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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 79

by Lauren Wood

  The ritual itself was fairly short. There were incenses burned that she was completely unfamiliar with and vows taken in three different languages – she tried her best to repeat the two she had never heard. There was still no intimate contact, though the ritual seemed to be drawing to a close. She grew worried, though she did not let it show outwardly in the least. She did want to have a kiss on her wedding day.

  Just as that thought entered and left her mind, she felt a change overtake her. Her vision began to vibrate and her head began to swim. She felt weak, and her palms felt clammy, though it wasn’t horrible. She felt her eyes drawn from the priest that had been conducting the ritual to Zeus standing beside her. When she looked over, he was already staring at her, pupils wide. Their eyes locked, and it seemed to her that time froze. For a moment, she was overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions, and memories that weren’t hers, but Zeus’. She saw his childhood, felt his excitement at being a part of his species’ future, and then felt his nervousness of meeting someone he was supposed to bond to, to essentially end his life for, and wanting them to accept him just as his genetic code wanted him to be accepted his entire life. She became aware that he was privy to the same information, and then understood why the ritual was necessary for the bonding to be permanent and whole.

  The trip back to their home was a blur. Though she changed back into her normal clothing before they left the temple, it would appear that the ritual’s magic had some way of letting everybody in the area know what had just happened as well, as there were well wishers all the way back to their transport, though Kelly knew none of them, and Zeus mentioned when they entered their vehicle that he knew none of them either. The ride home seemed instant for Kelly, who had forgotten all about a kiss on her wedding day with something that intimate in its place.

  When they passed through their front door, she finally got the kiss she was looking for, however. No sooner had they crossed the threshold when Zeus grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. It was the first time that she truly felt his strength, and his name became even more fitting, she thought. She felt his god-like muscles ripple against her back as he continued to pull her into him, almost as if he wanted to absorb her himself. When he pressed his lips to hers, an electric shock ran through her body and everything began to tingle. She felt devoured by his kiss and his arms, and felt herself melting into him, becoming one. She kissed him back passionately; so passionately that she didn’t notice that she had been whisked up and was being carried back to the bed of her childhood princess fantasy dreams. She certainly noticed this, however, when he threw her down onto it and quickly leaped on top of her.

  In stark contrast to his normally refined nature, Zeus committed himself physically to her with the hunger of a starving animal. His mouth wandered over every inch of her body, placing light or hard kisses on every spot it could touch, seemingly wanting to taste everything she had to offer. She was overcome by sensation and could do naught but dig her nails into his back, her nerves overloaded like she had just been given an orgasm, and he hadn’t even entered her yet. He drew himself back up the length of her body to meet her eye to eye, and she realized that for the first time, she was truly bare and nude around her now-husband, partner for life. Instead of being intimidated by the man above her filled with animalistic lust, she opened herself to him more. She felt a warm aching between her thighs and began to feel her own slickness creeping down them as she ached to be filled and claimed by the master of both her dreams and reality. She felt his cock press against her hips through his pants and let out the first noise she had been able to make in what seemed like hours – an aching, throaty moan of pure desire that overtook every fiber of her being. She quickly moved her hands down to those pants and ripped them off, overcome by the same kind of chemical passion that enveloped Tu’Fallians when they were ready to finally mate and bond to their partner.

  Their spiritual connection from the bonding ritual and contrasting hungry and physically needy attitude from Zeus in stark contrast to his usually formal and polite demeanor was enough to make her ready for him to enter her – it was the first time she had gotten laid and hadn’t needed copious amounts of foreplay to make it palatable. She didn’t even care that his member was larger than any she had had before, to the point where if she wasn’t so sure of how right the pairing was, that she would be worried about possible injury. She could feel his heartbeat in it as he lay against her for a moment, simply in the nude, feeling their skin touch. It thundered through the blood vessels lining his cock, bulging out of it in urgent need. She could feel his own slickness of precum starting to pool on her stomach, and she exhaled in a shuddering sigh. With a sharp, carnal intake of breath, Zeus sucked the rest of her breath from her lungs with another deep, impassioned kiss, and entered her suddenly.

  Electric shocks fired through her body when he entered her, separating her connection from her physical form while strengthening the bond she had with her own nerve endings. She arched her back farther and faster than she ever had before and gasped for air under his shining form, looking into his eyes for grounding. Ever conscious of her needs, Zeus quickly found her eyes and looked into them lovingly, reminding her without having to say anything that she was his number one priority, that she was safe, that she was loved, and that this was where she needed to be. He moved out of her slowly this time, then back in, savoring the feeling. Kelly felt herself overloaded at every little sensation – the way her pussy would cling to him, the way his curving veins felt rubbing against her g-spot, and the catch of the head of his huge cock at her lips. He increased his pace subtly with each stroke, building back up to the fast and demanding stroke he initially took.

  The pleasure overload that she initially felt returned as well, though this time, since she knew what it was supposed to feel like, she was less disoriented and felt herself moving naturally with his strokes, embracing the feeling. It was like having a constant orgasm, something that she thought was impossible. However, the physical feeling mixed with the alien love spell that had come about through the bonding ritual took it to a level that she couldn’t have ever imagined. Every microscopic point on her body was in bliss, vibrating at the same pitch as the universe, in tune with all of the connection between lovers that was on Tu’Fal.

  Zeus held her close as he continued to pump himself inside of her; when he was sure that she was used to handling the feeling of his turgid member inside of her, he sat her upright and began to lift her up and down on his cock while she sat on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck for her own personal support, though she knew that his huge, strong hands were more than capable of supporting her themselves. This position had her wrapped tighter around him, and though she had no clue how Tu’Fallians would signal that they were close to orgasm, she could guess that he was getting there based on the tighter grip he placed around her ribcage and the way he was breathing heavily into her ear and neck as he moved her over the length of his manhood.

  She too, felt herself growing closer and closer, though she didn’t know how she could feel any better than she already did. She wanted to cry out to him, to beg him to cum inside of her, to do what they both knew was right, but she couldn’t seem to remember her powers of speech among the haze of extreme neural and physical pleasure. Their movements continued in sync until the crescendo of their passion was upon them. Kelly was blindsided by her actual orgasm, which racked through her body so powerfully that she felt its energy around her, melding with Zeus’ sexual energy as well. He obviously felt it as well, as this was enough to send him over the edge. Kelly relished every coinciding spasm that they had, loving the feeling of his mammoth dick pressing tighter against her walls, stretching them further than she had experienced before, but satisfying and filling her in a way she never thought possible. Each of his shots was a shockwave through her entire body, and she felt herself bucking with them involuntarily, as if she was a puppet whose entire range of movement was controlled through his cock alone. He finished
after what felt like ages, and she was left limp on his lap, full to spilling with his seed that would serve to continue the paradise she had found on Tu’Fal. As his ever-strong arms slipped her under the comforter he had bought just for her, she felt herself sinking into the plush majesty of her new home, fitting right in with her destiny, satisfied as the mother of a species in her own right. As she drifted off to sleep, eager to wake the next day in the bliss that had now become her everyday life, she realized exactly why Tu’Fallians mated for life, and found herself wishing that her first child would be a son.



  Chapter 1

  “Come on Sara, I heard this place can match you up with the perfect man almost all the time! They have an average of 95% of their couples who get together and marry each other. You really can’t beat that average. Plus look at your history when you’ve picked your own men.” Sara listened to her friend Jen say.

  Sara couldn’t disagree with the part about her having a bad time dating. The last few men she had dated had turned out to be nothing but trouble. Hell she couldn’t remember the last really meaningful relationship she had. “I don’t know, I mean an alien? Is that even real? I’ve heard of this type of thing before, but I always thought it was just made up.” Sara Abrahm said.

  “Okay look I don’t know if it is really alien’s or not, but they have to be better than the choices you’ve made.” Jen stated.

  “You really think I can’t pick a man for myself?” Sara asked.

  “Really, let’s look at your record so far. Tommy, he was a worthless man who tried to take all your credit information. He almost got away with it too; you were so blinded by his words of love.” Jen stopped and looked at Sara. “Or what about Jim, he couldn’t keep a job for a month straight. He used you for your money and bought beer with your savings. I mean come on Jen you seem to find the men who are the least responsible types in the world. My younger brother is more mature than either of those two will most likely ever be, and he’s only 11.” Jen laughed at her joke.

  Sara looked at her and had to admit that even the one other man she had in her life had been about the same type of loser. “You forgot to mention Jay, we can’t forget about him. He was such a momma’s boy he couldn’t do anything without Okaying it with her first.” Sara admitted.

  “At least he didn’t steal your money or try to take your identity that was the only good thing about Jay. But yeah he wasn’t the type of man you need either. As long as his mother is alive he’ll never be a good match for a woman. Once she is gone and dead, he’ll be too messed up to make a good match though. So don’t think if she dies you should hook back up with him either.” Jen warned Sara sternly.

  “I wasn’t thinking about that, trust me any feelings I had for Jay ended a long time ago. Well I guess what could go wrong; maybe they’ll find a really nice guy. But honestly do you think they are real aliens? Have you seen any pictures of what these matches look like?” Sara asked her curiosity peaked.

  “Let’s pull up their website; they might have a few pictures of past matches. But I think they are really strict about their privacy policy. So they might keep the identities hidden. However, we can go look, you don’t have to sign up or set up an appointment, but honestly I think it would be a good thing for you.” Jen said.

  “Do you know anyone who signed up for it before?” Sara asked as she moved her computer in front of her.

  “Just someone’s friend at work, but I don’t know the girl who did, her friend told me about it. You know Martha at my job right?” Jen asked.

  “Yeah I remember her, the older lady, she’s nice.” Sara answered.

  “I guess one of her good friends signed up and was matched up quickly. Martha said that they got married about 4 months ago, and her friend has never been happier.” Jen said.

  “So did you ask her if he was a real alien or not?” Sara asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

  “I did, but she said he looked pretty human to her.” Jen admitted.

  “So maybe it’s just a publicity thing so they can get more women to join?” Sara said.

  “Maybe, but with a 95% accuracy rate of good matches does it matter?” Jen stated.

  “I guess not, well let’s look at it first before I say yes though. What’s the name of the site again?” Sara asked.

  “I think I wrote it in my phone, hold on.” Jen pulled out her phone and looked at it for a few minutes. Here it is” Jen said.

  Sara pulled up the site on her computer. “Well here it is, let’s see what some of the men look like on the site. Hmm, I have to join the site and set up an appointment first to get access.” Sara sat and looked at the prices to join the site.

  “Well how much is it? How soon can you set up an appointment? Tell me, come on, you aren’t getting any younger.” Jen pushed her.

  “Hold on a second, okay I guess I’ll do this, I have to set up the appointment first. They’ll tell me about the service and if I want to join at that time, they’ll charge me $150. But that gives me access to the site and pictures wait, let me read this through first.” Sara read the information and then looked at Jen. “I guess I’ll try it. They have a money back guarantee that if you aren’t happy with their match you get almost all the money back.”

  “So when is your appointment?” Jen asked.

  “It says they will call me in the next hour to explain everything to me.” Sara said.

  “Oh you don’t even have to go to their office? That’s nice; I wonder how soon they’ll get a match for you?” Jenn said. “I’m so excited that you are taking this step Sara. It’s about time you moved on and tried something different.”

  “Well if it is really an alien, that’s completely different!” Sara stated.

  They talked a bit more, talking about her poor dating choices in the past and laughing. Thankfully, Sara was able to laugh about the past now. But not too long ago she would have burst out in tears at the mention of her last boyfriend, Tommy.

  Jen was right; he was a piece of garbage. He had wooed Sara so well and had almost completely gotten everything he needed to set up accounts in her name, without her knowledge. The truth was he might have gotten away with it, if the teller he had talked to hadn’t known Sara. But he had picked the wrong bank to try his scheme at, and had gotten caught.

  Sara found out she had a few purchases on her other card that he had made, and pressed charges against Tommy. He had turned on her like a rabid dog at that point, the loving words no longer streamed from his mouth. Instead he had thrown words at her that she hadn’t heard in her life before.

  Tommy hadn’t been the prince charming she had hoped he would be, at least she had found out before he had finished draining her accounts and taking her identity though. Sara knew that she had a problem picking out a decent guy. Out of the three she had dated, none had ever lasted long.

  Sometimes it bugged her that she was 24 years old and not married yet. All of her childhood friends had been married already; sure most of them had divorced also. But there will still some of them who were with their first mate. The others had moved on and found new husbands too. Jen though had been with her high school sweetheart, for the past 10 years now. They had married as soon as high school graduation was over, the very next week anyway. Sara often looked at the two of them together and was jealous, but happy at the same time. She really loved them both, but why was it so hard for her to find love?

  Her phone rang and she answered it. Jen listened intently to Sara’s side of the conversation.

  “Yes this is Sara Abram. Yes I would like to hear more about it. But could you tell me first are they really aliens? Do they look different from us? Do they have the same body parts as Earth men? How about kids, are they able to have them?” Sara rattled off her questions.

  Jen watched as Sara shook her head and listened to the other side of the call. She wished that Sara had put it on speaker phone so she could hear everyth
ing that was being said.

  “Well that’s nice. So how long does it usually take for you to match me up with someone? What if I don’t like the first one, and want you to try again? Okay, right. I see. I think I’ll sign up; I would like to put the charge on my card. How about making my profile, and all that?” Sara asked. “Alright, and okay, here are the numbers.”

  She hung up the phone and Jen asked immediately, “Okay so tell me everything.”

  “She said that yes they are aliens, and that usually kids will have to be discussed with your potential mate. It may be possible, or may not. I’m not so sure if I would want them or not. They look human with a few minor differences that she stated most people will barely notice. I could possibly have a date in as little as a day, and if I didn’t like the first one and wanted to try again they would simply charge me another 50 or keep 50 dollars instead of giving me the full 125 back that they take. So I would get 75 back, since they keep 25 for their services. Really it didn’t sound like a bad deal. She said that they screen the aliens very well. They don’t have a site where you get to choose someone, but they pick out someone for you.” Sara explained.

  “Well how about if you don’t find him attractive?” Jen asked.

  “I don’t know, this is why they offer the money back I guess. But she stated that with all of their past people they’ve done the same thing. I guess we’ll see just how good they are. She said I’ll get an email from them with a couple of choices, possibly. But most of the time they give you one person, and stand by that choice.” Sara said.

  “I’m interested to see how this system of theirs works.” Jen said.

  “Oh I send her my information via email, I don’t create the profile. From what I tell her and what they read about me, they will make the match. She suggested that we get that to her as soon as possible, it will speed up the process.” Sara stated.


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