Book Read Free

Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure

Page 6

by Jeff Kinney

  wanted to talk about was the RUBY.

  The One-Eyed Wizard said that even if

  they reached the Ice Fortress they still

  didn’t have a way IN because of the giant

  WALL surrounding it.


  So Shae’Vana asked Roland if she could

  see the MAP. Then she breathed on the

  section that showed the Ice Fortress and

  Roland thought her breath smelled like

  mint leaves dipped in honey.

  A few seconds later some magic elf writing

  appeared on the map and Shae’Vana said it

  showed a SECRET ENTRANCE into the Ice



  Everyone was pretty excited but they all

  agreed it would be a good idea to get some

  rest before they made the final push to

  the Ice Fortress.

  Roland was ESPECIALLY excited so he

  had trouble SLEEPING. At one point he

  reached for the map because he wanted to

  look at that cool elvish writing and maybe

  see if it still smelled like mint and honey.

  But if you thought the werewolf thing

  was the big plot twist then guess what

  you were WRONG. Because when Roland

  reached for the map it was GONE.


  Roland woke up Sherlock Holmes to see if

  he could figure out who TOOK the map. So

  Sherlock Holmes started looking for CLUES.

  He said that first of all, there were elf

  footprints that led to Roland’s sleeping bag.

  And second, Shae’Vana was MISSING. So

  Sherlock Holmes said Shae’Vana was the

  one who took the map and she probably

  did it to go steal that RUBY.

  Everyone was pretty amazed that

  Sherlock Holmes figured out the mystery

  so quickly. And he said he didn’t want to

  brag but this was kind of an easy one.


  Greg loved the plot twist but said he

  should get CREDIT for it because he

  was the one who said the elf should be

  a THIEF. But he didn't WANT credit

  because he didn't wanna have to deal

  with the BACKLASH.

  Greg said that girls are gonna be really

  mad that the cool elf girl is BAD. He said

  when this book gets published I'm gonna

  have a bunch of people marching in my

  front yard and I'll never be able to go

  outside AGAIN.


  And that made me really nervous because

  I just started tap-dancing lessons again

  and I need to leave the house on Tuesday

  and Thursday afternoons.

  Greg said it's a risky move to create a

  character everyone likes and then switch

  things up so they're BAD.

  He said a pregnant woman might read

  half the book and decide to name her baby

  Shae'Vana, and then find out her kid's

  named after a CRIMINAL.


  I said maybe Shae'Vana can learn her

  lesson at the end of the story and tell

  kids stealing is WRONG. But he said

  that's kind of corny and people will still

  be MAD.

  I decided being an author is too much

  trouble and said I was just going to

  focus on tap

  dancing instead. But Greg

  said I can't quit NOW because the story

  isn't OVER.

  Greg said I'm doing everything RIGHT but

  now I need to add a lot more DRAMA.

  He said the characters should get into

  arguments and really go at it with each

  other because everyone loves watching

  people FIGHT.


  I said the reason the team gets along

  so well is because they're all FRIENDS

  and they LIKE each other. But Greg

  said if everyone's always getting along

  then nobody's gonna CARE about the


  Plus he said this is supposed to be an

  ADVENTURE story that's full of danger

  but nobody's even gotten HURT. I reminded

  Greg that Roland got a blister in Chapter

  Three but Greg said that wasn't an

  injury it was just a first aid thing.

  So I said maybe the blister can get

  INFECTED but Greg said nobody wants to

  read a book about Roland's medical issues.


  He said if I REALLY wanted to make the

  story exciting I'd KILL OFF one of my

  characters. But I didn't like THAT idea

  because it would make people SAD.

  He said a good story's supposed to make

  you feel a whole BUNCH of different

  emotions and if readers feel sad I'm just

  doing my JOB. Then Greg said someone

  ALWAYS dies in a story like this and all

  I needed to do was pick a character I

  didn't really care about.

  I said I liked ALL of my characters and

  I didn't want ANY of them to die. But

  Greg told me if I want to be a REAL

  writer I'm gonna have to start making

  some tough choices.



  It turns out the map wasn’t the ONLY

  thing the elf stole. The One-Eyed Wizard

  put his eyeball next to his pillow when he

  went to sleep and now it was MISSING.

  The One-Eyed Wizard said his eye was

  MAGICAL and he could usually see out of

  it even if the eye was far away. But he

  said the elf must’ve put it in her POCKET

  or something because he couldn’t see


  Roland asked the wizard how he was going

  to get around since he didn’t have any eyes

  left and the wizard said he’d be fine because

  he could get by on his sense of smell.

  There was one OTHER thing that was

  missing, and that was Roland’s BAG.


  And that was really bad news because he

  had a bunch of food and supplies in it.

  So the team went through Garg’s bag to

  see if he had any food in there. But all he

  packed for the trip was a bunch of weights

  for working out.

  Now everybody started PANICKING

  because they were in the middle of

  nowhere and didn’t have anything to EAT.

  So everyone started arguing about whose

  FAULT it was that their stuff got stolen.

  The vampire said it was ROLAND’S fault

  for leaving the map out in the open. And

  the wizard blamed Sherlock Holmes for

  not figuring out that the elf was a thief

  SOONER. But Sherlock Holmes said he’s

  a DETECTIVE and he only solves crimes

  AFTER they happen.

  Then the vampire started blubbering

  because he missed his GIRLFRIEND. And

  Roland actually felt kind of BAD for him.*

  But not that bad



  All of a sudden a FIGHT broke out

  between Stephen and Garg, so Roland had

  to put them BOTH in time-out.

  Roland was sad because all of his friends

  were fighting but he was ALSO sad

  because he felt like he wasn’t doing a

  very good job of being a LEADER. So he

  made a suggestion box and
told everyone

  they could put their notes in the slot.


  And even though Roland told them to be

  honest with their feedback some of the

  comments kind of hurt his feelings.

  But Roland knew they couldn’t just stay

  HERE or he’d NEVER rescue his mom. So

  he told everyone to gather up their stuff

  because it was time to head out.

  Well nobody was crazy about THAT idea

  because without the MAP they didn’t

  know where they were GOING.


  Then Sherlock Holmes found the elf’s

  FOOTPRINTS leading out of camp. He

  said they could just follow her trail which

  should take them all the way to the Ice

  Fortress. And since nobody had a BETTER

  plan that’s what they did.

  The elf’s footprints led the team across

  a grassy plain and to a cornfield where

  there was a pathway cut into it. But the

  path was twisty and there were lots of

  places where it split in different directions.

  Sherlock Holmes tried to follow the elf’s

  trail but it was HARD because the tracks

  crossed over each other in some places.


  Sherlock Holmes stopped and told everyone

  they’d been TRICKED. He said this was a

  MAZE and the elf must’ve gone in here

  because she knew she’d be FOLLOWED.

  Now they were LOST. Roland didn’t know

  what to do so he closed his eyes and

  asked Bampy the Brave for HELP. And a

  few seconds later Roland heard a rustling

  noise in the corn.


  And it was the GHOST OF BAMPY!

  Bampy ran down a path and Roland and

  his team tried to keep up with him. They

  followed Bampy all the way out of the

  maze and then thanked him before he

  vanished back into the corn.


  Sherlock Holmes picked up the elf’s trail

  on the other side of the cornfield and the

  footprints led down into a steep canyon

  where there was a river of LAVA.

  It was much too wide to jump across and

  Roland knew he shouldn’t ask Bampy for

  help twice in one day.

  But then Lefty picked everyone up one by

  one and carried them to the other side of

  the lava.


  Just when the last team member got

  across the lava river safely a GEYSER

  shot up and blasted the magical hand.

  And all anyone could do was watch Lefty

  wave good-bye as he sank into the molten

  lava and out of sight.



  Greg said he was PROUD of me for

  writing that last scene because everyone's

  gonna be a MESS when they see it in


  He said the part about Bampy the Brave

  was kind of weird because people don't

  ask their dead grandpas for help. But I

  told Greg sometimes when I lose things I

  ask MY Bampy for help finding them and

  he always DOES.


  Greg said he wanted to talk about which

  character should die NEXT. He said maybe

  it should be Stephen because he wasn't

  really adding anything to the story.

  I said NOBODY else was gonna die

  because the story was ALREADY


  sad. Greg told me I can't turn back NOW

  because the book is getting near the end

  and things need to get more and more

  SERIOUS from here.

  But I think I need a BREAK from all this

  serious stuff so from now on I'm gonna

  tell the story the way I WANT to tell it.



  Everyone was really sad about Lefty so

  they spent a lot of time crying on the lava

  riverbank. But Roland was taking it the

  hardest because Lefty was probably his

  second best friend after Garg.

  The One-Eyed Wizard cast a spell for

  ANOTHER magical hand but everyone

  agreed it wasn’t the same, especially

  because this one was a RIGHTY.


  Sherlock Holmes picked up the elf’s trail

  again and the team followed it out of the

  canyon. But the tracks led to some dunes

  and then vanished in the sand.

  So now they were all lost for REAL. And

  when the full moon came out the vampire

  turned into a werewolf and this time

  everyone just thought it was ANNOYING.

  On the third night the moon started to

  CHANGE so at least they didn’t have to

  deal with the whole vampire turning into

  a werewolf thing anymore.


  The team wandered across the sandy

  dunes for two nights hoping to pick up the

  elf’s trail but they never DID. And they

  survived on cactus fruit and some gross

  insects Righty found under a rock.

  Roland didn’t know how much longer

  they could go on like this. One night they

  reached a winding river and set up camp.

  And while Roland was sitting by the fire

  the One-Eyed Wizard came over and sat

  next to him.


  The wizard told Roland there would be

  a crescent moon the next night and that

  meant the White Warlock was going to

  turn Roland’s mom into his QUEEN.

  That made Roland feel sad because

  even though he had tried his hardest


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