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Mountain Man's Proposal

Page 80

by Lauren Wood

  “So let’s start!” Jen told her.

  “I will she is sending me a few questions of what they like to know. Let me see, oh it’s here already. Wow they are fast!” Sara said.

  “What kind of things do they ask?” Jen questioned.

  “The normal things, what are you looking for, what do you like, etc. I don’t see anything I haven’t heard from Sally before.” Sara said. Sally was one of their friends who had found her last husband via another dating site. She had told Jen and Sara about the questioned she had answered. “Of course they need a picture of me, and they also want to know my measurements!” Sara laughed.

  “Do you have to write some cute little thing about yourself?” Jen asked.

  “Let me look. Not really, just those few things. Oh did you realize that this was a mail order bride site for aliens?” Sara asked Jen.

  “Really, no, I was just told it was a dating site. So they still offer you the chance to make a choice too?” Jen asked.

  “No she said that the women must be considered in their service. She pushed that high satisfaction rating a lot though during the conversation.” Sara said.

  “Well at least you get a choice!” Jen said.

  Sara looked at her computer and typed in her answers to the questions. “Really there isn’t much here, I’m about done, now we just need to pick out a good picture to include.” Sara said.

  “Oh I know the perfect one to choose. The one from the beach last summer that was a really good one of you.” Jen stated.

  Sara looked through her pictures on the computer and pulled up one that showed her lying on the beach. Her skimpy bathing suit did nothing to hide her curves. That was the way she liked it though. Her 145 pound body had muscles in all the right places; she prided herself on being in really good shape.

  “No wait, the other one where you have your eyes open. You know men love your blonde hair and blue eyes.” Jen said.

  “Oh you mean this one?” Sara asked as she pulled up another picture.

  “Perfect one, that will make any guy want you. Do the guys pick you or the staff picks the match?” Jen asked.

  “I think the staff matches us up, but she just ran through that rather quickly. She was excited hearing me talk though. She was a really nice girl, said she had some really great matches that she might be able to find for me.” Sara said.

  “Well I have to go, Jake is going to get home soon and I want to have supper ready.” Jen said standing up to go. “Tell me as soon as you find out about your match.” Jen said and gave her a hug before leaving.

  Sara sighed at the computer. She was nervous about this service. But she was also excited at the new adventure that awaited her. She hoped the agency had better luck in finding her a match then she had her whole life.

  Chapter 2

  Sara got up the next day and was sipping her coffee as she pulled up her email. “Oh wow, I already got a match!” She said out loud and pulled up the email from Alien Major.

  Dear Ms. Abram,

  We would like to show you a match we feel will be great for you!

  His name is Drax; he is the equivalent of 24 years old in human years. He would like to take you out tonight at 8 pm. Please let us know as quickly as possible when you see this email that you are acceptable to this arrangement. Please see attached file for a picture of Mr. Drax.

  Thank you,


  Alien Major Bliss Department

  Sara had to laugh a bit at the name of the department. But then she pulled up the picture. “Oh he doesn’t look alien. He has a bit longer face, but really I’ve seen a few people like that before. Well maybe they were alien and I didn’t know it though!” She laughed.

  As she looked closer the only feature she could really tell was alien on him, well that she could see in the picture, were an extra ear lobe. But she liked his short cut black hair, and his chiseled features. He looked like a warrior, tough and yet there was something in his eyes that said he could possibly be gentle as well! She looked again at his eyes and saw that they looked almost gray in color, but upon closer investigation, she saw flecks of brilliant blue and yellow spread through the gray.

  “Oh those eyes, those are something else!” She said as she continued to stare into them.

  She quickly responded and said she was more than happy to go out with him tonight. Then she picked up her phone and called Jen. “I have a date tonight, and he’s dashing!” Sara said as Jen answered the phone.

  “Oh do you, is he alien? Can you tell what does he look like?” Jen asked quickly.

  “He has short black hair, and the only way you can really tell he is alien is by his extra ear lobe. Oh and his eyes are amazing. I have a picture I’ll send you a copy of it. Hold on a second.” Sara said. She sent the picture to Jen and waited for her friend to make a comment.

  “Oh wow, he’s really nice looking.” Jen said. “So when is your date, what time? What are you going to do?” She asked Sara.

  “It is at 8 pm and I am not sure what we will do. He’ll pick me up and I’ll see, I guess!” Sara said.

  “I expect details later tonight, or tomorrow, if it goes really good!” Jen laughed loudly.

  “I don’t want to seem cheap, so I’ll let you know the details tonight.” Sara said. She had never slept with any man on a first date. Maybe that was why she didn’t often have a second date lately. These guys all had one thing on their minds, and that was sex. Sara on the other hand would like to get to know the guy first. She hoped that Drex was different. She just realized she hadn’t told Jen the name of her date, so she sent a quick message to update her.

  “Oh I was just so excited about the date! Well you and Drex have fun tonight!” Jen sent a voice message back to Sara.

  The day seemed to fly by and she sat and waited for Drex to show up. The clock was right at 7:45, she had fifteen minutes and her nerves were worked up. Sara considered taking a nip of vodka to help curve her nerves. She picked up the bottle and poured a shot, and then added in a little extra. As the liquid ran down her throat she felt the burn of the alcohol. “Oh better.” She sighed as her nerves relaxed a little bit.

  No more than 10 minutes later her doorbell rang. Sara went to the door and opened it. “Hello.” She said, and looked up to his face. He was a bit over a foot taller than her.

  “Hi, I’m Drex. It’s nice to meet you Sara. I bought you this; I hope it doesn’t seem inappropriate.” He said and handed her a bottle of Gray Goose Vodka.

  “Oh I love this stuff! Thank you, no I don’t think it’s inappropriate at all. Would you like a drink before we go?” She asked him.

  “Well I really shouldn’t but maybe just a half a shot. I can hold my liquor. But your society is pretty strict on drinking and driving. I wouldn’t want to get into trouble on our first date!” He laughed.

  She shivered in excitement at the sound of his laugh, it was deep and hearty. “I know that wouldn’t be a good thing.” She said and poured them both a drink. She added a bit extra into hers to make up for his smaller portion.

  Sara felt her head swoon from the drink. “Oh wow.” She grabbed her head quickly.

  “Are you okay?” Drex grabbed her arm to hold her steady.

  “Yeah I guess I drank a bit too quickly. I’m sorry I’m kind of nervous about this date and making the right first impression.” Sara admitted.

  “Don’t be nervous. I can tell I like you a lot already. You are beautiful and funny!” Drex commented.

  Sara looked down to the ground and turned bright red. “Thanks.” She finally said.

  She had to admit she felt an immediate connection to Drex as soon as he had walked into her door. Now when he had touched her a thrill of heat had run through her body. Sara knew that it was dangerous to open herself so quickly to him, but it simply felt right.

  “I thought we could go out to that new French restaurant tonight. That is if you are interested in it he said.

  “Oh that sounds good, but isn’t it really
expensive?” Sara asked.

  “No cost is too much for my possibly future wife!” He said, indicating to her his seriousness.

  Sara didn’t know what to say, so instead she just smiled. Sure she liked him and all, but already committing to a marriage, she wasn’t quite sure of that. There was a part of her that was also very excited about the thought of Drex and her being married!

  “Come on let’s go!” Drex helped her up off the sofa.

  His touch was invigorating to her. Sara shivered the excitement from his touch making her warm all over once again. Drex looked down and smiled down at her.

  He opened the car door for her and went around getting in on the other side.

  Chapter 3

  Sara looked out of the corner of her eye at him as they drove to eat. He turned and smiled at her.

  “So tell me what you do Drex?” She finally asked she had wanted to simply stare at him and not talk. But found the silence a bit more daunting than expected. With the silence she had begun to picture his body naked, and that lead to her wanting to hope over on him. So instead of making a fool out of herself, she asked him the question.

  “I’m actually a Major in the Mozohon Army. That’s my world by the way.” He told her.

  “Oh wow a Major, that’s funny since the site I found you on is Alien Majors!” Sara laughed.

  “It’s a place where various alien warriors can go to find their mates. A lot of our worlds are at war, and that leaves very little choices for mates. Not only that but sometimes it is nice to get away from it all and just escape.” Drex explained.

  “So if you’re at war, how do you get away? How far is your planet? How do you get to Earth?” Sara asked.

  “Well we do have teleporter’s on our ships. It takes me all of 2 minutes to get to Earth from where we are located. Even though we consider it war, it’s not the same way as you consider war. It is a way of saying that we are under constant threat of attack. But in all reality our planet has not been attacked in about 3 years now.” Drex explained.

  “Oh wow that’s nice to know, I would hate to think you would leave one day and not come back.” Sara said, and then turned red. “Well you know if we are to get to know each other, it is best that you not die.”

  “We will marry. I’ve decided that you are the perfect choice for me.” Drex stated.

  “I like you Drex, but I would like to get to know you a bit better before I make that sort of commitment to you.” Sara said.

  “That’s not part of the contract. Once you agree to the date, it is settled, if I like you I get you as my bride.” He said. “Did you not read the contract fully?” Drex asked.

  Sara looked over at him. “Well honestly no, we never read the fine print of contracts, well most people don’t.” She admitted.

  “I’m sorry but I like you a lot. If you say no, well it really doesn’t matter; you wouldn’t say no if you had read the fine print.” He said.

  “Why, what does it say?” Sara asked.

  “No I’m not going to tell you, you have to read it. You won’t believe me if I tell you.” Drex said.

  “Well it’s on my phone; I’ll just pull up my email. What section is it in?” Sara asked.

  “I don’t remember the specific section, but it’s where they are talking about your rebate. Read that part, the really small area.” Drex stated.

  Sara pulled up the contract on her email and made it larger. There were several things in the contract she wished she had seen before. But the part he was talking about was quite scary.

  The signee agrees that if they don’t like their match, but their match likes them, they forfeit all previous rights. Their match has the right to marriage, and the signee will be married, or executed.

  “What does it say if I don’t marry you I could be executed?” Sara looked at Drex appalled.

  “No not could be executed, but will be executed. There is no way out but marriage or death.” Drex stated.

  She sat there stunned at the contract she had so willingly signed the night before. “Wow, for once in my life I wish I would have read the fine print.” Sara said.

  “This is one of the main reasons most of the matches for this company come from Earth. I’ll be honest with you I don’t really like the policy, but they did match me up with you. It could be a lot worse; there are some races that will kill you even if they don’t like you. As I said our races are often at threat of becoming extinct without the right mate.” Drex said.

  “So are you just looking for baby ovens?” Sara scoffed.

  “Not me, I can’t answer for anyone else though, they might well be. I do know a few other military men who’ve used this service. They didn’t find love, but their wives are always pregnant. So let me ask you the same question back, are they just using them for new life, most likely.” Drex said. “I on the other hand wanted to find a connection. I want more out of my life then just kids. Sure I would like a couple of them. But honestly Sara, we won’t repopulate my planet, just the two of us. I would rather have a mate who wants to be a part of my life. But I also have to tell you something else about me.” Drex stopped for a minute.

  Sara looked at him. “Oh so know you’ll tell me something really messed up and I’ll have to decide on if I want to die or deal with it. How did I get into this situation? I mean I know I’ve had bad luck in the past, but this kind of tops it. I do like you; I’m not saying I don’t find you very attractive. But marriage?” Sara sighed.

  “Or death, yes those are your two choices, I’m sorry to say. But first let me tell you this. I am close to retirement even though I am only like your 24 years old here. In my society I am actually 650 years old. In 5 years I will be allowed out of my service, unless I agree to do more time. Honestly if I have a wife, I won’t sign up for more time.” He held his hand up as he saw her begin to speak. “Just wait a minute I’m not done. I have a lot of enemies around, and they may come after me. With you in my life, they’ll try and get to me through you. Because they will realize that you are going to create more warriors. That’s all they consider babies, just little warriors. If I could figure a way to get our family out of this type of life I will. But as of right now it is far too easy to track me, and the same will be for you and our children. We all have tracking chips installed into our bodies. When you and I marry, if you agree, you will be chipped as well. They will place us into their system, and any time we are gone too long, that’s it they’ll come for me. If we are lucky they will just take me and make me serve out the rest of my time in their jail. But most likely they would simply kill our whole family.” Drex explained.

  “That seems really extreme.” Sara said.

  “Our leaders are serious about continuing the race. All men are now required to sign up for a mail-order bride service from another planet. If we don’t marry someone within the first 5 months we are on the site, or sites, because many will sign up for more than one. Well we are then the ones who will be killed instead. They can’t let our race die out. Even if we are mixed with another race, they will be taught the same way as the other of my people.” Drex told her. “I really want to try to find a woman who will endure this with me, and find a way to be happy.”

  “Well honestly it doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice.” Sara sighed. “I don’t want to die, though you might be a lot older, I am still only 24 years old. I have such a long time left to live. So I will marry you.” Sara said.

  She was reluctant, but not enough to figure out how she would get around the contract. Sure she could go and say they tricked her into joining. But that wouldn’t be truthful. She had easily skipped the small print and signed the contract.

  “I’m very glad; you’ve just saved both of our lives!” Drex said. “It has been almost 5 months to the days since I joined this site. I didn’t think I would ever find a girl who made me want to take a chance on marriage or even a date. I looked through many women in the past 5 months, but you were the only one who appealed to me. Sara Abram I’m
so happy to have your hand in marriage.” He smiled and took her hand and kissed it.

  Sara felt the softness of his lips on the back of her hand and the way he lightly kissed her hand and she shivered. The heat of his lips spread over her body and she felt a rush of juices go into her nether regions. She felt her skin heat up in embarrassment and excitement both.

  She pulled her hand away and was shocked at how the light kiss had made her feel. But she couldn’t help but wonder what his kiss would feel like on her lips. Then her mind flashed to what it would be like to make love to Drex. She wondered if the other parts of his body looked human, or were they also different like his ear lobes. It was something that as his wife she would either get to endure or enjoy though. She shivered once again in pleasure.

  “I hope that you will be happy in our life together. I will try to treat you like one of your Earth men would do.” Drex commented.

  “No please don’t treat me like the Earth men, there are many assholes here. They don’t know how to treat a woman.” Sara said.

  “Well then I will treat you the way I feel is right, and if it isn’t to your liking please tell me.” Drex said. “So we will be married in two days. I don’t know if you want to invite anyone or not, but do so quickly. We can start that after dinner though. For now let’s go eat, I’m starving and we have a good reason to celebrate!” Drex smiled over at her.

  She was still shocked that she was getting married. Now she found out she only had two days to prepare. She thought, so much for that Cinderella type of wedding. But as she studied Drex, she knew that he was one of the best looking men she had ever dated. Plus he does excite me so much with his touches.

  As they ate, she listened to him talk. The shock of not knowing the words of the contract and what she had agreed to earlier still making her mind foggy.

  “I know it is a lot to learn. I’ve heard stories from some of the other men about this. Most of the women though aren’t upset about their new life.” Drex said.


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