Book Read Free

Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure

Page 5

by Jeff Kinney

  way OUT was to go all the way through

  the mines to the other SIDE.

  After walking in the dark tunnels for a

  long time Roland and the team reached

  a giant underground lake. At first they

  thought they were totally STUCK because

  half of them couldn’t SWIM.

  But the lake was only a few feet deep so

  they waded through it. And when they

  got to the other side they were totally

  covered in GIANT LEECHES.


  Roland was pretty freaked out because

  once when he went to summer camp he

  got a leech on an embarrassing place and

  his mom had to come and bring him home

  two days early.

  Luckily it wasn’t that big of a problem

  this time because the One-Eyed Wizard

  shriveled up all the leeches by zapping

  them with his wand.

  But all that zapping made a lot of noise

  and now the team had a NEW problem

  because they were totally surrounded by

  creatures with GIANT EYES.

  Everyone relaxed when the creatures

  came into the light and it turned out they

  were just DWARVES.


  But the dwarves were MAD. They thought

  Roland’s team was there to steal their

  JEWELS. So Roland and his friends hopped

  in mine carts to get away.

  Then all of a sudden the tracks ENDED

  and Roland and his friends went flying

  through the darkness. Then they busted

  out of a WALL and landed on the ground



  The dwarves’ eyes weren’t used to the

  sunlight so they stayed back in the dark

  mines and yelled rude names and swears

  at Roland and his friends.

  But Roland told his team to IGNORE the

  dwarves because they were just being

  BULLIES and bullies only want to get a


  And everyone agreed that was good




  Greg wasn't crazy about the anti-bullying

  message but he LOVED the mine cart

  scene. He said we could make it into

  an awesome theme park ride and sell

  souvenir photos for thirty dollars a pop.

  Greg said the only problem with the story

  NOW was that it wasn't FUNNY enough.

  He said every good story needs lots of

  laughs and so far this one has zero.

  I said maybe I could add some knock-

  knock jokes in the next chapter but Greg

  said knock-knock jokes are the lowest

  form of comedy.


  I said people ALWAYS laugh at my knock-

  knock jokes and he said they're just

  being POLITE.

  So I said well then what DO people think

  is funny? And Greg said body humor like

  farts and burps and stuff. But that

  stuff isn't funny to ME.

  One of the rules in my house is that you

  can't say "fart," you need to say "pass gas."

  And another rule is that you're not allowed

  to pass gas in the kitchen during meals.


  Greg said if you're gonna write a book

  you HAVE to put in gross stuff or kids

  won't BUY it. And he said if we were

  REALLY smart we'd put something

  gross on the COVER.

  Then Greg said he had an even BETTER

  IDEA. He said that nowadays a lot of

  books come with extra stuff like sticker

  sheets and mini-posters.


  So he said we could make a sticker sheet

  with a bunch of gross things on it so

  kids could add their OWN body humor

  wherever they WANTED.


  Greg said we should throw in a lot of

  SLAPSTICK humor because kids love

  that kind of stuff too.

  Then he told me this idea where the team

  pulls a prank on the One-Eyed Wizard by

  throwing his eye up on a wall. But that

  kind of sounded like BULLYING to ME.


  Greg told me the OTHER thing the story

  is missing is ROMANCE. He said EVERY

  good book has some kind of love story in

  it so we'd better add one to OURS.

  He said a good couple would be Garg

  and Shae'Vana because the elf would like

  Garg's MUSCLES.

  And I said maybe Shae'Vana would like

  ROLAND because he's sensitive and has a

  shy smile.


  But Greg said Roland's too busy practicing

  his flute to be interested in girls so we

  should just go with Garg.

  I said maybe we don't HAVE to put a

  romance in the story because it's OK

  for boys and girls to be FRIENDS. But

  then Greg said a BETTER idea would be

  to make Roland and Garg FIGHT over


  Well I don't think it's good for two

  friends to fight over a girl so if there's

  gonna be a romance it'll have to be with

  someone NEW.



  After a whole day of adventures everyone

  was pretty tired. Nobody wanted to camp

  outside that night because they were

  worried some monster would come along

  and gobble them up while they were


  The One-Eyed Wizard said he heard about

  an old castle nearby that nobody lived in

  and maybe they could sleep THERE.

  Everybody thought that sounded like a

  good idea except Roland who thought it

  actually sounded a little SCARY.


  But it turned out the castle wasn’t

  abandoned after ALL. There was a light on

  in the highest tower and everyone agreed

  that someone should INVESTIGATE.

  Shae’Vana volunteered and Roland

  decided he would go WITH her. And when

  they got to the base of the highest tower

  Shae’Vana tied a rope to an arrow and

  shot it up at the windowsill.


  Shae’Vana climbed up the rope and Roland

  climbed AFTER her. And for the first time

  Roland noticed that she smelled like rose

  petals after a spring rain shower.

  He thought maybe Shae’Vana used the

  same perfume as his MOM and was about

  to ask her. But by then they were already

  at the window.

  Roland and Shae’Vana had to squeeze

  close together so they could both look

  through the opening. And that made

  Roland feel all warm inside.


  But Shae’Vana didn’t seem to notice

  because she was too focused on what was

  in the ROOM.

  There was a teenager sitting on a bed

  and at first Roland thought it was just

  a person with pointy teeth. But then he

  realized this guy was a VAMPIRE.

  Roland was about to tell Shae’Vana they

  both needed to get OUT of there but she

  had already climbed over the windowsill

  and into the room. And even though

  Roland thought this was a bad idea he


bsp; 134

  The vampire barely even looked up at

  Shae’Vana and Roland. But when he

  finally noticed them he said they were his

  first visitors in three hundred YEARS.

  The vampire said his name was Christoph

  and he got bitten by a vampire bat when

  he was a teenager. And after that everyone

  he loved got older and died but his curse

  was to stay the same age forever.

  Christoph said after his parents passed

  away he locked himself in this tower so

  he would never bite a living soul.


  He said he planned to stay in the tower

  FOREVER. And Roland thought that

  sounded like a GREAT plan.

  When Christoph finally finished his story,

  Shae’Vana asked him if he wanted to

  come WITH them on their quest. And

  before Roland could say anything the

  vampire was already packing his things

  for the trip.

  Roland really wished Shae’Vana had

  asked if it was OK to bring this guy along

  BEFORE inviting him because Roland was

  kind of the team leader. But he was a nice

  guy so he didn’t say anything.


  The three of them climbed down the rope

  and Shae’Vana introduced Christoph to

  the whole team. And then the vampire

  said there was one thing he should mention

  before they got going.

  He said he could only travel at NIGHT

  because vampires get turned to ash if

  they’re exposed to SUNLIGHT.

  But Shae’Vana said that wouldn’t be a

  problem because they could just sleep

  during the DAY and travel after dark.

  And everyone was OK with that.*

  Except Roland




  Greg said the vampire thing was GREAT

  because teenagers love supernatural

  romance stories and we needed to age

  the story up ANYWAY.

  He said girls would fall in love with the

  vampire but guys would wanna BE him.

  And he said he already had ideas for

  personal fragrances and stuff like that.


  I said maybe Roland could have his own

  fragrance TOO. But Greg said the

  vampire is a BAD boy and Roland is a

  GOOD boy so it's just not the same.

  Greg really liked the "curse" idea but the

  truth is I got that one from HIM.

  A few weeks ago Greg got mad at me

  for not sharing my bubble gum and he

  said he was gonna put a hex on me. And

  he said that anything BAD that happened

  from that point on was because of his


  So I told Greg's mom what he did and she

  made him REVERSE his curse.


  But a few days later I stubbed my toe

  on a curb so I'm pretty sure Greg only

  PRETENDED to reverse the hex.

  Anyway Greg said that right now was

  the perfect time to shake the story up

  with a big PLOT TWIST. Well I thought

  the vampire WAS the plot twist so now

  I've gotta come up with something even




  The team traveled at night and slept all

  day and everybody’s sleep schedules were

  totally screwed up just so this vampire

  guy could go WITH them. And he didn’t

  really ADD anything to the team unless

  you want to give him bonus points for not

  BITING anyone.

  Roland told everyone they should all

  keep their hands free so they could get to

  their weapons if they got ambushed. But

  Shae’Vana and the vampire pretty much

  ignored him.

  One night the moon peeked out from

  behind a cloud and the vampire started

  acting all CRAZY.

  Then he transformed into a WEREWOLF

  right before their eyes.


  Lefty had to hold the werewolf down so

  he didn’t HURT anyone. And when the

  moon disappeared behind another cloud

  the werewolf turned back into a vampire.

  Then Christoph told everyone the story of

  how he BECAME a werewolf.

  So it turned out this guy had a DOUBLE

  curse. And that just seemed to make

  Shae’Vana like him even MORE.


  Christoph said that as long as the moon

  was full he had to be inside or this would

  keep happening. So that meant now they

  couldn’t travel at night OR during the day.

  And that was really annoying to Roland

  because he had already kept his mom

  waiting for long ENOUGH.

  Roland took Shae’Vana aside and asked if

  maybe they should leave this guy behind

  because of the whole werewolf thing. But

  she said “this guy” had a NAME and his

  name was CHRISTOPH.

  Then the One-Eyed Wizard said he knew

  a way to BREAK the vampire’s double



  He said a ruby in the White Warlock’s staff

  had the power to REVERSE magic spells,

  so if they could steal it they could turn

  Christoph back into a regular PERSON.

  Roland reminded everyone the whole

  point of the mission was to rescue his

  MOM and if the vampire got cured then

  that was just a nice BONUS. But nobody

  listened to him because all anybody


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