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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 7

by Lauren Wood

  “Well you are done working now. You ready to get distracted?”

  I moved towards her and she shook her head like she wasn’t ready for that at all. I was disappointed to say the least, but that didn’t seem to matter to her. She had made it clear. I made her wait and now she had no qualms making me wait.

  “No, not yet. Why don’t we go back to your place and I will make us something for dinner?. I think that is a better place to get distracted than on this boat, don’t you?”

  I tried to see it through her eyes and I was sure that I knew what she was talking about. The boat wasn’t the nicest boat, it certainly wasn’t a yacht and it wasn’t a place that felt very sexy.

  “Yeah, I guess you are right.”

  I would have taken her anywhere that I was able to, but if she wanted to go somewhere else, I was okay with it. I had already waited all day. I was sure that I could go a little bit longer without losing my cool.

  She giggled and I don’t know why but the sound grated on my ears. I felt like she was making fun of me and I wasn’t going for it at all. If she had an idea how I felt right now and how badly I was dying to slam her down and take her, I doubted then that she would have found it as funny as she did. It was hard not to want to end my pain and madness.

  I moved towards her and she had a warning on her face. I knew that she wanted me to give her some space, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t after what had happened earlier today. I was so close and I wasn’t ready to wait any longer. She had worked all day and made me wait. I couldn’t anymore. I just didn’t want to and I pulled her to me with her wet suit half off and half on. Her hair was wet, but her body was hot, as well as her lips that I pressed against mine.

  “I’m done waiting Merle.”

  Chapter 23


  His kiss pulled me in and didn’t want to let me go. I knew that if I didn’t do something quickly, I wasn’t going to be able to stop what happened next. About five seconds into the second kiss after he made his declaration, I was ready to throw in the towel about changing what was coming. It was the inevitable as far as I was concerned and the more that I tried to stop it, the harder it was to remember why I even was trying to in the first place.

  “This boat isn’t so bad Merle. She needs to be christened properly.”

  He kissed me again and I was still trying to figure out what it was he was talking about. I couldn’t think though. All I could do was react and I wasn’t doing a very good job of that. I had gone from freezing to burning up in a few seconds flat. I had forgotten all about being on the boat and he was right, it must not have been so bad.

  The boat was rocking a little bit with a gentle wave that was coming from the west. The only reason that I noticed it was because as his hands starting to move on me, I started to find it harder to stay on my feet. The swaying of the boat and the way he was touching me was a hard combination to deal with. Soon I didn’t have to worry about it because I was on the hard wood before I knew it. He was determined and I was out of reason why not.

  Charlie yanked on the wet suit and I had to wiggle a little bit to get out of it. He was getting frustrated or something of the like because he had this look on his face that was hard to ignore. I don’t know what he was thinking, but it was clear to me at least that I had lost. Or I had won, however it was looked at. I’d wanted him for a while and once he had ignored my advances, for some reason I had just wanted him more. I had just been more determined than before.

  “I can’t wait like before Merle, I’m sorry but I need you right now.”

  All I could do was nod my head and tell him that I needed him as well. I didn’t want to wait any longer, hell I didn’t want to wait as long as he had made me. There had been something about him when I first met him and it had only gotten stronger as time went on. Now I was gagging for it, had been for a while and I was ready for him to finish what we started.

  My wet suit was off and Charlie’s big hulking body was soon just as nude as mine was. I wanted to touch him, but when he moved back down on top of me, there were no more thoughts of anything. His hands were on my sides and then opening my thighs wider as his tongue danced in my mouth. Again it was all too much anticipation and my hips rose up to meet his. I felt the hardness that he had been complaining about all day and I had to say that it was indeed as hard as a rock.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, he slid inside of me slowly and my eyes closed to the pleasure of it all. I could feel the wind in my face and the chill in the air, but everything else was dominated by the huge man on top of me. Charlie was big in all ways and even though he had seemed so randy a few moments before, I was so happy that he hadn’t tried to take me and slam in as he had wished. I was already stretching to my limit and as he moved deeper with each stroke, I had to wonder when it was going to end.

  He hit a spot that I swear I didn’t even know I had and I felt a wave of bliss crash over me so suddenly that I was gasping for breath as I clung to him. It was what I had waited for all of this time and every inch of me tightened up right before the release.

  “That’s it Merle. I love when you come.”

  I felt my face getting red from embarrassment. I had not expected it to happen so quickly or so strong and I had cried out very loudly. I wasn’t usually loud in these situations, but I could still hear it ringing in my ears as it started to die off.

  “Music to my ears Merle. I wonder how many times I can make you scream.”

  It became a challenge to him and after about the fourth time, I didn’t think that I could go on anymore. My whole body was sore like I had been electrocuted and it was hard to stop him. I pressed my hand to his chest.

  “I can’t anymore.”

  He started to move faster and I was worried that he was going to try and call my bluff. Whether he was going deeper and harder with that intention or not, I was left lost in the moment as I came over and over again. It was one long stream of pleasure that made my head spin.

  I felt his last few thrusts as he pushed in deep one last time and I felt him coming inside of me. It was overwhelming as he filled me with even more to deal with and I whimpered as he pulled out of me. Hot fluid rush down the crack of my ass and my legs moved to touch together at the knees. I didn’t want him to think that there was going to be a round two anytime, soon, but I couldn’t barely support them both at the same time. I was just that tired and drained.

  Chapter 24


  I woke up next to Merle and the night before ran in my head. It was one hell of a night and I was thinking about another round with her, but then I heard knocking on the front door.

  Growling, I got up and threw some boxers on so I could answer it. It was early, so whoever it was wasn’t going to get much more than that when I got there. When I got to the door, I jerked it open to let the other person know that this was going to be a short visit.

  “Do you still have that girl with you, Merle?”

  I nodded my head that I did and I closed the door a little bit more in front of me like he was going to come in and take her away. I wasn’t aware of how close I was with that feeling to being right.

  “I need to speak to her. She has a visitor waiting at Molly’s, some guy asking to see her. I didn’t want to send him your way, considering what I thought was going on…”

  He paused for a moment and most likely wanted me to confirm or deny it and I wasn’t going to. I knew that he was fishing for gossip and with what was going on at the moment; it didn’t seem like a good idea to push that along.

  “She is sleeping right now.”

  The grin on his face was larger like I had told him something, even when I hadn’t.

  “Well do you want me to send him your way? He came a long way to find her and someone is going to send him your way because they know she works for you. You know how helpful everyone is.”

  I knew what he said was true and I was worried about what was going to happen when she went to see the man waiting for her
. What would make him come all this way? He was going to try and take her away from me. I never really asked if she was seeing anybody and as much as we talked, it wasn’t a subject that really came up all that much.

  “Did he say what it is he wanted or who he was?”

  I wanted to know what I was walking into because I hated to be surprised. My mind went to Bill and what all he had done to make sure that the woman he wanted stayed where she was and with him. Was this my moment that I was going to have to do the same?

  “No he didn’t say. All he said was that he came from the lower 48, he was in a rush and he had to speak to her right now.”

  “Did he say anything else?”

  Joel nodded his head that he hadn’t and I could tell that the man didn’t know anything more. If he had, he would have told me so I was going to have to walk into it blind and hope for the best. That was not a way that I liked to do things.

  “So what do you want me to do?”

  Joel looked like he wanted to come in and see what was going on, but I didn’t want him to have any more information than he already had. He was a horrible gossip.

  “Just give me a minute and I will wake her up and take her down there. We have to get dressed and all of that. I will be down there in a few.”

  Joel’s face fell a little bit as I cut it short. There wasn’t a lot of excitement in Nome and newcomers always gave the locals something to talk about. He was right to say that someone was going to help him find Merle and I had a better bet of it going the right way I wanted it to if I was there.

  I closed the door behind me and made my way in towards the bedroom. I wanted to lock the door and tell everyone that she wasn’t here. I started to wonder why I didn’t have a place high up on the mountain like my friend did. It would make life easier and I would have less stress.

  Merle was still asleep and she had the sweetest look on her face. I still wanted seconds or thirds really, but I knew that Joel was right and I didn’t have much time before I had more people knocking on my door. A secret is impossible in this sort of place, even when you want it to be.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, I didn’t want to wake her up and it took me some time to get the nerve up to. I just wanted to keep her here with me and again I was surprised at how badly I didn’t want to wake her up in fear that whatever was going on between us was going to change.

  I wouldn’t let that happen. I kept telling myself that as I shook her shoulder and watched the smile widened on her face.

  “You don’t have to wake me up to ask. I would think that you would have a better way of waking me up than that.”

  I closed my eyes at her words and the temptation that lay in front of me. She started to stretch and made sure that the sheet fell down half of her body by the time she was done. Her breasts were out on full display and there was a part of me that was still trying to figure out how I could whisk her away so that she didn’t have to go. I had a growing knot in my chest and now in my pants. They were both impossible to ignore, but one was going to have to be ignored because Joel was still waiting outside and someone at Molly’s was trying to find Merle. It wouldn’t take long for him to find her, it was inevitable.

  “Someone is down at Molly’s looking for you.”

  She jumped up and the sexy look on her face was gone. “What?”

  The knot in my chest tightened. I didn’t like the expression on her face and knew then that it was bad news.

  Chapter 25


  As soon as I heard him say that someone was looking for me, I thought of Leo. He was my ex before I left to come here and I wasn’t going to say that I was running from him, but I was certainly happy to put some distance in between us. He was the type that didn’t want to let things go. I was one of those things apparently.

  The initial shock wore off and then I was able to see that Charlie was not too happy about it either. He made sure to say that it was a man looking for me and I didn’t want to tell him who I thought it was because then that look would get longer.

  “Okay, well I guess I got to go down there. It’s not like this place is a quick run for anyone that I know so it must be important.”

  I wanted to leave it ambiguous and I hoped that I was instead of just seeming suspicious. I didn’t want him to ask too many questions, but Charlie wanted to know who it was.

  “I don’t know Charlie. Did they leave a name?”

  He gave me this dirty look and I didn’t know what to say to him. I didn’t want to tell him that I thought it was my ex, not when what was happening between us seemed so fragile because of the newness of it all.

  “Nope, just wanted to see you and said that he had come from a long way and was in a rush.”

  I didn’t know why someone would come all the way up to Nome in the first place, let alone why they would be in a rush. It wasn’t the sort of place one goes in a hurry.

  “Well I need to get dressed. Can you give me a ride? If you have something that you need to do, I can walk over.”

  “I’m not going to let you walk over Merle. You still aren’t used to the temperature here.”

  “No, I’m not. Thank you. Sorry that we aren’t on our way to getting some gold and making some money.”

  “That was the last thing on my mind.”

  I shouldn’t have asked, knew I shouldn’t have, but I did anyway because I am hard headed like that.

  “What was on your mind then Charlie?”

  “Being inside of you again Merle. That’s what I’m thinking about.”

  A shiver went through me and I swear if I would have checked, I would have been wet. I was programmed now to respond to the slightest hint from him and when it was so clear and in my face, the reaction was a lot stronger.

  “We don’t have to go right now. I mean, what can be the rush that is that important? They can’t go anywhere till morning anyways.”

  “I think we better go or there is going to be someone knocking on my door soon looking for you. They know that you work for me.”

  “That will make it easier…”

  I stopped because I really wasn’t thinking things through. I was so worried about getting him back inside of me and above me, that I wasn’t thinking about what was going to happen if Leo came here and saw Charlie. I didn’t want to think about how that would have turned out. Maybe I did need to walk over. I suggested it, but Charlie was adamant that he was going to help me, even though I had a feeling that he didn’t want to. He was acting strange as I got dressed and the sexual banter was gone between us.

  “So you really don’t know who it is that would come all the way up here to see you? You weren’t expecting anyone?”

  I shook my head that I wasn’t and I wanted to ask him to drop it. Whoever it was that was there obviously had something important to say, though if it was Leo, I don’t know what he would have to say. I thought we had said it all when we broke up and he got mad and I let him scream at me for a while to get it all out.

  “No I wasn’t expecting anyone. I was just supposed to be here the summer to make tuition and then I was going to go back home and start the semester. It was last minute to finally get the green light to come up here, so I didn’t tell too many people that I was coming here to begin with. I really don’t know who it could be, not really.”

  I was going to leave it at that and I went outside to wait for him to grab the keys. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I wasn’t able to answer his questions, no matter how legitimate they were. I had a lot going on and I didn’t want him to be mad at me if it was Leo and I told him that it was someone else. I also didn’t want to mention Leo if it wasn’t him. I just wanted to shut my mouth until we got there.

  The ride was silent and I would have done anything to get him to talk to me like he had before. I had thought that it may be awkward after us having sex and I was worried about that, I hadn’t figured that an unknown visitor way up here was going to be what made it weird between us.

  He stopped
in front of Molly’s and I looked for a car with out of state license plates, but all I saw was a rental car which told me nothing. My anticipation was high as I got out of the car and made my way towards the store and restaurant in front of me.

  Chapter 26


  The way that Merle was acting, I was worried that I was right and this was going to turn into a disaster. I had a feeling that she knew who it was, but for one reason or another she was keeping it from me. She didn’t owe me an explanation, not really. We weren’t together and we hadn’t even talked about what we had done the night before. I claimed her in my mind, but that didn’t always mean that it was translated to her.

  There was no more time though. We were there and walking in before I could get anything else out. What was I supposed to say anyways? How could I tell her that I wanted her, needed her and even though we didn’t know each other that well, I was sure that she was here in Nome for me? It wasn’t something that I could just bust out whenever I wanted to and it was hard for me to even try and figure out what it was that I needed to say.

  Molly exclaimed when Merle came through the door.

  “Oh honey, I’m glad you are finally here. We’ve been waiting around for a while now. I thought you were already on the water for the day.”

  “No Molly, I was just rolling out of bed. Someone told me that there was someone here to see me?”

  Molly pointed to a table and I could see a young man, not much older than Merle sitting there, but his attention was still out the window and he hadn’t realized that the woman he sought was finally here.

  “Doug? What are you doing here?”

  Merle obviously knew who it was very well because she didn’t even remember that I was next to her as she walked towards the man at the booth. He was standing up and then they were embracing in a hug. I hadn’t walked up with her, so I could see that they were saying something to each other as they hugged. I didn’t like the touch at all and I could feel my rankles getting riled up and I started towards them like I was going to be able to stop the madness.


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