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Mason's Revenge

Page 12

by Lorena Jackson

  “Yeah, great.”

  Mason made excuses but Caitlin told him off for being so polite. Rupert shrugged to Polly as they shifted over to let the intruders sit down. Worst of all was Mason sat next to Polly and he Caitlin sat next to him. A momentary silence until Caitlin nudged Rupert.

  “Are you going to introduce us?”

  He supposed he’d better introduce the two women, there was no need to introduce Polly to Mason.

  “This is Polly, my woman.”

  He glared at Mason when he said that. Just to remind him in case he got any ideas. A gentle whack on the arm from Polly made him correct himself.

  “Sorry, my girlfriend.”

  Caitlin laughed, Mason didn’t.

  “I had no idea you had a girlfriend, Rupert. Mason said you never have girlfriends.”

  He poured some wine for everyone and held up his glass for a toast. “Well, I do now, so here’s to my new girlfriend and here’s to your engagement.”

  With a clink from all four glasses, Rupert noticed a slight look between Polly and Mason. He needed to get her away from here before the pair of them started talking but they’d already ordered.

  “I feel really ill, I think I’m going to throw up.”

  They all looked at him. Before he could drag Polly away to get home, Caitlin grabbed him.

  “Come on, let’s get you some fresh air, I’m a doctor remember.”

  She dragged him in the direction of the doors, leaving Polly and Mason alone. That was the last thing he ever meant to happen. He turned around as Caitlin dragged him out on the street, watching them. He somehow orchestrated the two of them being alone together. That was not his intention.

  Out on the street, Caitlin loosened his tie and felt his forehead. No temperature. Do you still feel sick? Yes, he just needed to lie down so he was going home. He got back inside and yes, their heads were close together in quiet conversation. He couldn’t bear it.

  He apologised to the table; he was probably coming down with something and ought to go home.

  “How disappointing,” said Caitlin.

  Yes, such a shame, thought Rupert.

  “Polly can stay here, we’ll take her home. Right Mason?” suggested Caitlin.

  Caitlin was really starting to get on Rupert’s nerves, bossy cow. He wanted to grab the woman by the shoulders and say stop interfering. I’m trying to help you otherwise your fiance and my girlfriend will fall in love again! But alas, he couldn’t. She knew nothing about Polly.

  “Thank you. That’s so kind of you but I need Polly to come home with me.”

  He held out his hand, luckily Polly stood up and took it. They said their goodbyes and Caitlin suggested meeting up again very soon. No chance, thought Rupert.

  “Yes, sounds lovely,” he said instead.

  And with that, he guided Polly out to the waiting car, relieved in the knowledge she was coming home with him.

  Back at his place, Polly insisted on him going straight to bed. He daren’t tell her about the pathetic display of feigning illness to get her away from Mason. She lay in bed with him and he reached out to her.

  “I thought you were ill?”

  “Much better. Let’s make love. You’ve been promising me all day.”

  “Sorry, Rupert but I think I’m coming down with what you have.”

  She turned around to go to sleep.


  “Yes, Rupert?”

  “I love you.”

  “Goodnight Rupert.”

  He knew then, he’d lost her.

  Chapter 59


  * * *

  Polly rolled over in bed with Rupert beside her. Perfect Rupert. She’d always thought there had to be something wrong with him and tonight she discovered what that was. Yes, he was funny, clever, handsome, stylish, knowledgeable, sexy, rich and he was crazy about her. What could be missing? But tonight, his shortcoming became all too clear – he wasn’t Mason.

  Oh, Mason. That moment he walked into the restaurant, his brooding, dark looks, his imposing stature. People stared at him when they passed him. How could you not? And as soon as they saw each other, their eyes locked. Memories of his intense stare flooded back. Old feelings returned in an instant. Their short time together, the looks they shared, the trip to New York. How happy he was when he saw her in the office. And then nothing. Nothing for over a year. And tonight, a brief meeting, barely any conversation between them. A brief touch of the knee as he sat down – a bolt of electricity shot through her. Did it for him? Polly knew nothing had changed for her.

  But then she met Caitlin. Beautiful, smart and obviously caring – the way she tended to Rupert. No baggage Caitlin. Successful Caitlin, who lived in London, not in some humdrum town with her sick mother. No, Mason had done very well for himself. Everything had changed for him and he was soon to be married.

  She could stay with Rupert. Lovely, perfect Rupert who just told her he loved her. But she couldn’t do that to him. He was too good to be second best.

  She felt him turn around in bed, he began to stroke her back gently with his finger.

  “I wish you loved me as much as you love him,” he whispered.

  She said nothing; she let him think she was asleep. And the tears poured onto the pillow; she let her nose run, she couldn’t risk sniffing and him knowing that she just heard that.

  After a sleep-deprived night, they both got themselves ready for the day ahead. Her puffy red eyes were a giveaway, yet Rupert didn’t say anything. A silent breakfast followed by some awkward small talk slowly led to time to leave for Stillwaters.

  “I’m not coming back with you today; some work stuff has come up in London,” said Rupert as he led her out to the car.

  That was a blatant lie but she felt relieved as she dreaded the drive back together. He let her have his driver and gave her a peck on the cheek and a promise to see her soon. Just when she was about to climb into the car, he pulled her back.

  “I know you’re confused right now but promise me – don’t make any rash decisions?”

  She agreed – she owed him that much.

  Chapter 60


  * * *

  Mason didn’t get much sleep during the night. Most of it was spent lying on his back, staring at the ceiling trying not to think of Polly. And now he’d also have to call Caitlin to apologise. She was rather put out when he insisted on coming home alone. But then a phone call from Rupert meant a delay in his apology.

  Rupert was staying in London for the time being. Polly had since returned home.

  “Okay, so what can I do for you?” he asked once Rupert volunteered this information.

  “I need to talk to you in private. Let’s meet later?”

  Rupert refused to elaborate. Curious. Mason thought back on his actions from the evening before. He didn’t say anything to Polly. They’d made polite, awkward small talk when Rupert was outside. Had he made her feel uncomfortable? Was Rupert going to warn him away from her? Thinking back to it, the only strange behaviour came from Rupert. Cutting dinner early and acting like a drama queen weren’t the actions that he was used to from his old friend.

  And before he could apologise to Caitlin she called him first. They needed to meet that evening to discuss wedding plans.

  “I can’t. I’m meeting Rupert.”

  “No way, Mason. I’m putting my foot down. We were supposed to discuss them last night but you weren’t in the mood and isn’t Rupert sick?”

  “He’s all better now.”

  “Glad to hear it but no, you’ll have to rearrange with him. And I must say, I’m glad he’s got a girlfriend now. I don’t like you two spending too much time together on boys nights out. At least when we’re married, they’ll be no more boys nights out. We can go out on nice, civilised foursomes. What do you think?”

  Not a lot actually.

  “I’ll discuss that with you tomorrow. Tonight, I’m seeing Rupert.”

  “But Mason…

  He hung up on her. She called back. He ignored her call. He’d face her wrath later.

  That evening, Rupert was already waiting at the bar, a tumbler in his hand.

  “It must be bad if you’re on the whisky already?”

  A smile from Rupert, not a punch. No, Mason was being paranoid. He hadn’t done anything wrong. Some polite small talk followed and then Mason asked Rupert what he thought of Caitlin.

  “She’s hot.”

  Standard Rupert response.

  “No, what do you really think of her?”

  “Erm, she’s a bit bossy?”

  Mason was beginning to think so too. He hadn't noticed before, but lately, she started making increasing demands of him. He put it down to preparation for the wedding but the demands were increasingly unrelated to the wedding. Such as what would happen after the wedding – no more boys nights out, no more jet setting, reduced hours at work – it wasn’t as if he needed the money. She wanted to reduce her hours too so they could spend more time together. Doing what? He had no idea. He relayed these doubts to Rupert.

  “She means farmers markets, antique markets, his and her manicures. All very cosy, not forgetting babies. You can become a stay at home dad.”

  Mason’s future began to look bleak.

  “So, when exactly did these doubts creep in, Mason? Was it when you saw Polly last night?”

  Typical of Rupert to get straight to the point.

  “No, I’ve been having them for a while. Nothing to do with Polly,” he lied.

  “What exactly did you say to my girlfriend when I was outside with yours?”

  And it all became clear why Rupert wanted to meet up with him. He swore to Rupert nothing was said. He’d asked about work and her mum’s health. Nothing more. Rupert hadn’t been outside for very long.

  “Why? Did Polly say something?” Mason had to ask.

  Rupert rolled his eyes and jangled the ice cubes in his glass instead. He said nothing.

  So Mason continued. “You know how I feel about Polly. You know my history with her. I hate her, remember? I want nothing to do with her.”

  Rupert smiled at Mason. A slow, bitter smile.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this but I know all about Polly and why she did what she did. I’m going to break her trust and tell you everything because I think you should know.”

  Nothing Rupert could say would ever excuse Polly, but he sat back and listened to his friend anyway.

  Chapter 61


  * * *

  Polly hadn’t heard from Rupert since she left London. Had he dumped her or was he giving her space? She couldn’t quite work up the courage to call him and find out. She stared at her computer screen face slumped in her hand, for once showing no interest in her spreadsheets.

  Louisa walked in with a coffee.

  “Looks like you could do with one. And where’s my little ray of sunshine? I haven’t seen him in such a long time.”

  By a ray of sunshine, she meant Rupert – he brightened the office up as soon as he waltzed in with his charm and confidence.

  “Just busy in London, I’m sure he’ll be back soon,” said Polly.

  Although she wasn’t sure. And then later that day, a text from him.

  I’m in Stillwaters. Come and meet me at the hotel bar after work. We need to talk.

  Such a serious text from the normally jovial Rupert. Yes, he was right. They did need to talk. Almost tempted to delay the talk, she considered working late. But no, she had to get it over and done with.

  The hotel wasn’t far from the office; on foot, it took her less than ten minutes to get there. During the short walk, she confirmed in her head what she was going to say. The guilt made her feel nauseous and she felt so stupid for dumping this perfect guy. She’d experienced this taste of another life and she liked it. Paris, expensive London flats, concierge services for her every whim. Well, it was better to experience it than never to have had a taste. She knew after tonight, she’d be plain old Polly Taylor again, single but successful and still living at home with her mum.

  And there he was at the bar but he was sitting with someone. Rupert spotted her and stood up. His companion turned around to look. It was Mason. What the hell was he doing here? They hadn’t said anything to each other in the restaurant. She hadn't done anything wrong. What were the two men playing at?

  She marched over and demanded answers. She hoped the butterflies in her stomach and the trembling of her body didn’t betray the authority in her voice.

  “Come, sit down Polly. He pulled out a stool for her while Mason remained seated, barely able to make eye contact with her.

  “Tell me? What’s going on, Rupert. Why’s he here? I don’t understand.”

  He ignored her question. “Can I get you a drink?”

  No. “Tell me.”

  Polly, did I ever tell you that I was responsible for Mason’s wealth?

  Er no, he hadn’t mentioned that. She looked towards Mason, who shook his head.

  “You know we met at university. Mason used to bore me about his collection – turns out he had a collector’s item. I made him get it valued and it was worth thousands. With that and money from my dad, we invested together and that’s how we both made our fortune.”

  “Okay,” she said with no idea where this was going.

  “Do you know what that item was?”

  How would she?

  “It was a rare coin from his coin collection.”

  He paused. Waiting for her to say something.

  “Erm, congratulations?”

  Mason looked at Rupert. That wasn’t the response they were expecting. Mason turned to Polly and finally spoke to her.

  “Polly, I had a coin collection when I was a kid. The only person I ever showed it to from school was you.”

  She stared at him. What? She stared at him again. An involuntary gasp and her hand shot up to cover her mouth. It couldn’t be.

  “Mason Harris?”

  He nodded.

  “But your name..?”

  “My parents divorced. I took my mum’s maiden name.”

  “Your...your everything…?” She gestured up and down his body with her hand.

  He shrugged; “I guess I shot up. I had laser eye surgery and took up self-defence lessons. Fixed my teeth. I lifted weights and improved my diet. The travel tans me and I can afford to dress well.”

  Polly was still confused. She felt like crying, this was little, fifteen-year-old Mason Harris sitting next to her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  A wry laugh. “Because I hated you.”

  “But why?”

  “For not helping me that day.”

  She knew the day he meant.

  “But Rupert explained everything,” said Mason

  She looked to Rupert, who she’d forgot had been sitting there.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” He walked away.

  “Explained what?”

  “Why you ended up with that scumbag, Charlie White.”

  It all started to make sense.

  “And that’s why you dumped me and sacked me and made me feel like shit?”

  With a meek nod, he confirmed yes.

  “Because you thought I was so impressed with him beating you up?”

  “Yes, I judged you.”

  “And you didn’t give me the chance to explain?”


  “And you lied to me the entire time. Tell me something, was getting me into bed part of the great revenge plan?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Tell me!” she shouted as she slammed her hand on the table. Nearby customers looked at them.

  “Sort of but I fell in love with you.”

  “Ha! Love? What do you know about love?”

  “I know I love you.”

  Polly’s whole body was trembling, this time it wasn’t due to Mason being near her – it was due to complete and utter anger at t
he man.

  “It gets worse,” he said.

  “How could it possibly get any worse?”

  “Remember the first few weeks when I arrived here, you kept messing up your work?”

  How could she forget that?

  “It wasn’t a virus. I had your work computer hacked and changed the figures around whenever you submitted the final version.”

  Was that possible?

  “Yes, money can buy you most things.”

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “I thought I was going mad. I thought there was something wrong with me. I was so embarrassed to see you every day, with you thinking how stupid I was…” she couldn’t say any more.

  She burst into tears.

  “I can’t be around you.”

  She stood up to walk away; he grabbed her by the wrist.

  “Let go of me or else I’ll scream,” she scowled at him.

  He let go. “Please, we need to talk.”

  She was done with talking. She was done with Mason and she was done with Rupert.

  Chapter 62


  * * *

  Mason stood alone in the hotel bar, watching the woman he loved storm out. He didn’t blame her; he’d been an idiot but that talk didn’t go as expected. Unsurprised by her anger, he’d hoped she’d stick around and talk it through, shout at him some more, cry, scream, not walk away. Somehow, he had to get through to her.

  He made his way up to Rupert’s room. Rupert fished out a couple of miniatures from the minibar and threw one to Mason.

  “That didn’t go well.”

  “No shit,” commented Rupert.

  Since Rupert told Mason about the violent stepdad, Mason’s world had changed. When he learnt how scared Polly felt and worst of all, how she’d tried to talk to him but he was so full of self-pity that he didn’t notice anyone else around him having a hard time, he’d finally realised what a self-centred idiot he’d been. All these years, the blame he’d put on that poor girl for not helping him out and not showing any concern, he didn’t stop to think for one second that she too was going through hell. At least he’d escaped. After the beating, it was fortuitous timing that his parents announced their divorce. Rather than feeling sad and angry that his world was being turned upside down, he was relieved and happy that he got to get out of that town – out of that school. Away from rowing parents. Without saying goodbye to anyone, he and his mum moved to London with his grandparents. Finally, his mum showed him the attention he’d been lacking. She packed him off to self-defence classes to increase his confidence. There was no Dad around to call him fat and useless anymore. Just his loving grandparents who encouraged him instead of putting him down. The kids at the new school, although some sniggered at his weight soon forgot as he quickly transformed. The growth spurt, thanks to his dad’s genetics meant the heavy weight he heaved around became less noticeable. Soon he was in sixth form where being brainy was more of an advantage than a disadvantage. Kids staying on at sixth form, who chose to be there, were impressed with his intellect. The bullying and the teasing ceased but he’d never forgot about it.


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