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Scarred Beauty

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Stay still. I’ll clean you up.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Yes, I do.” He kissed her on the lips before he moved from the bed. Seeing the blood of her innocence had struck a chord inside him. He’d taken something precious, something that she couldn’t pass onto anyone else.

  He went to the small bathroom on the opposite side of the room. He found a small towel. Rinsing the towel under warm water, he went back in to see her sitting up.

  “Lie down,” he said as he approached.

  She leaned back against the pillows. He applied the warm towel to her pussy, soaking up some of the blood and semen while he did.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Isaac glanced up to see her staring at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t be sorry. What you’ve given me is a gift, and I’ll cherish it always.”

  “Isn’t that a little old? I thought treasuring a woman’s virginity was a little outdated.” She smiled, but he could see it was forced.

  “I’m an older guy, and I still treasure it.” He rinsed the cloth of the blood and semen and bought it back to lie on her red pussy.

  Isaac lay next to her, wrapping his hands around her. “I want to hold you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Noelle woke up the following morning, and her body ached, especially between her thighs. She felt an arm over her waist, and when she turned over she saw Isaac watching her.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” She felt the blush heat her cheeks.

  “Last night I was inside you, and this morning you blush?” She knew he was teasing, but at the mention of the night before she felt the heat in her cheeks intensify.

  “I guess I thought last night was a dream.”

  He reached down between the blankets and touched her mound. She gasped as his finger slid between her wet folds. She was shocked by how wet she was and how much she wanted him already.

  “Well, I’m pleased to give you a good time.” He slid his fingers inside her body. She winced from the raw contact. “You’re still sore from last night?”

  Reluctantly she nodded her head.

  “Come on. I know it’s only a shower. Let’s get ready to leave.” Isaac pulled the blanket from her. She went to climb out of the bed, but he was there, lifting her up in his arms.

  “You don’t have to carry me. I know I’m heavy.”

  “I like you in my arms, Elle. You’re not too heavy for me. In fact you’re just right.” He carried her into the small bathroom. Placing her on the toilet, he began running the shower. She watched as he tested the water before carrying her into the stall. He placed her directly under the jets with him at her back. She’d never shared anything with a man, and in less than twenty-four hours she’s lost her virginity, slept in the same bed, and now was sharing a shower with the same man. She didn’t consider Brad in the same league. He was her friend, and there could never be any attraction between them.

  She wet her hair as she heard him rustling around.

  “They have fresh soap for us to use.” Isaac pulled her hair out of the way and began to soap her body with his hands. “I wouldn’t use their sponge.” She bit her lip as he moved down her body, soaping her body using his hands as a sponge. A moan escaped her as he soaped her breasts, tugging on her nipples.

  “I didn’t know a sponge could do that,” she said.

  “I’m a special sponge, and I want to hear you scream for me.” He teased each nipple having her panting in his arms before he moved down to her pussy. He used both of his hands to open her lips and tease her clit. The pleasure shot through her whole body. She grabbed onto the wall to keep herself upright.

  Seconds later she shuddered as her release came. Isaac held her. She guessed it was to keep her from falling.

  “Hold onto the wall,” he said. Isaac placed her hands flat on the wall bending her at the waist. “Don’t move.”

  She stayed in the position he placed her. From the angle she wouldn’t have water splashing onto her face. The water cascaded onto her back and down. She felt his fingers on her ass opening her wide. She held her breath as he ran down past her ass to her cunt.

  “You’re so wet and perfect. I know I should wait, but I want you again, Elle.” He replaced his fingers with his cock. She felt him press his large shaft inside her opening, his fingers digging into her ass.

  A whimper escaped her when he slammed inside her. There was nothing gentle in the way he pressed every inch of himself inside.

  “So fucking tight and hot,” he said. He held her hips as he plunged inside her. She cried out as he hit something deep, creating a thin line between pleasure and pain. The intensity of the sensation made every part of her skin sensitive. Wherever he touched she felt the extreme pleasure he was creating. The rapture was more than she could stand.

  “I want to feel you come around my dick. Come on, baby, let me feel you.” Isaac pounded inside her, the grip tightening unbearably hard on her hips as the speed with which he fucked her increased.

  He switched the angle sending her over the edge as every part of his length rubbed over her sensitive muscles. He was determined to make her lose her mind. She screamed as he pounded her flesh relentlessly. The sound of the slapping of wet flesh against the other and their moans mingled in the room. His grip changed from her hips to her breasts. He fingered her nipples biting into the flesh with his finger and thumb.

  “Come for me. I want to feel you. I’m so close.”

  At his command she screamed as her release came to her. She held onto the wall as he used her body for his own pleasure. Seconds later, he growled and bucked as he came. She felt the kick of his cock inside her pussy as his sperm erupted.

  Isaac kissed her neck and pulled away. They didn’t speak as they finished getting washed. Thirty minutes later, they left the hotel. She gave the key back to the reception desk and got into the car where he sat waiting.

  He pulled away from the hotel and drove through the busy morning traffic. She pulled some hair over her face to keep the scar covered. Jumping in her seat as Isaac placed one of his hands on her knee, up under her skirt, she gasped as he made circles on her flesh.

  “When you come to the hotel, I want you to be wearing skirts or dresses. No more trousers that will cover you. Do you hear me?”


  “Good.” They drove in silence until he pulled up outside her apartment. She hadn’t thought about confronting Brad. He hadn’t been in her mind since last night.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said.

  “You will?”

  “Elle, last night was the start of something. If you’re not at the hotel by eight, I’m coming to get you.” He leaned over and kissed her. Pulling her hair off her face, he kissed her scar before settling back on her lips. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  She got out of the car and made her way up to her apartment without looking back. Brad was waiting with a cup of coffee at the table as she entered the apartment.

  “You didn’t come back last night. I was worried.”

  “Sorry, I had it on silent. I was in a meeting of some kind.”

  “When will I get to meet him?” he asked, ignoring her explanation.


  “Don’t play me for a fool, Noelle. I know you’re seeing someone.”

  Putting her coat and bags on the counter, she returned to stare at her friend. “I don’t want to talk about it. You’ve got your business, and I’ve got mine. I love you, and nothing is going to change that.”

  Brad stood and walked over to her. “I love you, too. Don’t let any man treat you less than you’re worth.” He kissed her cheek and walked round her to leave.

  She closed her eyes and thanked whoever was looking down on her. She wouldn’t have been able to cope with a fight from him.


  Isaac sat in his meeting not listening to anything being said. His mind kept playing the events of last night and
early morning. She had been a virgin, and he’d taken it from her as if he’d had a right to it.

  Rubbing his face, he tried to clear his mind.

  “That is where you come in, Mr. Welch,” one of his employees said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “This particular case needs to be handled face to face. You’re head of the company and could nail this if he was to see you in person.”

  “I’ll arrange everything and fly out next week,” he said not really thinking about it.

  “Actually, we’ve organised for you to leave first thing tomorrow.” His secretary gave him the flight tickets and the file that he needed to read. The rest of the meeting went by in a blur as he read the file. He was hoping to acquire another company to add to the massive collection he had.

  He walked out of the meeting not caring what the others would say if he skipped what was important. Business was going to call him away, and all he wanted to do was spend time with Elle.

  Clark walked into his office later that day with a frown on his face. “Did I hear you walked out on a board meeting?”

  “You’ve got to stop screwing women from my office,” Isaac told him.

  “They’re good women. Well, what is going on?”


  Clark stared at him across the desk. “Nothing. You’re no longer available at night. You don’t return my calls. I haven’t seen you out with a woman in over a month.”

  “I’m making changes to my life, and that includes not dating.”

  “Something is going on with you, and I want to know what it is. We’re supposed to be the best of friends.”

  “Clark, we’re forty-year-old men. Don’t you think it’s time for us to grow up and settle down?”

  “Are you having a mid-life crisis, or are you worried that you’ll end up like your father?” Clark asked.

  Isaac ignored all the questions.

  “Rumour has it that your younger brother got in touch.”

  “No one should listen to rumours,” Isaac said as he flicked through the file. He kept looking at the clock and waiting for the time to pass so he could be with Elle once again.

  He felt he had a responsibility towards her.

  “Then I guess I shouldn’t repeat the fact that Bradley has a record for drink and drugs as well as a bad reputation for the gambling tables.”

  “Keep that information to yourself. He’s fought hard to get where he is today,” he said defending his brother.

  “You know, your dad was at one of my ex-wife’s functions the other day?” Clark asked.

  Clark had married years ago, only to cheat on the woman with her best friend. Why did they lead fucked-up lives?

  “I don’t want to know.” Isaac had enough of waiting. He got up from his desk and gathered his files and stuff.

  “Where are you going?” Clark asked.

  “I’ve had enough for today. I’m going home to get ready to leave.”

  “This is what I’m talking about. You’re not yourself.” Clark grabbed Isaac’s arm as he went to pass.

  “Let go of me. I’ve got somewhere to be.”

  “What the hell are you doing, Isaac? You better think about what you’re doing. Otherwise it’s going to come and bite you in the ass.”

  Isaac pulled out of the hold and stormed out of his office. Thinking about Elle and last night, the things she’d said had his mind working faster than he could stand.

  When he got to his penthouse apartment, he got into the cold shower and allowed the water to run over his body. She’d admitted to being in love with him. A woman who had no idea who he was had said she loved the man he was playing.

  Isaac wasn’t the same man as Isaac Welch. In his world he’d send her to the wolves. There was no possible way for him to love her. Not at all. He denied his feelings for her in the hope they would be true. He was a cold calculating bastard who only wanted to see her hero worship him. Her feelings meant nothing to him.

  I’m not in love with Noelle Evans. I’m not in love with Noelle Evans.

  He chanted the words in hope that the ache inside his chest was due to something else rather than his denial of feelings for her.

  Cutting off his feelings he got out of the shower to change for his visit with her. He’d tell her he couldn’t see her for some time. Then he would go on this business trip, nail the account, screw another woman and forget all about Noelle Evans. No way would he be controlled by his dick. Women were made to be fucked and forgotten. Elle wasn’t any different. Even as he thought the words, Isaac hated them. Elle wasn’t like other women, and to think of her in such a way disgusted him.

  He stared at his reflection in the bathroom and hated what he saw. Elle deserved the man she’d come to love in the hotel room, not the jaded other man who stood in his place, a man who would rather ruin his father than spend ten minutes alone in a room with him.

  “Do not turn into that man,” he said to himself. When he was with her, nothing else mattered. He knew he could live happily with her and never look at another woman again. Spending so much time in his social circle was making him think it was impossible. Elle made him feel like anything was possible.

  “Go to her and be the man you want to be.” Isaac got dressed in quick time. He left his apartment and drove straight to the hotel. When he got to the reception desk of the hotel, the man behind the counter smirked at him.

  “Make sure she gets the key,” he said. He paid for the room for the whole night. Before he left he wanted to feel her in his arms. Forty years old and she was the only woman to ever sleep all night in his bed.

  When he got inside the room he stared at the bed for the longest time. He saw the two of them intertwined as they were last night, him holding her hands above her head as he drove into her cunt and took her cherry.

  The sheets were fresh. He wished he had something of her so he could scent her while he waited.

  Removing his clothes, he grabbed a robe, sat on the bed and waited for her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Noelle was surprised when the desk clerk handed her a key. She went to pay him for the use of the room, but he shook the money away. Her day had been unproductive. She couldn’t get the image of what they’d done out of her head. The whole situation was distracting her, and she needed to earn some money.

  When she got to the hotel room, she opened the door and was pulled inside. Isaac closed the door and pressed her up against it. He slammed his lips down on hers before she could protest. Neither spoke or had the time to speak as he was clawing at her. She felt the desperation within him. Instead of being scared she rejoiced in the need he felt. Heat pooled between her legs, her cream leaking into her panties as the rapture he created within her took hold.

  Isaac pulled the sash of her coat apart pushing it from her shoulders. When the coat fell to the floor, he gripped the bottom of her dress and pulled it up and over her head. She stood in her bra and panties. The bra had a front clasp. Pressing kisses against her mouth, he flicked the front of her clasp. Her breasts spilled into his waiting hands.

  She moaned as he kissed down her neck and to her nipples. His hands tore at the fabric of her panties. She felt them pull against her butt seconds before the sound of tearing. Without any waiting, he lifted her up in his arms, her back pressed against the door. He opened her legs forcing her to wrap them around his waist.

  Isaac ran his fingers through her slit, released a growl and then sank his hard shaft inside her.

  Noelle cried out from the sudden invasion of his cock. He was thicker from the angle as he pinned her against the door.

  He bit her nipples as he thrust his cock inside her cunt. Both of his hands held her ass as she was repeatedly pushed against the door. She heard someone walk past and knock on the door. Isaac didn’t stop. He kept up his rhythm. All she could do was hold on as he fucked her without any words. Her nipples were tender as he nipped them between his teeth. She cried out as the pleasure went straight to her clit.

  Something was different about him. She sensed an extreme need within him as if he had no control over what he was doing.

  He kissed her lips then sucked on her neck, his cry of pleasure and the kick of his cock letting her know he’d come. She held onto him, afraid in case he dropped her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.


  “Because I didn’t bring you pleasure. I wasn’t thinking about you.”

  “It’s okay to have selfish moments,” she said running her fingers through his hair.

  “I don’t want to be selfish with you.”

  Licking her lips, she thought about what he meant. “We all deserve some time to ourselves, Isaac. Even you.”

  “In every aspect of my life I’m selfish. I get what I want and don’t care about the consequences. With you, I want to be different. I want to be a better man.”

  He carried her over to the bed and wrapped her in his arms. Noelle was confused. He spent his entire life assisting women. As an escort he was paid to be there. She refused to bring up his working life. She didn’t want it to get between them.

  He caressed her body as she lay in his arms. She watched his hand move up and down her body. When he rested his palm on her stomach she took a deep breath trying to suck all of her stomach in.

  “Don’t do that. I love your body.”

  “I’m not skinny,” she said.

  “I know, and that is what makes you perfect.”

  She sensed something was wrong with him, and it made her uncomfortable that he wasn’t telling her the problem. Noelle stopped his hand from moving by placing her own over his. “Tell me what is on your mind.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he said.

  “Tell me, Isaac.”

  He pulled away, releasing a sigh while he did. She sat up on the bed taking a pillow to cover her nakedness.

  “I’ve got to leave for a week or so, and I won’t be able to make our visits,” he said.

  “Is it something I’ve done or said? I could take it back.” She instantly thought he wanted to get away from her.

  “Nothing you do could ever send me away.” He cupped her cheek and stroked her scar. The touch which had made her nervous had turned into more of a comfort to her now. “I’ve got business to attend to. I’ll call you when I get back.”


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