do you want Merle? I want to hear the words come out of your mouth.”

  My eyes closed and I knew that I wasn’t ready to say out loud what was in my head. I was desperate though, so I begged him to fuck me. It was all that I had to say because seconds later I was coming again and I made a whining sound when he ripped his hand away.

  “Hey Charlie! Where are you?”

  I heard the voice like it was from the distance and I heard Charlie growl above me. He was gone when I opened my eyes and I realized that I needed to find cover before I was seen. Another rig was coming towards us and I ducked down to stay out of sight.

  My heart was beating hard, my hands shook and the last thing that I needed was for someone to see me in such a state. Nome was a small town and news traveled fast here.

  “What’s up Joel?”

  “What are you doing just floating here? Are you not working today? No divers? I saw Wesley and the other moody one down at the bar. They said something about you fired them? I want to hire them if you are really done with them.”

  I didn’t hear Charlie’s response as I made my way to the bathroom. My cheeks were red and I knew it wasn’t from the cold. Why did it feel like the whole damn universe was trying to keep us apart?

  Chapter 22


  Fuck I wanted to ring Joel’s neck. He kept asking questions until Merle was dressed and topside where he could see her. His questions were done when he saw her because nothing he wanted to ask was going to be allowed with her standing right there. He wanted to know who she was and I wasn’t going to tell him. I wanted to get back to what the hell I was doing, but he wasn’t going away.

  Merle finally went down through the hole and while I was able to get rid of Joel, I had no way of getting rid of the rock-hard rod that was in my pants.

  “So are you not coming back up here Merle?”

  “Got to make some money and get some dirt through the box. I will be up in a little while.”

  I wanted to tell her that she had to come up. I knew that I wasn’t that sort of boss. I didn’t want to be the sort of boss that had dreams about my employee either, but that ship had sailed because she was all I could think about awake and asleep. Now I knew that she was messing with me because she needed to come up and give me what I needed.

  “I think that we can take a little break, considering.”

  I heard her giggle and imagined what she looked like down there laughing at me.

  “What situation are we considering?”

  “Well how about the fact that I’m rock hard and I need you.”

  There was a pause and I checked the radio to make sure that it was still on as the silence stretch on so long.

  “Considering that you made me wait before, I don’t feel so bad about making you wait.”


  Another pause. “After you pulled me out of the water and in the bath tub.”

  I sighed to myself and took my finger off of the trigger on the radio and cursed out loud. I had known that she had wanted to have sex, but I thought that I would have been taking adv
antage of her. I didn’t think that it was going to bite me in the butt or upset her.

  “You were kind of out of it. I thought that I was being a gentleman and not doing something you might regret later.”

  “Well you can wait. Besides, I was taken care of.”

  The last bit was said softly and it brought my blood to boil. I could still hear her moaning and coming when I was playing with her. It had been a sweet sound, one that I was never going to forget and it was clear that she had been pleasured. Now I was made to wait with a hard on that was physical discomforting. I could really kill Joel right now. This was his entire fault. If he hadn’t popped up to talk about my old divers, I wouldn’t have lost the momentum and the moment.


  Merle took her time and like before I had to call her up finally when it was getting late. I half expected her to refuse me, but she finally agreed and I was waiting for her to come up and do the half-naked dance again that she had done before. Then I wouldn’t have any trouble getting what I wanted and I was ready for her to be mine in all ways. I was ready to cross the line that no boss was supposed to cross with his employee.

  “I don’t think I have ever heard you so quiet Charlie.”

  “You told me that you needed to concentrate.”

  Merle’s face was a little red as she took off some of her equipment. “That’s because you were so distracting with the whole come back up spiel. I don’t think you know how distracting you are Charlie.”

  I just shook my head. She didn’t seem to get how distracting she had been since I had met her. I had thought about all of the things that I wanted from her and it was impossible not to feel like I had been waiting for an eternity.


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