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Scarred Beauty

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She nodded her head, relieved his trip had nothing to do with her. “Do you need to leave tonight?”

  “No. I’m spending the night here with you. You’re not leaving me tonight,” he said.

  “Okay.” She answered him even though it hadn’t been a question but an order.

  “Good.” He pulled her closer and kissed her. She melted to him instantly, responding to the heat of his kiss. Isaac took control. He lay back against the pillows and brought her over his thighs. They kissed with her on top. Noelle felt his cock thicken as she sat across from him, his seed leaking out of her pussy onto his lap. She moaned. She hadn’t thought about protection before. Could she have children? Putting the panic from her mind she took his lips. If Isaac wasn’t concerned then she wouldn’t let it bother her.

  “I want you to take me like this with you on top,” he said.

  “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Yes, you can. I want it.” He helped to lift her off his lap as he gripped the base of his shaft. She looked down and watched as he slid the weeping tip through her juices. She hadn’t found a release last time, but she was wet from his attention.

  “Tilt your hips, and let me get my cock inside you.” Noelle did as he instructed and gasped as she slid down his length. From this position she felt as if he was in her stomach. The depth shocked her. She held onto his waist as he moved his hands to her hips. “I’m almost in. Just a little more.”

  “You’re too big.”

  “You took all of me last night. I just feel bigger because you’re on top. You’re in control, Elle. Take me.” He guided her down the last few inches. She cried out. “I’m in. Do you feel me in here?” He pressed a hand to her stomach above her pelvis. The press of his fingers intensified the feeling of him.

  She stayed still, not moving to get herself used to being on top. From the position with her hands, he pressed her breasts together. Isaac cupped her tits in his hands and thumbed her nipples.

  “Move when you’re ready. I’m your slave.”

  Noelle liked the sound of that. Very slowly, she thrust her pelvis. He kicked inside her. Both of them cried out at their combined pleasure. Lifting up off him she moved back down on his shaft to get used to the feel of him. Isaac stared at her and waited for her.

  “Come on, baby, take me. I’m yours.”

  She found a pace which started out slow. The bliss from his hands on her body and the pleasure she found from being on top and in control were more than she could stand. Flinging her head back she fucked him.

  “That’s it. Take your pleasure. Use me,” he said.

  In his arms she felt like a woman. Nothing could take away the experience she had with him.

  “Touch yourself,” he said.

  “You touch me.”

  She wanted his hands on her body.

  “Are you ordering me?” he asked with a smile.

  “You’re my slave, and as my slave you’d do what I ask.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  Noelle closed her eyes as he touched her clit. She cried out, squeezing her pussy around him. The tightness of her cunt wasn’t lost on her.

  “Fuck. Do that again.”

  She squeezed her pussy and he fingered her clit. She watched him lick his fingers and move back to her pussy.

  Their pace sped up as the pleasure intensified.

  “That’s it. I’m going to come, baby. Take me harder. I’m not going to spunk inside you until you grip me and I feel your cream soaking my dick.”

  His naughty words held her captive. He flicked her clit, and she fell apart from his ministrations. With her climax she drove harder down on his cock, the pleasure making her forget about the bit of pain from having him at such an exposed angle. His hands on her hips took over everything as he pounded her pussy.

  “Fuck,” he growled. He kicked inside her, and she felt the pulse as jets of his cum shot into her pussy. Biting her lip, she tried to keep the cry of pleasure.

  “Let it go,” he said.

  She screamed, collapsing on top of him, their skin coated in a sheen of sweat. Isaac held her through the emotions. Tears blurred her vision. Never had she felt so close to anyone as in the moments of release with Isaac.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “Thank you.”

  He held her to him as she gained her breath. She didn’t want to move for fear it would break the connection between them, the connection far greater than the physical.

  “I love you, Isaac.” She whispered the words not sure if he could hear them. Last night she hadn’t been sure. Spending the day she’d been able to come to terms with her thoughts and feelings. She knew without any doubt that Isaac owned her heart. What hurt her the most was she didn’t know his last name.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three days later

  Isaac sat in the bar and watched the gorgeous blonde eyeing him up. She’d been eating him for a good hour during his dinner reservations with a potential client. He’d bagged the case and would be flying back home soon. Staying for the week was what he’d chosen to do to avoid meeting Noelle. Their last visit had turned into something more than two people fucking. She was starting to mean more to him, and he couldn’t accept that.

  Rubbing his chest, he drank the scotch down in one shot. Brad refused his phone calls, and Clark kept phoning him at every moment. He needed to have a clean break from Noelle. The words she’d whispered on their last night together kept playing inside his mind. She was twenty years younger than he and had her whole life ahead of her. She didn’t need to be marred by his reputation.

  He took a long drink of his scotch and waited for the blonde to make her move. They always assessed him before moving in. Glancing down at his watch he gave her less than five minutes to make her way over. Staring down at his glass, he signalled the barman for a refill. The moment the man had finished filling his glass, the blonde sat down in the opposite seat.

  “Is this seat taken?” she asked with the same old lines.

  “Not anymore,” he said. Boredom hit him square between the eyes. He stared at her for several moments. Her face was perfectly made up without a single smudge or smear on her. She had blonde, straight hair, which emphasised her features and flawless skin. The gown she wore dipped down to the waist showing she wore no bra and revealing much of her breasts. All he would need to do was reach out and slip his hand inside her dress to feel the weight of her tits.

  Instead, he turned back to his drink, which held more appeal.

  “You look lonely,” she said.

  “And I guess you want to help me with that?” Noelle wouldn’t do anything like this. He knew that while he was away she would be counting the days until she next saw him. On the other hand, he was sitting in a bar considering taking a woman up to his room and fucking the life out of her to rid himself of the feelings Noelle evoked within him.

  “You won’t be disappointed.”

  “No? Then I guess I better finish my drink, and we should go on up to my room.” He flung back the rest of his glass, swallowing it down in one large gulp. Isaac wanted the fire and burn to let him know he was alive. Pulling out his wallet, he passed the barman a load of bills and told him to keep the change. Grabbing the woman’s hand, he led her over to the elevator.

  People walked around the foyer, but when he and the woman got inside the cart no one was there. The moment the doors closed, Isaac pinned the nameless woman against the wall as he plundered her mouth. She raised her hands above her head pressing her chest against him. The thinness of her body was distracting him. He felt all of her bones and ribs. The body he touched wasn’t Noelle. Pushing thoughts of her aside, he captured the woman’s lips and kissed down to her neck. Her breasts were small and didn’t fill his hands, and the bones of her hips weren’t turning him on. As quickly as his arousal had come the feel of her body was turning him off. The bell to say the elevator stopped came, and then the doors opened giving him the fresh air he needed. The s
cent of her perfume was making him feel nauseous.

  They passed several couples, but he didn’t stop to make small talk. He got to his room, pushed the key card in and pulled her into the room. Without talking, he pinned her against the wall and kissed her. Closing his eyes he tried to picture Noelle. If he had to think about her to get hard then that is what he would do. Pulling the dress down off her shoulders he filled his hands with the weight of her tits, which wasn’t much.

  “Slow down,” she said.

  “Shut up, and don’t talk.”

  She moaned, which only grated on his nerves.

  You shouldn’t be doing this, Isaac.

  Shaking his head he moved her to the bedroom. She removed the last of her clothes, and he saw she wasn’t wearing any underwear. The moment he looked at her, a vision of Noelle pinned against the door entered his mind. She had worn panties, and the need to be inside her had consumed him.

  Forcing her to the back of his mind, he took the stranger’s lips once again, intent to lose himself in the fuck. She began unbuckling his belt and pulling down his trousers.

  Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.

  He watched her pull his trousers down and go for the waist band of his pants.

  “I love you, Isaac.” Noelle’s face and beautiful smile came to him, the vision of the pain on her face as he took her virginity.

  What are you doing, Isaac? You took her innocence, and now you’re about to have useless sex with a woman you don’t care about and whose name you don’t know. You’re just like your father.

  She moved his boxers down an inch, and he placed his hands over hers.

  “Stop,” he said, pulling out of her hold. He walked to the opposite side of the room and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “What do you mean? You’re Isaac Welch. Of course you can do this.”

  The fact she knew his name didn’t surprise him. Most women knew who he was before they checked him out.

  He picked her dress off the floor. “I can’t do this. I’ve got a girl waiting for me back home.”

  “She must be special if you don’t want to get down and dirty with me,” she said.

  “I’m not going to answer that, and if any of this gets its way to the press I will ruin you.” He turned his back while she finished dressing.

  Glancing at his watch, he knew it would be morning where Noelle was. He waited for the woman to finish dressing, pulled a couple of notes from his wallet as he grabbed his trousers. He handed the bills to her.

  “I’m not a whore,” she said.

  “I know. This is for a few drinks downstairs.”

  She took the money and left his hotel room. Rubbing a hand over his mouth, he swore several times. If he didn’t get them under control his feelings for Noelle would threaten everything. He refused to feel anything and allow himself to be exposed to the kind of pain his mother had gone through.

  He took his mobile phone to the kitchen and dialled her number.

  “Hello,” she said as she answered several moments later. She sounded distracted.



  “The very same.”

  “It’s so good to hear your voice. I miss you.”

  “I’m missing you, too.” More than you could imagine.

  “How is business?”

  “Boring. I miss our nights together.”

  She giggled, and when he closed his eyes, he could see her smile.

  “I’m going to back on Friday. Will you meet me at the hotel?” he asked. Plans began working in his mind.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”


  “I love you, Isaac.”

  “I know. I’ll see you on Friday. I just needed to hear your voice.” Rubbing his eyes, he felt his stomach turn at what he was going to do to rid her from his mind.

  “See you Friday. I’m sending kisses down the line.” He chuckled despite himself.

  “I’ll kiss you when I see you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  They hung up, and Isaac made another quick call. If he couldn’t have any other woman then Noelle was going to be his for the keeping.


  Noelle smiled as she put her mobile down. She hoped he was okay. He sounded distracted. Glancing at the painting she was making, she felt herself blush. The image was of Isaac as he lay against the bedroom of the hotel. He was smiling. She hadn’t bought herself round to painting the lower part of his body.

  She heard Brad get up and went out to check on her friend. Making sure the door to her studio was closed she saw him buttering some toast.

  “Hi,” she said.


  “We barely see each other at the moment. How have you been, Brad?”

  “I’m fine. I’m not falling off the wagon if that’s what you mean.”

  “Of course not. I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” she said, switching the kettle on.

  “How is the painting going?” he asked, and she noticed he avoided her question.


  “Let me know when you want me to set up a meeting. Just so you know I came by one of those collectors who would be interested in selling your work at a big exhibition. He’s loved your work so far, and from what I’ve heard it is hard for artists to break into the world.”

  “I’m not ready for that.”

  “I know, but it gives you something to think about.”

  She smiled and poured him a cup of tea. He wore a short sleeved t-shirt, and she saw some of his old track marks. The doctor had said it would take time for the worst of the scars to heal. Seeing the evidence of the drug abuse made her feel like a lousy friend.

  “I know. I’m going to change my shirt in a minute,” Brad said as he covered his arms. “Don’t worry about it. I’m just taken back a little. You’ve fought so hard for where you are today. I hope Ben sees the battle you’ve had. Maybe you could be open and honest with him about your past.”

  “He’s got too much to deal with. Ben doesn’t need to hear my sappy story.” He sipped at his drink, and she knew it had to be burning him.

  “I love you, Brad. Don’t ever call your story sappy. You survived, and not many people can say that.”

  “I’m going to go to work.”

  “You can’t,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” Brad stood on the opposite side of the kitchen counter.

  “They phoned the other day and said they couldn’t keep you on. Something about the way the markets were and everything.”

  When the call had come in, she’d been shocked to hear how quickly they could get rid of someone. She knew the lack of work wasn’t what he needed right now. He needed to be able to fill his time with something.

  “So, it’s another handout from my dad again.”

  “Or not. I found this in the paper yesterday. I phoned and arranged an interview for you.” She handed him the paper where she’d circled it.

  “This is for a youth centre. What good would I be in a youth centre?” he asked.

  “More than you think. Some of the kids today are dealing with a lot of crap. Go for the interview, and spend a couple of weeks and see how you feel. If you don’t like it then go to your dad and ask for money.”

  She knew he would go to his dad if he had to, but he would prefer to make his own money.

  “You’re too good for me. You know that?”

  “I know.”

  Noelle watched him walk to his room. She felt bad with how things have been between them. They’d met under extreme circumstances, and she would like to think they could survive everything.

  Stretching her neck, she made herself some toast before going back into her studio. Having an exhibition would be a huge step. Unfortunately, she couldn’t cope with all of that attention. So many people would be staring at her work. When Brad h
ad people come to view her work in the apartment she stayed out of the way.

  Letting people in was the hardest thing she’d ever done. Glancing at the clock, she picked up her paint brush and allowed the magic to work.

  She heard Brad leave the apartment, and about two hours later, she heard someone knocking on the door.

  At first she ignored the banging, but as the minutes passed whoever it was became more persistent.

  Closing her eyes, she put her paint brush down and went to answer the door. A man with dark hair was on the other side.

  Her hands shaking, Noelle opened the door. The right side of her face was covered, but she only peered round the side.

  “Hi, Noelle. I’m looking for Bradley Welch,” he said.

  “He’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message?” Noelle asked him.

  “I can’t believe it. He’s not at his job either. I should have known he wouldn’t stay on the straight and narrow.”

  Noelle frowned. “Wait, what? Brad is fine. He’s at an interview today. The last company let him go.” She opened the door fully. “Are you Ben?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry. We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Ben Turner.”

  Noelle brushed her hair back. “I’m Noelle Evans, his friend.” She noticed when Ben looked at the scars on her face. What surprised her was how he brushed over them as if they weren’t there.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

  “I think you should come in.” Noelle opened the door and waited for Ben to walk in. “Do you want anything to drink?”

  “Water would do fine.”

  She went into the kitchen. Ben followed her and stood at the counter.

  “You can sit down. I don’t bite or anything.” Noelle handed him a drink and stood watching him. Ben was incredibly sexy and handsome, and she could see why Brad liked him.

  “Why did you want to see Brad?” she asked.

  “The last time we talked things didn’t end well. They never seem to end well with him. I wanted to make sure he was okay.”


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